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. 2018 Mar 12;20(3):188. doi: 10.3390/e20030188

Some Iterative Properties of (F1,F2)-Chaos in Non-Autonomous Discrete Systems

Xiao Tang 1, Guanrong Chen 2, Tianxiu Lu 3,*
PMCID: PMC7512705  PMID: 33265279


This paper is concerned with invariance (F1,F2)-scrambled sets under iterations. The main results are an extension of the compound invariance of Li–Yorke chaos and distributional chaos. New definitions of (F1,F2)-scrambled sets in non-autonomous discrete systems are given. For a positive integer k, the properties P(k) and Q(k) of Furstenberg families are introduced. It is shown that, for any positive integer k, for any s[0,1], Furstenberg family M¯(s) has properties P(k) and Q(k), where M¯(s) denotes the family of all infinite subsets of Z+ whose upper density is not less than s. Then, the following conclusion is obtained. D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set of (X,f1,) if and only if D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set of (X,f1,[m]).

Keywords: nonautonomous discrete system, Furstenberg family, scrambled sets, chaos

MSC2010: 37B55, 37D45, 54H20

1. Introduction

Chaotic properties of a dynamical system have been extensively discussed since the introduction of the term chaos by Li and Yorke in 1975 [1] and Devaney in 1989 [2]. To describe some kind of unpredictability in the evolution of a dynamical system, other definitions of chaos have also been proposed, such as generic chaos [3], dense chaos [4], Li–Yorke sensitivity [5], and so on. An important generalization of Li–Yorke chaos is distributional chaos, which is given in 1994 by B. Schweizer and J. Smítal [6]. Then, theories related to scrambled sets are discussed extensively (see [7,8,9,10,11,12] and others). In 1997, the Furstenberg family was introduced by E. Akin [13]. J. Xiong, F. Tan described chaos with a couple of Furstenberg Families. (F1,F2)-chaos has also been defined [14]. Moreover, F-sensitivity was given in [15] and shadowing properties were discussed in [16]. Most existing papers studied the chaoticity in autonomous discrete systems (X,f). However, if a sequence of perturbations to a system are described by different functions, then there are a sequence of maps to describe them, giving rise to non-autonomous systems. Non-autonomous discrete systems were precisely introduced in [17], in connection with non-autonomous difference equations (see [18,19] and some references therein).

Let (X,ρ) (briefly, X) be a compact metric space and consider a sequence of continuous maps fn:XX,nN, denoted by f1,=(f1,f2,). This sequence defines a non-autonomous discrete system (X,f1,). The orbit of any point xX is given by the sequence (f1n(x))=Orb(x,f1,), where f1n=fnf1 for n1, and f10 is the identity map.

For mN, define

g1=fmf1, g2=f2mfm+1, , gp=fpmf(p1)m+1, .

Call (X,g1,) a compound system of (X,f1,).

Also, denote g1, by f1,[m] and denote fnk=fn+k1fn for n1. By [5], if (fn)n=1 converges uniformly to a map f. Then, for any m2(mN), the sequence (fnn+m1)n=1 converges uniformly to fm.

In the present work, some notions relating to Furstenberg families and properties P(k), Q(k) are recalled in Section 2 and Section 3. Section 4 states some definitions about (F1,F2)-chaos. In Section 5, it is proved that, under the conditions of property P(k) and positive shift-invariant, f1, is (F1,F2)-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, strong F-chaos) implies f1,[k](kZ+) is (F1,F2)-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, strong F-chaos). If the conditions property Q(k) and negative shift-invariant both hold, the above conclusion can be inversed. As a conclusion, for arbitrary s and t in [0,1], for every kZ+, f1, and f1,[k] can share the same (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set (Theorem 3).

In this paper, it is always assumed that all the maps fn, nN, are surjective. It should be noted that this condition is needed by most papers dealing with this kind of system (for example, [20,21,22,23]). It is assumed that sequence (fn)n=1 converges uniformly. The aim of this paper is to investigate the (F1,F2)-scrambled sets of f1,.

