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. 2020 Oct 14;15(10):e0239622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239622

Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)

Nuno Emanuel Oliveira Figueiredo Silva 1,#, Pedro Henrique Esteves Trindade 1,#, Alice Rodrigues Oliveira 1,, Marilda Onghero Taffarel 2,, Maria Alice Pires Moreira 3,, Renan Denadai 1,, Paula Barreto Rocha 1,, Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna 1,*,#
Editor: Daniel Pang4
PMCID: PMC7556455  PMID: 33052903


A scale with robust statistical validation is essential to diagnose pain and improve decision making for analgesia. This blind, randomised, prospective and opportunist study aimed to develop an ethogram to evaluate behaviour and validate a scale to assess acute ovine postoperative pain. Elective laparoscopy was performed in 48 healthy sheep, filmed at one preoperative and three postoperative moments, before and after rescue analgesia and 24 hours after. The videos were randomised and assessed twice by four evaluators, with a one-month interval between evaluations. Statistical analysis was performed using R software and differences were considered significant when p <0.05. Based on the multiple association, a unidimensional scale was adopted. The intra- and inter-observer reliability ranged from moderate to very good (intraclass correlation coefficient ≥ 0.53). The scale presented Spearman correlations > 0.80 with the numerical, simple descriptive, and visual analogue scales, and a correlation of 0.48 with the facial expression scale. According to the mixed linear model, the scale was responsive, due to the increase and decrease in pain scores of all items after surgery and analgesic intervention, respectively. All items on the scale demonstrated an acceptable Spearman item-total correlation (0.56–0.76), except for appetite (0.25). The internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach's α = 0.81) and all items presented specificity > 0.72 and sensitivity between 0.61–0.90, except for appetite. According to the Youden index, the cut-off point was ≥ 4 out of 12, with a diagnostic uncertainty zone of 4 to 5. The area under the curve > 0.95 demonstrated the excellent discriminatory capacity of the instrument. In conclusion, the Unesp-Botucatu pain scale in sheep submitted to laparoscopy is valid, reliable, specific, sensitive, with excellent internal consistency, accuracy, discriminatory capacity, and a defined cut-off point.


The lack of valid and reliable instruments to recognise and quantify pain in farm animals compromises their welfare state and limits the use of analgesics in these species [14]. Sheep are subjected to several surgical painful procedures often without appropriate use of anaesthesia or analgesia [57]. The sheep species is an experimental model for humans due to its similarity in size and weight. In 2014 60,209 sheep were used in research in the European Union, an increase of 108% compared to 2011. Pigs followed by sheep are more commonly used than dogs and non-human primates as non-rodent models for research and teaching [8,9].

Although there are several experimental methods to assess nociception [1014] they are unreliable and difficult to use in unhabituated clinical patients. Actigraphy can be used to monitor sheep activity from a distance, however, this method requires specific equipment [15]. Other physiological measures, such as hair cortisone concentration [16], heart rate variability [17], blood pressure, ocular and rectal temperature, electromyography, and electroencephalography are not clinically feasible and some require physical restraint [18].

The behavioural expression of pain replaces the absence of verbal expression of the animals. Behaviour is easy to observe, does not require equipment and restraint of the animal, does not generate stress, and has no cost, thus being applicable both clinically and experimentally [19].

In contrast to cattle and goats, when sheep suffer pain under restraint they tend to remain more silent [20] and only express pain behaviours when released [21]. These behaviours are: reduced interaction with the environment and with other animals, gait abnormalities, lameness, stamping feet on the ground, turning of the head, hyporexia, abnormal vocalisation, lip-licking movement, curved lips, gnashing of teeth, tremors, and strong tail wagging [5,2022].

Two analyses are essential to develop and validate a pain scale: validity indicates whether the instrument effectively measures the attribute which it was designed for [23], and reliability guarantees equivalence of results when the measure is evaluated by the same observer on different occasions or by different observers on the same occasion [24]. The scale must also be responsive; scores should increase after a painful stimulus and reduce after analgesia [25]. Behaviour-based pain scales have been developed in dogs [23,2628], cats [25,29], horses [24,30,31], cattle [19], and pigs [32]. The most commonly used scales to measure postoperative pain in sheep are still unidimensional, such as the numerical (NS), simple descriptive (SDS), and visual analogue scales (VAS) [33]. However, these instruments exclusively evaluate the intensity of pain, whereas multidimensional or composite scales include sensory, motor and emotional qualities and may be developed to differentiate specific types of pain [29].

To develop the scales a species-specific ethogram is produced to quantify the duration and/or frequency of the behaviours present before and after a painful stimulus. Although previous studies have reported the behavioural descriptors of pain based on an ethogram after a nociceptive stimulus [5,11,2022,3440], to our knowledge, there are no validated behavioural scales in the literature to detect acute pain in sheep following solid statistical analysis. The instruments already developed to evaluate acute pain in sheep were based on behavioural changes in lambs submitted to orchiectomy and tail cutting [20] or facial expression in sheep with pododermatitis and mastitis [41]. Another facial scale (sheep grimace) was published after the beginning of our research [42]. To improve the reliability of pain measurement it is necessary to develop an instrument with in-depth statistical validation, as reported in cats [29], cattle [19], horses [24], and pigs [32], by using a blind and random methodology with evidence of validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, and a defined analgesic intervention point [43].

The main objective of this study was to validate a behavioural scale to assess acute pain in sheep undergoing soft tissue surgery (laparoscopy). The authors first constructed an ethogram and included pain behaviours described in the literature, then used videos from this study for further refinement and to define a cut-off point for analgesic intervention. The authors hypothesise that the final scale produced in the current study is reliable and demonstrates content, construct, and criterion validities.

Material and methods

This was a blind, randomised, prospective and opportunist study. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, São Paulo State University (Unesp), Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, under protocol 0027/2017 and followed the recommendations of ARRIVE [44] adapted to the experimental design. For the pilot study, five sheep separate from the main study were filmed and evaluated before and after laparoscopy, to choose the best anaesthetic protocol and to test the positioning of the digital camera (Gopro Hero5 Black®) as well as other adjustments, to optimise the quality of filming. For the main study, 48 sheep of the breeds Bergamacia (n = 17), Lacaune (n = 18), and Dorper (n = 13) (Ovis aries species, dairy line) from the institution were used; 3.5 ± 1.8 (1.5–6) years of age and weighing 58.5 ± 17.3 (34–92) kg. As inclusion criteria, the sheep were considered healthy through clinical and laboratory evaluation (haematocrit, plasma protein, glucose and lactate). During the study period 4 to 5 or 2 to 3 sheep were housed in large (3 x 2 x 1.1m, length x width x height) or small (2.2 x 2 x 1.2m) pens respectively, where they had previously been routinely housed to be protected from rain or low temperatures. The sheep were habituated to the pens for 24 hours before the start of the study, during which they fasted for feed, and for 12 hours they fasted for water. After completion of the study, the animals were maintained for reproduction in a semi-extensive system and were not used for any other research.

Immediately before surgery, 30,000 IU/kg of benzathine penicillin (Pentabiótico®, Zoetis, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) was administered intramuscularly (IM). After dissociative anaesthesia with 0.5 mg/kg of diazepam (Compaz®, Cristália, Itapira, SP, Brazil) and 5 mg/kg of ketamine (Cetamin®, Syntec; Santana de Parnaíba, SP, Brazil) administered intravenously (IV), lumbosacral epidural anaesthesia was performed with 0.1 ml/kg (1 mg/kg) of 1% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor (Xylestesin®, Cristália, Itapira, SP, Brazil) and anaesthetic infiltration with up to 2.5 mg/kg of 1% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor (Xylestesin®, Cristália, Itapira, SP, Brazil) at the incision site and subsequent introduction of a trocar. When the animals demonstrated any sympathetic response related to the surgery, characterised by an increase of more than 20% in heart rate concerning the value observed before the beginning of the surgery or signs of pain characterised by any movement, dissociative anaesthesia was supplemented with 5 mg/kg of ketamine IV.

In all animals, the same experienced surgeon performed a laparoscopy for follicular aspiration and replacement of follicular cells [45], by inserting three trocars (5 mm) in three retro-umbilical regions. The postoperative analgesic intervention was performed after the M2 evaluation, with 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam 2% (Maxicam®, Ourofino, Cravinhos, SP, Brazil) and 0.2 mg/kg morphine (Dimorf®, Cristália, Itapira, SP, Brazil) IV in separate syringes.

Data collection

Two to six animals underwent surgery per day. The procedures started at 9 am and the evaluations of the last animals ended around 7 pm; the 24-hour measurement (M4) occurred the next day. The study was carried out in the months of April and May 2017, with mean daily temperature and humidity of the environment varying between 16–24°C and 68–92%, respectively. The location had the following geographic coordinates: latitude - 22°51’ S; longitude - 48°26’ O; altitude—818 m.

Video recordings from 48 sheep were taken at the following moments: M1—one hour before surgery; M2—at the predicted time of greatest pain, between three and four hours after the end of surgery; M3—one hour after the analgesic intervention; and M4–24 hours after surgery (Fig 1).

Fig 1. Timeline of moments for validation of the Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale (USAPS).

Fig 1

The in-person observer (NEOFS) made these recordings using a digital camera positioned on a tripod placed outside the pens. The observer turned on the camera and distanced themself at least 10 m from the pens to minimise the effect of human presence on the sheep behaviour. At the end of each recording, the observer approached the sheep and took frontal, lateral and oblique photographs of the sheep’s face with a digital camera (Sony Alpha A6500®). These photographs were used to assess the facial pain scale [41].

To analyse the pain-related behaviour in sheep, the research was divided into the following phases: 1) elaboration of an ethogram to characterise the behaviour of the animals before and after the painful procedure (S1 Table); 2) content validation of the normal and pain behaviours based on previous studies, the pilot study, and the ethogram [5,11,20,3438]. (S2 Table); 3) production of a pre-refinement scale (S3 Table—scale 1), used to evaluate the videos, by four observers blind to the moments; 4) statistical analysis of the pre-refinement scale (S3 Table) evaluated by the observers according to the criteria in Table 1; 5) refinement criteria applied to the scale (S4 Table), based on the statistical analysis of Table 1; 6) validation of the final scale (scale 2) after refinement (Table 3) and presentation of data analysis in the results (Fig 2).

Table 1. Statistical methods for refinement (R) and validation (V) of the Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute pain composite scale (USAPS).

