Dear Editor,
At the end of January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the SARS-Cov-2 (or Coronavirus 19 [COVID-19]) infection a global health emergency [1]. The virus, belonging to the β-Coronaviruses, spreads mainly through the respiratory tract from person to person, using the transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) [2] for S spike-protein priming and the angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors, receptors sited not only in the pulmonary epithelium but also in others districts such as in the renal and gastrointestinal ones [3]. SARS-Cov-2 infection typically occurs with fever, cough and interstitial pneumonia to more severe pictures of respiratory failure and ARDS [4]. Increasingly, patients experience nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia and diarrhea [5] in addition to respiratory symptoms or, in some cases, patients are asymptomatic [1].
Several studies suggest that the virus actively infects the cells of the gastrointestinal district [6], replicating itself in the epithelium of the small and large intestine [5,7] and producing an excessive immunological reaction in the host [8], with the consequent production of many cytokines [interleukin 6 (IL-6) 11, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-alpha) and interferon (INF) -alpha] by activated leukocytes [8,9]. The latter, especially neutrophils, also produce calprotectin [10], a calcium and zinc binding protein of the S-100 family of proteins, widely studied in inflammatory bowel disease, which is a useful tool to identify the damage of the intestinal mucosa. Calprotectin is indeed involved in many cellular physiological functions including cellular differentiation, migration, adhesion, and phagocytosis of neutrophils and is considered a positive acute phase protein. Therefore, the presence of calprotectin in the stool is a consequence of the migration of neutrophils into the gastrointestinal tissue due to an infection or an inflammatory process [3,10].
We conducted an observational study in the Emergency Department (ED) of the A. Gemelli University Hospital Foundation. The primary endpoint of our study was to evaluate the degree of intestinal inflammation by measuring the fecal calprotectin in symptomatic patients with a positive swab for COVID-19 and a radiological imaging of interstitial pneumonia compared to asymptomatic patients with a positive swab for COVID-19 and without evidence of interstitial pneumonia. The secondary endpoint was to identify the potential link between the level of fecal calprotectin and the severity of pulmonary manifestations from COVID-19 (including respiratory failure).
Each patient performed a chest x-ray or a chest computed tomography (CT) scan and collected a stool sample analyzed for fecal calprotectin in the Clinical Chemistry laboratory of the hospital.
The stool samples were extracted using the DiaSorin LIAISON Q.S.E.T. stool extraction device; measurements were subsequently performed using Liaison Calprotectin assay on a Liaison XL analyzer. The DiaSorin LIAISON Q.S.E.T. calprotectin assay is a sandwich chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) that uses two monoclonal antibodies for capture and detection of calprotectin. Calprotectin was first extracted from stool samples The assay incubates the extracted sample, with the assay buffer and the paramagnetic particles coated with a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the calprotectin heterocomplex. Following incubation, a wash cycle is performed to remove any unbound material. An isoluminol conjugated monoclonal antibody that recognizes calprotectin is then added to the reaction and incubated. The unbound conjugate is removed with a second wash step. Starter reagents are then added, and a flash chemiluminescent reaction started. The light signal is measured by a photomultiplier as relative light units (RLU) and is proportional to the concentration of calprotectin present in the samples. The concentration was expressed in µg/g. The normal value was considered ≤ 50 µg/g. We excluded patients with age < 18 years; pregnant women; patients receiving hydroxychloroquine; terminal oncological diseases; patients with heart disease, severe nephropathy and active inflammatory bowel diseases; patients with a history of pulmonary fibrosis, advanced interstitial disease, severe COPD (GOLD 3–4; group C and D); patients on antibiotic therapy or who have taken it in the last month.
