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. 2020 May 3;22(5):521. doi: 10.3390/e22050521

Specifying the Unitary Evolution of a Qudit for a General Nonstationary Hamiltonian via the Generalized Gell-Mann Representation

Elena R Loubenets 1,2,*, Christian Käding 1
PMCID: PMC7517017  PMID: 33286293


Optimal realizations of quantum technology tasks lead to the necessity of a detailed analytical study of the behavior of a d-level quantum system (qudit) under a time-dependent Hamiltonian. In the present article, we introduce a new general formalism describing the unitary evolution of a qudit (d2) in terms of the Bloch-like vector space and specify how, in a general case, this formalism is related to finding time-dependent parameters in the exponential representation of the evolution operator under an arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonian. Applying this new general formalism to a qubit case (d=2), we specify the unitary evolution of a qubit via the evolution of a unit vector in R4, and this allows us to derive the precise analytical expression of the qubit unitary evolution operator for a wide class of nonstationary Hamiltonians. This new analytical expression includes the qubit solutions known in the literature only as particular cases.

Keywords: unitary evolution of a qudit, nonstationary Hamiltonian, exponential representation, Bloch-like vector space, analytical solutions

1. Introduction

Optimal realizations of many quantum technology tasks need a detailed analysis of the evolution of a d2 dimensional quantum system (a qudit) under a time-dependent Hamiltonian H(t). In mathematical terms, the evolution of a qudit under a Hamiltonian H(t) is described on the complex Hilbert space Cd by the unitary operator UH(t,t0)—the solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation with the initial condition UH(t0,t0)=I. For a time-independent Hamiltonian H, the solution of this Cauchy problem is well-known and reads UH(t,t0)=expiH(tt0).

If a Hamiltonian H(t) depends on time, then UH(t,t0) is formally given by the T-chronological exponent [1,2]—the infinite Volterra series (see Equation (4) in Section 2)—which however converges only under some suitable conditions on H(t). For some nonstationary Hamiltonians beyond these conditions, the analytical expressions for UH(t,t0) via parameters of H(t) are also known, for example, for a free electron [3] in a magnetic field spinning around the x3-axis. However, for an arbitrary time-dependent H(t), the analytical expression for UH(t,t0) via parameters of H(t) is not known even in a qubit case.

On the other hand, every unitary operator V on the complex Hilbert space Cd has the form exp{iα}V˜,αR, where a unitary operator V˜ is an element of the SU(d) group and, hence, admits the exponential parametrization via the SU(d) group generators. Therefore, for a d-dimensional quantum system, the exponential representation for UH(t,t0) must also exist and there arises the problem of how to determine time-dependent parameters of this exponential representation via characteristics of a given qudit Hamiltonian H(t). To our knowledge, the solution of this problem has not been reported in the literature even for a qubit case.

In this article, we introduce a new general formalism describing the unitary evolution of a qudit (d2) in terms of the Bloch-like vector space and specify how in a general case this formalism is related to finding time-dependent parameters in the exponential representation of UH(t,t0) under an arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonian.

Applying this general formalism to a qubit case (d=2), we specify the unitary evolution of a qubit via the evolution of a unit vector in R4 and find the precise analytical expression of UH(t,t0) for a wide class of nonstationary qubit Hamiltonians. This new analytical expression includes the qubit solutions known in the literature only as particular cases.

The article is organized as follows.

In Section 2, we analyze the known representations for UH(t,t0) and discuss the properties of the generalized Gell-Mann representation for an arbitrary Hamiltonian and an arbitrary unitary operator on Cd (different aspects of the Bloch-like representations for qudits were considered in References [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]).

In Section 3, we derive (Theorem 1) the new general equations specifying the unitary evolution of a qudit (d2) under a Hamiltonian H(t) in terms of parameters in the generalized Gell-Mann representation and in the exponential representation of UH(t,t0).

In Section 4 and Section 5, we specify (Theorem 2) the forms of these new general equations in a qubit case (d=2) and derive the novel precise analytical expression of UH(t,t0) for a wide class of qubit Hamiltonians H(t).

The main results of the article are summarized in Section 6.

2. Unitary Evolution of a Qudit (d2)

Let H(t):CdCd,H(t)=H(t), d2, be a Hamiltonian of a d-level quantum system (qudit). The evolution of a qudit state

ρ(t)=UH(t,t0)ρ(t0)UH(t,t0),tt0, (1)

under a Hamiltonian H(t) is determined by the unitary operator UH(t,t0)—the solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation

iddtUH(t,t0)=H(t)UH(t,t0),t>t0,UH(t0,t0)=I, (2)

which satisfies the cocycle property

UH(t,t0)=UH(t,s)UH(s,t0),s[t,t0], (3)

and is represented by the chronological operator exponent

UH(t,t0)=Texpit0tH(τ)dτ=Iit0tH(τ)dτ+12(i)2t0tdτ1t0tdτ2TH(τ1)H(τ2)++1n!(i)nt0tdτ1t0tdτ2T{H(τ1)H(τ2)··H(τn)}+, (4)

where symbol T{·} means

T{H(τ1)··H(τm)}:=H(τα1)··H(ταm),τα1τα1>>ταm. (5)

If a Hamiltonian H(t) satisfies the condition

H(t),t0tH(τ)dτ=0,t>t0, (6)

then the series in Equation (2) reduces to

UH(t,t0)=expit0tH(τ)dτ. (7)

Recall (see, for example, References [4,5,6,7,8]) that any linear operator A on Cd admits the representation via the generalized Gell-Mann matrices—the generalized Gell-Mann representation:

