Table A2.
14 amino acids AND administration | (exp Arginine/OR (Arginine OR L-Arginine).ti,ab.) OR (exp Leucine/OR exp Isoleucine/OR (Leucine OR L-Leucine OR Leucin OR Isoleucine OR Isoleucin OR Alloisoleucine OR Alloisoleucin).ti,ab.) OR (exp Valine/OR (Valine OR L-Valine OR Valsartan OR Valerate).ti,ab.) OR (exp Cysteine/OR (Cysteine OR L-Cysteine OR Cysteinate OR Acetylcysteine OR Carbocysteine OR Cysteinyldopa OR Cystine OR cystein OR cysthion OR Selenocysteine).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Methionine/OR (Methionine OR L-Methionine OR Liquimeth OR Pedameth OR Formylmethionine OR Racemethionine OR Adenosylmethionine OR Selenomethionine OR Vitamin U OR acimetion OR cotameth OR lobamine OR menin OR menine OR meonine OR methiolate OR methionin OR methiotrans OR methnine OR methurine OR metione OR methidin OR neutrodor OR oradash OR urosamine OR Methyl Donor).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp glutamic acid/OR (glutamic acid OR glutamate OR MSG OR vestin OR aminoglutaric acid OR aminopentanedioic acid OR acidogen OR acidoride OR acidothym OR acidulin OR aciglumin OR aciglut OR aclor OR antalka OR flanithin OR gastuloric OR glusate OR glutadox OR glutamidin OR glutamin acid OR glutaminic acid OR glutaminol OR glutan OR glutansin OR glutasin OR glutaton OR hydrionic OR hypochylin OR levoglutamate OR levoglutamic acid OR muriamic OR pepsdol).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp glutamine/OR (glutamine OR aminoglutaramic acid OR acutil OR adamin G OR glumin OR glutamin OR levoglutamide OR levoglutamine OR nutrestore).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Citrulline/OR (citrulline OR ureidopentanoic acid OR ureidonorvaline OR ureidovaleric acid OR citrullin OR carbamylornithine).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp asparagine/OR (asparagine OR asparagin OR aminosuccinamic acid).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp aspartic acid/OR (aspartic acid OR aspartate OR Magnesiocard OR Mg-5-Longoral OR Mg 5 Longoral OR Mg5 Longoral OR panangin OR astra 2045 OR aminosuccinic acid OR asparagic acid OR asparaginate OR asparaginic acid OR aspartyl OR aspatofort OR levoaspartic acid).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Proline/OR (proline OR prolin OR levoproline OR pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid OR pyrrolidine carboxylate).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp ornithine/OR (ornithine OR ornithin OR Diaminopentanoic Acid OR diaminovaleric acid).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Choline/OR (choline OR bursine OR vidine OR fagine OR trimethylammonium hydroxide OR amonita OR bilineurine OR biocholine OR biocolina OR cholin OR hepacholine OR laevocholine OR levocholine OR lipotril OR luridine OR sincaline OR urocholine).ti,ab,kw.) AND (exp dietary supplement/OR exp nutrition supplement/OR (administration * OR administer * OR dose OR doses OR dosage OR treatment OR treated OR supplement * OR diet OR diets OR dietary OR intake OR intakes OR consumption OR consumptions OR consume OR nutraceutical * OR nutriceutical * OR therapy OR therapies).ti,ab,kw.) |
Healthy pregnancy OR Complicated pregnancy | (exp pregnancy/OR exp fetus/OR (Pregnancy OR Pregnancies OR Pregnant OR Gestation OR Gestations OR Gestational OR gravidity OR gravidities OR gravid OR fetus OR foetus OR fetal OR foetal OR childbearing OR child bearing).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp intrauterine growth retardation/OR exp Low Birth Weight/OR exp prematurity/OR (FGR OR Intrauterine growth retardation OR Intra-uterine growth retardation OR Intrauterine growth restriction OR Intra-uterine growth restriction OR IUGR OR Small for Gestational Age OR SGA OR Low birth weight OR Premature baby OR Pre-mature baby OR Preterm baby OR Pre-term baby OR Premature babies OR Pre-mature babies OR Preterm babies OR Pre-term babies OR Premature child OR Pre-mature child OR Preterm child OR Pre-term child OR Premature children OR Pre-mature children OR Preterm children OR Pre-term children OR Premature infant OR Premature infants OR Pre-mature infant OR Pre-mature infants OR Preterm infant OR Preterm infants OR Pre-term infant OR Pre-term infants OR Premature newborn OR Premature newborns OR Pre-mature newborn OR Pre-mature newborns OR Preterm newborn OR Preterm newborns OR Pre-term newborn OR Pre-term newborns OR Premature neonate OR Premature neonates OR Pre-mature neonate OR Pre-mature neonates OR Preterm neonate OR Preterm neonates OR Pre-term neonate OR Pre-term neonates OR Premature birth OR Premature births OR Pre-mature birth OR Pre-mature births OR Preterm birth OR Preterm births OR Pre-term birth OR Pre-term births OR Neonatal prematurity OR prematuritas).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp maternal hypertension/OR (Pre-Eclampsia OR Preeclampsia OR pre-eclamptic OR preeclamptic OR preclampsia OR Proteinuria Edema Hypertension Gestosis OR Edema Proteinuria Hypertension Gestosis OR EPH Gestosis OR EPH Toxemia * OR EPH Complex).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Placenta Insufficiency/OR (placenta insufficiency OR placental insufficiency OR placenta insufficiencies OR placental insufficiencies OR placenta deficiency OR placental deficiency OR placenta deficiencies OR placental deficiencies OR placenta failure OR placental failure).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp Macrosomia/OR (Macrosomia * OR high birth weight OR overweight infant OR overweight infants OR overweight newborn OR overweight newborns OR overweight neonate OR overweight neonates).ti,ab,kw.) OR (exp pregnancy diabetes mellitus/OR diabetes gravidarum.ti,ab,kw) |
Fourteen amino acids during pregnancy: arginine, citrulline, glutamate, glutamine, asparagine, aspartate, proline, ornithine, (iso-)leucine, valine, cysteine, methionine, and choline. The search was performed on 25 July 2018, with 10,393 records.