A) Maximum likelihood phylogeny of selected poriferan and bilaterian Eomesodermin sequences. The multiple sequence alignment consists of 37 sequences aligned over 434 positions (proportion of gaps and undetermined characters: 22.80%). Sequences were downloaded from
uniprot.org or taken from NCBI (gi_*). TBX4 and Brachyury sequences serve as outgroups because they are most closely related to the Eomes family according to
Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2013 and HMM-HMM searches (
Supplementary file 1–Supplementary Table 14). A phylogenetic analysis with an identical dataset, including the two poriferan Eomes candidates (highlighted in red; from
Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2013), is presented in panel B (39 sequences aligned over 435 positions; proportion of gaps and undetermined characters: 23.64%). Branch labels correspond to the results of SH-aLRT (Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test, left) and UFBoot (ultrafast bootstrap approximation, right) as implemented in IQ-TREE (
Nguyen et al., 2015). Tree topology and corresponding bootstrap values do not clearly assign the poriferan sequences to the Eomes family of T box proteins.