A=a0I+d2a·Λ,a·Λ:=j=1,,d21aj·Λj,a0=1dtr[A]C,aj=12dtr[AΛj]C,a=(a1,ad21), (8)

where Λ=(Λ1,Λd21) is a tuple of traceless Hermitian operators on Cd:

Λk=Λk,tr[Λk]=0,k=1,,(d21), (9)

satisfying the relations

ΛkΛm=2dδkmI+j(dkmj+ifkmj)Λj,[Λk,Λm]=2ijfkmjΛj,tr[ΛkΛm]=2δkm, (10)

and constituting generators of group SU(d). In Equation (10), δkm is the Kronecker symbol and fjkm, djkm are antisymmetric and symmetric structure coefficients of SU(d), respectively. The matrix representations of the operators Λj, j=1,,(d21), in the computational basis of Cd constitute the higher-dimensional extensions of the Pauli matrices in the qubit case (d=2) and the Gell-Mann matrices in the qutrit case (d=3).

For a vector a in Equation (8)

trAA=da02+aCd212, (11)

where we choose the same normalization of a vector a in representation (8) as for traceless qudit observables in Reference [8]. Here and in what follows, by the upper prime rCd21, we denote the column-vector comprised of components of a vector r=(r1,,rd21).

Note that representation (8) constitutes the decomposition of a linear operator A on Cd in the orthogonal basis

I,Λ1,,Λd21 (12)

of the vector space L where linear operators A:CdCd constitute vectors, and the scalar product is defined by A1,A2L:=tr[A1A2].

For a Hamiltonian H(t) on Cd, the generalized Gell-Mann representation (8) reads

H(t)=b0(t)I+d2bH(t)·Λ,b0(t)=1dtr[H(t)]R,bH(j)(t)=12dtr[H(t)Λj]R,bH(t)=(bH(1)(t),,bH(d21)(t))Rd21, (13)

and condition (6) implies the following limitations on a vector bH(t)Rd21:

k,mfkmjbH(k)(t)t0tbH(m)(τ)dτ=0,j=1,,d21. (14)

Therefore, if a vector bH(t) satisfies conditions (14), then, by Equation (7),

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpid2t0tbH(τ)dτ·Λ. (15)

However, for an arbitrary qudit Hamiltonian H(t), condition (6) (equivalently, condition (14)) does not need to be fulfilled, so that the exponential representation (15) of UH(t,t0) via the decomposition coefficients b0(t),bH(t) of a Hamiltonian H(t) by Equation (13) does not, in general, hold.

On the other hand, as it is the case for every unitary operator on Cd, operator UH(t,t0) must have the form

UH(t,t0)=expiα(t,t0)U˜H(t,t0),α(t,t0)R, (16)

where U˜H(t,t0)SU(d) and, hence, as any element of SU(d), admits (see, for example, Reference [12] and references therein) the exponential parametrization

U˜H(t,t0)=expid2nH(t,t0)·Λ (17)

via generators Λ1,Λd21 of group SU(d) and a vector nH(t,t0)=(n1,nd21)Rd21, which in case of solution U˜H(t,t0)SU(d) depends also on a Hamiltonian H(t), time t and an initial moment t0. In Equation (17), similarly as in decomposition (8), we use the following normalization for a vector nH(t,t0):

trd2nH(t,t0)·Λ2=dnH(t,t0)Rd212. (18)

Relations (16) and (17) imply that, for every qudit Hamiltonian H(t), for which a unique solution of Equation (2) exists, the unitary evolution operator UH(t,t0) admits the exponential representation

UH(t,t0)=expiα(t,t0)expid2nH(t,t0)·Λ,α(t0,t0)=0,nH(t0,t0)=0, (19)

where parameters α(t,t0),nH(t,t0) can be presented in the form

α(t,t0)=t0tβ0(τ)dτ,β0(τ)R,nH(t,t0)=t0tβH(τ)dτ,βH(t)Rd21. (20)

This implies

UH(t,t0)=expit0tβ0(τ)dτexpid2t0tβH(τ)dτ·Λ. (21)

The form of this representation is quite similar to the one of representation (15), which is valid if a Hamiltonian H(t) satisfies condition (14). However, for an arbitrary Hamiltonian H(t), a vector βH(t)Rd21 in Equation (21) does not need to be equal to a vector bH(t)Rd21 in representation (13) for this H(t).

Therefore, in order to specify the unitary evolution operator UH(t,t0) under an arbitrary nonstationary Hamiltonian H(t), we need to express parameters β0(t)R,βH(t)Rd21 in Equation (21) via coefficients b0(t)R,bH(t)Rd21 in the generalized Gell-Mann representation (13) for a given H(t).

In the proceeding sections, we consider this problem for an arbitrary d2 and further study the case d=2 in detail.

3. Evolution Equations in the Bloch-Like Vector Space

Together with the generalized Gell-Mann representation (13) for a Hamiltonian H(t), let us also specify decomposition (8) for a unitary operator (17) on Cd:

U˜H(t,t0)=expid2nH(t,t0)·Λ=u0(t,t0)I+d2uH(t,t0)·Λ,uH(t,t0)=(uH(1),,uH(d21)),u0(t,t0)=1dtr[U˜H(t,t0)]C,uH(j)(t,t0)=12dtr[U˜H(t,t0)Λj]C. (22)

The initial conditions in Equation (19) and the unitary property of U˜H(t,t0) imply

u0(t0,t0)=1,uH(j)(t0,t0)=0, (23)


u0(t,t0)2+uH(t,to)Cd212=1, (24)

for all tt0 and all j=1,,(d21).