2. Furstenberg Families

Let P be the collection of all subsets of the positive integers set Z+={0,1,2,}. A collection FP is called a Furstenberg family if it is hereditary upwards, i.e., F1F2 and F1F imply F2F. Obviously, the collection of all infinite subsets of Z+ is a Furstenberg family, denoted by B.

Define the dual family kF of a Furstenberg family F by

kF={FP:Z+FF}={FP:FFϕ for any FF}.

It is clear that kF is a Furstenberg family and k(kF)=F (see [13]).

For FP, iZ+, let Fi={ji0:jF} and F+i={j+i0:jF}. Furstenberg family F is positive shift-invariant if F+iF for every FF and any iZ+. Furstenberg family F is negative shift-invariant if FiF for every FF and any iZ+. Furstenberg family F is shift-invariant if it is positive shift-invariant and negative shift-invariant.

The following shows a class of Furstenberg families which is related to upper density.

Let FP. The upper density and the lower density of F are defined as follows:

μ¯(F)=lim supn#(F{0,1,,n1})n,μ_(F)=lim infn#(F{0,1,,n1})n,

where #(A) denotes the cardinality of the set A.

For any s in [0,1], set M¯(s)={FB:μ¯(F)s}.

Proposition 1.

For any s in [0,1], M¯(s) is shift-invariant Furstenberg family. And M¯(0)=B.


  • (i)
    Let F1,F2M¯(s),F1F2, then, nN (where N={1,2,3,}),
    μ¯(F1)=lim supn#(F1{0,1,,n1})nlim supn#(F2{0,1,,n1})n=μ¯(F2)

    Thus, F1M¯(s) (i.e., μ¯(F1)s) implies F2M¯(s) (i.e., μ¯(F1)s). So, M¯(s)(s[0,1]) are Furstenberg families.

  • (ii)
    Let FM¯(s), that is, μ¯(F)=lim supn#(F{0,1,,n1})ns. Denote F={t1,t2,} (where tkZ+, tk1<tk2(k1<k2)), then F+i={t1+i,t2+i,} and Fi={tk1i,tk2i,}(tkji0) for any iZ+.
    lim supn#((F+i){0,1,,n1})n=lim supn#({t1+i,t2+i,}{0,1,,n1})n
    =lim supn#({t1,t2,}{0,1,,n1})n=μ¯(F)s
    lim supn#((Fi){0,1,,n1})nlim supn#(F{0,1,,n1})in=μ¯(F)s

    So, M¯(s) is shift-invariant.

  • (iii)
    M¯(0)={FB:μ¯(F)0}={FB:lim supn#(F{0,1,,n1})n0}=B.
    This completes the proof.

3. Properties P(k), Q(k) of Furstenberg Families

Definition 1.

Let k be a positive integer and F be a Furstenberg family.

  • (1) 

    For any FF, if there exists an integer j{0,1,,k1} such that Fk,j={iZ+:ki+jF}F, we say F have property P(k);

  • (2) 

    If Fk={ki+jZ+:j{0,1,,k1},iF}F, we say F have property Q(k).

The following proposition is given by [24]. For completeness, we give the proofs.

Proposition 2.

For any s[0,1] and any kZ+, M¯(s) have properties P(k) and Q(k).


  • (1)

    If k=1, FM¯(s), F1,0={iZ+:iF}=F, i.e., there exists an integer j=0 such that Fk,jM¯(s). The following will discuss the case k>1.

    If s=0, M¯(0)=B. FB, kZ+, obviously, there exist j{0,1,,k1} such that Fk,jB.

    If 0<s1, suppose properties P(k) does not hold. Then there exists a FM¯(s) such that μ¯(Fk,j)<s for every j{0,1,,k1}.

    For any j{0,1,,k1}, put εj>0 which satisfied μ¯(Fk,j)<sεj. One can find a sufficiently large number N such that, nN, #n(Fk,j)<n(sεj) (where #n(Fk,j) denotes the cardinality of the set Fk,j{0,1,,n1}). Then #n(Fk,jc)>nn(sεj), where Fk,jc denotes the complementary set of Fk,j.

