In the originally published version of this article, there were multiple incorrect citations. The following citations were originally omitted but have now been included: Basu et al. (2009); Bracko et al. (2012); Brandt et al. (2003); Eisinger et al. (2013); Ge et al. (2006); Lister et al. (2013); Overall et al. (2012); Pletscher-Frankild et al. (2015); Trinchero et al. (2019); and Yun et al. (2016). Additionally, the following references were originally included but have now been deleted: Langfelder et al. (2007); Raudvere et al. (2019); Gould et al. (1999); and Zhao et al. (2008). The citations and references have now been corrected online.
The authors regret this error.