Substituting Equation (22) into Equation (19), Equation (19) into Equation (2), and taking uH(t,t0)=iu˜H(t,t0), we derive

α(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτ (25)

and the following system of linear ordinary differential equations for u0(t,t0) and u˜H(t,t0):

u·0(t,t0)=bH(t)·u˜H(t,t0),ddtu˜H(j)(t,t0)=u0(t,t0)bH(j)+d2m,kfkmjidkmjbH(k)(t)u˜H(m)(t,t0),u0(t0,t0)=1,u˜H(t0,t0)=0. (26)

Relation (24) constitute the functionally independent first integrals of these ordinary differential equations (ODEs).

Thus, for an arbitrary d2, the unitary evolution operator UH(t,t0) under a Hamiltonian H(t) is given by

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpid2nH(t,t0)·Λ=expit0tb0(τ)dτu0(t,t0)I+id2u˜H(t,t0)·Λ, (27)

where u0(t,t0)C,u˜H(t,t0)Cd21 satisfy the Cauchy problem (26) for the nonautonomous system of linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs).

On the other hand, due to the results in Reference [12], we can explicitly represent u0(t)C,u˜H(t)Cd21 in Equation (27) via a vector nH(t,t0).

Namely, for each group element VdSU(d) with the exponential parametrization

Vd(r)=expid2(r·Λ),rRd21, (28)

let us consider the generalized Gell-Mann representation (8):

expid2(r·Λ)=v0(r)I+d2v(r)·Λ,v0(t)2+v(t)Cd212=1, (29)


v0(r)=1dtrexpid2(r·Λ),v(r)=12dtrΛexpid2(r·Λ). (30)

Denote by E(λm(r)) the spectral projection of a Hermitian operator (r·Λ) corresponding to its eigenvalue λm(r)R with multiplicity kλm(r). The spectral decomposition of Vd(r)=exp{id2(r·Λ)} reads

Vd(r)=λmexpid2λm(r)E(λm(r)). (31)

Substituting this into relations in Equation (30) and taking into account the cyclic property of the trace and relation tr[E(λm(r))]=kλm(r), we derive (these expressions differ by normalizations from those in Reference [12])

v0(r)=1dtrVd(r)=1dλmkλm(r)expid2λm(r), (32)
vj(r)=12dtrΛjVd(r)=12dtrΛjm=0,1,imm!d2m2(r·Λ)m=idrjtrVd(r), (33)

which imply

v0(r)=1dKd(r),vj(r)=idrKd(r)·Λ,Vd(r)=1dKd(r)I+id21drKd(r)·Λ, (34)

where r:=r1,,rd21 and

Kd(r):=λm(r)kλm(r)expid2λm(r). (35)

From Equations (29) and (34), it follows that, in relations in Equation (27),

u0(t,t0)=1dKdnH(t,t0),u˜H(t)=1dnHKd(nH(t,t0)), (36)

for some vector nH(t,t0)Rd21, so that

U˜H(t,t0)=expid2nH(t,t0)·Λ=1dKdnH(t,t0)I+i12dnHKd(nH(t,t0))·Λ. (37)

The substitution of Equation (36) into the first and the second equations of the system of linear ODEs of Equation (26) gives

nHKd(nH(t,t0))·dnH(t,t0)dt=bH(t)·nHKd(nH(t,t0))dnH(t,t0)dtbH(t)nHKd(nH(t,t0)) (38)


nHnH(j)Kd(nH(t,t0)·dnH(t,t0)dt=bH(j)(t)Kd(nH(t,t0))+d2k,mfkmjidkmjbH(k)(t)nH(m)Kd(nH(t,t0)),j=1,,(d21), (39)


Relations in Equations (19) and (22)–(39) prove the following statement.

Theorem 1.

Let H(t)=b0(t)I+b(t)·Λ,b(t)Rd21, be a Hamiltonian on Cd. For each d2, the solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonstationary Schrödinger equation (Equation (2))—the unitary operator UH(t,t0) on Cd describing the evolution of a qudit under a Hamiltonian H(t)—has the form

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpid2nH(t,t0)·Λ=expit0tb0(τ)dτu0(t,t0)I+id2u˜H(t,t0)·Λ. (40)

Here, the scalar function u0(t,t0)C and vector uH(t,t0)=(uH(1),,uH(d21)),uH(j)C, are the solutions of the Cauchy problem in Equation (26), equivalently,

u0(t,t0)=1dKdnH(t,t0),u˜H(t,t0)=1dnHKd(nH(t,t0), (41)

where function Kd(n) is given by Equation (35), and vector nH(t)Rd21 is the solution of the Cauchy problem

dnH(t,t0)dt=bH(t)+n(t,t0),nH(t0,t0)=0, (42)

with n(t,t0)Rd21 satisfying for all t>t0 the orthogonality relation n(t,t0)·nH(Kd(nH(t,t0))=0 and determined via the equation

dnH(t,t0)dt·nHnjKd(nH(t,t0)=bH(j)(t)Kd(nH(t,t0))+d2k,mfkmjidkmjbH(k)(t)nH(m)Kd(nH(t,t0)). (43)

In Section 4 and Section 5, we specify Equations (26), (42) and (43) for a general qubit case.

Finding Kd(n) for d=2,3

In this subsection, we consider the characteristic function Kd(r), given by Equation (35), and also, representation (29) for d=2,3.