Type of analysis Description Statistical test
Content validation R The following steps were performed: 1) a list of pain-related behaviours reported in the literature and 2) behaviours observed in the ethogram were scored by 3) a committee composed of three veterinarians experienced in assessing pain in ruminants which analysed each subitem within each item of the scale into relevant (+1), do not know (0), or irrelevant (-1). All the values of each subitem (-1, 0, or 1) were added and the total was divided by the number of observers. Items with a total score > 0.5 were included in the scale [46].
Distribution of scores V* Distribution of the frequency of the presence of the scores 0, 1, and 2 of each item at each moment and in all moments grouped (MG). Descriptive analysis.
Multiple association RV* The multiple association of the items with each other was analysed at all moments grouped (MG) using analysis of main components, to define the number of dimensions determined by different variables that establish the scale extension. Principal component analysis (“princomp” and “get_pca_var” functions from the “stats” and “factoextra” packages respectively). According to the Kaiser criterion [47], representative dimensions of the components were selected with eigenvalue > 1 and variance > 20 and each item on the scale with a load value ≥ of 0.50 or ≤ - 0.50. For the biplot, confidence ellipses were produced with significant levels of 95% to show the density of scores at each moment.
Intra-observer reliability RV Repeatability—the level of agreement of each observer with themself was estimated by comparing the two phases of assessment, using the scores of each item, the total sum of the USAPS, NS, SDS, VAS, and the need for rescue analgesia. For the scores of the items of the USAPS and the NS and SDS, and the need for rescue analgesia, the weighted kappa coefficient (kw) was used; the disagreements were weighted according to their distance to the square of perfect agreement. The 95% confidence interval (CI) kw (“cohen.kappa” function of the “psych” package) was estimated. For the VAS, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) type "agreement" was used and its 95% CI ("icc" function of the "irr" package) [4850]. For the sum of the USAPS, the consistency type ICC and its 95% CI were used. Interpretation of kw and ICC: very good 0.81–1.0; good 0.61–0.80; moderate 0.41–0.60; reasonable 0.21–0.4 and poor < 0.2. [29,51,52]. The kw and ICC > 0.50 were used as a criterion to refine the scale.
Inter-observer reliability RV* Reproducibility (agreement matrix)—a matrix was generated to assess the level of agreement among all observers, using the scores for each item, the total sum of the USAPS, NS, SDS, VAS, and the need for rescue analgesia.
Criterion validity RV* 1) Concurrent criterion validity (relationship with a validated instrument)—the correlation of the sum of the USAPS was estimated with the NS, SDS, VAS, and facial expression scale of all grouped moments. Spearman rank correlation coefficient (rs; “rcorr” function of the “Hmisc” package). Interpretation of the degree of correlation rs (p < 0.05): 0–0.35 low correlation; 0.35–0.7 moderate correlation; 0.7–1.0 high correlation [29].
2) Concurrent criterion validity—the agreement between each observer vs all other observers (reproducibility). Please see description above for inter-observer reliability.
3) Predictive criterion validity—was assessed by the number of sheep that should receive rescue analgesia according to the Youden index (described below) in the moment of greatest pain (M2). Descriptive analysis.
Construct validity RV* Responsiveness: 1) Ethogram—the proportion of each behaviour duration concerning the total recording time of 20 minutes observed by the in-person researcher at the four moments of the evaluation was compared over time (M1 vs M2 vs M3 vs M4). The data distribution was assessed by graphs of boxes and histograms (“boxplot” and “histogram” functions of the “graphics” and “lattice” packages, respectively). As data were considered nonparametric, the Friedman test (function "friedman.test" of the package "stats") was used for comparisons over time. The p-value was corrected with the Bonferroni procedure (function "pairwiseSignTest" of the package "rcompanion") [19,29].
2) Scale—the scores of each item and the total score of the USAPS, NS, SDS, VAS, and the need for rescue analgesia over time were compared. For the dichotomous variable need for rescue analgesia logistic regression analysis (“glm” function of the “stats” package) was applied using the post hoc Tukey test (“lsmeans” function of the “lsmeans” package). The model residuals (“residuals” function of the “stats” package) for the dependent variables USAPS, NS, SDS and VAS showed Gaussian distribution according to the quantile-quantile and histogram graphs (“qqnorm” and “histogram” functions of the “stats” and “lattice” packages, respectively), thus, mixed linear models (“lme” function of the “nlme” package) were applied. The residual distribution was not normal for other dependent variables (interaction, activity, locomotion, head position, appetite, and posture), therefore, generalised mixed linear models (“glmer" function of the "lme4" package) were applied. In both cases, the Bonferroni test was the post hoc test used [19,29]. Moments, breeding, observers and phases were included for all models as fixed effects and the individuals were considered a random effect. For these variables, differences were compared applying the post hoc test and, only to USAPS, moments, breeding and observers were used.
Construct validity was determined using the three hypothesis test: 1) if the scale really measures pain, the score after surgery (M2) should be higher than the preoperative score (M1 < M2); 2) the score should decrease after analgesia (M2 > M3); 3) and over time (M2 > M4).
Item-total correlation RV* The correlation of each item with the total score, excluding the evaluated item, was estimated to analyse homogeneity, the inflationary items and the relevance of each item of the scale. The analysis was performed for all grouped moments (MG). Spearman rank correlation coefficient (r; “rcorr” function of the “Hmisc” package). Interpretation of correlation r: suitable values 0.3–0.7 [52]. Items were accepted if r > 0,3.
Internal consistency RV* The consistency (interrelation) of the scores of each item on the scale was estimated. The analysis was performed for all grouped moments (MG). Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α; "cronbach" function of the "psy" package) [51] Interpretation: 0.60–0.64, minimally acceptable; 0.65–0.69 acceptable; 0.70–0.74 good; 0.75–0.80 very good; and >0.80 excellent [53].
Specificity RV*
and Sensitivity RV*
The scores of the USAPS at M1 (for specificity) and M2 (for sensitivity) were transformed into dichotomous variables (score "0"—the absence of pain expression behaviour for a given item; scores "1" and "2"—the presence of pain) and applied to the equation. SpM1=TNTN+FP
Sp = specificity. TN = true negative [scores that represented painless behaviours (0) at the time when the animals were expected to have no pain, since it was before surgery—M1]. FP = false positive [scores that represented pain (1 or 2) in M1].
S = sensitivity. TP = true positive [scores that represented pain expression behaviours (1 or 2) at the time the animals were expected to have pain since it was after surgery–M2]. FN = false negative [scores representing painless behaviours (0) at M2].
Interpretation: excellent 95–100%; good 85–94.9%; moderate 70–84.9%; not specific or not sensitive < 70%. Only items ≥ 70% were included [52].
The pain-free (M1) and the most intense pain (M2) moments were used as the true values and each item of the USAPS as a predictive value to build a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) (ROC; “roc” function of the “pROC” package). The area under the curve (AUC) and its 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated replicating the original ROC curve 1,001 times by the bootstrap method (“ci.coords and “ci.auc” functions of “pROC” package).
Rescue analgesic point V* The need for analgesia according to the clinical experience, after the observers had watched the videos, was used as the true value and the total score of the USAPS as a predictive value to build a ROC curve. The cut-off point for rescue analgesia was determined based on the Youden index and its diagnostic uncertainty zone using all moments of pain assessment on the USAPS.
Cut-off point was represented by the Youden index using all moments of pain assessment on the USAPS, NS, SDS and VAS.
The AUC was calculated and indicates the discriminatory capacity of the test.
The frequency and percentage of animals scored in the diagnostic uncertainty zone of the cut-off point for the USAPS, NS, SDS, VAS were calculated using descriptive statistical analysis.
YI = Youden Index; S = sensitivity; Sp = specificity. Analysis of the ROC curve (ROC; “roc” function of the “pROC” package) and the AUC: graphical representation of the relationship between the “TP” (S) and the “FP” (1-Sp). YI is the point of greatest sensitivity and specificity simultaneously, determined by the ROC curve. Interpretation: AUC ≥ 0.95—high discriminatory capacity of the scale [54].
The diagnostic uncertainty zone was determined by two methods, calculating: 1) the 95% CI replicating the original ROC curve 1,001 times by the bootstrap method (“ci.coords” and “ci.auc” functions of “pROC” package); 2) the interval between the sensitivity and specificity values of 0.90. The highest interval of one of these two methods was considered the diagnostic uncertainty zone, which indicates the diagnostic accuracy [55,56].

Scales: numerical (NS), simple descriptive (SDS), visual analogue (VAS).

*The validation analyses were performed using the scores given at all time-points by all evaluators grouped in phases 1 and 2. Statistical analysis was performed using R software in the RStudio integrated development environment [57]. For all analyses, an α of 5% was considered, MG—data of grouped moments (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4)

Table 3. Final validated Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale (USAPS).

Item Subitem (descriptors) Score Links to videos
Interaction Active, attentive to the environment, interacts and/or follows other animals 0
Apathetic: may remain close to other animals, but interacts little 1
Very apathetic: isolated or not interacting with other animals, not interested in the environment 2
Locomotion Moves about freely, without altered locomotion; when stopped, the pelvic limbs are parallel to the thoracic limbs 0
Moves about with restriction and/or short steps and/or pauses and/or lameness; when stopped, the thoracic or pelvic limbs may be more open and further back than normal 1
Difficulty and/or reluctant to get up and/or not moving and/or walking abnormally and/or limping; may lean against a surface 2
Head Position Head above the withers or eating 0
Head at the height of the withers 1
Head below the withers (except when eating) 2
Posture Arched back
Extends the head and neck
Lying down with head resting on the ground or close to the ground
Moves the tail quickly (except when breastfeeding) and repeatedly and/or keeps the tail straight (except to defecate/urinate)
Absence of these behaviours 0
Presence of one of the related behaviours 1
Presence of two or more of the related behaviours 2
Activity Moves normally 0
Restless, moves more than normal or lies down and gets up frequently 1
Moves less frequently or only when stimulated using a stick or does not move 2
Appetite Normorexia and/or rumination present 0
Hyporexia 1
Anorexia 2

Fig 2. Flowchart with the stages of elaboration, refinement, and validation of the USAPS.

Fig 2

Statistical tests (Table 1) used in refinement and final validation of the scale: 1) content validation (only in refinement); 2) multiple association; 3) intra-observer reliability; 4) inter-observer reliability; 5) criterion validity; 6) construct validity; 7) internal consistency; 8) sensitivity and specificity; 9) determination of the rescue analgesic point.


The observer (NEOFS) watched the 20-minute videos of all moments described in Fig 1 twice (48 animals x 4 moments = 192 videos; a total of 64 hours). The observer watched the videos for the first time for recognition and selection of the relevant pain behaviours. During the second viewing, the observer registered the duration of the behaviours according to the focal animal method [58]. The observer calculated the proportion of each behaviour duration concerning the total recording time of 20 minutes. The ethogram was composed of these behaviours (S1 Table) and used to build the pain scale. Next, the videos were edited with the inclusion of the predominant behaviours for a period of about three minutes at each moment. The edited videos were evaluated by four observers for the scale validation process.

Pain scale video evaluation

The videos were made available to the observers on a virtual platform. The four moments were randomised for each animal and the observers were blind to the moment the videos were recorded. At the end of the observation of each video, the observers, based on their clinical experience, answered whether or not they would administer rescue analgesia (0 = no and 1 = yes to administer rescue analgesia). These data were used to determine the cut-off point related to the need for analgesic intervention. Next, pain scores were determined using three unidimensional scales (NS, SDS, and VAS), the composite pain scale (S3 Table) and the facial scale by observing the photographs included at the end of each video recording [41].

The NS ranges from "0" to "10", where "0" represents no pain and "10" the worst possible or imaginable pain; the SDS ranges from 1—no pain, 2—mild pain, 3—moderate pain, and 4—severe pain; and the VAS is based on a straight line 100 mm long, where “0” represents the animal without pain and “100” the worst possible pain [23,26,27].

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using R software in the RStudio integrated development environment [57]. For all analyses, an α of 5% was considered. Table 1 presents the methods for the refinement and statistical validation process of the proposed scale. The pre-refinement scale used for evaluation of the videos (S3 Table) was submitted to statistical analysis according to Table 1. To produce the validated final scale, the inclusion and exclusion criteria of items and subitems followed ten statistical tests (S4 Table): 1) ethogram (significantly longer duration of each behaviour according to the Friedman test at M2 vs the other moments); 2) content validation (S2 Table); 3) at least 15% frequency of occurrence of each behaviour at M2; 4) multiple association (principal component analysis); 5) intra-observer reliability; 6) inter-observer reliability; 7) construct validity—higher score of the behaviour at M2 vs at least two of the three moments (M1, M3 and M4) according to Friedman test; 8) item-total correlation; 9) internal consistency; 10) specificity and sensitivity. The behaviours that met the criteria stipulated in more than 50% of these statistical tests were accepted and included in the final scale.

The statistical analysis used for the validation of the scale encompassed data from phases 1 and 2 of all observers.


Behaviour data (ethogram)

S1 Table contains the behaviours recorded in the ethogram and Table 2 contains the percentage duration of each behaviour. When the moment of greatest pain (M2 –postoperative) was compared to the moment when sheep were supposedly pain-free (M1—basal), the following differences were observed: the duration of “normal interaction”, “normal locomotion”, and “head above the withers” decreased and the duration of “reduced and absent locomotion” and “arch the back” increased. After the rescue analgesia (M3), compared to M2, the duration of "eat" and "normal interaction" increased, and the duration of "normal and reduced/altered locomotion" and "head below the withers" decreased. "Eat" increased at M3 compared to M2. It was not possible to compare appetite between M2 vs M1 because sheep were fasting before surgery.

Table 2. Median and range of the percentage duration of behaviours of 48 sheep before and after laparoscopy.

Moments M1 M2 M3 M4
Behaviour category Median Range Median Range Median Range Median Range
Eat 0c 0–0 11b 0–82 31.25a 0–86 34ab 0–71
Ruminate 0b 0–24 0ab 0–41 4.04a 0–20 4a 0–44
Drink 0 0–7 0 0–26 0 0–16 0 0–2
Urinate 0 0–9 0 0–12 0 0–21 0 0–5
Defecate 0 0–0 0 0–19 0 0–0 0 0–0
Normal interaction 44a 0–100 0b 0–91 7.15a 0–95 61a 0–97
Reduced interaction 0a 0–97 8a 0–94 0a 0–100 0b 0–97
Absent interaction 0 0–100 0 0–100 0 0–30 0 0–88
Normal locomotion 23a 0–57 0b 0–68 0c 0–47 14a 0–50
Reduced/altered locomotion 0b 0–21 0a 0–25 0b 0–40 0a 0–47
Absent/abnormal locomotion 0b 0–70 2a 0–100 0ab 0–60 0b 0–30
Head above the withers 11a 0–80 0b 0–50 0b 0–67 21a 0–86
Head at the height of the withers 0 0–68 0 0–78 0 0–87 0 0–81
Head below the withers 10a 0–70 13a 0–81 6.46b 0–60 5b 0–25
Standing still in normal posture 61b 33–89 67ab 0–94 73.87a 0–100 74ab 10–92
Standing in altered posture 5a 0–31 6a 0–37 1.04ab 0–60 0b 0–8
Kick and stamp the limbs on the ground 0b 0–0 0ab 0–5 0b 0–0 0a 0–14
Lying down with extension of the head and neck and/or limb(s) 0ab 0–31 0a 0–38 0ab 0–60 0b 0–11
Lying down 0 0–31 0 0–90 0 0–35 0 0–44
Lying down with head turned back 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Lying with head supported on or close to the ground 0 0–28 0 0–100 0 0–32 0 0–0
Look at affected area 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Lick the affected area 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Quick and repeated tail movements 0 0–40 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Keep the tail straight 0 0–22 0 0–6 0 0–0 0 0–50
Arch the back 0b 0–0 0a 0–34 0ab 0–13 0ab 0–7
Body tremors 0 0–0 0 0–11 0 0–0 0 0–0

The proportion of duration of each behavioural category was calculated based on the total time of each period of evaluation (20 mins). Different letters express significant differences between moments (values in bold express differences at M2 compared to M1, or M3, or M4) with a>b>c, according to the Friedman test (p <0.05) [19,29]. M1: preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4 - 24h after surgery.

Pain scale data

According to the inclusion/exclusion refinement criteria (S4 Table), the following sub-items were excluded: “walks backwards", "walks in a circle”, "kicks and stamps limbs on the ground", "extends one or more limbs, “body tremors”, and “crawls in ventral recumbence, without getting up.”

The final version of the USAPS containing six items (five with three subitems and one with four subitems) was validated (Table 3).

Distribution of scores

The distribution of scores “0”, “1” and “2” occurred as expected, according to the degree of pain. The score “0” predominated at moments M1, M3 and M4. Scores “1” and “2” were more frequent in M2 and decreased in M3. Only the item “activity” of score “1” was not representative. The most frequent postures in M2 were “extends the head and neck” and “lying down with head resting (or close) on (to) the ground” (Fig 3).

Fig 3. Frequency of the presence of scores of each item of the USAPS.

Fig 3

Legend: for posture—sum of the scores and individual scores. M1—preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4 - 24h postoperative; MG—data of the grouped moments (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4).

Principal component analysis

The multiple association among the items of the scale evaluated through principal component analysis selected the main component 1, representative of one dimension, providing the mathematical reason why the scale is unidimensional (Table 4; Fig 4).

