In the article “Myocardial Infarction Causes Transient Cholinergic Transdifferentiation of Cardiac Sympathetic Nerves via gp130,” by Antoinette Olivas, Ryan T. Gardner, Lianguo Wang, Crystal M. Ripplinger, William R. Woodward, and Beth A. Habecker, which appeared on pages 479–488 of the January 13, 2016 issue, the authors would like to correct errors within the genotyping.
On page 480, in the Materials and Methods section, under “Genotyping,” the correct sequences are for DBH-CreERT2 should be as follows: forward TCAGAGATACCTGGCCTG and reverse CTGAAGGGTCTGGTAGGA. Additionally, the correct forward primer for ChATlox/lox mice is GCCCTGCCAGTCAACTCTA. These corrections do not affect the conclusions of the article. The online version has been corrected.