  • For d=2, the matrix representations of generators σ1,σ2,σ3 of SU(2) in the computational basis in C2 are given by the Pauli matrices
    σ1=0110,σ2=0ii0,σ3=1001,σ=(σ1,σ2,σ3),tr[σkσj]=2δjk,σ1σ2=iσ3,σ2σ3=iσ1,σ3σ1=iσ2, (44)
    and, for each vector rR3, the traceless Hermitian operator n·σ on C2 has eigenvalues ±nR3. Therefore, by Equation (35), the characteristic function K2(r) and its derivatives are given by
    K2(r)=expirR3+expirR3=2cosrR3,rjK2(r)=2sinrR3rjrR3, (45)
    and representation (29) reduces to the well-known formula
    exp{i(r·σ)}=IcosrR3isinrR3r·σrR3 (46)

    (see, for example, Reference [13]).

  • For d=3, the matrix representations of the SU(3) generators in the computational basis in C3 constitute the Gell-Mann matrices. For each rR8, the traceless Hermitian operator r·Λ on C3 has eigenvalues [12]
    λ1,2(r)=23rR8sinϕ(r)±π3,λ3(r)=23rR8sinϕ(r), (47)
    sin3ϕ(r)=332rR83det(r·Λ). (48)
    From relations (35) and (47), it follows that, for d=3,
    K3(r)=expi32λ1(r)+expi32λ2(r)+expi32λ3(r)=k=0,1,2exp{i2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)} (49)
    and (see Appendix B)
    rK3(r)=3i23F1(r)p(r)+F2(r)rrR8, (50)
    p(m)(r):=i,j=18r(i)r(j)dijmrR82,p(r)C8,F1(r):=k=0,1,2expi2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)12cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)),F2r:=23k=0,1,2sinϕ(r)+2πk/3×expi2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)12cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3). (51)
    Taking into account Equations (37), (49) and (50), we derive that, for any vector rR8,
    expi32(r·Λ)=I3K3(r)+F1ϕ(r)p(r)·Λ+F2ϕ(r)(r·Λ) (52)
    In view of relations (10) and (51), this expression can be otherwise represented in the form
    expi32(r·Λ)=k=0,1,2{1rR82(r·Λ)2+23rR8(r·Λ)sinϕ(r)+2πk/3I3[1+2cos2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)]}×expi2rR8sinϕ(r)+2πk/312cos2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3), (53)
    which agrees with formula (5) in Reference [14].

4. General Nonstationary Qubit Case

In this section, based on the new general results derived in Section 2 and Section 3, we specify the unitary evolution operator (Equation (40)) for d=2.

In the qubit case, Λσ=(σ1,σ2,σ3) and a general Hamiltonian on C2 has the form

H(t)=b0(t)I+b(t)·σ,b(t)R3. (54)

Here and in what follows, in short, we suppress the lower index H in notations nH(t), bH(t)R3 and the lower index R3 in notation ·R3.

Let us specify the main issues of Theorem 1 if d=2. In this case:

  • The structure coefficients dkmj=0, for all k,m,j=1,2,3, and coefficients fkmj=ϵkmj constitute the Levi-Civita symbol. Therefore, the system of linear ODEs (Equation (26)) reduces to
    u·0(t,t0)=b(t)·u˜(t,t0),u˜0(t0,t0)=1,u˜·(t,t0)=u0(t,t0)bj+b(t)×u˜(t,t0),u˜(t0,t0)=0,(u0(t,t0))2+u˜(t,t0)R32=1, (55)
    with u0(t,t0)R, u˜(t,t0)R3 and notation b×u˜ for a vector product on R3.
    By introducing a 4-dimensional real-valued unit vector q(t,t0)=(u0(t,t0),u˜(t,t0))R4 and denoting by q(t,t0) the column-vector with elements comprised of components of vector q(t,t0), we rewrite the system of linear ODEs (Equation (55)) in the normal form
    ddtq(t,t0)=A(t)q(t,t0),q(t0,t0)=(1,0,0,0), (56)
    with the skew-symmetric matrix
    A(t)=0b1(t)b2(t)b3(t)b1(t)0b3(t)b2(t)b2(t)b3(t)0b1(t)b3(t)b2(t)b1(t)0. (57)
  • For d=2, function (Equation (35)) and its gradient are given due to Equation (45) by K2(n)=cosn(t),nK2(n)=2sinnnn,, so that by Equation (41),
    u0(t,t0)=cosn(t,t0)R,u˜(t,t0)=sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)n(t,t0)R3, (58)
    and the first and the second equations in Equation (55) take the forms
    dn(t,t0)dt=b(t)·n(t,t0)n(t) (59)
    sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)cosn(t)dn(t,t0)dtn(t,t0)n(t,t0)sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)dn(t,t0)dt=bcosn(t,t0)+b(t)×n(t,t0)n(t,t0)sinn(t,t0), (60)
  • The Cauchy problem (Equation (42)) in Theorem 1 reduces to
    dn(t,t0)dt=b(t)+n(t,t0)t>t0,n(t0,t0)=0, (61)
    where vector n(t)R3 is orthogonal for all t>t0 to vector n(t)R3 and is determined via Equation (43). For d=2, the latter equation reduces to
    sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)cosn(t,t0)b(t)·n(t,t0)n(t,t0)2n(t,t0)b(t)=sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)n(t,t0)+b(t)×n(t,t0)sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0). (62)
    Noting that, on the left-hand side of Equation (62), where
    b·nn2nb=1n2n×b×n, (63)
    and vectors
    n×b×n,b×n (64)
    are mutually orthogonal and are both in the plane orthogonal to vector n(t,t0)R3, we represent vector n(t,t0) in Equations (61) and (62) as
    n(t,t0)=α(t)b(t)×n(t,t0)+β(t,t0)n(t,t0)×b(t)×n(t,t0) (65)
    and find via Equation (62) that
    α(t,t0)=1,β(t,t0)=1n(t,t0)ctgn(t,t0)n(t,t0)2. (66)
    Therefore, Equation (61)–(66) imply
    dn(t,t0)dt=b(t)b(t)×n(t,t0)1n(t,t0)ctgn(t,t0)n(t,t0)2n(t,t0)×b(t)×n(t,t0),n(t0,t0)=0. (67)