Table 4. Load values, eigenvalues and variance of the USAPS items based on principal components analysis.

Dimensions 1 2
Items Load value Load value
Interaction 0.88 0.01
Locomotion 0.85 -0.14
Head position 0.78 0.00
Posture 0.60 -0.13
Activity 0.84 -0.12
Appetite 0.31 0.95
Eigenvalue 3.26 0.94
Variance 54.25 15.77

USAPS–Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale. The structure was determined considering items with a load value ≥ 0.50 or ≤ -0.50 (in bold), with representative dimension (eigenvalue > 1 and variance > 20%) [47].

Fig 4. Biplot of the principal component analysis of the USAPS.

Fig 4

USAPS–Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale. Confidence ellipses were built according to the perioperative moments and pain scores. Moments: M1—preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4 - 24h after surgery. Ellipses were constructed according to the moments of pain assessment (M1—green, M2—red, M3 –blue, and M4—yellow). The ellipse referring to the time when sheep were in severe pain (M2) was positioned at the right side of the figure; on the opposite side are the ellipses corresponding to the moments in which sheep were probably not in pain (M1 and M4). The moment of moderate pain (M3) is positioned in the middle. All items on the scale are influenced by moments of pain (M2 and M3) since their vectors are positioned in the direction of these ellipses.

Intra-observer reliability

Repeatability ranged from reasonable to good for each item on the USAPS (except for appetite for evaluator 4 which was poor) and from good to very good for their total score at all moments assessed (Table 5).

Table 5. Intra-observer reliability of the USAPS, unidimensional scales and rescue analgesia indication in sheep.

Evaluator 1 2 3 4
Items kw Min Max kw Min Max kw Min Max kw Min Max
Interaction 0.64 0.55 0.74 0.66 0.63 0.70 0.52 0.41 0.64 0.65 0.56 0.74
Locomotion 0.71 0.64 0.79 0.65 0.59 0.73 0.48 0.36 0.60 0.61 0.52 0.71
Head position 0.67 0.57 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.74 0.48 0.36 0.60 0.59 0.49 0.68
Posture 0.41 0.22 0.60 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.48 0.34 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.61
Activity 0.54 0.44 0.64 0.65 0.58 0.71 0.56 0.47 0.66 0.47 0.35 0.59
Appetite 0.55 0.44 0.66 0.61 0.52 0.69 0.38 -0.08 0.84 0.15 -0.04 0.35
Rescue analgesia 0.67 0.56 0.77 0.75 0.65 0.85 0.53 0.41 0.65 0.53 0.40 0.65
Numerical scale 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.58 -0.19 1 0.72 0.72 0.72
SDS 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.67 0.61 0.74
USAPS 0.77 0.71 0.82 0.84 0.79 0.88 0.65 0.56 0.72 0.72 0.64 0.78
VAS 0.80 0.74 0.85 0.81 0.76 0.86 0.55 0.44 0.64 0.71 0.63 0.77

USAPS—Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale; SDS—simple descriptive scale; VAS—visual analogue scale. kwweighted kappa coefficient; ICC—intraclass correlation coefficient; CI—Confidence interval. Interpretation of reliability—very good 0.81–1.0; good 0.61–0.80; moderate 0.41–0.60; reasonable 0.21–0.4; poor <0.2 [29,51,52]. Bold type corresponds to values > 0.50.

Inter-observer reliability

Inter-observer agreement for all items of the USAPS was moderate for all observers, except for posture and appetite which were reasonable for one observer (S5 Table). The total USAPS matrix agreement was moderate or good. USAPS was the only scale agreement > 0.50 for all observers (Table 6).

Table 6. Inter-observer matrix agreement of the USAPS, unidimensional scales and rescue analgesia indication.

Evaluator 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Scales—kw Numerical scale Simple descriptive scale Rescue analgesia
2 0.40 0.68 0.51
3 0.44 0.69 0.52 0.59 0.49 0.65
4 0.72 0.46 0.49 0.67 0.65 0.47 0.55 0.47 0.43
2 0.65 0.24
3 0.57 0.74 0.33 0.64
4 0.70 0.63 0.53 0.70 0.40 0.46

USAPS—Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale; VAS—visual analogue. kwweighted kappa coefficient; ICC—intraclass correlation coefficient; Interpretation of reliability: very good 0.81–1.0; good 0.61–0.80; moderate 0.41–0.60; reasonable 0.21–0.4; poor < 0.2 [29,51,52]. Bold type corresponds to values > 0.50.

Criterion validity

Concurrent criterion validity

There was a high correlation between USAPS and NS (r = 0.83), SDS (r = 0.81), and VAS (r = 0.81), and moderate correlation with the facial scale (r = 0.48) (Fig 5).

Fig 5. Spearman correlation between the scores of the USAPS (Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale) and those of the numerical, simple descriptive, visual analogue and facial expression scales.

Fig 5

Construct validity (responsiveness)

The scores for all items and the total score of USAPS were significantly higher at M2 than at M1, M3, and M4, demonstrating their responsiveness. The differences between moments for the total scores of USAPS, the NS, SDS, and VAS were M2 > M3 > M1 > M4 (Table 7; Fig 6).

Table 7. Responsiveness of the USAPS, rescue analgesia and unidimensional pain scales, between the four perioperative moments.

Scales M1 M2 M3 M4
Items Median Amplitude Median Amplitude Median Amplitude Median Amplitude
Interaction 0c 0–2 1a 0–2 1b 0–2 0d 0–2
Locomotion 0c 0–2 2a 0–2 1b 0–2 0c 0–2
Head position 0c 0–2 1a 0–2 1b 0–2 0d 0–2
Posture 0c 0–2 1a 0–2 0b 0–2 0c 0–2
Activity 0c 0–2 2a 0–2 1b 0–2 0d 0–2
Appetite 2c 0–2 1a 0–2 0b 0–2 0d 0–2
USAPS 2c 0–11 8a 0–12 4b 0–11 0d 0–10
Rescue analgesia 0c 0–1 1a 0–1 1b 0–1 0c 0–1
NS 2c 1–8 6a 1–10 3,5b 1–10 1c 1–9
SDS 1c 1–3 3a 1–4 2b 1–4 1c 1–4
VAS 10c 0–80 58a 0–100 28b 0–100 6c 0–91

USAPS—Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale; RA—Rescue analgesia (0—no; 1—yes); NS (1–10), SDS (1–4) and VAS (0–100). Different letters express significant differences between moments where a > b > c > d, according to the mixed linear model [19,29]. M1: preoperative; M2: postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3: postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4: 24h postoperative.

Fig 6. Violin plot of the scores (median/amplitude) of the USAPS, comparing the four perioperative moments in sheep submitted to abdominal surgery.

Fig 6

The top and bottom box lines represent the interquartile range (25 to 75%), the line within the box represents the median, the extremes of the whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values, black lozenge (♦) represent the mean, black circles (●) represent outliers and width of the figures represent the distribution of data (wider sections represent a larger number of data). USAPS: Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale. Different letters express significant differences between moments where a > b > c > d, according to the mixed linear model [19,29]. M1—preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia and M4 - 24h postoperative.

Evaluators and breeds (as fixed effects) influenced the total score of the USAPS. When pain scores of USAPS were compared separately for breeds, the differences in the total scores of Bergamacia and Lacaune sheep (n = 18) were the same as for all sheep together (M2 > M3 > M1 > M4; Table 7, Fig 6). The differences in the total scores of Dorper sheep were M2 > M3 = M1 > M4. There was no difference in M2 scores between the breeds. Results from two evaluators were the same as for all sheep and evaluators together (M2 > M3 > M1 > M4; Table 7, Fig 6). Results from the other two evaluators were M2 > M3 = M1 > M4, like observed for the Dorper sheep breed. The scores among evaluators were different at M2 [7 (0–12) < 8 (0–12) = 8 (0–12) < 9 (0–12)].

Item-total correlation

The correlation coefficient of item score with the total score (item-total score) ranged from 0.56 to 0.76, therefore all items were accepted, except appetite (Table 8).

Table 8. Item-total correlation and internal consistency of the USAPS.

Item-total (Spearman) Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α)
Full scale 0.81
Excluding each item below
Interaction 0.76 0.73
Locomotion 0.72 0.74
Head position 0.62 0.77
Posture 0.56 0.80
Activity 0.71 0.75
Appetite 0.25 0.85

USAPS: Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale. Interpretation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r): 0.3–0.7: acceptable values in bold [52]. Interpretation of the Cronbach's α coefficient values: 0.60–0.64 minimally acceptable; 0.65–0.69 acceptable; 0.70–0.74 good; 0.75–0.80 very good; > 0.80 excellent [53]; bold values > 0.70.

Internal consistency

The Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.81, which indicates that the instrument presents excellent internal consistency and reinforces the possibility of using the full-scale score to interpret the results obtained. Internal consistency was excellent when appetite (0.85) was excluded and very good when all other individual items were excluded, showing that all items contributed similarly and significantly to the total score (Table 8).

Specificity and sensitivity

All items of the USAPS were specific, except “appetite.” All items presented moderate to good sensitivity, except “appetite” and “posture” that were not sensitive (Table 9).

Table 9. Specificity and sensitivity of the USAPS.

Specificity (%) Sensitivity (%) AUC Min. Max.
Interaction 72 84 0.78 0.75 0.81
Locomotion 76 90 0.83 0.80 0.86
Head position 74 82 0.78 0.75 0.81
Posture 82 61 0.72 0.69 0.75
Activity 73 89 0.81 0.78 0.84
Appetite 46 52 0.49 0.45 0.52

Interpretation of specificity and sensitivity: excellent 95–100%; good 85–94.9%; moderate 70–84.9%; not specific or sensitive <70%; bold values ≥ 70% [52].

ROC Curve, Youden index, cut-off point and diagnostic uncertainty zone of the USAPS

In the analysis of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to determine the cut-off point for diagnosing pain and recommending analgesia, the Youden index was ≥ 4 of 12 for all grouped evaluators. The interval between the sensitivity and specificity values of 0.90 was between 3.8 and 4. The resampling confidence interval for the Youden index was between 3.5 and 4.5. Based on the resampling result, the diagnostic uncertainty zone scores ranged from 4 to 5; therefore < 4 indicates pain-free sheep (true negative) and > 5 indicates sheep suffering pain (true positive). The area under the curve was 0.96 (0.95–0.97), indicating that the USAPS presents excellent discriminatory capacity (Fig 7; S6 Table). After exclusion of appetite, the Youden index remained the same (≥ 4 of 10) and so did the area under the curve (0.96).

Fig 7. ROC curve and AUC and two-graph ROC curve with the diagnostic uncertainty zone for the USAPS.

Fig 7

ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve with a 95% confidence interval (CI) calculated from 1,001 replications and area under the curve (AUC)[54]. Interpretation of AUC ≥ 0.95—high discriminatory capacity. Two-graph ROC curve, CI of 1,001 replications, and of sensitivity and specificity > 0.90 applied to estimate the diagnostic uncertainty zone of the cut-off point of all grouped evaluators, according to the Youden index for the Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale (USAPS) [55,56]. The diagnostic uncertainty zone was 4 to 5; < 4 indicates pain-free sheep (true negative) and > 5 indicates sheep suffering pain (true positive). The Youden index was ≥ 4, which is representative of the cut-off point for the indication of rescue analgesia.

For the unidimensional scales, the cut-off points for rescue analgesia defined by the ROC curve and the Youden index were ≥ 4 for SN, ≥ 2 for SDS and ≥ 26 for VAS (Table 10). Complete data are available in supporting information (S6 Table).

Table 10. Scores, specificity, sensitivity and Youden index corresponding to rescue analgesia indication of the USAPS and unidimensional scales.

Scale Score Specificity Sensitivity Youden index
USAPS 4 0.88 0.92 0.80
NS 4 0.97 0.93 0.90
SDS 2 0.84 0.99 0.83
VAS 26 0.94 0.94 0.88

Scales: USAPS—Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale; NS–numerical; SDS—simple descriptive; VAS—visual analogue.

The percentage of animals present in the diagnostic uncertainty zone was low at all moments (13%; 12–15) (Table 11).

Table 11. Percentage of sheep present in the diagnostic uncertainty zone according to the Youden index of the USAPS.

Moments 1 2 3 4 All
M1 13 17 15 18 15
M2 13 13 9 3 9
M3 22 19 20 24 21
M4 15 5 5 7 8
MG 15 13 12 13 13

Calculation based on 48 sheep evaluated twice by four evaluators. USAPS: Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale. M1—preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4 - 24h postoperative; MG—data of grouped moments (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4). The diagnostic uncertainty zone was 3.5–4.5; < 4 indicates pain-free sheep (true negative) and > 5 indicates sheep suffering pain (true positive).

Predictive criterion validity

Considering the Youden index, 88% (81–96) of sheep would receive rescue analgesia in the moment of most intense pain (M2). Unnecessary analgesia would be indicated in 29% (24–36) of sheep at M1, demonstrating that the scale was sensitive in distinguishing pain and specific in distinguishing sheep not suffering pain (Table 12).

Table 12. Percentage of sheep rescue analgesia was indicated according to clinical experience and to the Youden index of the USAPS.
Moments 1 2 3 4 All
RA Exp YI Exp YI Exp YI Exp YI Exp YI
M1 16 29 10 25 21 24 25 36 18 29
M2 92 92 80 82 79 81 97 96 87 88

Calculation based on 48 sheep evaluated twice for all evaluators (96 assessments). RA–indication of rescue analgesia according to clinical experience scored at the end of each video analysis (Exp) and according to the Youden index of the USAPS (score ≥ 4). USAPS—UNESP-Botucatu sheep composite acute pain scale. M1—preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; Youden index ≥ 4 is representative of the cut-off point for the indication of rescue analgesia (see Table 10 for results of Youden index).