    Give an integer m=kn+lm>kN, lm{0,1,,k1}. By the definition of Fk,j, ki+jF if iFk,j. And ki1+j1ki2+j2 if i1,i2{0,1,,n1}, j1,j2{0,1,,k1} and j1j2. Then
    Put ε=min{εj:j=0,1,,k1}, then
    μ¯(F)=lim supn#m(F)mlimnmj=0k1(nn(sεj))mlimnmk(nn(sε))m

    This contradicts to μ¯(F)s.

  • (2)

    Similarly, just consider the case k>1, 0<s1.

    Suppose properties Q(k) does not hold. Then there exists an integer FM¯(s) such that μ¯(Fk)<s. Put ε>0 which satisfied μ¯(Fk)<sε. One can find a sufficiently large number N such that, mN, #m(Fk)<m(sε). Give a m=kn+lm>kN(mN), lm{0,1,,k1}. By the definition of Fk, ki+jFk(j{0,1,,k1}) if iF. And ki1+j1ki2+j2 if i1i2 and j1,j2{0,1,,k1}. Then

    This contradicts to μ¯(F)s.

    This completes the proof.

4. (F1,F2)-Chaos in Non-Autonomous Systems

Now, we state the definition of (F1,F2)-chaos in nonautonomous systems.

Definition 2.

Let (X,ρ) be a compact metric space, F1 and F2 are two Furstenberg families. DX is called a (F1,F2)-scrambled set of (X,f1,) (briefly, f1,), if xyD, the following two conditions are satisfied:

  • (i) 

    t>0, nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))<tF1;

  • (ii) 

    δ>0, nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>δF2.

The pair (x,y) which satisfies the above two conditions is called an (F1,F2)-scrambled pair of f1,.

f1, is said to be (F1,F2)-chaotic if there exists an uncountable (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,. If F1=F2=F, f1, is said to be F-chaotic and (x,y) is an F-scrambled pair. f1, is said to be strong (F1,F2)-chaotic if there are some δ>0 and an uncountable subset DX such that for any x,yD with xy, the following two conditions holds:

  • (i) 

    nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))<tF1 for all t>0;

  • (ii) 


f1, is said to be strong F-chaos if it is strong (F1,F2)-chaotic and F1=F2=F.

Let us recall the definitions of Li-Yorke chaos and distributional chaos in non-autonomous systems (see [25,26]).

Definition 3.

Assume that (X,f1,) is a non-autonomous discrete system. If x,yX with xy, (x,y) is called a Li–Yorke pair if

lim supnρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>0andlim infnρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))=0.

The set DX is called a Li–Yorke scrambled set if all points x,yD with xy, (x,y) is a Li–Yorke pair. f1, is Li–Yorke chaotic if X contains an uncountable Li–Yorke scrambled set.

Assume that (X,f1,) is a non-autonomous discrete system. For any pair of points x,yX, define the upper and lower (distance) distributional functions generated by f1, as

Fxy*(t,f1,)=lim supn1ni=1nχ[0,t)(ρ(f1i(x),f1i(y)))


Fxy(t,f1,)=lim infn1ni=1nχ[0,δ)(ρ(f1i(x),f1i(y)))

respectively. Where χ[0,t) is the characteristic function of the set [0,t), i.e., χ[0,t)(a)=1 when a[0,t) or χ[0,t)(a)=0 when a[0,t).

Definition 4.

f1, is distributionally chaotic if exists an uncountable subset DX such that for any pair of distinct points x,yD, we have that Fxy*(t,f1,)=1 for all t>0 and Fxy(t,f1,)=0 for some δ>0.

The set D is a distributionally scrambled set and the pair (x,y) a distributionally chaotic pair.

It is not difficult to obtain that the pair (x,y) is a (M¯(0),M¯(0))-scrambled pair if and only if (x,y) is a Li–Yorke scrambled pair, and the pair (x,y) is a (M¯(1),M¯(1))-scrambled pair if and only if (x,y) is a distributionally scrambled pair. In fact,

M¯(0)=B,M¯(1)={FB:lim supn#(F{1,2,,n})n=1}.