We compared study variables between patients with normal calprotectin values (≤ 50 µg/g) and patients with elevated calprotectin values. We expressed non parametric variables as absolute numbers (%) and compared by Chi2 test (with Fisher's test as appropriate); continuous variables are expressed as median [interquartile range] and compared by Mann–Whitney U test while parameters with significant association to an elevated calprotectin values were entered into a logistic regression model in order to individuate independent predictors associated to elevated calprotectin. We considered a p value ≤ 0.05 as statistically significant. We analyzed data by SPSS v25Ⓡ (IBM, IL, USA).
We enrolled a total of 65 consecutive patients (15 women and 50 men) with an age of 38 years old (34–55). They were admitted with a positive swab for COVID-19 to our ED from the 1st to 30th April 2020. The demographic, clinical features and lab tests of the patients are summarized in Table 1 .
Table 1.
Demographic and clinical features of the enrolled patients. Values are expressed as absolute number (%). Continuous variables are expressed as median [interquartile range]. Continuous variables are compared by Mann–Whitney U test; Absolute numbers are compared by Chi2 test (with Fisher's test as appropriate). Multivariate analysis is performed by logistic regression (model Log likelihood-2 = 40.01).
All Patients n° 65 |
Normal Calprotectin level (≤ 50 µg/g) n° 46 | Elevated Calprotectin level (> 50 µg/g) n° 19 | Univariate analysis (p value) |
Multivariate analysis (p value) |
Age (Years) | 38 [34–55] | 36 [33–44] | 56 [36–73] | 0.024 | 0.520 |
Sex (Male) | 50 (76.9%) | 40 (87.0%) | 10 (52.6%) | 0.003 | 0.065 |
Pathologic chest X-Ray/CT scan | 16 (24.6%) | 5 (10.9%) | 11(57.9%) | < 0.001 | 0.028 |
*Gastrointestinal symptoms | 16 (24.6%) | 7 (15.2%) | 9 (47.4%) | 0.006 | 0.241 |
White-cell count (× 10^9/L) | 5.8 [4.7–9.1] | 5.8 [5.2–8.9] | 5.8 [3.2–10.8] | 0.733 | / |
Lymphocyte count (× 10^9/L) | 1.6 [0.6–2.0] | 0.9 [0.6–2.1] | 1.6 [0.6–2.3] | 0.898 | / |
C-reactive protein (mg/L) | 22.7 [7.0–62.8] | 21.3 [5.9–31.2] | 32.5 [5.5–154.9] | 0.492 | / |
Procalcitonin | 0.09 [0.05–0.75] | 0.06 [0.05–0.75] | 0.50 [0.05–2.3] | 0.171 | / |
D-Dimer | 413 [301–2829] | 391 [248–606] | 917 [301–2990] | 0.073 | / |
Ferritin | 320 [48.5–700] | 314 [61–384] | 500 [310–685] | 0.116 | / |
Include: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, jaundice.
We found elevated fecal calprotectin values (> 50 µg/g) in 19 patients (29.2%). Among these 11/19 (57.9%) had a pathologic chest X-ray/CT scan, compared to 5/46 (10.9%) in the group with normal fecal calprotectin level (≤ 50 µg/g) p < 0.001. The median calprotectin value was 71.3 µg/g [Interquartile range18.8–248.0] in patients with a chest X-ray/CT scan of interstitial pneumonia (16/65), compatible with an acute intestinal inflammation, compared to 11.9 µg/g [5.8–32.0], in patients with a normal chest X-ray/CT scan (p < 0.001)
Patients with normal calprotectin (≤ 50 µg/g) were younger than patients with high calprotectin level (36 years old [33.0–44.0] vs. 56.0 years old [36–73] p 0.024). Furthermore, most of them were male 40/46 (87%) vs. only 10/19 (52.6%) with an elevated calprotectin level (> 50 µg/g).
Finally, we found that in patients with elevated calprotectin levels, gastrointestinal symptoms were more frequent (9/19 (47.4%) vs. 7/46 (15.2%); p = 0.006).
No differences were observed as regards other laboratory tests (Table 1).