The creation of valid species-specific tools to assess pain is a prerequisite for recognising the phenomenon and determining the need and effectiveness of analgesic treatment. From this perspective, the behavioural pain scale proposed herein is a reliable and valid instrument with a defined analgesic intervention point, which can be used to assess postoperative abdominal pain in sheep. This instrument demonstrates potential clinical applicability to guide decision making for analgesia indication when necessary, and potential experimental applicability for translational studies and those comparing the analgesic efficacy of drugs [1].

The validation process of an instrument to assess pain is based on the investigation of behaviours and, when possible, of species-specific physiological data present during pain situations, followed by a comparison of these changes with the state of normality [19,29,32]. This methodology was followed in the current study; an ethogram was constructed during the preoperative period when animals were supposedly devoid of pain, followed by the postoperative period when animals probably had severe pain, followed by rescue analgesia for pain reduction and reassessment after 24 hours. Thus, the experimental design tested the instrument at different pain intensities. The ethogram, together with the pain expression behaviours in sheep described in the literature, served as a basis for the construction of the scale. After content analysis, the first instrument was defined to include relevant behaviours and exclude irrelevant behaviours, to make the instrument as simple and representative as possible.

Filming using video cameras adds value to the data as it enables to archive of the material for future research and minimises the influence of the observer in the evaluation, avoiding possible observer-related behavioural changes that the animal may present which are inherent to the presence of the observer. On the other hand, it is often not possible in a clinical situation to make a remote assessment, and the presence of the observer could interfere with the animals' behaviour [59,60]. Thus, it is still necessary to validate the proposed scale in clinical situations and with the presence of the observer, to ensure that these results are reproducible.

According to the ethogram sheep in pain ate less than after rescue analgesia, which justified the introduction of appetite as one of the criteria evaluated on the scale. At the preoperative moment, this behaviour was not present because animals were fasting. Decreased appetite is a common finding in sheep submitted to castration and laparoscopy [20,38,45,61,62].

In the current study, laparoscopy led to behavioural alterations indicative of acute pain. Sheep reduced their locomotion and interaction with the environment, lowered their head, and arched their back. Some of these behaviours only returned to normal 24 hours after surgery. These behaviours were similar to those previously reported in lambs undergoing different painful stimuli [21], like mulesing [63] and orchiectomy [64,65]. During severe pain limb, tail, and head movements and full extension of the pelvic limbs occur; during moderate pain vocalisation, standing, sitting, and lying positions with the partial extension of the pelvic limbs or tremor are observed; and during mild pain or no pain postures may be normal [20].

Vocalisation could be a possible indicator of pain, like in other ruminants such as cattle [19,6668] and goats [68]. However, in sheep, this behaviour is more related to social isolation and restraint. Except at times when the feed was supplied, vocalisation was not observed in the current study and is not an indicator of postoperative pain in adult sheep submitted to laparoscopy, as reported previously in lambs undergoing castration and tail docking [20,69]. Different from the current study, the majority of studies that evaluated acute pain in sheep used lambs [5,2022,61,6365], which could limit the extrapolation of the results to adult animals. Some behaviours more specific to lambs mentioned in the literature, such as “jumping like a rabbit”, did not occur, as they are more frequent in young animals up to about 5 months of age than in adult animals. Common behaviour in cattle [19] and cited in lambs [20,61] “look at the flank and lick the painful area” was not observed in the adult sheep in the current work.

Validity and reliability are essential attributes for an instrument to identify and quantify pain in animals. The instrument was subjected to a blinded and random methodology, through the same experimental design and recognised scientific robustness [43] already used in cats [29], cattle [19], horses [24], and pigs [32]. Observers familiar with the behaviour of ruminants validated the content of the scale by assessing the representativeness of each item. This analysis measures the extent to which the instrument reflects the phenomenon of interest, in this case, pain [29,30,70]. The evaluators were selected for their experience to improve the reliability and accuracy of the tool based on repeatability and reproducibility [70].

The initially proposed scale contained 33 variables including items, subitems and sub-divisions (S3 Table). Some of these were excluded according to the criteria of the statistical tests (Table 1). The scale refinement identified the 12 most relevant and appropriate items and sub-items to measure pain in sheep and was essential to improve the quality of the validated final scale into a simpler and more objective version [71].

The analysis of score distribution provides an overview of the occurrence of each score at each moment to indicate the importance of each score. The results were as expected since the score 0 (absence of pain) prevailed before and 24h after the surgery, scores 1 and 2 occurred more in the postoperative period and after the rescue analgesia, and the score 2 was more present after surgery, suggesting a greater intensity of pain. The results of each item generally followed the results of the sum of the scale. Only score 1 of the "activity" item was not so evident, showing that it is rare for sheep to move about more than normal or to lie down and get up frequently, as occurs in other species [19,24,29,32]. A considerable percentage of the score 0 (normorexia and/or ruminating) when sheep were fasting at M1 may be a confounding error. The bedding of the stalls was rice straw and the fact that sheep searched for food on the ground possibly provided the impression they were eating and/or ruminating.

The principal component analysis relates the variables of the tool in a grouped manner and calculates the number of dimensions determined by different variables [29] to establish the extension or dimensionality of the scale [72]. These variables are related so that the items that define specific parts of the construct are grouped by multiple association [33]. The Kaiser criterion selected one component, therefore the scale is unidimensional [52], like in cattle [19] and pigs [32]. An instrument is multidimensional, like in cats [25,29], when in addition to pain intensity, it includes qualitative and temporal characteristics, such as sensory, motor, emotional, and cognitive dimensions, which have a high correlation in the experience of pain [29,33,72]. In a validation of the acute pain scale in lambs, the principal component analysis generated two principal components [20]. Unidimensional scales are not as satisfactory as those with more than one dimension, as they only assess the intensity of pain. However, because they are simple, they are easily applicable. In the current study, it is premature to conclude about the number of dimensions of the proposed pain scale in mathematical terms, since only one statistical model was evaluated. The scale includes several biological aspects of pain, such as physiological (appetite), sensory or motor (posture, activity), emotional (interaction with other animals and attention to the environment), and temporal (response to analgesia) [29]; therefore, in biological terms, the USAPS is multidimensional. Future studies addressing different pain models, such as orthopaedic, may or may not confirm if this scale is applicable for other types of pain.

The intra- and inter-observer reliability for each item and the total score of the sheep scale was similar to that of cattle [19] and pigs [32], lower than in cats [29] and higher than in horses [24]. When compared with other instruments developed in the sheep species, the scale proposed here presented reliability similar to the scale reported in lambs subjected to acute pain [20]. Compared to a sheep locomotion scale (with a score ranging from 0 to 6) that demonstrated very good intra (91%) and inter-observer (93%) reliability [73], the proposed instrument showed lower results, in which the item “locomotion” presented good intra-observer reliability for most observers and only moderate inter-observer reliability. Another study, in which 10 veterinarians and 10 sheep farmers scored a locomotion scale, obtained very good and good values for intra- and inter-observer reliability, however, the reliability for individual locomotion scores varied from reasonable to moderate [74].

Validity indicates that the instrument can accurately measure what is proposed. There are three types of validity: content analysis, described before, criterium and construct. Criterion validity assesses the measuring efficiency of a scale and includes concurrent and predictive criterion validity. Concurrent validity compares the instrument to existing validated scales [19,24,29,32], by evaluating the instrument and the criterion simultaneously and predictive validity evaluates the criterion after the test. Both methods were used in this study [75]. Every new instrument needs to be compared with another already established and validated tool [43]. For this context, previous instruments were developed for pain assessment in sheep based on behavioural body changes [20] and facial expression [41,42]. The former instrument was not used for comparison because some behaviours were common to our study and correlation would be inflated. Therefore, the facial expression scale was used as a previously validated gold standard model for testing concurrent criterion validity. A second method compared the proposed instrument with the unidimensional scales, following the same criteria applied in cats [29], cattle [19], horses [24] and pigs [32]. The USAPS showed a high correlation with the unidimensional scales, as previously reported for validated scales in other species [19,24,29,32] and a claudication scale in sheep [76]. Otherwise, correlation with the facial scale was only moderate possibly because other breeds of sheep were used in this study and their facial morphology was different from the original study [41].

Construct validity reflects the responsiveness of the scale and examines whether the instrument detects predictable differences between groups or moments [33]. The method tests the hypothesis that time and surgical and analgesic intervention should alter pain scores [29] and has been used to validate scales in veterinary medicine [19,24,29,32]. In this study, the differences observed in the pain scores between the moments, and especially at the expected moment of greatest pain compared to the other moments, confirm that the proposed scale is responsive both to identify intense degrees of pain, as well as moderate degrees, which occurred after rescue analgesia. In cattle, the alterations between scores (M2>M4 = M3 = M1) [19] were slightly different from sheep, where the pain at M4 decreased after M3 and was even lower than M1 (M2>M3>M1>M4). The increase and decrease in pain scores after surgery and rescue analgesia, respectively, also occurred in cats [29], horses [24] and pigs [32], however, differently from sheep, in these species pain scores tended to increase after 24hs. This is possibly related to the different surgical, anaesthetic and analgesic protocols among these species or because the USAPS responds differently. The USAPS scores were lower at 24h postoperatively than the preoperative scores because sheep did not have access to food before surgery, therefore appetite was scored as anorexia for most sheep at this moment.

Although the evaluators and the breeds, unlike the phases, influenced the total score of the USAPS, the differences in results among breeds and evaluators were observed only between the preoperative and 24h postoperative time points. For some breeds and evaluators these scores were not different and for others, the scores at 24h were lower than the preoperative scores. This does not appear to have relevance, showing that, apparently, the scale worked well regardless of the breeds.

Except for appetite, all items of the proposed scale presented an acceptable item-total correlation, as in pigs [32], which demonstrates their relevance and ensures the homogeneity of the tool. The internal consistency of the proposed scale was excellent and similar to cats—0.86 [29], cattle—0.87 [19] and pigs—0.82 [32], which ensures that the scores of the scale items can be added and the total score will be representative of the pain intensity [29]. The similarity of the values when excluding each item demonstrates that they have a similar tendency and importance [53]. The scale was specific for five of six items and sensitive for four. Postural changes were not as frequent compared to the other items.

The analysis of the ROC curve [54] estimated the cut-off point for analgesic intervention in sheep as in previously validated pain scales in cats [29], cattle [19] and pigs [32]. The determination of scores indicative of the need to use analgesics helps professionals in clinical decisions, confirms or not the efficacy of analgesic treatment [29], and may be used to define welfare in animals. The cut-off point was ≥ 4 and the diagnostic uncertainty zone of all evaluators ensures that sheep with a score of > 5 of a total of 12 points are really in pain, while those with a score < 4 do not have pain. The low percentage of animals within the zone of diagnostic uncertainty ensures good reliability in making decisions about the indication for rescue analgesia in animals that present pain and, therefore, should receive analgesia. Thus, the proposed scale presents excellent diagnostic accuracy. Although the definition of the score referring to the analgesic intervention point is a good tool, it is emphasised that even if the scores are < 4, in some cases additional analgesia may be necessary according to the clinical evaluation, at the discretion of the observer. The cut-off point was > 4/10 in cattle [19], ≥ 6/18 in pigs [32], and for the subscale “expression of pain” in cats it was > 2/12 [29].

Appetite was not approved for most of the validation criteria used in this study, and the reason why it was arbitrarily maintained in the scale was based on the fact that lack of appetite is widely described as a sign of pain in sheep [20,45,62], and other species [19,24,29,32] and it is the only physiological variable of USAPS, which could contribute to its biological multidimensionality. Considering that the Youden index was the same without using the appetite data, one can choose either to use or not this information according to each circumstance, without interfering in decision making concerning rescue analgesia.

Previous studies assessed pain scales in sheep submitted to laparoscopy. In one study the mean pain score was 0.3 of 9 [45] and in another study a pain scale ranging from 0 to 6 based on decreased appetite, limited mobility, and back arching, was insensitive, with 90% of animals with a “0” score and 10% with “1” [62]. A recent empirical study on pain in sheep after cardiac surgery was scored; for scores of 0-2/25 there was no intervention, 3-9/25 rescue analgesia was performed, and ≥ 10/25 multimodal analgesia was performed [77].

In line with the low percentage of animals within the diagnostic uncertainty zone, the high areas under the curve observed in this study (≥ 0.95) indicate that the scale has high discriminatory capacity [55]; it correctly classifies individuals with or without pain, results that resembled cattle [19], pigs [32] and the subscale “expression of pain” in cats [29]. The predictive criterion validity was confirmed by the finding that 88% of sheep should receive rescue analgesia after surgery (M2) based on the Youden Index. Therefore the tool would adequately foresee that sheep were experiencing pain and help decision making to provide analgesia to improve animal welfare. Although the cut-off point may be helpful, decision making about rescue analgesia should be taken based on clinical experience and context analysis, to ensure that sheep suffering from mild pain would be treated accordingly.


The current study had some limitations. The main one is that the in-person researcher edited the short videos assessed by the blind evaluators through selecting the most frequent behaviours observed in the ethogram representative of each period of observation and condensed the videos to 3 min. Although this method has been previously used to validate pain scales in cats [29], cattle [19], pigs [32] and horses [24] it is still controversial and presents advantages and disadvantages. The advantages were that because the editor was the in-person evaluator and the main author of the study (PhD student), he was the observer most familiarised with the behaviours. This guaranteed the inclusion of relevant pain behaviours. The disadvantages were that short videos might not represent the full behaviour of that particular period and in real life some behaviours may be observed only when sheep are assessed for 20 minutes. This method provides data to assess intra and inter-observer reliability and to perform all calculations for the validation of the scales and is useful to guarantee that all relevant behaviours are included in the scale development, but does not ensure that the scale is clinically applicable in real life. Another limitation is that video analysis does not necessarily equate to in-person real-time analysis. Video observation has the disadvantage of lacking some details observed in real-time, while, as an advantage it can be reviewed. A previous study in cats used the same methodology by editing short videos for initial validation of the scale [29]. The scale demonstrated validity after clinical in-person use of the instrument. Like in cats [29] the USAPS will require in-person validation to guarantee it is a valid instrument for clinical use.