Theorem 1 and relations in Equations (55)–(67) prove the following statement on the unitary evolution of a qubit in a general nonstationary case.

Theorem 2.

Let H(t)=b0(t)I+b(t)·σ,b(t)R3, be a qubit Hamiltonian on C2. The unitary operator UH(t,t0) on C2 describing the evolution of a qubit under Hamiltonian H(t) takes the form

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpin(t,t0)·σ=expit0tb0(τ)dτu0(t,t0)I+iu˜(t,t0)·σ, (68)

where the unit vector u0(t,t0),u˜(t,t0)R4 is the solution of the Cauchy problem (Equation (55)) (equivalently, Equation (56)), vector n(t,t0)R3 is the solution of the Cauchy problem (Equation (67)), and the following relations hold

u0(t,t0)=cosn(t,t0)R,u˜(t,t0)=sinn(t,t0)n(t,t0)n(t,t0),n(t,t0)n(t,t0)=u˜(t,t0)u˜(t,t0),n(t,t0)=arccosu0(t,t0). (69)

The cocycle property (Equation (3)) implies that, in the qubit case, the unit vector u0(t,t0),u˜(t,t0)R4 in Equation (68)—which is the solution of the Cauchy problem (56)—must satisfy the relations

u0(t,s)u0(s,t0)u˜(t,s)·u˜(s,t0)=u0(t,t0),u0(t,s)u˜(s,t0)+u0(s,t0)u˜(t,s)u˜(t,s)×u˜(s,t0)=u˜(t,t0). (70)

For d=2, relations in Equation (14) reduce to the condition

b(t)×t0tb(τ)dτ=0, (71)

which is necessary and sufficient for the Cauchy problem (Equation (55); equivalently, Equation (56)) and the Cauchy problem (in Equation (67)) to have the solutions

n(t,t0)=t0tb(τ)dτ,u0(t,t0)=cost0tb(τ)dτ,u˜(t,t0)=sint0tb(τ)dτt0tb(τ)dτt0tb(τ)dτ, (72)

and the unitary evolution operator UH(t,t0) to be given by

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpit0tb(τ)·σdτ=expit0tb0(τ)dτIcost0tb(τ)dτisint0tb(τ)dτt0tb(τ)dτt0tb(τ)dτ·σ. (73)

The expression standing in the first line of Equation (73) is consistent with expression (15) valid under the general qudit condition (6) and specified for d=2.

Condition (71) is, in particular, true if b(t)=ebb(t) where a unit vector eb does not vary in time. Substituting this b(t) into Equation (73), we have

UH(t,t0)=expit0tb0(τ)dτexpieb·σt0tb(τ)dτ=expit0tb0(τ)dτIcost0tb(τ)dτisint0tb(τ)dτeb·σ. (74)

In the following section, based on the general result formulated in Theorem 2, we specify classes of nonstationary Hamiltonians H(t), for which we can find the precise solutions of the Cauchy problem (in Equation (55); equivalently, (56)) and, hence, explicitly specify the unitary operator (68) via coefficients b0(t),b(t) of a Hamiltonian H(t).

5. Special Classes of Qubit Hamiltonians

Let, for a qubit Hamiltonian (54), components (b(t),θb(t),φb(t)) of a vector b(t)R3 in the spherical coordinate system be such that (here, we suppose that b(t) is twice differentiable)

ddtJ1=0,whereJ1:=1Ωb(t)cosθb(t)φ·b(t)2b(t),ddtJ2=0,whereJ2:=sinθb(t)Ωb(t), (75)


Ωb(t):=cosθb(t)φb·(t)2b(t)2+sin2θb(t), (76)

so that J12+J22=1.

The class of Hamiltonians specified by conditions (75) is rather broad and includes, in particular, all cases studied in the literature for which:

θ·b(t)=0,φb··(t)=0. (77)

Represented otherwise, constant J1 takes the form

J1=1b(t)Ωb(t)b3(t)12ddtφb(t),b(t)Ωb(t)=b3(t)12ddtφb(t)2+b12(t)+b22(t),tg(φb(t))=b2(t)/b1(t), (78)

from which it is immediately clear that the class of Hamiltonians specified by conditions (75) is defined via the special time behavior of a vector b(t) with respect to the x3-axis.

Quite similarly, we can introduce the class of Hamiltonians specified via the property of b(t)R3 which is similar by its form to (78) but with respect to the x1-axis or the x2-axis.

Though, in the following statement, we explicitly specify only the unitary qubit evolution (68) under a Hamiltonian satisfying conditions (75), the new result of this statement can be easily reformulated for the classes of nonstationary Hamiltonians specified by conditions on b(t)R3 with respect to the x1-axis and the x2-axis.

Theorem 3.