When these factors were entered into a multivariate logistic regression model, we found that an elevated calprotectin level was independently associated with a pathological chest X ray (OR 11.2 [CI95% 1.29–28.2], p 0.028.). Conversely, age, gender, and gastrointestinal symptoms were not independently associated to increase calprotectin (Age OR 1.01 [0.97–1.07], p 0.520; Sex OR 5.05 [0.90–28.2], p 0.065; symptoms OR 3.18 [0.46–22.0], p = 0.241, respectively).
This study presents very interesting data regarding the significant correlation between Covid-19 pneumonia and high level of fecal calprotectin (expression of gastrointestinal involvement) in patients with Covid-19 infection. The presence of pneumonia is expression of disease's severity. Patients with Covid-19 infection, may experience both lung involvement than systemic impairment, including gastrointestinal one (documented by an increase of fecal calprotectin) not necessarily associated with gastrointestinal symptoms. In fact, in the population we studied, the gastrointestinal involvement (with high level of fecal calprotectin) occurred also in asymptomatic patients. Moreover, we interestingly found that women had higher calprotectin level compared to men. This is a very important result because Covid-19 infection has usually a more severe presentation in males compared to females. So, this let us think that a male with high calprotectin level could have an even worse prognosis than estimated. Our work provides new insights in understanding the association between lung involvement and gastrointestinal one by SARS-Cov-2. In our idea, the digestive system could be a potential route for Covid-19 infections and the monitoring of intestinal markers of inflammation as calprotectin could help physician know the degree of SARS-Cov-2 infection, the potential progression of it, and the possibility of Covid-19 transmission also by asymptomatic patients. Moreover, new studies are needed to explore this field and to find an easy and simple to collect- marker useful for the follow-up of patients who have had Sars-Cov-2 infection.
Conflict of interest
All the authors declare no conflicts of interest and no grant support.
We would like to thank Dr. Teresa De Michele, Dr. Andrea Russo, Dr. Rita Murri, Dr. Massimo Fantoni for their contribution to the realization of this paper.
The members of the GEMELLI AGAINST COVID‐19 group can be found in the Appendix.
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.dld.2020.09.015.
Contributor Information
Valeria Abbate, Nicola Acampora, Giovanni Addolorato, Fabiana Agostini, Maria Elena Ainora, Karim Akacha, Elena Amato, Francesca Andreani, Gloria Andriollo, Maria Giuseppina Annetta, Brigida Eleonora Annicchiarico, Mariangela Antonelli, Gabriele Antonucci, Gian Marco Anzellotti, Alessandro Armuzzi, Fabiana Baldi, Ilaria Barattucci, Christian Barillaro, Fabiana Barone, Rocco Domenico Alfonso Bellantone, Andrea Bellieni, Giuseppe Bello, Andrea Benicchi, Francesca Benvenuto, Ludovica Berardini, Filippo Berloco, Roberto Bernabei, Antonio Bianchi, Daniele Guerino Biasucci, Luigi