Figure 2. Global analyses of UNC-3 ChIP-Seq data.
(A) Snapshots of UNC-3 ChIP-Seq and input (negative control) signals at the cis-regulatory regions of known UNC-3 targets (cho-1/ChT, unc-17/VAChT, acr-2/AChR, glr-4/GluR). (B) Graph summarizing protein class ontology analysis of putative target genes of UNC-3 identified by ChIP-Seq. Out of the 3502 protein-coding UNC-3 targets, 1425 encode for proteins with known protein class terms and these were the ones considered by PANTHER. This analysis classifies UNC-3 targets into three broad categories: terminal identity genes, gene expression regulators, and enzymes. (C) Pie chart breaking down TF families that show UNC-3 binding.