Let, for a qubit Hamiltonian H(t)=b0(t)I+b(t)·σ on C2 the conditions (75) be fulfilled. Then, for the unitary operator UH(t,t0) given by relations (68) and (69) and describing the evolution of a qubit state under a Hamiltonian H(t), the unit vector (u0(t,t0),u˜(t,t0))R4—the solution of the Cauchy problem (55), equivalently, Equation (56), takes the form

u0(t,t0)=cosφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)J1sinφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0),u˜1(t,t0)=J2cosφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0),u˜2(t,t0)=J2sinφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0),u˜3(t,t0)=J1cosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0), (79)

satisfying the cocycle property (70). In Equation (79),

γb(t,t0):=t0tb(τ)Ωb(τ)dτ (80)

and θb(t),φb(t) are angles specifying at time t vector b(t)R3 in the spherical coordinate system.

The proof of this statement is given in Appendix A. Note that the Cauchy problem with a skew-symmetric matrix—like the one in Equation (56)—arises in many fields of mathematical physics, for example, in the solid body theory, in the quaternions models [15], etc. If we reformulate conditions (78) (equivalently, Equation (75)) with respect to the x1-axis, then the corresponding solution (u0(t,t0),u˜(t,t0))R4 of the Cauchy problem for the ODEs (56) would agree with the treatment in Section 5.10 of Ref. [15].

Let, for example, b(t)=ebb(t) where a unit vector eb does not vary in time—the case we have analyzed above in Equation (74) and where the general condition (71) is true. In this case,

φb(t)=φb(t0)=φb,θb(t)=θb(t0)=θb,J1=cosθb,J2=sinθb, (81)

conditions (75) are also fulfilled, and the substitution of Equation (81) into expression (78) leads exactly to relation (73).

However, in general, conditions (71) and (75) do not need to be fulfilled simultaneously.

As an application of the result of Theorem 3, consider some examples important for applications where conditions (75) are fulfilled while condition (71) is violated.

  1. Let, for a qubit Hamiltonian, as in Equation (54), the spherical coordinates of a vector b(t)R3 satisfy the relations
    θb(t)=θb,φb(t)=ωt+η,b(t)=b,ηR, (82)
    in the case where a vector b(t) rotates around the x3-axis with an angular velocity ω and has a norm constant in time. Based on approaches different to ours, this case was considered in many papers in connection with the evolution of a pure qubit state; see, for example, Reference [3]. For case (82), conditions (75) and parameters in (79) take the forms:
    J1=cosθbω/2bΩb,J2=sinθbΩb,Ωb=cosθbω/2b2+sin2θb=Const,b(t)Ωb=2bcosθbω2+4b2sin2θb:=Ω˜b. (83)
    Therefore, for case (82), we have by Theorem 3:
    u0(t,t0)=cosω(tt0)2cos(Ω˜b(tt0))J1sinω(tt0)2sin(Ω˜b(tt0)),u˜1(t,t0)=J2cosω(t+t0)2+ηsin(Ω˜b(tt0)),u˜2(t,t0)=J2sinω(t+t0)2+ηsin(Ω˜b(tt0)),u˜3(t,t0)=J1cosω(tt0)2sin(Ω˜b(tt0))sinω(tt0)2cos(Ω˜b(tt0)), (84)
    so that the unitary evolution operator (68) with the unit vector (u0(t),u˜(t)) given by Equation (84) completely defines the evolution of every qubit state under a nonstanionary Hamiltonian specified by relations (82).
    Taking, for example, t0=0 and an initial pure state |Ψ(0)=|0C2, we find that at any moment t>0 the pure state is
    |Ψ(t)=UH(t)|0=u0(t,0)|0+iu˜1(t,0)|1u˜2(t,0)|1+iu˜3(t,0)|0=u0(t,0)+iu˜3(t,0)|0+iu˜1(t,0)+iu˜2(t,0)|1, (85)
    where |0,|1 are elements of the computational basis of C2. Substituting (84) into Equation (85), we have
    u0(t,0)+iu˜3(t,0)=cosΩ˜btiJ1sinΩ˜btexpiωt2,u˜1(t,0)+iu˜2(t,0)=J2sin(Ω˜bt)expiωt2+η, (86)
    so that
    |Ψ(t)=cosΩ˜btiJ1sinΩ˜btexpiωt2|0iJ2sin(Ω˜bt)expiωt2+η|1, (87)
    where constants J1 and J2 are given by Equation (83). For η=0, the pure state (86) coincides with the pure state given by Equation (138.11) in Ref. [3] and found by another approach.
  2. Consider further a more general case, where, for a vector b(t)R3 in Equation (54):
    b1(t)=qφ·b(t)λcosφb(t),b2(t)=qφ·b(t)λsinφb(t),b3(t)=pφ·b(t)λ, (88)
    with function φ·b(t)λ>0 for all t>t0 and some constants λ, q, p. In this case,
    b(t)=φ·b(t)λq2+p2,cos(θb(t))=pq2+p2=Const,Ωb(t)=1q2+p2pλ22+q2=Const,b(t)Ωb=φ·b(t)λpλ22+q2=ζλφ·b(t),ζ:=pλ22+q2=Const. (89)
    Hence, by Equation (75) the constants
    J1=pλ/2ζ,J2=qζ, (90)
    and, in Theorem 3, the vector (u0(t),u˜(t))R4, which specifies by Equation (68) the unitary evolution of a qubit, is given by
    u0(t,t0)=cosφb(t)φb(t0)2cosζλ(φb(t)φb(t0))pλ/2ζsinφb(t)φb(t0)2sinζλ(φb(t)φb(t0)),u˜1(t,t0)=qζcosφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinζλ(φb(t)φb(t0),u˜2(t,t0)=qζsinφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinζλ(φb(t)φb(t0)),u˜3(t,t0)=pλ/2ζcosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinζλ(φb(t)φb(t0))+sinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosζλ(φb(t)φb(t0)), (91)
    where λ,q,p are some constants and angle φb(t) is an arbitrary function of t, such that φ·b(t)λ>0. If, in particular, φ·b(t)=ω and λ=ω, then relations (91) reduce to relations (84).