Marzio Biasucci, Stefano Bibbò, Alessandra Bini, Alessandra Bisanti, Federico Biscetti, Maria Grazia Bocci, Nicola Bonadia, Filippo Bongiovanni, Alberto Borghetti, Giulia Bosco, Silvia Bosello, Vincenzo Bove, Giulia Bramato, Vincenzo Brandi, Teresa Bruni, Carmine Bruno, Dario Bruno, Maria Chiara Bungaro, Alessandro Buonomo, Livia Burzo, Angelo Calabrese, Maria Rosaria Calvello, Andrea Cambieri, Chiara Cambise, Giulia Cammà, Marcello Candelli, Gennaro Canistro, Antonello Cantanale, Gennaro Capalbo, Lorenzo Capaldi, Emanuele Capone, Esmeralda Capristo, Luigi Carbone, Silvia Cardone, Simone Carelli, Angelo Carfì, Annamaria Carnicelli, Cristiano Caruso, Francesco Antonio Casciaro, Lucio Catalano, Roberto Cauda, Andrea Leonardo Cecchini, Lucia Cerrito, Melania Cesarano, Annalisa Chiarito, Rossella Cianci, Sara Cicchinelli, Arturo Ciccullo, Marta Cicetti, Francesca Ciciarello, Antonella Cingolani, Maria Camilla Cipriani, Maria Ludovica Consalvo, Gaetano Coppola, Giuseppe Maria Corbo, Andrea Corsello, Federico Costante, Matteo Costanzi, Marcello Covino, Davide Crupi, Salvatore Lucio Cutuli, Stefano D'Addio, Alessia D'Alessandro, Maria ElenaEmanuela D'AlfonsoD'Angelo, Francesca D'Aversa, Fernando Damiano, Gian Maria De Berardinis, Tommaso De Cunzo, Donati Katleen De Gaetano, Giulio De Luca, Giuseppe De Matteis, Gennaro De Pascale, Paolo De Santis, Martina De Siena, Francesco De Vito, Valeria Del Gatto, Paola Del Giacomo, Fabio Del Zompo, Antonio Maria Dell'Anna, Davide Della Polla, Luca Di Gialleonardo, Simona Di Giambenedetto, Roberta Di Luca, Luca Di Maurizio, Mariangela Di Muro, Alex Dusina, Davide Eleuteri, Alessandra Esperide, Daniele Fachechi, Domenico Faliero, Cinzia Falsiroli, Massimo Fantoni, Annalaura Fedele, Daniela Feliciani, Cristina Ferrante, Giuliano Ferrone, Rossano Festa, Maria Chiara Fiore, Andrea Flex, Evelina Forte, Francesco Franceschi, Alessandra Francesconi, Laura Franza, Barbara Funaro, Mariella Fuorlo, Domenico Fusco, Maurizio Gabrielli, Eleonora Gaetani, Claudia Galletta, Antonella Gallo, Giovanni Gambassi, Matteo Garcovich, Antonio Gasbarrini, Irene Gasparrini, Silvia Gelli, Antonella Giampietro, Laura Gigante, Gabriele Giuliano, Giorgia Giuliano, Bianca Giupponi, Elisa Gremese, Domenico Luca Grieco, Manuel Guerrera, Valeria Guglielmi, Caterina Guidone, Antonio Gullì, Amerigo Iaconelli, Aurora Iafrati, Gianluca Ianiro, Angela Iaquinta, Michele Impagnatiello, Riccardo Inchingolo, Enrica Intini, Raffaele Iorio, Immacolata Maria Izzi, Tamara Jovanovic, Cristina Kadhim, Rosa La Macchia, Daniele Ignazio La Milia, Francesco Landi, Giovanni Landi, Rosario Landi, Raffaele Landolfi, Massimo Leo, Paolo Maria Leone, Laura Levantesi, Antonio Liguori, Rosa Liperoti, Marco Maria Lizzio, Maria Rita Lo Monaco, Pietro Locantore, Francesco Lombardi, Gianmarco Lombardi, Loris Lopetuso, Valentina Loria, Angela Raffaella Losito, Mothanje Barbara Patricia Lucia, Francesco Macagno, Noemi Macerola, Giampaolo Maggi, Giuseppe Maiuro, Francesco Mancarella, Francesca Mangiola, Alberto Manno, Debora Marchesini, Gian Marco Maresca, Giuseppe Marrone, Ilaria Martis, Anna