A to
D) Average high-gamma responses (± SE) to voiced (0–20 ms VOTs; red) and voiceless (30–50 ms VOTs; blue) stimuli in four representative VOT-sensitive STG electrodes, including two voiceless-selective (A: e1, C: e3) and two voiced-selective (B: e2, D: e4) electrodes, aligned to stimulus onset. Vertical bars indicate relative scaling of high-gamma (z-scored) in each panel. The two leftmost electrodes (e1, e2) correspond to e1 and e2 in main text (e.g.,
Figure 1E). (
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H) Average local field potentials (± SE) evoked by voiced/voiceless stimuli in the same four electrodes, aligned to stimulus onset. Vertical bars (negative-upgoing) indicate relative scaling of voltage in each panel. The three peaks of the AEP that were identified for analysis are labeled for each electrode (P
α, N
α, P
β; see
Figure 1—figure supplement 3). For a given electrode, peaks were omitted from this analysis if they could not be reliably identified across bootstrapped samples of trials from all six VOT conditions (e.g., P
β for e4). See Materials and methods for details. (
I to
L) Average local field potentials evoked by each VOT stimulus (line color) in the same four electrodes, aligned to stimulus onset. (
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P) Mean latency (± bootstrap SE) of each AEP peak for each VOT stimulus for the same four electrodes. Mean bootstrapped correlation (Pearson’s r) between VOT and peak latency shown for each peak/electrode. (
Q to
T) Mean amplitude (± bootstrap SE) of each AEP peak for each VOT stimulus for the same four electrodes. Mean bootstrapped correlation (Pearson’s r) between VOT and peak amplitude shown for each peak/electrode. Note that negative correlations are visually represented as rising from left to right. Correlation coefficients comprised the source data for summary representations in
Figure 1—figure supplement 3.