6. Conclusions

In the present article, we introduced a new general formalism that allows for the analysis of the unitary evolution of a qudit (d2) under an arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonian H(t) in terms of the Bloch-like vector space. Via this formalism, we derived (Theorem 1, Section 3) the new general equations specifying the evolution of the Bloch-like vector in the generalized Gell-Mann representation of UH(t,t0) and the vector n(t,t0)Rd21 in the exponential representation of UH(t,t0).

Applying the general Equations (26), (42), (43) to a qubit case (d=2), we then derived (Theorem 2, Section 4) a new general result on the qubit evolution under a nonstationary Hamiltonian. This general result allowed us to find (Theorem 3, Section 5) the new precise analytical solutions for a wide class of nonstationary Hamiltonians which comprise the qubit cases already known in the literature only as particular ones.

The general formalism presented in this article is valid for a qudit of an arbitrary dimension d>2, in particular, for a qutrit and the analysis of the evolution of a qutrit under a time-dependent Hamiltonian within this new formalism is a subject of our future research.


E.R. Loubenets is grateful to A. Khrennikov and A. Borisov for useful discussions.

Appendix A

In this section, we present the proof of Theorem 3, namely, we show that functions u0(t)R,u˜(t)R3, given by Equation (79), constitute solutions of the Cauchy problem (55), equivalently (56), under conditions (75) and satisfy also the cocycle property (70).

Under conditions (75), the derivative of function u0(t)R in Equation (79) has the form

ddtu0(t)=12dφb(t)dtsinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)b(t)Ωb(t)cosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0)J12dφb(t)dtcosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0)J1b(t)Ωb(t)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)=J1b(t)Ωb(t)+12dφb(t)dtsinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)b(t)Ωb(t)+J12dφb(t)dtcosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0). (A1)

Similarly, for the derivatives of u˜(t)=(u˜1(t),u˜2(t),u˜3(t))R3, given by Equation (79), we find

ddtu˜1(t)=J2b(t)Ωb(t)cosφb(t)+φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)+J22dφb(t)dtsinφ(t)+φ(t0)2sinγb(t,t0),ddtu˜2(t)=J2b(t)Ωb(t)sinφb(t)+φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)J22dφb(t)dtcosφ(t)+φ(t0)2sinγb(t,t0),ddtu˜3(t)=J1b(t)Ωb(t)+12dφb(t)dtcosφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)+b(t)Ωb(t)+J12dφb(t)dtsinφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0). (A2)

Next: (i) substituting Equation (79) into the terms standing on the right-hand sides of the equations in Equation (56); (ii) expressing b1(t),b2(t), b3(t) in spherical coordinates; and (iii) using the trigonometric addition theorems and the explicit expressions for J1, J2 and Ωb(t) (see Equation (75) and (76)), we derive the following expressions:

  • for the right-hand side of the first differential equation in Equation (56)
    b1(t)u˜1(t)+b2(t)u˜2(t)+b3(t)u˜3(t)=J1b(t)Ωb(t)+12dφb(t)dtsinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)b(t)Ωb(t)+J12dφb(t)dtcosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0); (A3)
  • for the right-hand side of the second differential equation in Equation (56)
    b1(t)u0(t)+b2(t)u˜3(t)b3(t)u˜2(t)=J2b(t)Ωb(t)cosφb(t)+φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)+J22dφb(t)dtsinφ(t)+φ(t0)2sinγb(t,t0); (A4)
  • for the right-hand sides of the third and the fourth differential equations in Equation (56):
    b2(t)u0(t)+b3(t)u˜1(t)b1(t)u˜3(t)=J2b(t)Ωb(t)sinφb(t)+φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)J22dφb(t)dtcosφ(t)+φ(t0)2sinγb(t,t0) (A5)
    b3(t)u0(t)+b1(t)u˜2(t)b2(t)u˜1(t)=J1b(t)Ωb(t)+12dφb(t)dtcosφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)+b(t)Ωb(t)+J12dφb(t)dtsinφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0). (A6)

Clearly, the expressions for ddtu0(t),ddtu˜1(t),ddtu˜2(t),ddtu˜3(t), derived in Equation (A1),(A2), coincide with the corresponding expressions in Equation (A3)–(A6). This proves that functions (79) constitute the solutions to the Cauchy problem (56), equivalently, Equation (55).