Maria Martone, Emanuele Marzetti, Chiara Mattana, Maria Valeria Matteo, Riccardo Maviglia, Ada Mazzarella, Carmen Memoli, Luca Miele, Alessio Migneco, Irene Mignini, Alessandro Milani, Domenico Milardi, Massimo Montalto, Giuliano Montemurro, Flavia Monti, Luca Montini, Tony Christian Morena, Vincenzina Morra, Chiara Morretta, Davide Moschese, Celeste Ambra Murace, Martina Murdolo, Rita Murri, Marco Napoli, Elisabetta Nardella, Gerlando Natalello, Daniele Natalini, Simone Maria Navarra, Antonio Nesci, Alberto Nicoletti, Rocco Nicoletti, Tommaso Filippo Nicoletti, Rebecca Nicolò, Nicola Nicolotti, Enrico Celestino Nista, Eugenia Nuzzo, Marco Oggiano, Veronica Ojetti, Francesco Cosimo Pagano, Gianfranco Paiano, Cristina Pais, Federico Pallavicini, Andrea Palombo, Federico Paolillo, Alfredo Papa, Domenico Papanice, Luigi Giovanni Papparella, Mattia Paratore, Giuseppe Parrinello, Giuliana Pasciuto, Pierpaolo Pasculli, Giovanni Pecorini, Simone Perniola, Erika Pero, Luca Petricca, Martina Petrucci, Chiara Picarelli, Andrea Piccioni, Annalisa Piccolo, Edoardo Piervincenzi, Giulia Pignataro, Raffaele Pignataro, Gabriele Pintaudi, Luca Pisapia, Marco Pizzoferrato, Fabrizio Pizzolante, Roberto Pola, Caterina Policola, Maurizio Pompili, Flavia Pontecorvi, Valerio Pontecorvi, Francesca Ponziani, Valentina Popolla, Enrica Porceddu, Angelo Porfidia, Lucia Maria Porro, Annalisa Potenza, Francesca Pozzana, Giuseppe Privitera, Daniela Pugliese, Gabriele Pulcini, Simona Racco, Francesca Raffaelli, Vittoria Ramunno, Gian Ludovico Rapaccini, Luca Richeldi, Emanuele Rinninella, Sara Rocchi, Bruno Romanò, Stefano Romano, Federico Rosa, Laura Rossi, Raimondo Rossi, Enrica Rossini, Elisabetta Rota, Fabiana Rovedi, Carlotta Rubino, Gabriele Rumi, Andrea Russo, Luca Sabia, Andrea Salerno, Sara Salini, Lucia Salvatore, Dehara Samori, Claudio Sandroni, Maurizio Sanguinetti, Luca Santarelli, Paolo Santini, Danilo Santolamazza, Angelo Santoliquido, Francesco Santopaolo, Michele Cosimo Santoro, Francesco Sardeo, Caterina Sarnari, Angela Saviano, Luisa Saviano, Franco Scaldaferri, Roberta Scarascia, Tommaso Schepis, Francesca Schiavello, Giancarlo Scoppettuolo, Davide Sedda, Flaminio Sessa, Luisa Sestito, Carlo Settanni, Matteo Siciliano, Valentina Siciliano, Rossella Sicuranza, Benedetta Simeoni, Jacopo Simonetti, Andrea Smargiassi, Paolo Maurizio Soave, Chiara Sonnino, Domenico Staiti, Claudia Stella, Leonardo Stella, Eleonora Stival, Eleonora Taddei, Rossella Talerico, Elio Tamburello, Enrica Tamburrini, Eloisa Sofia Tanzarella, Elena Tarascio, Claudia Tarli, Alessandra Tersali, Pietro Tilli, Jacopo Timpano, Enrico Torelli, Flavia Torrini, Matteo Tosato, Alberto Tosoni, Luca Tricoli, Marcello Tritto, Mario Tumbarello, Anita Maria Tummolo, Maria Sole Vallecoccia, Federico Valletta, Francesco Varone, Francesco Vassalli, Giulio Ventura, Lucrezia Verardi, Lorenzo Vetrone, Giuseppe Vetrugno, Elena Visconti, Felicia Visconti, Andrea Viviani, Raffaella Zaccaria, Carmelina Zaccone, Lorenzo Zelano, Lorenzo Zileri Dal Verme, and Giuseppe Zuccalà
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