The USAPS was validated only for a specific type of soft tissue surgery (abdominal—laparoscopy) and in females. Further studies are needed to test this tool in different procedures, such as orthopaedic surgery and clinical circumstances, to ensure its versatility. To establish that the instrument is valid under field conditions, clinical validation with less experienced observers is also required. Since the majority of the studies that evaluated acute pain in sheep were in lambs, this can limit the collation of data, which means the instrument needs to be tested in lambs.

Some limitations relate specifically to the videos. Although the study was blinded, some videos may have suggested the moment they were taken: at baseline, the sheep were fasting, with no available feed, hence it was difficult for the observers to interpret if the animals did not eat due to lack of food or if they really had anorexia or if they were ruminating. Around 21% of the videos at M3 were filmed at night with artificial light, which could suggest that they corresponded to M3; variations in the circadian cycle could alter some behaviours such as activity, so the reduction in activity may not be related to pain or discomfort, but to the natural reduction in activity at night [78]; given the small difference in the size of the stalls, the density of animals varied slightly, which could influence interaction and locomotion behaviours; the dark wool of some animals may also have made it difficult to evaluate some items in the videos/photos, making the analysis less accurate, especially on the facial scale.

To improve data reliability, the authors suggest that observers attend a training period, as in laboratory animals instruction and training have improved pain recognition [79].


It is concluded that, after refinement of the originally proposed scale, the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS) is a valid, reliable, specific and sensitive instrument, with excellent internal consistency and discriminatory capacity. The well-defined cut-off point for rescue analgesia supports the indication and type of analgesic therapy. To assess the clinical and experimental applicability of the scale and ensure its versatility, it is recommended that it be evaluated in other surgical procedures and in lambs.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Ethogram with the description of the behaviours analyzed in 48 sheep submitted to laparoscopy [5,11,2022,3440].


S2 Table. Criteria used to select the behaviours included in the pre-refinement of the USAPS used for video analysis (S3 Table), based on content validity and behaviours reported in the literature.


S3 Table. Pre-refinement of the USAPS to assess postoperative pain in sheep submitted to video analysis after content validation.


S4 Table. Refinement process for inclusion and exclusion of items and subitems on the USAPS.


S5 Table. Inter-observer matrix agreement of items of the USAPS, unidimensional scales and rescue analgesia indication.


S6 Table

Scores, specificity, sensitivity and Youden index corresponding to rescue analgesia indication of the USAPS and unidimensional scales (A); 95% confidence intervals of 1,001 replications and of sensitivity and specificity >0.90 applied to estimate the diagnostic uncertainty zone of the cut-off point of each scale, according to the Youden index (B).


S1 File. Data of the sheep.


Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

SPLL - Financial support from the São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP (Process 2010/08967-0 and 2017/12815-0). NEOFS - Grant from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Daniel Pang

8 May 2020


Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu sheep acute composite pain scale (USAPS)


Dear Prof Luna,

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: I Don't Know

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: No

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Whilst I see value of this research, the current article is much too complicated and difficult to follow. There are a number of grammatical issues throughout (over use of commas) that make it difficult to read, but there are also many areas that are not fully explained - for example throughout the statistics and results section sample size changes and new estimates in sample sizes are made, but you have not made it clear why.

I have attached the paper with comments and highlighted areas that were some of the smaller details that needed to be changed. There were still many areas I haven't highlighted the you will need to consider re-writing to make them much, much clearer.

I would also suggest that you change the title - you have only validated the scale for one type of surgery (which you highlight in the limitations section) and so you can only really state that this scale can be used for this type of surgery and not all types of surgery.

Although I do understand the use of a "gold observer", there are many limitations to this and it is not really valid, especially when you then only had 3 other observers. If you are going to have one person decide, I would suggest you have a lot more people involved in the validation. In addition, rather than the observer being your gold standard, why are you simply not using the time of before and after surgery, surely this is a much better assessment of if they are or are not in pain?

Significant re-writing required to make it much clearer and much more detailed with out losing the conciseness needed.

Reviewer #2: Please see attached review document as formatting will assist in interpretation of the comments.

Here are the general comments:

The only major concern I have within the manuscript is the attempt to classify the scores produced by the scale as mild, moderate and severe pain. While I understand appreciate in post-surgical studies, other groups often compare pain scores between groups, ultimately this is a non-continuous categorical scale. The section where mild-moderate-severe is defined reads as though the authors just divided the scale into three equal sections (0-3, 4-8, 9-12), and assumed each group.

This is in stark contrast to a previous section where the score 0 is defined as “without-pain”. This within the manuscript, 0 is both no pain and mild pain. The majority of the introduction and discussion touts the robust statistical method employed in developing this scale. Something I think will be clear to the readership. This section certainly doesn’t maintain the same high standards. The study design was meant to have non-painful and painful sheep, and develop a tool which could differentiate between these two states. The intervention point correlates with the sensitivity and specificity of a “score” to classify between the two. There was no stratification, nor any clear statistical method implored to stratify these sheep with any external method. I will point out some examples in specific sections later. But notably, in figure three, the highest score with the USAPS (12, maximum pain) is related to 5/10 on the NRS, 3/4 on the SDS, <50 on the VAS, and 5/12 on the facial scale. It does not seem that maximum pain with this scale correlates with the observers’ “worst-possible pain” with the unidimensional instruments. Thus I would recommend the removal of this mild-moderate-severe classification. Further study would be required to determine any such classification.

Aside from this my other comments are minor.

I am not sure if it would be possible to shorten the introduction. While I understand the vast undertaking of the subject, I am not sure 71 references are necessary to justify the development of this scale.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Graeme Michael Doodnaught

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Submitted filename: PONE-D-20-07213_reviewerUSAPS.pdf


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PLoS One. 2020 Oct 14;15(10):e0239622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239622.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

22 Jul 2020


Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)

Dear Editor

Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to both Reviewers and each comment responded to separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors


Dear Reviewer:

Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to your suggestions and each comment responded to separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors


Comments to the Author

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review?

Reviewer #1: No

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: No

2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: I Don't Know

3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: No

Answer: Additional data have been included (tables S5, S6, and S7) in the supporting information [S5 Table. Inter-observer matrix agreement of the USAPS, unidimensional scales, and rescue analgesia indication; S6 Table. Scores, specificity, sensitivity and Youden index corresponding to rescue analgesia indication of the USAPS and unidimensional scales (A); 95% confidence intervals of 1,001 replications and sensitivity and specificity > 0.90 applied to estimate the diagnostic uncertainty zone of the cut-off point of each scale, according to the Youden index (B); S7 Table. Residues standardized by the chi-square z-normal scale extracted from the Burt table using the USAPS scores and the SDS]. We did our best to include all data. Data on the final scale after refinement have been deposited in the system (Data of the sheep). Please let us know if anything else is required.

4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English? PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: No

Answer: The manuscript has been revised by a native English speaker. Please find attached the certificate.

5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above.

REVIEWER #1: Whilst I see value of this research, the current article is much too complicated and difficult to follow. There are a number of grammatical issues throughout (over use of commas) that make it difficult to read, but there are also many areas that are not fully explained - for example throughout the statistics and results section sample size changes and new estimates in sample sizes are made, but you have not made it clear why.

Answer: The authors appreciate the effort taken to revise this manuscript. The manuscript is now more concise, and we have done our best to improve fluency. The manuscript has been revised by a native English speaker. Please find attached the certificate. More explanations have been included. The sample size was the same for all data analysis and this has been made clear.

I have attached the paper with comments and highlighted areas that were some of the smaller details that needed to be changed. There were still many areas I haven't highlighted the you will need to consider re-writing to make them much, much clearer.

Answer: Thank you for sending your comment which has been fully addressed. As mentioned above the manuscript has been rewritten.

I would also suggest that you change the title - you have only validated the scale for one type of surgery (which you highlight in the limitations section) and so you can only really state that this scale can be used for this type of surgery and not all types of surgery.

Answer: The title has been changed to “Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS).”

Although I do understand the use of a "gold observer", there are many limitations to this and it is not really valid, especially when you then only had 3 other observers. If you are going to have one person decide, I would suggest you have a lot more people involved in the validation.

Answer: The use of gold standard data as reference has been excluded. All the statistical analysis has been performed again to include data from the two phases of all observers in all analysis.

In addition, rather than the observer being your gold standard, why are you simply not using the time of before and after surgery, surely this is a much better assessment of if they are or are not in pain?

Answer: Please see comment above. Data from the time points before and after surgery were used to calculate responsiveness, sensitivity, and specificity.

Significant re-writing required to make it much clearer and much more detailed without losing the conciseness needed.

Answer: As mentioned before, the manuscript is now more concise; we believe it is clearer and more detailed.


Specific Comments

Introduction (page 2): This section could be more concise.

Answer: As mentioned before the manuscript is now more concise; we believe it is clearer and more detailed.

Page 3, Line 5 - “…only surpassed by pigs among farm animals…”


Answer: Excluded.

Page 3, Line 8 - “…ethical issues…”

Are there none in pigs and sheep? Might need rephrasing.

Answer: Excluded.

Page 4, Line 12 - “…pain dor…”

Answer: Corrected (page 3, line 26).

Page 4, Line 14 - “…to quantifies the…”

Answer: Corrected (page 4, line 1).

Page 4, Line 22-23 - “…None of these studies evaluated the criteria, content, and construct validity…”

As the author of one of these studies, I would argue that we definitely did do this!

Answer: The statistical approach was different; however we decided to exclude this to avoid misinterpretation.

Page 5, Line 18 - “…were used to stay…” “…were extrem…”

Answer: The sentence has been rephrased (page 5, lines 8-10).

Page 5, Line 23 - “…position of the cameras…”

Where did this end up being? What type of camera was involved?

Answer: Included (page 5, line 1).

Page 6, Line 10 -“…dissociative anesthesia was supplemented with 5 mg/kg of ketamine IV...”

How were you sure that these pain relief had worn off?

Answer: Please see page 5, lines 20-24.

Page 6, Line 25 - “…The local had…”

Answer: Corrected (page 6, line 9).

Page 6, Line 27 - “…using a digital camera (Gopro Hero5 Black®) positioned on a tripod...”

When? Where?

Answer: Information included (page 6, lines 11-14).

Page 7, Line 10 - “…criteria applied the scale…”

Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 5).

Page 7, Line 22 - “…To elaborate the ethogram…”

I'm not really sure what you mean here by elaborate the ethogram?

Answer: The ethogram section has been rephrased (page 7, lines 16 - 22).

Page 7, Line 22 - “…the presential researcher…”

Refer to observer (Add initials) not the presential researcher.

Answer: Included (NEOFS) (page 7, line 16).

Page 7, Line 22- “…evaluated…”

What do you mean here by "evaluate"?

Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 16).

Page 7, Line 24 – “…through recordings continuously evaluated…”


Answer: The ethogram section has been rephrased (page 7, lines 16 - 22).

Page 7, Line 25 – “…recognize the different behaviours…”

Construct an ethogram?

Answer: The ethogram section has been rephrased (page 7, lines 16 - 22).

Page 7, Line 25 – “…length of time…”

duration? This is an observational method and not an ethogram.

Answer: The ethogram section has been rephrased. According to Martin & Bateson (2007) (Measuring behaviour: An introductory guide. 3nd ed. Cambridge University Press; 2007) an ethogram “is ostensibly a catalogue of descriptions of the discrete, species-typical behaviour patterns that form the basic behavioural repertoire of the species”. In addition, the ethogram may be a complete list of all behaviours or it may focus on particular functional classes of behaviours (Grier, J.W. Biology of animal behaviour. Times Mirror; Mosby College Publishing, St. Louis. 1984). Although recording was not performed for 24 hours, because we had a specific interest to record pain behaviours, the time points were selected at four specific periods (pre- and postoperative, post analgesia and 24-h post). We also used this approach in previous studies (Brondani et al. Validation of the english version of the UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale for assessing postoperative pain in cats. BMC Vet Res. 2013;9: 1; Taffarel et al. Refinement and partial validation of the UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale for assessing postoperative pain in horses. BMC Vet Res. 2015;11; Oliveira et al. Validation of the UNESP-Botucatu unidimensional composite pain scale for assessing postoperative pain in cattle. BMC Vet Res. 2014;10: 1–14; Luna et al. Validation of the UNESP-Botucatu pig composite acute pain scale (UPAPS). PLoS ONE. 2020; 15(6): e0233552; Oliveira et al. Postoperative pain behaviour associated with surgical castration in donkeys (Equus asinus) Equine Vet J. 2020;10.1111/evj.13306. doi:10.1111/evj.13306).

The authors are happy to exclude “ethogram” if the Reviewer deems it necessary.

Page 7, Line 26 – “…respective percentage…”


Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 19).

Page 7, Line 28-29 - “…The edited videos were evaluated by four observers for the scale validation process….”

Does this not bias the results - you chose the most obvious behaviours. This would not occur in real-life?

Answer: Although the authors agree with the Reviewer´s comment, NEOFS edited the short videos to be assessed by the blind evaluators by selecting the most frequent behaviours observed in the ethogram, representative of each period of observation, and condensed the videos into 3 min. Although this method has been used previously to validate pain scales, cats [29], cattle [19], horses [24], and pigs [32] it is still controversial and presents pros and cons.

The pros were that the editor was the most familiar observer with the behaviours because he was the in-person evaluator and the main author of the study (PhD student). This guaranteed inclusion of relevant pain behaviours. The cons were that the short videos may not represent the full behaviour of that particular period.

This method provides data to assess intra and inter-observer reliability and to perform all calculations for the validation of the scales and is useful to guarantee that all relevant behaviours are included in the developed scale, but does not ensure that the scale is clinically applicable in real life, therefore the scale will require in-person validation as reported previously in cats [29] to guarantee it is a valid instrument for clinical use. This limitation has been included in the discussion (page 32, lines 5-18).