Taking into account that (see in Section 2) the unitary evolution operator UH(t,s)=u0(t,s)I+iu˜(t,s)·σ, for each s[t,t0], let us now prove that solutions (79) satisfy the cocycle property (3) for UH(t,t0). In terms of u0(t,s), u˜(t,s), the cocycle property leads to relations (70), which read:

u0(t,s)u0(s,t0)u˜(t,s)·u˜(s,t0)=u0(t,t0),u0(t,s)u˜(s,t0)+u0(s,t0)u˜(t,s)u˜(t,s)×u˜(s,t0)=u˜(t,t0). (A7)

Substituting solutions (79) into Equation (A7), applying the addition rules for trigonometric functions, and taking into account that J12+J22=1, for the left-hand side of the first equation in Equation (A7), we derive:

u0(t,s)u0(s,t0)u˜(t,s)·u˜(s,t0)=cosγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)cosφb(t)φb(t0)2J1sinφb(t)φb(t0)2×[cosγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)+sinγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)]sinγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)cosφb(t)φb(t0)2 (A8)
=cosφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0)J1sinφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0). (A9)

By the same procedure, for the left-hand sides of the remaining equations in Equation (A7), we have

u0(t,s)u˜1(s,t0)+u0(s,t0)u˜1(t,s)u˜(t,s)×u˜(s,t0)1=J2[sinγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)+cosγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)]cosφb(t)+φb(t0)2+J1J2sinγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)[sinφb(t)φb(s)2cosφb(s)+φb(t0)2+cosφb(t)+φb(s)2sinφb(s)φb(t0)2+cosφb(t)φb(s)2×sinφb(s)+φb(t0)2sinφb(t)+φb(s)2cosφb(s)φb(t0)2] (A10)
=J2cosφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0) (A11)


u0(t,s)u˜2(s,t0)+u0(s,t0)u˜2(t,s)u˜(t,s)×u˜(s,t0)2=J2[sinγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)+cosγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)]sinφb(t)+φb(t0)2+J1J2sinγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)[sinφb(t)φb(s)2sinφb(s)+φb(t0)2+sinφb(t)+φb(s)2sinφb(s)φb(t0)2cosφb(t)φb(s)2cosφb(s)+φb(t0)2+cosφb(t)+φb(s)2cosφb(s)φb(t0)2] (A12)
=J2sinφb(t)+φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0), (A13)


u0(t,s)u˜3(s,t0)+u0(s,t0)u˜3(t,s)u˜(t,s)×u˜(s,t0)3=cosγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2J1cosφb(t)φb(t0)2[cosγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)+sinγb(t,s)cosγb(s,t0)]+J12sinγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2+J22sinγb(t,s)sinγb(s,t0)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2 (A14)
=J1cosφb(t)φb(t0)2sinγb(t,t0)sinφb(t)φb(t0)2cosγb(t,t0). (A15)

The comparison of Equation (A9),(A11),(A13),(A15) with the expressions for functions u0(t),u˜(t) in Theorem 3 proves that the unitary evolution qubit operator UH(t,t0), specified in Theorem 3, satisfies the cocycle property (70).

This concludes the proof of Theorem 3.

Appendix B

In this section, we show that the gradient of K3(r) is given by Equation (50). By Equation (49), we have

K3(r)r=i2k=0,1,2[rrR8sinϕ(r)+2πk/3+rR8ϕ(r)rcosϕ(r)+2πk/3]×expi2rR8sinϕ(r)+2πk/3. (A16)

Using further Equation (48), we derive

ϕ(r)r=1cos(3ϕ(r))rrR82sin(3ϕ(r))+321rR83rdet(r·Λ), (A17)


det(r·Λ)=2(r(1)r(4)r(6)+r(1)r(5)r(7)+r(2)r(5)r(6)r(2)r(4)r(7))+13r(8)2(r(1))2+2(r(2))2+2(r(3))2(r(4))2(r(5))2(r(6))2(r(7))2+r(3)(r(4))2+(r(5))2(r(6))2(r(7))2233(r(8))3. (A18)

Taking into account that the symmetric structure constants dijk of SU(3) have the form (see, e.g., Reference [16]):

d146=d157=d256=d344=d355=d247=d366=d377=12,d118=d228=d338=d888=2d448=2d558=2d668=2d778=13, (A19)

we derive

r(l)det(r·Λ)=2i,j=18r(i)r(j)dijl. (A20)

Hence, Equation (A17) reduces to

ϕ(r)r=1cos(3ϕ(r))rrR82sin(3ϕ(r))+3p(r)rR8 (A21)

and, for Equation (A16), we obtain

K3(r)r=i2k=0,1,2[rrR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)sin(3ϕ(r))cos(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)cos(3ϕ(r))3p(r)cos(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)cos(3ϕ(r))]×expi2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3). (A22)

Noting that, on the right-hand side of Equation (A22), cos3ϕ(r)=cos3ϕ(r)+2πk/3,

cos(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)cos(3(ϕ(r)+2πk/3))=14cos2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)3=112cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)) (A23)


sinϕ(r)+2πk/3sin(3ϕ(r))cos(3ϕ(r))cosϕ(r)+2πk/3=sin2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)cos(3ϕ(r))=2sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/312cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3), (A24)

for the second and the first terms in the right-hand side of Equation (A22), we come correspondingly to the following expressions:

i6p(r)k=0,1,2expi2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)12cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3))=i6F1(r)p(r) (A25)


i2rrR8k=0,1,2sinϕ(r)+2πk/3expi2rR8sin(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)12cos(2(ϕ(r)+2πk/3)=i6F2(r)rrR8, (A26)

where functions F1(r) and F2(r) are given by Equation (51). Relations (A22), (A25) and (A26) prove Equation (50).

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.R.L.; Investigation, E.R.L. and C.K.; Writing—original draft, E.R.L. and C.K.; Writing—review & editing, E.R.L. and C.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The study by E. R. Loubenets in Section 2, Section 3 is supported by the Russian Science Foundation under the grant No 19-11-00086 and performed at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. The study by E. R. Loubenets and C. Käding in Section 4, Section 5 is performed at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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