FIG 2.
Extraction kit efficiency. RNA extraction from AccuPlex viral particles was examined using direct PCR (black column) and compared to four different combinations of storage liquids and extraction kits including Maxwell RSC viral extraction kit with water (red circles), ethanol (EtOH; blue squares), and DRS (green inverted triangles), as well as Zymo Quick-DNA/RNA viral kit with DRS (turquoise diamonds), followed by quantification using RT-qPCR assay. Values are expressed as nucleocapsid (N1) copy numbers in 5 μl of RNA extract; all replicates are plotted as individual points, with means presented as columns. Direct PCR was treated as 100% to calculate the extraction efficiency of the other extraction methods (recorded within the columns). Significant differences were determined by Welch’s t test, and significance (P < 0.05) is denoted by asterisks.