Page 8, Line 2 - “…manner regarding the moments…”

Make clearer.

Answer: Rewritten (page 7, lines 26 - 27).

Page 8, Line 4 - “…observers, based on their clinical experience…”

The use of "experience" does not give good validity as they are still subjective assessments.

The reviewer addresses an important issue of possible bias and, in principle, we do agree with the reviewer. However, to our knowledge, there are no better options to build the ROC curve and define the Youden index (cut-off analgesic rescue point) than by determining the scores of the scales corresponding to the indication of rescue analgesia. It is important to point out that this information was used only for ROC curve analysis and predictive criterion validity.

Page 8, Line 12 - “…in S3 Table…”

in the S3 table were used

Answer: The pain scale video evaluation has been rephrased.

Page 8, Line 12 - “…videos, contained…”

Remove - too many commas used throughout changing the flow and meaning of the information.

Answer: The excessive commas have been removed where applicable and this section (Pain scale video evaluation) has been shortened and repositioned. We hope this paragraph is clearer now (page 7, lines 26 - 28; page 8 lines 1 - 5).

Page 8, Line 13 - “…were subdivided…”

How? Justification for the sub-divisions?

Answer: Some of the sub-items had several sub-divisions (please see S3 Table - example: item “locomotion” with a lot of grouped descriptors). They were subdivided for individual assessment of the importance of each one. This section has been simplified and we analysed the advantage of refinement in the discussion section (page 26, lines 12-16).

Page 8, Line 16 - “…totaled 33 behavioural variables…”

This is a lot!

Answer: Please see the previous comment. This was the reason the scale was refined in order to reduce the number of variables. After refinement many subitems were excluded from locomotion (walks backwards and/or in circles), posture (kicks or stamps one or more limbs on the ground; extends one or more limbs) and miscellaneous behaviours (body tremors; crawls in ventral recumbence, without getting up).

Page 8, Line 17-18 - “…the photographic record captured by the presential observer at the end of the 20-minute recording of each moment…”

Detail of this needed. Were they stills from the video footage or taken by the observer - the effect of this on the sheep?

Answer: More information has been included before this section (page 6, lines 19 - 24). The method was the same as that described in the previous study, in which the facial pain scale was developed (McLennan et al, 2016). Although the sheep were adapted to the observer, the authors cannot guarantee that sheep were undisturbed by the presence of the observer.

McLennan KM, Rebelo CJB, Corke MJ, Holmes MA, Leach MC, Constantino-Casas F. Development of a facial expression scale using footrot and mastitis as models of pain in sheep. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 2016;176: 19–26.

Page 8, Line 19-20 - “…the gold standard observer…”

Not really valid!

Answer: As commented before, the use of gold standard data as reference was excluded. All statistical analysis has been performed again to include data from the two phases of all observers.

Page 8, Line 20 - “…greater intra-observer reliability…”

Doesn't necessarily mean they were right!

Answer: Please see previous comment.

Page 9, Line 3 - “…For all analyzes…”


Answer: According to our grammar consultation ( to analyse is the verb form, analysis is singular, and analyses is plural (see page 8, line 13). These terms have been corrected throughout the manuscript.

Page 9, Line 3-4 - “…considered. The sample size was estimated in 13…”

13 what? Why did you need to estimate a sample size here and not when setting up your project?

Answer: This part has been deleted as we had no previous data to estimate sample size.

Page 9, Line 7 - “…2nd assessment of the gold standard evaluator…”

When was this?

Answer: Please see previous comment.

Page 9, Line 10 “…Friedman test…”


Answer: Because the data were non-parametric (see page 8, lines 18). This information has been included in Table 1 – statistical methods (page 9, Construct validity - Responsiveness: Ethogram).

Page 10, Table 1 - Content validation “three experienced veterinarians…”

Answer: “Experienced” has been deleted (page 9, table 1).

Page 11, Table 1 Specificity “…The scores of the behavioural scale in the 2nd phase of assessment of the gold standard observer at M1 were transformed into dichotomous (level “0” - absence of pain expression behaviour for a given item; levels “1” and “2” - presence of pain expression behaviour) and applied to the respective equation…”

Relying on the observer to be corrected - why not test between before and after surgery to see if it can be correctly identified as being in each stage of the surgery, e.g. can someone correctly identify before and after surgery? This is a much better estimate of the pain.

Answer: We believe this was the method used by assessing specificity before surgery (no pain) and sensitivity after surgery before rescue analgesia (most intense pain) and checking if each pain behaviour was absent before surgery (specificity) and present after surgery (sensitivity). The construct validity (responsiveness) presented in Table 7 and the predictive criterion validity (Table 12) confirms that the scale was able to identify pain-free animals from those feeling pain.

In addition, the use of an already validated pain assessment against your own is required

Answer: This has been fulfilled using the criterion validity (Fig 5).

is there any evidence already to suggest the surgery is painful e.g. von-frey?

Answer: Laparotomy and laparoscopy are experimental pain models used in previous studies for several species. To our knowledge, no studies have used Von-Frey filaments to assess pain in laparotomy and laparoscopy in sheep. Laparotomy and laparoscopy increased postoperative pain scores in sheep (Zhang et al. Comparison of laparoscopic and traditional abomasal cannulation in sheep. J Vet Res 60, 113-117, 2016).

Page 11, Table 1 - Sensitivity

Why not carry out an ROC analysis and determine your accuracy.

Answer: ROC curve analysis has already been performed. The methods for sensitivity, specificity, and ROC curve have been placed together to add clarity (see Table 1 - statistical methods - Specificity and Sensitivity (page 10).

Page 12, Table 1 “…Determination of pain intensity…” Scores were classified by intensity: low, intermediate or high, in 2nd evaluation of all evaluators at the time of greatest pain (M2).

So was this based on what observes thought?

Answer: Please see information in the third column of Table 1 (Statistical tests – Specificity and Sensitivity, page 11). A new statistical analysis has been performed to assess pain intensity, as suggested by the other reviewer.

Page 13, Line 2- “…A minimum sample size of 5 sheep [67] was estimated…”

Why is it now different? I'm not following why this keeps changing.

Answer: As previously mentioned, this has been deleted, as we had no previous data to estimate sample size.

Page 13, Line 11-12 - “…because the animals were fasting at M1 and therefore it was not possible to compare M2 vs M1 for this variable…”


Answer: Corrected (page 13, lines 11-12).

Page 13, Line 14-20 - “…According to the inclusion/exclusion criteria cited for the refinement (S4 Table), the following sub-items were excluded: in the item “locomotion”, “walks backwards” and “walks in a circle”; in the item "posture", "kicks and stamps limbs on the ground" and "extends one or more limbs; in the item “miscellaneous behaviour”, “body tremors” and “crawls in ventral recumbence, without getting up” were excluded. The two sub-items that remained in the “miscellaneous” item replaced those excluded from the “posture” item. The “miscellaneous” item continued with four sub-items and was renamed “posture”. …”

This is all v. confusing. Can you not find a much simpler way of showing this?

Answer: This paragraph has been simplified (page 13, lines 15-18).

Page 13, Line 21 - “…Next, the…”

Weak transition

Answer: Corrected (page 13, line 19).

Page 14, Line 1 - “…of 48 sheep…”

Why now 48 sheep?

Answer: 48 sheep were used in the whole main study. This is now consistent throughout the manuscript - Abstract (page 1, line 25) and Material and Methods (page 5, line 2; page 6, line 14).

Page 14, Line 2 - “…total time of each evaluation moment (20 mins)…”

But you cut them down to 3 minutes?

Answer: This table contains the proportion of behaviours expressed in the 20 min videos as described in methods used to perform the ethogram (page 7, lines 13-19). After the ethogram was completed the videos were edited for inclusion of the predominant behaviours for a period of about three minutes at each moment (page 8, lines 19-21).

Page 19, Line 3 - “…192 sheep for all evaluators…”

Why now 192 sheep?

Answer: The number of sheep was originally based on 48 sheep for each observer and 192 sheep for all evaluators. This has been deleted to avoid misinterpretation.

Page 20, Line 16 - “…Fig 5. Biplot for…”

Box plot?

Answer: This is a biplot. Biplots are a type of exploratory graph used in statistics, a generalization of the simple two-variable scatterplot. A biplot is a representation of both samples and variables of a data matrix displayed graphically. Samples are displayed as points while variables are displayed either as vectors, linear axes, or nonlinear trajectories.

Page 22, Line 11 - “…of the ROC curve…”

Full abbreviation given here, not in figure legend.

Answer: Corrected (table 1 - Statistical test, page 10).

Page 28, Line 4-5 - “…As this is not the case in sheep, since there is no validated scale with robust statistics to assess postoperative pain…”

I think you need to make it clear - for this context as there are validated gold standard measurements of pain in other context for sheep e.g. lameness and footrot and the use of von-frey filaments to assess hyperalgesia.

Answer: This part has been deleted to avoid misinterpretation as commented before at the introduction section. According to our knowledge, there are no studies with the use of Von-Frey filaments to assess acute pain (in laparotomy and laparoscopy) in sheep.

Page 29, Line 2-4 - “…Otherwise when comparing the proposed scale with the facial scale in sheep [69], which, although not fully validated, was considered for comparison, the correlation was moderate…”

You could mention here that the facial scale for 69 may not be suitable for the sheep in Brazil - although suffolk sheep (floppy) ears were sued, the scale was limited with regards to different breeds, and so may not be suitable, hence the low correlation.

Answer: This has been included as suggested (last sentence of this paragraph) (page 28, lines 25-26).

Page 33, Line 18 - “…acute postoperative pain…”

Given only one type of operation performed, would it not be better to state the type of surgery instead - you cannot state all acute operations as it hasn't been tested in these.

Answer: Corrected to: “…assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)…” (page 33, line 23).

Manuscript PONE-D-20-07213:

Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)

Dear Editor

Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to both Reviewers and each comment responded to separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors


Dear Reviewer:

Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to your suggestions and each comment responded to separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors


Comments to the Author

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #2: Yes:

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

Reviewer #2: Yes

2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #2: Yes

3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

Reviewer #2: Yes

4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above.

Reviewer #2: Please see the attached review document as formatting will assist in interpretation of the comments.

Here are the general comments:

I would like to commend the authors who present a robust statistical study to validate an acute pain scale in sheep.

Answer: The authors appreciate the time taken to review this manuscript and for including your suggestions that have been fully considered unless otherwise stated.

The statistical analysis has been performed again according to Reviewer 1 (data from all observers and phases 1 and 2 were combined instead of using data from phase 2 of the gold standard observer). Although small changes were observed in the Tables presented in the results section, the results are very similar to the previous submission. All changes are highlighted in yellow.

The only major concern I have within the manuscript is the attempt to classify the scores produced by the scale as mild, moderate and severe pain. While I understand appreciate in post-surgical studies, other groups often compare pain scores between groups, ultimately this is a non-continuous categorical scale. The section where mild-moderate-severe is defined reads as though the authors just divided the scale into three equal sections (0-3, 4-8, 9-12), and assumed eachgroup.

This is in stark contrast to a previous section where the score 0 is defined as “without-pain”. This within the manuscript, 0 is both no pain and mild pain. The majority of the introduction and discussion touts the robust statistical method employed in developing this scale. Something I think will be clear to the readership.

This section certainly doesn’t maintain the same high standards. The study design was meant to have non-painful and painful sheep, and develop a tool which could differentiate between these two states.

The only major concern I have within the manuscript is the attempt to classify the scores produced by the scale as mild, moderate and severe pain. While I understand appreciate in post-surgical studies, other groups often compare pain scores between groups, ultimately this is a non-continuous categorical scale. The section where mild-moderate-severe is defined reads as though the authors just divided the scale into three equal sections (0-3, 4-8, 9-12), and assumed each group.

This is in stark contrast to a previous section where the score 0 is defined as “without-pain”. This within the manuscript, 0 is both no pain and mild pain. The majority of the introduction and discussion touts the robust statistical method employed in developing this scale. Something I think will be clear to the readership.

This section certainly doesn’t maintain the same high standards. The study design was meant to have non-painful and painful sheep, and develop a tool which could differentiate between these two states.

Answer: The authors thank you for pointing this out. Two consultant statisticians were hired, and a new method used to present this analysis appropriately. We hope that this analysis now fulfils your expectation, otherwise please let us know.

In this study it was expected that sheep would not suffer pain at the preoperative point (M1), followed by a maximum expression of pain at the immediate postoperative moment (M2), reduction in pain after analgesia (M3), and little pain 24h after surgery (M4). We consider that the instrument for assessing pain does not only contemplate the diagnosis of pain but also quantifies pain intensity. Therefore, we used the simple descriptive scale (SDS) as a reference tool for pain intensity because SDS describes four levels of pain (1 = no pain; 2 = mild pain; 3 = moderate pain; and 4 = severe pain). A multivariate statistical analysis was applied to explore correspondences between categorical variables to classify the total score of USAPS in each of the SDS pain intensities. After consulting two statisticians, correspondences were calculated by two methods: (1) visual judgment of the proximity of the USAPS and SDS levels in the perceptual map by multiple correspondence analysis (MCA); and (2) value of the standardized chi-square residue. First, both scales were submitted to MCA which uses the basic concept of chi-square to standardize the frequencies of the variables and to form a basis for correspondences (interrelationship) between categorical variables (Greenacre, 2010). In addition, to make the USAPS classification more accurate, the correspondences between the scale levels by the chi-square residue were used to group the USAPS levels among each level of pain intensity according to the SDS.

To confirm a significant difference between the USAPS intensities according to MCA, the Scott Knott test was applied. This test uses a “likelihood” relation to judge the difference between clusters. In view of this new approach, we understand that the classification of USAPS intensities was carried out by robust and appropriate mathematical methods, already applied in other areas to group and classify categorical variables.