Then, {nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))<t}M¯(0) for any t>0 and {nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>δ}M¯(0) for some δ>0 is equivalent to that lim supnρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>0 and lim infnρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))=0. {nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))<t}M¯(1) for any t>0 and {nN:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>δ}M¯(1) for some δ>0 is equivalent to that Fxy*(t,f1,)=1 and Fxy(δ,f1,)=0.

Hence, (M¯(0),M¯(0))-chaos is Li–Yorke chaos and (M¯(1),M¯(1))-chaos is distributional Chaos.

5. Main Results

Theorem 1.

Let F1 and F2 are two Furstenberg families with property P(k), where k is a positive integer. F1 is positive shift-invariant. If the system (X,f1,) is (F1,F2)-chaos, then the system (X,f1,[k]) is (F1,F2)-chaos too.


If D is an (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,, the following proves that D is an (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,[k].

  • (i)

    Since X is compact and fi(iN) are continuous, then, for any j{1,2,,k1}, fs1,,fskj are uniformly continuous (where fs1,,fskj are freely chosen from the sequence fi(iN)). That is, for any δ>0, there exists a δ*>0, a,bX, ρ(a,b)<δ* implies ρ(fskjfs1(a),fskjfs1(b))<δ (j=1,2,,k1).

    Since D is an (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,, then, xyD, for the above δ*, we have
    And because F1 have property P(k), there exists some j{1,2,,k1} such that
    By the selection of δ*, we put sr=ki+j+r(r=1,2,,kj), then

    Write Fk,j+1={i+1:iZ+,ki+jF1}(j=1,2,,k1), then Fk,j+1{iZ+:ρ(f1ki(x),f1ki(y))<δ}.

    By the positive shift-invariant of F1 and Fk,jF1, we have Fk,j+1F1. And with the hereditary upwards of F1, for any x,yD:xy, δ>0, {iZ+:ρ(f1ki(x),f1ki(y))<δ}F1.

  • (ii)
    Since D is a (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,, then, for the above x,yD(xy), ε*>0, such that E={nZ+:ρ(f1n(x),f1n(y))>ε*}F2. And because F2 have property P(k), then, there exists some j{1,2,,k1} such that

    X is compact and fi(iN) are continuous, then, for any j{1,2,,k1}, fs1,,fsj are uniformly continuous (where fs1,,fsj are freely chosen from the sequence fi(iN)). For the above ε*>0, ε>0, p,qX satisfied ρ(p,q)ε, inequality ρ(fsjfs1(p),fsjfs1(q))ε* holds.

    The following will prove that {iZ+:ρ(f1ki(x),f1ki(y))>ε}F2.

    Suppose {iZ+:ρ(f1ki(x),f1ki(y))>ε}F2, then
    By the selection of ε*, we put sr=ki+r(r=1,2,,j), then

    This contradicts Ek,jF2.

    Hence, for xyD in (i), there exists a ε>0 such that {iZ+:ρ(f1ki(x),f1ki(y))>ε}F2.

    Combining with (i) and (ii), f1,[k] is (F1,F2)-chaos.

    This completes the proof.

Theorem 2.

Let F1 and F2 are two Furstenberg families with property Q(k), where k is a positive integer. F2 is negative shift-invariant. If the system (X,f1,[k]) is (F1,F2)-chaos, then the system (X,f1,) is (F1,F2)-chaos too.


If D is a (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,[k], the following prove that D is a (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,.

  • (i)

    Similar to Theorem 1, for any j{1,2,,k1}, fs1,,fsj are uniformly continuous (where fs1,,fsj are freely chosen from the sequence fi(iN)). That is, for any δ>0, there exists a δ*>0, a,bX, ρ(a,b)<δ* implies ρ(fsjfs1(a),fsjfs1(b))<δ (j=1,2,,k1).

    For any pair of distinct points x,yD, for the above δ*, one has
    By the selection of δ*, for nF, j{1,2,,k1}, put sr=ki+j+r(r=1,2,,j), then ρ(f1kn+j(x),f1kn+j(y))<δ. And because F1 have property Q(k), then

    Notice that Fk{mZ+:ρ(f1m(x),f1m(y))<δ}, then {mZ+:ρ(f1m(x),f1m(y))<δ}F1.

  • (ii)

    Since D is an (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,[k], then, for the above x,yD(xy), there exist ε*>0, such that E={nZ+:ρ(f1kn(x),f1kn(y))>ε*}F2.

    For any j{1,2,,k1}, fs1,,fsj are uniformly continuous (where fs1,,fsj are freely chosen from the sequence fi(iN)), then, for the above ε*>0, there exist ε>0 such that ρ(p,q)<ε(p,qX) implies ρ(fsjfs1(p),fsjfs1(q))ε*(j=1,2,,k1). That is, ρ(f1k(p),f1k(q))>ε*(p,qX) implies ρ(f1j(p),f1j(q))>ε(j=1,2,,k1).

    nE, j=1,2,,k1, put sr=k(n1)+r(r=1,2,,j), then

    Since F2 is negative shift-invariant, then E1F2. And because F2 have property Q(k), then (E1)kF2, i.e., {k(n1)+jZ+:n1E1,j=1,2,,k1}F2. Combining (E1)k{mZ+:ρ(f1m(x),f1m(y))>ε} with the hereditary upwards of F2, we have {mZ+:ρ(f1m(x),f1m(y))>ε}F2.

    By (i) and (ii), D is an (F1,F2)-scrambled set of f1,.

    This completes the proof.

Similarly, the following corollaries hold.

Corollary 1.

Let F1 and F2 are two Furstenberg families with property P(k), where k is a positive integer. F1 is positive shift-invariant. If the system (X,f1,) is F-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, or strong F-chaos), then the system (X,f1,[k]) is F-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, or strong F-chaos).

Corollary 2.

Let F1 and F2 are two Furstenberg families with property Q(k), where k is a positive integer. F2 is negative shift-invariant. If the system (X,f1,[k]) is F-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, or strong F-chaos), then the system (X,f1,) is F-chaos (strong (F1,F2)-chaos, or strong F-chaos).

Combining with Propositions 1 and 2, Theorems 1 and 2, and Corollarys 1 and 2, the following conclusions are obtained.

Theorem 3.

Let s and t are arbitrary two numbers in [0,1], then

  • (1) 

    If D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set (or strong (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set) of f1,, then, for every kZ+, D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set(or strong (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set) of f1,[k].

  • (2) 

    For some positive integer k, if D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set (or strong (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set) of f1,[k], then D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set (or strong (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set) of f1,.


  • (1)

    By Proposition 1, M¯(s) is shift-invariant (obviously positive shift-invariant). And because M¯(s),M¯(t) are two Furstenberg families with property P(k) (Proposition 2). Then, according to the proof of Theorem 1, if D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set of f1,, then, for every kZ+, D is an (M¯(s),M¯(t))-scrambled set of f1,[k].

  • (2)

    In the same way, (2) holds.

    This completes the proof.

With the preparations in Section 4, we have

Corollary 3.

  • (1) 

    If D is a Li–Yorke scrambled set (or distributionally scrambled set) of f1,, then, for every kZ+, D is a Li–Yorke scrambled set (or distributionally scrambled set) of f1,[k].

  • (2) 

    For some positive integer k, if D is a Li–Yorke scrambled set (or distributionally scrambled set) of f1,[k], then, D is a Li–Yorke scrambled set (or distributionally scrambled set) of f1,.

Remark 1.

In the non-autonomous systems, the iterative properties of Li–Yorke chaos and distributional chaos are discussed in [25,26] before. The conclusions in Corollary 3 remains consistent with them.

This paper has presented several properties of (F1,F2)-chaos, strong (F1,F2)-chaos, and strong F-chaos. There are some other problems, such as generically F-chaos and F-sensitivity, to discuss. Moreover, property P(k) is closely related to congruence theory. Follow this line, one can consider other Furstenberg families which consist of number sets with some special characteristics.


This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11501391, 61573010) and the Artificial Intelligence of Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (2015RZJ01).

Author Contributions

Tianxiu Lu proposed the idea; Most of the conclusions are proved by Xiao Tang and Tianxiu Lu; Some important steps in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are inferred by Guanrong Chen; Tianxiu Lu wrote the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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