Salas, Y., Márquez, A., Diaz, D., & Romero, L. (2015). Epidemiological study of mammary tumors in female dogs diagnosed during the period 2002-2012: a growing animal health problem. PloS one, 10(5).

Wilfart, A., Espagnol, S., Dauguet, S., Tailleur, A., Gac, A., & Garcia-Launay, F. (2016). ECOALIM: A dataset of environmental impacts of feed ingredients used in French animal production. PloS one, 11(12).

Guinet, F., Avé, P., Jones, L., Huerre, M., &Carniel, E. (2008). Defective innate cell response and lymph node infiltration specify Yersinia pestis infection. PloS one, 3(2).

Le Rumeur, E., Carre, F., Bernard, A. M., Bansard, J. Y., Rochcongar, P., & De Certaines, J. D. (1994). Multiparametric classification of muscle T 1, and T 2 relaxation times determined by magnetic resonance imaging. The effects of dynamic exercise in trained and untrained subjects. The British journal of radiology, 67(794), 150-156.

The intervention point correlates with the sensitivity and specificity of a “score” to classify between the two. There was no stratification, nor any clear statistical method implored to stratify these sheep with any external method. I will point out some examples in specific sections later.

Answer: The stratification of the sheep with and without pain was not performed before the statistical analysis to estimate pain intensity for two reasons. Stratification based on the assessment time points could be ambiguous, because even in the immediate postoperative period (M2) some sheep did not appear to be suffering pain, possibly due to the individuality of the pain sensation. Besides this, the stratification by the cut-off point was not performed because by using this new mathematical approach sheep without pain (1 = no pain) and with pain (2 = mild pain; 3 = moderate pain; and 4 = severe pain) were included in the SDS pain intensities and classified below or above the cut-off point of both scales (≤ 3for USAPS and ≤1 for SDS), which shows consistency with the mathematical method used for the classification of pain and with the observers' scores; as well as which the intensity "no pain" is relevant and must be computed. This was the reason the statistical analysis was performed with all-time points and all observers to define the intensity of the pain.

But notably, in figure three, the highest score with the USAPS (12, maximum pain) is related to 5/10 on the NRS, 3/4 on the SDS, <50 on the VAS, and 5/12 on the facial scale. It does not seem that maximum pain with this scale correlates with the observers’ “worst-possible pain” with the unidimensional instruments. Thus I would recommend the removal of this mild-moderate-severe classification. Further study would be required to determine any such classification.

Answer: Unidimensional scales (NRS, SDS, and VAS) depend on the expertise of the evaluator and are considered more subjective when compared to composite and multidimensional scales. Because composite scales have well-defined descriptors, they suffer less influence of observer's interpretation and are usually more reliable. However, all these scales follow the same logic in which the highest numerical score represents the highest level of pain. Therefore, it is expected that the scores of unidimensional scales are not identical to USAPS, but are sufficiently correlated with the USAPS (rho> 0.81).

We recognize that this approach has limitations. Our group published a scale in pigs using the same approach (Luna et al 2020. Validation of the UNESP-Botucatu pig composite acute pain scale (UPAPS). PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0233552) and we hope to improve the quantification of pain in the future, but it is the best we can do currently according to the statisticians we consulted. If after this new analysis the reviewer is not satisfied, the authors are happy to remove this analysis of pain intensities.

Aside from this, my other comments are minor.

I am not sure if it would be possible to shorten the introduction. While I understand the vast undertaking of the subject, I am not sure 71 references are necessary to justify the development of this scale.

Answer: We have done our best to shorten the manuscript without leaving out necessary information. The number of references in the introduction has been reduced by almost half and the manuscript has been reviewed by a native English speaker to improve fluency.

Specific Comments

Page 1, Line 24 – “…is essential to diagnose pain and guarantee effective…”

No scale can guarantee analgesia. This term should be removed.

Answer: Corrected to “is essential to diagnose pain and improve decision making for analgesia” (page 1, lines 22-23).

Page 3, Line 7 – “…and teaching, as their limitations to using these other species as models…”

Consider: “…and teaching, as there are limitations to using these other species as models…”

Answer: This has been deleted to reduce the size of the introduction.

Page 3, Line 9 – “…studies on osteoporosis [17] and bone regeneration and osteointegration of dental implants [18].”

Consider: “…studies on osteoporosis [17], bone regeneration and osteointegration of dental implants [18].”

Answer: This has been deleted to reduce the size of the introduction.

Page 3, Lines 11-15 – “Although there are several useful indicators to assess nociception in experimental situations, such as the injection of formalin into the interdigital space [19], von Frey filaments [20], tourniquets [21], electrical stimuli [22], and pneumo-mechanical stimulus in limbs [23], these are not reproducible and are difficult to use in clinical situations.”

Are the authors trying to reference the instruments used to measure pain in references 19-23?

Because the following are the

[reference] – pain model / measurement technique of each:

[19] – Interdigital formalin injection / Limb withdrawl and behaviouralassessment

[20] – Peroneal nerve injury / von Freyfilament

[21] – Tourniquet / Fractal HR

[22] – Electrical stimuli /EEG

[23] – Pneumo-mechanical stimulus of the limbs / Limb withdrawl and breath-to-breathCO2

However the bold are what is reported in the manuscript. Please clarify what is meant as “indicator to assess nociception” and adjust accordingly.

I swapped von frey filament for the pain model to make everything coherent: such as interdigital formalin injection [19], peroneal nerve injury[20], tourniquets [21], electrical stimuli [22], and pneumo-mechanical stimulus of the limbs [23],

Answer: The paragraph has been shortened to reduce the size of the introduction and the references have been updated “Although there are several experimental methods to assess nociception [10-14]” – see page 3, line 1.

Page 3, Line 15: “Actigraphy can be used to monitor…”

The authors should define actigraphy as it is not something the readership might be familiary with, nor is the term used in the reference provided.

Answer: Corrected to “Actigraphy can be used to monitor the sheep activity” (page 3, lines 2-3).

Page 4, Line 12: “However, these instruments exclusively evaluate the intensity of pain dor…”

Consider removing the word “dor”

Answer: Corrected (page 3, line 26).

I am not sure this sentence also fully describes the advantage of multidimensional measurement over unidimensional instruments. Giving an example of how a tooth ache vs visceral pain cannot be simply compared might be another approach.

Answer: Corrected to (in bold) “However, these instruments exclusively evaluate the intensity of pain, whereas multidimensional or composite scales include sensory, motor, and emotional qualities and may be developed to differentiate specific types of pain” – page 3, lines 27-28.

Page 4, Line 14: “…ethogram is produced to quantifies the duration…”

Consider: “…ethogram is produced to quantify the duration..”

Answer: Corrected (page 4, lines 1).

Page 4, Line 23: “To guarantee the reliable measurement of pain…”

Again no scale can guarantee measurement. Consider: “To improve the reliability of pain measurement” or something similar.

Answer: Corrected as suggested (page, 4, line 9-10).

Page 5, Lines 1-5: “Given the hypothesis that the scale proposed in the current study presents reliability, and content, construct and criterion validities, the main objective of this study was to validate a behavioral scale to assess acute pain in sheep undergoing soft tissue surgery(laparoscopy), constructed from the literature and an ethogram, followed by refinement and subsequent validation, with definition of the cut-off point for analgesic intervention.”

This is quite a long run-on sentence. Consider dividing it up for improved clarity. Consider: “The main objective of this study was to validate a behavioural scale to assess acute pain in sheep undergoing soft tissue surgery (laparoscopy). The authors constructed an ethogram from the literature, then used videos from this study for further refinement, and to define a cut-off point for analgesic intervention. The authors hypothesize that the final scale produced in the current study will be reliable and demonstrate content, construct and criterion validities.”

Answer: Corrected as suggested (page 4, lines 19-24).

Page 5, Lines 17-21: “The sheep were placed in stalls, close to the pen they lived in and where they were used to stay like a shelter when atmospheric conditions were extrem, 24 hours before the start of the study, during which they fasted for feed, and for 12 hours they fasted for water. In each stall (3x2x1.10mor2.20x2x1.20m-lengthxwidthxheight) 6 to 8 sheep or 2 to 4 sheep were housed, respectively.”

These two sentences have a few typographical errors and lack clarity.

Consider: “During the study period, sheep were housed in large (3 x 2 x 1.1m, length x width x height) and small (2.2 x 2 x 1.2m) pens with 6 to 8 or 2 to 4 animals each, respectively. The sheep were habituated to the pens for 24 hours before the start of the study.”

Answer: Corrected as suggested (page 5, lines 6-10).

Page 5, Line 23: “…position of the cameras and other adjustments, in order to guarantee the quality of filming.

Consider: “…positioning of the cameras and other adjustments, in order to optimize the quality of filming.”

Answer: Corrected as suggested (page 5, line 1-2). The other reviewer also asked for inclusion of the camera model.

Page 6, Lines 6-7: “…and anesthetic infiltration with 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor (Xylestesin…”

The dose used for incisional block is missing.

Answer: The information has been included (page 5, lines 19-20).

Page 6, Lines 12-13: “In all animals, the same experienced surgeon performed a laparoscopy for follicular aspiration and replacement of follicular cells [73–75]…”

Reference 73 is for ovariectomy by laparotomy, partial video assisted ovariectomy and total laparascopic ovariectomy. Not sure the relevance here.

Answer: Only one reference has been left here as it was used later as well (page 5, line 26).

Page 6, Lines 18-19: “Fig 1.”

Is this figure actually necessary? The order of events isn’t very complicated.

Answer: This has been maintained to add clarity for the other reviewer (page 6, line 16-17).

Also this figure doesn’t mention incisional lidocaine.

Answer: Included (page 6, Fig 1)

Page 6, Lines 22-23: “The procedures started at 9 am and the evaluations of the last animals ended around 7 pm.”

Consider adding after this sentence that the 24 hour measurement occurred the next day.

Answer: Included (page 6, lines 6-7).

Page 6, Line 24: “…and the mean temperature and humidity varied between…”

Was this the mean high? Or mean daily temperature? Please add this descriptor.

Answer: Corrected to mean daily temperature,

Page 6, Line 26: “The presential observer made the recordings…”

“presential” is used multiple times in the manuscript, and should be removed.

Consider: The same observer (author’s initials) made the recordings…”

Answer: Corrected to “the in-person observer (NEOFS) made the recordings…” (page 6, line 19).

Page 7, Lines 1-2: "The camera was turned on and the presential researcher left the place and stayed at least 10 m in order to minimize human interference in the behavior of the sheep."

Consider: “The observer turned on the camera and then distanced themselves at least 10 m from the pens in order to minimize the effect of human presence on the behaviour Answer: Corrected according to the Reviewer´s suggestion (page 6, line 20-22).

Page 7, Line 22: “To elaborate the ethogram, the presential researcher evaluated…” Consider: “For further elaboration of the ethogram, the same observer who recorded the videos evaluated….”

Answer: This paragraph has been reformulated to better explain the elaboration of the ethogram to the other reviewer (page 7, lines 15-21).

Page 8, Line 18: “…the presential observer…”

Remove the word presential.

Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 15).

Table 1:

Per my previous comment, I would recommend removing the determination of pain intensity. However if the authors justify its inclusion, the classification in this table is low, intermediate and high, not mild-moderate-severe

Answer: According to the new analysis the classification has been maintained as described by the simple descriptive scale, because SDS was the reference to quantify the intensity of pain by the USAPS. However, the authors are happy to change this if the reviewer is not satisfied (page 9, Table 1).

Page 13, Line 2: “A minimum sample size of 5 sheep [67] was estimated.”

This seems out of place. The 48 sheep reported in the methods should be stated here, and the sample size estimate should be in the methods.

Answer: The sample size calculation has been removed as we had no previous data to estimate sample size.

Page 13, Line 23: “ranging from zero (without pain) to 12 (maximum pain).”

This is related to my previous comment. This statement treats the USAPS as a unidimensional scale. I appreciate later that the values were treated as unidimensional for mathematical/statistical reasons, but this doesn’t seem appropriate.

Answer: A paragraph in the discussion raises the debate about the mathematical and biological dimensions (page 27, lines 14-23). The authors agree that the scale was multidimensional in biological terms.

Figure 6

There should be a definition of what blue/orange/grey means in the figure description

Answer: Included in the legend (new figure 3 - page 16, line 8).

Page 23, Line 12: “10 The percentage of animals present in the diagnostic uncertainty zone (scores 3 and 4) was low at all times for all evaluators (11%; 9 - 15%). At M2, this percentage for all evaluators grouped was 7% (0 to 13%), which ensures that 93% of the sheep were detected as suffering pain with confidence at this moment (Table 13).”

Looking at the box plot in figure 4, there are values less than 3. So 93% (100 minus 7%) of sheep were not detected as painful. Eyeballing there looks like there are 5 animals with a score of less than 3.

So the instrument detected 7% in a grey area and% as painful and _% as non-painful. The 93% is the combined “clinically clear or useful”.

Answer: Please accept our apologies for this mistake and lack of attention. We are grateful to the reviewer for pointing this out. This sentence has been deleted: “At M2 95% (92-99) of the sheep were detected as suffering pain with confidence at this moment” (Table 11).

Page 24, Lines 1-20

Per my previous comment, I do not see the value of this section.

The authors have seemingly defined pain intensity as mild (0-3), moderate (4-8) and severe pain (9-12). Then performed cluster analysis at M2

Answer: Please check previous comments about this analysis. Data from all time-points are now used. If the reviewer is not satisfied with the new more robust statistical analysis, the authors are happy to remove this section from the methods, results, and discussion.

Based on the assumption from the study design, this is the painful phase, and “clinical experience” of the video evaluators suggests about 90% of these animals need rescue. But there was no stratification applied by any external measure. So, the “intensities” here have simply been defined by the authors’ arbitrary cut-offs. Because, as mentioned, the “12’s” produced with this scale are not associated with the highest scores of the unidimensional scales.

Answer: Please see the previous comment about the same subject.

The authors expected M4 to be worse than or equal to M3. Similar to the previous ruminant scale. Perhaps the model of pain used in this study doesn’t achieve extremes of intensities. The ovariectomy reference #73 from the surgical description, using an NRS shows scores of 0.3 for video assisted or laparoscopic surgery (vs 5 for laparotomy). This scale may be sensitive to lower pain-intensities associated with minimally invasive surgeries. Future study, as the authors suggest later, is warranted.

Answer: Thank you for this comment. The authors are currently performing a study with orthopaedic surgery to clinically validate (or not) this scale.

Additionally: Figure 9’s description mentions a>b>c, but there are no letters in the figure. Answer: Corrected, the letters have been included (page 23, Fig. 9).

Page 24, Line 27: “…as it can guarantee that sheep benefit from analgesia when necessary…” Again, the scale cannot guarantee. This word should be changed. Even the authors recommend later in the discussion that clinical evaluation should still be considered for scores <4.

Answer: Corrected (page 24, lines 3).

Page 26, Line 17: “…the trans-operative period.”

Do the authors mean peri-operative period? I am not sure what the trans-operative period is.

Answer: This has been deleted because it was meant to say that restraint in the preoperative moment may lead to vocalization (page 25, line 20).

Page 26, Line 19: “Thus, vocalization is not, in the sheep species, an indicator of postoperative pain.”

Considering the great length, the authors go into in the introduction to talk about the limited availability of pain assessment in sheep in the literature. And that the references, as later discussed are mostly in lambs. The authors surely cannot claim this study as definitive proof that vocalization is not a component of pain, considering the current study only used one pain model.

This statement should be revised.

Answer: Corrected to “Thus vocalization is not an indicator of postoperative pain in adult sheep submitted to laparoscopy, as reported previously in sheep undergoing severe painful stimuli” (page 25, lines 21-22).

Page 26, Line 21: “A differential of the current study…”

I am not sure what is meant by differential? Do the authors mean “A major difference in the current study compared to the literature…”?

Answer: Corrected (page 26, line 24).

Page 27, Line 23: “…it is premature to conclude about the dimension of the proposed pain…” I am not sure “dimension” is what is meant here.

Is the comment meant to be about the universal application to other pain types?

Answer: This was focused only on the mathematical approach and corrected to differentiate the mathematical and biological approaches (see page 3, lines 25-28). The last sentence of this paragraph has been changed to exclude the relationship between dimensions and types of pain (page 27, lines 22-23).

Page 28, Line 4: “As this is not the case in sheep…”

This statement, following the previous sentence, reads as though it is not necessary to compare the new instrument with a gold standard. Rather than the intended: because no gold standard exists, there is no standard to compare the current instrument with.

Consider removing this statement, and writing: “…considered the gold standard [71]. Since there is no validated scale with robust statistics to assess postoperative pain in sheep…”

Answer: The statistical analysis has been performed again as suggested by the other reviewer. As data from all observers were grouped there are no longer comparisons against the gold standard observer. The paragraph has been rephrased as suggested by the other reviewer.

Page 29, Line 9: “…Youden Index after surgery (M1) rescue analgesia was indicated in 93% of sheep…”

This should be M2, which is the moment after surgery.

Answer: Corrected (page 31, lines 21-22).

Per my previous comment, this wasn’t 93% of sheep that needed rescue analgesia. The 7% are the sheep with scores 3-4, and 93% with scores <3 or >4. And there are (from figure 4) at least 5 with scores less than 3 (non-painful).

Answer: Please see the previous comment about the same subject.

Page 29 Line 10-11: “…therefore the tool would foresee well that sheep were undergoing pain and then be treated, guaranteeing the animals’ welfare.

The instrument isn’t perfect, thus it cannot guarantee the animals treatment of pain, and also pain is only one component of welfare.

Consider: “…therefore the instrument is a

Answer: Corrected (page 31, lines 21-24).

Page 29, Lines 17-21: “In this study, the differences observed in the pain scores between the moments, and especially at the expected moment of greatest pain compared to the other moments, confirm that the proposed scale is responsive both to identify intense degrees of pain, as well as moderate degrees, which occurred after rescue analgesia, or even mild pain, which occurred 24 hours after surgery.”

Per my previous comment

• The authors expected M2>M4≥M3>M1 for pain scores, but actually observed M2>M3>M4>M1

• Thus the pain model does not provide the same order of scores as in previous studies in other species, or this instrument respondsdifferently.

Answer: This part has been amended (page 29, lines 6-9).

• Regardless, this order does not confer statistically robust stratification and cannot then be used to assume mild-moderate-severe pain classifications for a categoricalscale.

• The design was not to achieve no pain → surgical pain → mild pain → moderate pain. This is impossible to predict. The authors developed a scale which differentiates between M1 and M2 (non-painful and painful) and then proves responsive to the treatment with rescue analgesia in M3. And then the pain had probably subsided due to the model by the 24hevaluation.

• Also, with the given criteria, a score of 0/12 on the scale would be “mild pain”. Though the authors frequently switch between mild and no-pain for 0/12.

Answer: Please see the previous comment about the same subject. The manuscript has been reformulated and so has this analysis. If after this new analysis the reviewer is not satisfied, the authors are happy to remove this analysis of pain intensities

Page 29, Line 28: “…apparently the instrument can be used in different sheep breeds.” Considering only 3 breeds, all of which are dairy sheep from the same geographical region, were assessed. It is rather presumptuous to state the scale can be used on all sheep breeds. The authors can postulate this theory, but should recommend further study before making such a definitive statement.

Answer: We agree with the reviewer. However, with the new statistical analysis, there was a difference between species, so we have excluded this sentence.

Page 32, Line 3-7: “To our knowledge, the scales that assess acute pain in various animal species do not classify pain intensity based on their scores, except in an empirical way [44]. In this study, the zone of diagnostic uncertainty (3 - 4) corresponded to the lower limit of moderate pain scores (4), insuring that sheep suffering from moderate pain would be treated according to the cut-off point.”

Per my previous comment

I would imagine other scales were not classified in this manner because they are also non- continuous categorical scales used to assess whether or not pain is present.

This paragraph also highlights the completely arbitrary definition of “moderate pain” WSAVA Guidelines for the recognition, assessment, and treatment of pain describes the perceived pain of ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats as “Moderate”.

I fully appreciate this is perceptions, and species differences can be vast. However:

The same references used in the surgical description (73) states mean pain score of ovariectomy by laparotomy as 5.6 (on a 10-pt scale, 0-9) and 0.3 out of 9 for both video- assisted and pure-laparoscopic ovariectomy.

Additionally, suggesting that this pain scale recommends that the readership should not treat “mild pain” (scores 0-3) takes away from the robust statistical approach of all the other steps in this instruments development.

I do not understand what this classification achieves.

Answer: Please see the previous comment about the same subject. Please also see the paragraph of discussion before Limitations (page 31, lines 25-27; page 32, lines 1-2).

Page 32, Line 17: “…video analysis does not necessarily equate to presential analysis.”

Consider: “…video analysis does not necessarily equate to in-person real-time analysis.”

Answer: Corrected to“…video analysis does not necessarily equate to in-person real-time analysis” (page 32, lines 18-19).

Page 32, Line 22: “According to a study by…”

Consider: “According to studies by our group…” since multiple references are used.

Answer: This part has been rephrased.


Submitted filename: Response to reviewer 2.docx

Decision Letter 1

Daniel Pang

25 Aug 2020

Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)


Dear Dr. Luna,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you will receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Daniel Pang

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

PLoS One. 2020 Oct 14;15(10):e0239622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239622.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

2 Sep 2020


Dear Editor

Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to Editor and Reviewer´s comments and each of them was answered separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors

Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

Thank you for addressing the majority of the reviewer comments. A few fairly minor issues remain.

General Comments:

I thank the authors for their amendments to the manuscript. Many sections read better now and much of what was performed is clearer.

My main concern remains with the intensities or degrees of pain. I appreciate the subjectivity of the SDS, and even in the study the authors found interobserver differences in the scores at each of the moments, even differences based on breed. As mentioned by the authors there is a high correlation between the USAPS and all subjective scales (facial scale being the exception there). So it is not a surprise that cluster analysis would yield similar results, particularly when observers are performing pain assessments with these scales simultaneously, introducing bias.

But again, the authors have not justified why the divisions for intensity are no pain (0-2), mild pain (3-6), moderate pain (7-9) and severe pain (10-12). These seem to merely to provide equal divisions to maintain proportionality to the SDS.

In the discussion the authors even make arguments which undermine these divisions:

- The discussion repeatedly mentions the limitation of assessing appetite. But since the youden index and AOC remained the same with and without appetite, the intervention point for differentiating “painful” and “non-painful” animals remains the same. The authors state the scale is valid whether appetite is used or not. But by not including appetite, this will change the scores from a maximum of 12 to a maximum of 10. Effectively eliminating all but one value which would be considered “Severe pain”

- The authors also state the importance of the predictive criterion, and the low percentage of animals in the diagnostic uncertainty zone as being signs this scale is valid and clinically relevant. However the last paragraph of the discussion states that animals experiencing “mild pain” (3-6) should possibly receive analgesia, despite the cut-off being 4. I appreciate that clinically no scale is perfect, and even the USAPS would erroneously suggest that almost 1/3rd of sheep pre-surgically requires analgesia. These definitions of “mild pain” undermine the arguments for the robust validity of the USAPS scale.

For these reasons I still do not see the value in this section for an already long and involved manuscript. The study design was intended for the development of the pain scale and producing a reliable and valid pain scale. In its current state, basing pain intensities on the SDS as the sole manner of associating pain intensity seems inappropriate, especially when the scale would define almost 1/3 of animals as experiencing “mild pain” at M1.

Answer: The authors appreciate your comments and the section about pain intensities was removed from the manuscript.

Apart from this I only have a few specific points which are mentioned below.

Specific Comments

Answer: Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed and each comment responded to separately.

Page 3 Line 1-2:

“…several experimental methods to assess nociception [10-14] they are not reproducible and are…”

I would consider rephrasing this.

If the nociceptive technique is not reproducible, then the technique is not valid even experimentally. This is very different from something that is unreliable in unhabituated clinical patients.

Answer: The sentence has been rephrased as suggested (page 2, line 27).

Page 6 Line 22: “NEOFS approached…”

This should be simply the observer, as that person has already been defined as NEOFS

Answer: Corrected (page 6, line 19).

Page 7 Line 15: “The observer NEOFS…”

NEOFS should be in brackets

Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 12).

Page 7 Line 16: “NEOFS watched…”

This should be “The observer” as they have already been defined as NEOFS

Answer: Corrected (page 7, line 13).

Table 3 – Head Position: “Occipital above withers…”

“Head” position is used repeatedly in the manuscript, and “occipital” is only used in this Table.

For clarity replace Occipital with Head

Answer: Corrected in this Table and also in the S1, S2 and S3 tables of the supporting information. Occipital was maintained only in the behaviour descriptor of S1 Table only to make clear that assessments were based on the occipital region.


Dear Reviewer:

Thank you very much for the comments regarding this paper. All corrections have been performed according to your suggestions and each comment responded to separately.

We hope that after these corrections you consider the manuscript suitable for publication, but we are happy to answer any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

The authors


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Reviewer #1: I applaud the authors for making the manuscript much clearer and much more concise, except for the discussion which still needs some work on improving the narrative and flow of the information.

Answer: The authors appreciate the effort taken to revise this manuscript. The manuscript is now more concise, and we have done our best to improve fluency. The pain intensity section was removed from all sections according to the Editor´s comments.

There are too many very short paragraphs and 'appetite' appears in many of them doted throughout the writing. This is the only section that really needs work.

Answer: The discussion is now more concise and clear. The comments about appetite were condensed.

I would also change figure 6 so that it doesn't have the colour 'blobs' around the boxes - I don't think they are helpful in getting your points across.

Answer: Corrected

In the limitations section, rather than 'pros' and 'cons' I would stick to advantages and disadvantages as proper, academic English.

Answer: Corrected (page 30, lines 3 and 6).

In addition on line 22 of the limitations you state "The scale was proven..." - I never like "proven" in scientific language as science never "proves" anything - consider instead 'demonstrate' or 'showed' etc.

Answer: The sentence has been rephrased (page 30, lines 16).

Otherwise - well done, much easier to read than before and see exactly what a good piece of work has been carried out.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewer 1.docx

Decision Letter 2

Daniel Pang

10 Sep 2020

Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)


Dear Dr. Luna,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you will receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Daniel Pang

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Daniel Pang

30 Sep 2020


Validation of the Unesp-Botucatu composite scale to assess acute postoperative abdominal pain in sheep (USAPS)

Dear Dr. Luna:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr Daniel Pang

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Table. Ethogram with the description of the behaviours analyzed in 48 sheep submitted to laparoscopy [5,11,2022,3440].


    S2 Table. Criteria used to select the behaviours included in the pre-refinement of the USAPS used for video analysis (S3 Table), based on content validity and behaviours reported in the literature.


    S3 Table. Pre-refinement of the USAPS to assess postoperative pain in sheep submitted to video analysis after content validation.


    S4 Table. Refinement process for inclusion and exclusion of items and subitems on the USAPS.


    S5 Table. Inter-observer matrix agreement of items of the USAPS, unidimensional scales and rescue analgesia indication.


    S6 Table

    Scores, specificity, sensitivity and Youden index corresponding to rescue analgesia indication of the USAPS and unidimensional scales (A); 95% confidence intervals of 1,001 replications and of sensitivity and specificity >0.90 applied to estimate the diagnostic uncertainty zone of the cut-off point of each scale, according to the Youden index (B).


    S1 File. Data of the sheep.



    Submitted filename: PONE-D-20-07213_reviewerUSAPS.pdf


    Submitted filename: renamed_32687.pdf


    Submitted filename: Response to reviewer 2.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewer 1.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

    Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS