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. 2020 Oct 23;15(10):e0231120. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231120

Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop

Angela Peace 1,*, David Pattemore 2,3, Melissa Broussard 2, Dilini Fonseka 1, Nathan Tomer 2, Nilsa A Bosque-Pérez 4, David Crowder 5, Allison K Shaw 6, Linley Jesson 7, Brad G Howlett 8, Mateusz Jochym 2, Jing Li 9
Editor: Adrian G Dyer10
PMCID: PMC7584186  PMID: 33095783


Mutualistic plant-pollinator interactions are critical for the functioning of both non-managed and agricultural systems. Mathematical models of plant-pollinator interactions can help understand key determinants in pollination success. However, most previous models have not addressed pollinator behavior and plant biology combined. Information generated from such a model can inform optimal design of crop orchards and effective utilization of managed pollinators like western honey bees (Apis mellifera), and help generate hypotheses about the effects of management practices and cultivar selection. We expect that the number of honey bees per flower and male to female flower ratio will influence fruit yield. To test the relative importance of these effects, both singly and simultaneously, we utilized a delay differential equation model combined with Latin hypercube sampling for sensitivity analysis. Empirical data obtained from historical records and collected in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) orchards in New Zealand were used to parameterize the model. We found that, at realistic bee densities, the optimal orchard had 65-75% female flowers, and the most benefit was gained from the first 6-8 bees/1000 flowers, with diminishing returns thereafter. While bee density significantly impacted fruit production, plant-based parameters-flower density and male:female flower ratio-were the most influential. The predictive model provides strategies for improving crop management, such as choosing cultivars which have their peak bloom on the same day, increasing the number of flowers with approximately 70% female flowers in the orchard, and placing enough hives to maintain more than 6 bees per 1000 flowers to optimize yield.


Mutualistic plant-pollinator interactions play a vital role in plant reproduction in both natural systems and managed (i.e. agricultural) systems. Animal-mediated pollination is important for 87.5% of angiosperms globally [1], and 75% of the most important crop species benefit significantly from this service [2], providing greater than US$170 billion in economic value annually [3]. Functionally dioecious plants are especially reliant on pollination, as pollinators must cross from one plant to another. Even in well-studied systems, such as kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis), the complexity of interacting variables limits the ability of researchers to provide clear recommendations to growers, with proposed stocking rates varying from 3-8 colonies per ha [4].

Mathematical modeling of plant-pollinator interactions can help understand key determinants in pollination success [5]. Such approaches could be valuable tools for designing optimal crop orchard layouts and for the effective use of managed pollinators in agricultural systems. This may be especially important in dioecious crops that have separate male and female plants which adds further complexity in conducting empirical field trials when these plants respond differently to environmental variables.

In spite of this, pollination models have tended to focus on plant biology [69] or insect behavior [10, 11] but few have examined both simultaneously [12, 13]. Including variables such as flower phenology, the ratio of male to female flowers, pollinator abundance, and flower handling behavior could assist in the generation of robust models. Combining information from both pollinators and plants in the same framework more realistically represents field conditions and enables us to directly compare their importance. A significant challenge in developing good models is sufficient data for parameterization.

We chose kiwifruit as our model dioecious crop system as there are four decades of empirical data, examining many aspects of both insect behavior and plant biology [14]. Kiwifruit is a deciduous vine, with male and female flowers borne on separate plants [15]. Neither sex produces nectar, and the female flowers produce inviable pollen [15], which is high in lipids [16], to attract pollinators instead. Plants are typically trained onto a pergola system, with male vines interplanted amongst a larger number of female vines at a 1:3 to 1:8 ratio [4, 17]. Although male cultivars typically have 2-3x more flowers than female cultivars [18], grower planting and pruning regimes ultimately determine the floral sex ratio in orchards. While kiwifruit have a number of pollinating species in their native range [1921], most growing regions rely on honey bees for pollination, representing the vast majority of all flower visitors in the United States [22], France [23], Australia [24], and New Zealand [25, 26].

We expected that male-female kiwifruit flower ratio and pollinator density will influence fruit yield, along with various parameters of pollinator behavior. To test the relative importance of these effects, both singly and simultaneously, we used a system of delay differential equations (DDEs) combined with Latin hypercube sampling for parameter sensitivity analysis [27]. The model explicitly tracks pollinators (parameterized here based on data from honey bees), with varying pollen loads as they preferentially visit male and female flowers, as well as the current number of open flowers over time. The delays incorporated into this model take into account the lifespan of open flowers, as male and female flowers open and close throughout the blooming period.

Materials and methods

Model development

We develop and analyze a mathematical model of pollination dynamics that incorporates key aspects of both plant biology and insect behaviors. First, we present a sub-model of the flowering dynamics in an orchard, then in the following section, we add the pollinator dynamics. We assume homogeneous conditions across the field for both flower and pollinator densities. Table 1 describes the model state variables and parameters.

Table 1. Description of model state variables and parameters.

Flower dynamics
Variable Meaning
m(t) number of open male flowers at time t
f(t) number of open female flowers at time t
Parameter Meaning
Bm number of male buds
Bf number of female buds
tm peak day of male flower opening rate
tf peak day of female flower opening rate
σm spread of male flowering period
σf spread of female flower period
τm life span of male flowering
τf life span of female flowering
Pollinator dynamics
Variable Meaning
Pm1 pollinators with high pollen loads
Pm2 pollinators with medium pollen loads
Pm3 pollinators with low pollen loads
Pf pollinators carrying no pollen
Parameter Meaning
ρ pollinators per 1000 flowers
α search rate
β handling time
δ preference to remain on male flowers
ε preference to remain on female flowers
p1 percent chance to set fruit from single type one visit
p2 percent chance to set fruit from single type two visit
p3 percent chance to set fruit from single type three visit

Flowering dynamics

We consider a kiwifruit orchard made up of male and female trees and model the opening and closing of flowers throughout the bloom. To capture pollination dynamics, it is important to know how many male and female flowers are open at any given day. Here, we assume that the total number of flower buds in the field is fixed and the rate they open follows a normal distribution. Let Bm and Bf denote the total number of male and female flower buds. Initially all flower buds are closed. Let M and F denote the number of male and female flowers that have opened. The rates that these flowers open is modeled as

dMdt=Bm2πσm2e-(t-tm)22σm2 (1a)
dFdt=Bf2πσf2e-(t-tf)22σf2 (1b)

where tm and tf are the times when the opening rates are highest and σm and σf are the variations in these rates of opening. We assume that each flower is only open for a fixed amount of time. Male flowers are open for τm days and female flowers remain open for τf days. While M and F denote the total number of male and female flowers that have opened, the number of currently opened flowers changes, as flowers close. Let m and f denote the number of male and female flowers that are currently open, which can be determined with the following expressions:

m(t)={M(t)-M(t-τm)ift>τmM(t)elsewhere (2a)
f(t)={F(t)-F(t-τf)ift>τfF(t)elsewhere. (2b)

Example simulated dynamics of open flowers over time are depicted in Fig 1. Here, we chose and varied some parameter’s values to highlight the role they have in shaping the curve describing flowering dynamics.

Fig 1. Example simulations of open flowers over time following Eq (2) starting with 600,000 of each male and female flower buds Bm = Bf = 600, 000 (representing a one ha. of the orchard) for (a) σm = 1, σf = 1, tm = 7, tf = 8, τm = 5, τf = 6 and (b) σm = 2, σf = 4, tm = 7, tf = 8, τm = 5, τf = 6 and (c) σm = 3, σf = 3, tm = 4, tf = 5, τm = 4, τf = 5.

Fig 1

Pollinator dynamics

Pollinator dynamics are modeled with differential equations that divide the population into subcompartments based on their pollen load. Pollinators can have a high, medium, or low pollen load (denoted as Pm1, Pm2, and Pm3 respectively) or be carrying no pollen (denoted at Pf). These states represent a division of empirical data on single-visit deposition, which often follows an exponential [28] or steeper than exponential decay [29].

We assume that pollinators completely load up on pollen with a visit to a male flower and deposit some pollen with a visit to a female flower. We assume that male pollen availability is not limiting in this scenario; to partially compensate for this short-coming of the model we limit active foraging to four hours per day as captured by the visitation rate, corresponding to field observations [30]. This four-hour window of pollen-foraging activity limits the total amount of pollination in a day (built into the visitation rate parameter). Within this window, pollen availability is typically not a limiting factor in kiwifruit due to male flowers having up to twice as many pollen grains than female flowers, and the anthers continued to dehisce over this four-hour period. A diagram depicting the movement of pollinators between the compartments is shown in Fig 2. A pollinator with a high pollen load can move between compartments Pm1, Pm2, Pm3, and Pf with subsequence visits to female flowers. Regardless of current pollen loads, whenever a pollinator visits a male flower it completely loads up on pollen and enters the Pm1 compartment.

Fig 2. Model flow diagram of pollinator types.

Fig 2

Solid lines depict visits to a male flower. Dashed lines depict visits to a female flower.

The rate that pollinators visit male and female flowers is a crucial part of the model dynamics. We consider a pollinator visitation rate that depends on the search rate (α), the handling time (β) and the densities of open male (m) and female (f) flowers, as described above in Eq (2). For pollinator visitation rates, previous work suggests that saturating functions of flower densities such as Holling type II functional responses are typical of oligolectic consumers that use only a few plant species and Holling type III responses are typical of generalist consumers that switch between hosts [6]. While honeybees are generalist, here we use a Holling type II response because of the mono-culture orchard environment in the model. Following previous studies [6, 31, 32] we defined the total pollinator visitation rate as:

Totalpollinatorvisitationrate=α(f+m)1+αβ(f+m) (3)

which has the units of per time. This visitation rate includes visits to both male and female flowers. The movement of pollinators between male and female flowers depends on the proportion of male vs female flowers, as well as pollinator preferences. Previous studies suggest that honey bees have a preference to visits flowers of the same sex as the one they are currently on [22, 24, 33, 34]. We define the preference parameter δ such that a pollinator on a male flower can preferentially choose to next visit another male flower (0 < δ < 1). Similarly, we define the preference parameter ϵ such that a pollinator on a female flower preferentially next visits another female flower (0 < ϵ < 1). Pollinators have no preference if δ = ϵ = 1. We used these preference parameters to define functional forms representing the probability of a pollinator to visit each type of flower, following the method used in [35]. These probabilities depend on the ratio of male to female flowers raised to the power of the preference, such that the movement of pollinators between flowers can be written as the following expressions:

(mf+m)δfractiononmaleflowersthatmovetoamaleflower (4a)
1-(mf+m)δfractiononmaleflowersthatmovetoafemaleflower (4b)
(ff+m)εfractiononfemaleflowersthatmovetoafemaleflower (4c)
1-(ff+m)εfractiononfemaleflowersthatmovetoamaleflower (4d)

Fig 3 shows plots of the probabilities of pollinators that will switch the type of flower they are on verses the proportion of female flowers in the orchard, for various preferences parameters.

Fig 3. Movement probabilities for (a) pollinators on male flowers switching to a female flower and (b) pollinators on female flowers switching to a male flower for strong, weak, and no preferences in paramters δ and ϵ.

Fig 3

Values for strong preferences were used for the analyses in this paper, details are described in the Parameterization section. Note that a strong preference for remaining on the same type of flower corresponds with a low probability of switching between flower types.

Full pollinator-flower model

The complete pollinator-flower model are described with the following system of differential equations:

dPm1dt=(α(f+m)1+αβ(f+m))Totalvisitationrate[(1-(ff+m)ε)(Pm2+Pm3+Pf)movesfromfemaletomale-(1-(mf+m)δ)Pm1movesfrommaletofemale] (5a)
dPm2dt=(α(f+m)1+αβ(f+m))Totalvisitationrate[(1-(mf+m)δ)Pm1movesfrommaletofemale-(1-(ff+m)ε)Pm2movesfromfemaletomale-(ff+m)εPm2movesfromfemaletofemale] (5b)
dPm3dt=(α(f+m)1+αβ(f+m))Totalvisitationrate[(ff+m)εPm2movesfromfemaletofemale-(1-(ff+m)ε)Pm3movesfromfemaletomale-(ff+m)εPm3movesfromfemaletofemale] (5c)
dPfdt=(α(f+m)1+αβ(f+m))Totalvisitationrate[(ff+m)εPm3movesfromfemaletofemale-(1-(ff+m)ε)Pfmovesfromfemaletomale]. (5d)

The incorporation of flowering dynamics given in Eq (2) into the system of differential equations for the pollinators model (5) results in a system of ordinary differential equations when t ≤ min{τm, τf}, before any open flowers begin to close, followed by a system of delay differential equations with a single delay τ = min{τm, τf} when min{τm, τf}≤t ≤ max{τm, τf}, and then by a system of delay differential equations with two fixed delays, τm and τf. This model tracks the number of open male and female flowers (m, f) and the number of pollinators of each type (Pm1, Pm2, Pm3, Pf) as they visit male and female flowers.

Pollination measurement

The total number of visits to female flowers is an important factor for pollination. Visits to female flowers from the different classes of bees represent different pollen depositions needed to determine success of fruitset.

We define the visits of pollinators to female flowers that result in pollen deposition as either type one, two, or three, as depicted in Fig 2. We then define fruit set for a day t denoted by P(t) as

P(t)=1-(1-p1)v1(t)×(1-p2)v2(t)×(1-p3)v3(t) (6)

where vn(t) for n = 1, 2, 3 represents the total number of type n visits that each flower has received at the time of closing (day t), and pn represents the percent chance that a single visit will fully pollinate a flower to set fruit, for each visit type n. The total predicted yield is the fruit set for each day multiplied by the number of female flowers closing on that day, summed over all the days,

Thetotalpredictedyield=tDFC(t)*P(t). (7)

where DFC(t) denotes the daily number of female flowers closing at day t. The total predicted yield proportion over all days is the number of flowers closing on each day multiplied by the fruit set for that day divided by the total number of female flowers, in our calculation we use the number of total female flower buds,

Thetotalpredictedyieldproportion=tDFC(t)*P(t)Bf. (8)


All model parameters are listed in Table 2. In order to parameterize the visitation rate Eq (3) we assume the pollinators are active in the field for only 4 hours per day. For the search rate α we assume a pollinator encounters 2 flowers per min, or 480 visits per day, assuming they forage only 4 hours a day. For the handling time β it has been observed that the average time a pollinator spends on a flower is 16 sec, or 0.0011 days [36]. We use an odds ratio to parameterize the preference parameters, δ and ϵ.

Table 2. Model parameters, base values and ranges used in simulations.

Parameter Meaning Units Base value Range References
α search rate 1/(day×flower) 480 120—3600 [14]
β handling time days 0.0011 0.00013– 0.0094 [22, 23, 36, 39]
δ preference to remain on male flowers 0.0634 0–1 [14, 22, 24, 33, 34]
ε preference to remain on female flowers 0.0725 0 –1 [14, 22]
Bm number of male buds flower 600000 300000–900000 [18, 37]
Bf number of female buds flower 600000 300000–900000 [37]
tm peak day of male flower opening rate day 6 2—9 [24, 37, 38, 40]
tf peak day of female flower opening rate day 6 2—9 [24, 37, 38, 40]
σm spread of male flowering period 2.5 0.5–5.5 [24, 37, 38]
σf spread of female flower period 2 1–4 [24, 37, 38]
τm life span of male flowering day 4 3–5 [30]
τf life span of female flower day 5 3–7 [34, 41, 42]
ρ pollinators per 1000 flowers pollinators/flower 6 1—20 [18, 30]
p1 percent chance to set fruit from single type one visit 0.66 0.25– 0.75 [14]
p2 percent chance to set fruit from single type two visit 0.55 0.1– 0.65 [14]
p3 percent chance to set fruit from single type three visit 0.22 0– 0.5 [14]

Experimental observations on pollinator behaviors in environments with equal density of male and female flowers (1:1 ratio, which is typical across planting regimes even when the ratio of male to female plants differs, due to flower pruning practices) reveal that pollinators on male flowers have a 0.957 probability of remaining on male flowers and those on female flowers have a 0.951 probability remaining on female flowers [14, 24, 34]. This information was used to help parameterize the preference parameters. Following the experimental conditions, we assume an equal density of male and female flowers and take δ = ln(0.957)/ln(0.5) and ϵ = ln(0.951)/ln(0.5). It is important to note, that while these preference parameters are constant, the probability of switching from flower types depends on these preferences, as well as the open number of male and female flowers, see Eq 4 and Fig 3.

Once flowers begin to open, the peak day for flower openings occurs between days 2 and 9 [24, 37, 38] and we assume tm = 6 and tf = 6 days. Flowers remain open for 3–7 days [30] and we assume base values of 5 for τm and 4 for τf. Observed pollinator densities range from 0.2 –20 per 1000 flowers [30], and we assume a baseline value of ρ = 6 pollinators. We assume the percent chance that a single type one visit (transitions a pollinator from group Pm1 to group Pm2) will fully pollinate a flower to set fruit is p1 = 66%. A single type two visit (transitions from Pm2 to Pm3) will fully pollinate a flower with assumed p2 = 55% and a single type three visit (transitions from Pm3 to Pf) will fully pollinate a flower with assumed p2 = 22% [14]. For the total number of flowers we assume the number of flower buds follows Bm = Bf = 600, 000 per ha.

Model simulations

All simulations were conducted using Matlab’s differential equations solvers ode45 and dde23 with initial conditions such that 0% of pollinators were Pm1, Pm2, and Pm3, and 100% of pollinators were Pf at time t = 0 for an orchard of sample size of 1 ha. Parameter values for the total number of flower buds Bm (male) and Bf (female) along with the number of pollinators per 1000 female flowers ρ are used to determine the total number of pollinators for each simulation.

Base simulations testing model behaviors

Model simulations for the set of baseline values given in Table 2 are shown in Fig 4. Pollinators of type Pm1 and Pf fluctuate during the blooming period while the number of pollinators of types Pm2 and Pm3 remain low (Fig 4a). The accumulated number of visits to female flowers at the time of closing is almost identical across visit types (Fig 4e), and is driven by the number of open female and male flowers, since the number of pollinators is fixed. Our model output measure (total predicted yield) is shown in Fig 4f. As expected, type one visits have the highest fruit set rate while type three visits have the lowest fruit set rate, even though the total number of these visits are similar (Fig 4f). The results in Fig 4(f) multiplied by the daily number of female flowers closing yields the daily predicted yield. Then the summation of this yield returns the main output for our model; the total predicted yield (see Eq (7)). Under these baselines values total predicted yield is 545,120 fruit / ha with a predicted fruitset of 90%. This is on the high end of reported fruit set in “Hayward” orchards (c.f. 80% in Gonzales et al. 1998 [43]), but matches the experience of the authors in field trials where fruit set is measured before harvest and thus is a higher figure than fruit set calculated for yield (Pattemore D pers. obs., Broussard M pers. obs.). Accordingly, the fruit number per hectare is higher than the 200,000—300,000 often reported in the literature [4446], but again is within the range of possible outcomes.

Fig 4. Model simulations presenting (a) number of pollinators during the bloom period, (b) accumulated number of transitional visits of different types, (c) number of open male and female flower during the bloom period, (d) daily number of transitional visits of different types, (e) daily number of transitional visits of different types per female flower at the time of closing, (f) predicted number of fully pollinated fruit for each type visit and all visits for female flowers at the time of closing.

Fig 4

All parameter values are base values in Table 2 with initial conditions that pollinators haven’t collected any pollen yet (i.e., Pm1 = Pm2 = Pm3 = 0 and Pf = ρ*Bf/1000).

Simulations exploring model outputs

We varied key model input parameters and investigated model predictions with numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis. Model parameters are presented in Table 2. A major model output measure is the predicted yield, which is defined as the number of female flowers per ha that became fully pollinated fruit. A second important model output is the percentage of female flowers that became fully pollinated fruit, defined here as the fruit set. We used numerical simulations to explore variations in flowering dynamics including the percentage of buds that are female and shifts in the duration of time when male and female flowers are both opened (by varying the peak date in male flower opening rate). We also explored variations in pollinators dynamics including bee densities, preference parameters and pollinator handling time.

Parameter sensitivity analysis

In order to better assess the predictions of our model we investigate the uncertainty of the estimated parameter values using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) with the statistical Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC) technique, which provides a global parameter sensitivity analysis. LHS is a stratified Monte Carlo sampling method without replacement giving a global and unbiased selection of parameter values [27]. The PRCC technique is used to assess the importance of each parameter for a given output measure. It is appropriate when the parameters have a nonlinear and monotonic relationship with the output measures. Using a model orchard of 1 ha we used LHS to sample the parameters listed in Table 2 and used PRCC to investigate the output measure of the total predicted fully pollinated fruit per hectare (yield). Following Marino et al. 2008 [27] we performed a z-test on the resulting PRCC values and verified that, in general, higher magnitude PRCC values correspond with a stronger influence on the output measure. Most of the parameters had nonlinear and monotonic relationships to the total predicted yield. Additional investigation on parameter values that were nonmonotonic was done by truncating the parameter space to monotonic regions, details are presented in the appendix.


To investigate the role of key plant parameters we varied the ratio of male to female flowers in the orchard by fixing the total number of flowers and varying the percentage of flowers that are female, all other parameters were set to their base values shown in Table 2. Increasing the fraction of flowers that are female (versus male) per hectare first increases the total predicted yield (fruit per hectare), peaking near 0.66, and then decreasing rapidly as female flowers make up the majority of the orchard (Fig 5). When the fraction of female flowers per hectare is low, nearly all female flowers produce fruit: predicted fruitset reaches above 97%. However, the total yield (fruit produced) is low due to the low quantity of female flower buds. On the other hand, when most flowers are female, predicted fruitset decreases to 20% along with an associated decline in yield. This is due to the fact that while the quantity of female flowers is high, the quantity of male flowers is low and the chances of successful pollination decreases substantially. The model predicts a maximum fruit yield when female flowers make up two thirds of the field with a fruitset (percent of open flowers that achieved successful pollination) of 78.3%.

Fig 5. Total predicted yield (fruit per ha) as a function of the percentage of buds that are female.

Fig 5

The total number of buds was kept constant at 1.2 million/ha and the fraction of female flowers varied. Other parameters are baseline values in Table 2. The fruitset (percentage of open female flowers that achieved full pollination) is listed under each data point.

Other key plant parameters influence the timing of when male and female flowers are open and receptive. Pruning and the use of chemical bioregulators are typically used to control the onset and duration of flowering by growers [47]. Over a longer time frame, cultivar selection can be used to ensure adequate overlap of male and female flowering across a range of environmental conditions. The model assumes the rate that flowers open follow normal distributions with key parameters specifying the peak day of flower openings for both the male (tm) and female (tf) distributions. Varying the peak day that male and female flowers open influences the duration of time with both types of flowers open simultaneously as well as the number of flowers open during these times (Fig 6a). In particular, differences between tm and tf shifts these distributions and affects the overlapping time when both flower types are open. In Fig 6 we hold tf = 6 days constant and vary the peak day of male flowers opening from tm = 3–9 days. Predicted yield is maximized (with associated fruit set rates above 91%) when both flower types open concurrently with the same peak opening day (Fig 6b). While shifting the peaks a day apart does not have a huge influence on the predicted yield, a shift of two or three days has significant consequences.

Fig 6. Open male (colored) and female (black) flowers (a) and total predicted yield (b) for varying peak day of male flower opening from day 3 to day 9.

Fig 6

The total amount of buds was kept constant at 1.2 million/ha with a male to female flower ratio of 1:1 and 6 bees per 1000 female flowers. Other parameters are baseline values in Table 2. The percentage of open female flowers that achieved sufficient pollination to set fruit is listed under each data point.

To investigate the role of key pollinator parameters, we varied pollinator density based on data on observed honey bee densities. The total predicted yield increases rapidly as the number of bees increases from one to six bees per 1000 female flowers (Fig 7). Here fruit set also increases from 39% with only one bee per 1000 female flowers to over 90% with six bees per 1000 female flowers. While continuing to increase the number of bees does increase fruit set rate and the total predicted yield, the increase slows down substantially above six bees per 1000 female flowers.

Fig 7. Total predicted yield as a function of the number of bees per 1000 female flowers.

Fig 7

The bee density varies from 1 bee per 1000 female flowers to 20 bees per 1000 female flowers, and the total amount of buds was kept constant at 1.2 million/ha with a male to female flower ratio of 1:1. Other parameters are baseline values in Table 2. The percentage of open female flowers that achieved sufficient pollination to set fruit is listed under each data point.

Pollinator behavior parameters also play important roles in the model. The model includes preference parameters for pollinators to remain on the type of flower they are visiting, based again on data from honey bee observations. For the baseline values, a pollinator on a male flower preferentially chooses to visit a male flower next (δ), likewise a pollinator on a female flower preferentially chooses to visit a female flower next (ϵ). Total predicted yield increases as the pollinators increasingly prefer to switch between male and female flowers in sequential visits (Fig 8a). The yield increases substantially when preference for switching is very small and saturates quickly after. The drastic increase in yield begins to plateau close to the baseline parameter values for the preferences, ϵ and δ (dashed lines in Fig 8a). It is important to note that Fig 8a explores variations in preference parameters for a constant male to female flower ratio. The actual probabilities of moving between types of flowers is described in Eq (4) and variations in preference parameters are depicted in Fig 3 across different orchard conditions.

Fig 8. Total predicted yield for varying pollinators’ preference of flowers (a) and for varying pollinators’ handling time (b).

Fig 8

Other parameters are baseline values in Table 2. Pollinators prefer flowers of the same sex in sequential visits; in (a) low preference values near 0 correspond with strong tendencies to remain on either male or female flowers, higher preference values correspond with strong tendicies to switch flower type. Blue dashed line in (a) depicts baseline values of δ (preference to remain on male flowers) and red dashed line depicts values of ϵ (preference to remain on female flowers).

Another relevant pollinator behavior is the speed of foraging. Our model includes two parameters for this: the handling time and search rate. Our analyses indicate that of these two, the handling time is the most influential; the total predicted yield decreases quickly as the pollinators’ handling time increases (Fig 8b). When the handling time increases from 10 sec to 60 sec, fruit set rates decrease from 100% to 50%.

The modeling framework enables us to vary key plant and pollinator parameters simultaneously. For a given percentage of female flower buds that make up the orchard, predicted yield increases as the number of bees per 1000 female flowers increases (Fig 9). When the female flower buds percentage is high (between 50% and 90%), maintenance of bee densities over 6 bees per 1000 female flowers will lead to better pollination and therefore ensure a high predicted yield.

Fig 9. Total predicted yield for varying the proportion of female flower buds and the number of bees per 1000 female flowers.

Fig 9

The total amount of buds was kept constant at 1.2 million/ha. Other parameters are baseline values in Table 2.

Parameter sensitivity analysis shows that the percentage of female flowers, the total number of buds, and the bee density have the most significant effect on the total predicted yield (Fig 10) with a positive correlation. Bee density, the pollinators’ preference to switch from female to male flowers (ϵ), the male flowering period (σm), and the pollinator’s preference to switch from male to female flowers (δ) are the next most important parameters that are positively correlated with the predicted yield, while pollinator handling time is the only parameter with a strongly negative effect on the total predicted yield.

Fig 10. Sensitivity analysis of the delay differential equation model using partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC) values for each parameter in the Latin hypercube sampling.

Fig 10

PRCC values marked as ns are not significant (P ≥ 0.05). Flower traits are in orange and pollinator traits are in blue.


Flower density and the percentage of female flowers were highly influential parameters in predicting final fruit yield. Also important was the width of the male blooming window. Managed honey bees are the primary mode of kiwifruit pollination globally [2], and several pollinator-related factors were found to influence yield, with bee density, flower handling time, and preference for moving between flowers of different sexes all highlighted by our sensitivity analysis.

Kiwifruit flowers may take up to 40 honey bee visits to be fully pollinated [48], but this is partially due to the large numbers of bees which deposit little or no pollen. We found that increasing bee density will increase fruit production, but that there is a point of diminishing returns after the first 6-8 bees per 1000 female flowers and buds. This finding broadly agrees with the literature, which reports that densities of around 3-6 bees per 1000 flowers are sufficient for full pollination [25, 49, 50], with sustained higher bee numbers being unusual, though sustained densities of 14 bees per 1000 flowers have been reported in cages [49] and densities of 30-60 bees per 1000 flowers may occur for a very brief period of time in rare circumstances [4, 34]. We found that a longer flower handling time was negatively correlated with fruit production in this model. Although empirical data show that honey bee flower handling time is not correlated with pollen deposition [14], the rate of flower visitation is a well-known factor in limiting the effectiveness of pollinators independently of pollen deposition. [51].

Preference factors are less well-known, but highlighted here. Honey bees are able to differentiate between male and female kiwifruit flowers without landing on them [34], and they must travel from a male flower to a female flower to deposit viable pollen. This chance of switching can potentially be affected by other pollinators in the field [52], as well as the attractiveness of the male and female cultivars. Increasing the chance of switching between plant sexes may be a critical factor for kiwifruit pollination, as the baseline values in our model are right on the edge of a steep decline—if less switching happens than currently reported in the literature (as indicated by the base parameter values), there could be very significant, negative impacts on pollination.

When examining the interaction of bee density and the proportion of female flowers, we found that, at typical bee densities (< 12 bees per 1000 flowers), the optimum proportion of female flowers was 65-75% of total flowers, representing a ‘sweet spot’ between having more possibilities for fruit development and risk from insufficient movement of bees between the two flower sexes. Current orchard plantings have an approximately 50:50 ratio between male and female flowers [4], highlighting an opportunity to increase yield by changing pruning practices to increase the proportion of female flowers-an easily achievable intervention compared with changing pollinator behavior.

Our model takes advantage of over 30 years of field-based data in New Zealand and other parts of the world and provides a way to quantitatively assess how different plant- and insect-related factors interact and their importance for final fruit set. Our results suggest that choosing cultivars which have their peak bloom on the same day, planting and pruning to achieve approximately 70% female flowers in the orchard, having as many flowers as the vine can support to full fruit size, and placing enough hives to maintain more than 6 bees per 1000 flowers will optimize yield. There is the potential for future work to improve the predictive power of this model by accounting for multiple pollinators and spatial scale and pattern.

Supporting information

S1 Appendix. Many of the parameters have monotonic relationships with the output measure (S1a Fig) and the PRCC statistics for those are reliable.

However, we note that parameters σm, σf, tm, tf and the proportion of female flower buds in the field exhibit nonmonotic behaviors. Therefore, we conducted additional LHE sampling by truncating the ranges of these parameters to monotonic regions. S1b and S1c Fig depict the monotonicity of the truncated parameter space. The resulting PRCC results for the entire parameter space as well as the truncated parameter spaces are compared in S2 Fig. Parameters for the total number of buds, percentage of female buds, bee density, and handling time are consistently identified as important parameters in all cases. We note that in the truncated case we split the percentage of female flower buds into the cases of 5–76% and 76–96%. In the first half this parameter shows a highly influential positive relationship with predicted yield (large positive PRCC value) and in the second half the parameter is inversely related to the predicted yield. This is as expected as saturating the field with only female buds will eventually cause a decrease in yield. These dynamics are observed in the monotonicity plots as well.


S1 Available code. Matlab code for our model was provided as an online supplemental file and is available to download.



We would like to thank Mark Goodwin for his assistance in obtaining data for model parameterization, and Ruth Williams and Warrick Nelson for their feedback on the manuscript.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by Plant & Food Research Discovery Science grant DS 14-65. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Adrian G Dyer

8 Jun 2020


Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop


Dear Dr. Peace,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I have been able to source two reviews from researchers that have expertise on both modelling and plant pollination systems. Both reviewers see the value in your work, as do I, but also made several suggestions that will significantly improve the clarity of the study for the readership of PLOS ONE. Can you please pay careful attention to all suggestions, and especially work to make the definitions etc much clearer (and more consistent). There were also several points in the manuscript where it was not totally clear where parameter data for models had come from. Please be very careful about defining source(s) all empirical data and how this can be accessed from public domain. This enales other researchers to replicate and extend your research. Data can for example be place within table(s) in manuscript; or use one of the public databases if large data sets are involed. If you had a goal that a good HDR could look up your paper and replicate findings, that is a very good outcome and would help ensure others will use this potentially important finding.

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Adrian G Dyer, Ph.D.

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Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: This article presents a model of the honeybee pollination of kiwifruit in order to assess how male/female ratio and honeybee stocking rates impact fruit production in an orchard. The research model is described, results are presented and analysed. The problem is clearly defined, an appropriate model is used, and the potential impact of the results is explained. Overall, this paper addresses an important problem using a relevant and appropriate method.

I think a number of issues still need to be addressed prior to considering whether or not this paper should be accepted for publication. If they can be addressed, then I do think the paper warrants publication and I also believe PLoS ONE is a suitable venue.


My main overarching suggestions are:


* that the standard orchard planting ratios be explored and clearly explained to the reader who is unlikely to be familiar with them. These ought to be supported with recent documentation or info. elicited from farmers/growers about current best practice.

* that the paper be restructured so that the reader finds out, as they read the paper, the info. they need to understand what was done and why it was done using the methods/approaches documented. Currently much info. that is needed to understand the first parts of the paper only appears in the later parts of the paper. Specific details are provided below.

* that the paper include a careful explanation and justification for the assumption of male/female ratios used in parameterisation

* that the paper include a careful explanation and justification of how a bee's flower preference could possibly be independent of flower m/f ratios for an insect foraging in the field.

* please label graph axes with units (see below)

* please comment on the utility of the finding about the impact of male opening times to growers. Is it feasible for them to manipulate this trait? Discuss.

* that the model code be placed online if possible and in accordance with any journal policies if required (e.g. GitHub?)


Some detailed remarks:


Line 7: note, not all animal pollinated plants have *insect* pollinators.

Line 10: please cite reference for stocking rates 3-8 col./ha.

Line 17: Explain briefly how this approach could be used to improve conservation practices, e.g. in a sentence or so. Or, drop this sentence altogether.

Line 26... for the non-kiwifruit-experts among your readership (probably most of us readers!) please provide some detail on orchard layouts, standard planting arrangement, physical characteristics of plants including their extent, leaf cover, number of flowers, pruning regimes etc. Otherwise all this is very hard to get a handle on.

Line 34: please, if honeybees are indeed the common managed pollinator of this crop, please provide references to support this (and therefore the choice of honeybees for your model - you only get to this at line 250 currently). Also comment briefly, do bumblebees help? What other pollinators might be playing a role? I see at line 270 you note that the presence of other pollinators may impact honeybee behaviours. For the reader to assess the likelihood of this calling into question the reliability of your results, can you provide your thoughts? Please discuss this in a little detail in the Discussion section also.

Line 50: At this point it looks like an essential aspect of your model assumptions is an unlimited supply of pollen on the male flowers. Please comment explicitly.

lines 53-63: Please can you make this explanation clearer? E.g. simply saying that a move up from f-3-2-1 occurs by visiting male flowers, and a move down occurs from 1-2-3-f by visiting female flowers, and then referring the reader to the figure would be much simpler.

line 68: Please clarify - honeybees are excellent generalists exploiting a wide range of plant species! Surely they are the exemplar polylectic insect (so not olig.!). Doesn't this mean you need to be more careful about putting the case for your selection of Holling-II? E.g., is the fact they are in an orchard which is mono-culture relevant here since they may have no choice of floral resource? Or is there some other reason your assumption works? Please cite references backing up your claim of appropriateness.

EQNs 2a-d. I'm unsure at this point why the equations take the form of the fractions raised to a power. How did you derive this form? (Maybe it is something obvious, sorry if I missed it)

Line 88: You speak here of flower opening rate. Do you perhaps mean that these times tm and tf are times at which the peak *numbers* of flowers are open? Or is this truly the time at which the *rate* of flowers undergoing the change from open to closed is occurring? (I'm just unsure of your intended meaning in this sentence)

Fig 2. refers to a 5x5m orchard. This was initially very confusing to me as I couldn't see why you would model a space so tiny. Only later (cf. line 145) did I realise this fig. caption is the only place 5x5m is mentioned. Can you not instead simply plot this data for the orchard size (1 ha.?) that you actually used for your models? This will save confusing your readers.

Line 104: only below on line 111 does it become clear to me what you mean by this sentence. Please rephrase it to be clear that there is *not* a separate probability parameter or distribution for "fruit set" that is somehow independent of the number of visits. The way 104 is currently worded it seems like this is what you have implemented.

Table 1: Can you comment on the fact that the data you have collected in this table spans a variety of scenarios, even decades and (of course) studies? What does this mean for your study that you have drawn across such a wide variety of conditions to extract parameters for modelling a single orchard?

Lines 128-131: This section is very confusing to me. Surely the chance of a M->F or F->M swap is proportional to the number of flowers of each type in visual or short-term exploratory range, *as well as* the preference of the bee? Treating the preference of the bee as the all important factor and treating the problem of availability as independent of this seems to me to be counter to the likely behaviours of foragers in the field (If the bees were in a y-maze and asked to make a decision about M/F I would expect different results.) This issue re-appears at line 184 and I note you are concerned about its importance at line 270. It really seems to me that this is a key parameter needing careful thought and study.

[[ Aside: Since neither flower offers nectar, may I ask, what is known about why the bees "want" to visit the female flowers at all? If they *could* tell male from female flower 9I see your note on line 267 that this is possible), may I ask, would they not choose male flowers every time so as to forage pollen? (I'm not familiar with the specifics of bee foraging on this particular crop, I guess many readers won't be either, so please state/reiterate in your paper what you (and the literature) know about why these switching probabilities are as they are.) ]]

Line 130: You derive some values for preferences based on an equal number of male/female flowers. As a reader I don't know if this is a sensible assumption. My quick and naive googling online reveals: "The proportion of non-fruit bearing, and thus “unreproductive” male plants in the orchard is generally limited, e.g. often 1 male plant to 5-8 females is advised. This limits availability of pollen." (here: So now I am left wondering about your derivation. Can you explain this so that the reader can follow why you assumed equal numbers of flowers to compute your parameters? You might also wish to explain why then it is okay for you to vary the M:F ratio in your experiments, without recomputing these parameters (see note above on lines 128-131)? [I note your comment on line 281 that 50:50 ratio is normal... is this based on current practice? The paper you cite is 2012. Is there a newer reference? (Or, if not, is there evidence that nothing has changed from talking to a commercial farmer might help support your claim?)]

Line 140: Please can you confirm, and cite ref's supporting the idea, that the male and female flowers are both open for the same length of time? Is it true that the pollen from a particular male flower is viable for the same length of time that the stigma of the female flowers are receptive? (This isn't necessarily the case). If not, does your model need to take this into account somehow?

Line 155: You write, "Intuitively... " but actually, haven't you hard-coded 66%, 55% and 22% as the chance that a visit of type 1,2 or 3 will fully pollinate a flower? So this isn't "intuitive", your code is explicitly written to operate this way. Is that correct? Please can you clarify and rephrase if necessary?

I am not an expert on the Parameter Sensitivity analysis approach so I am not able to comment on how well this has been conducted.

Lines 201-202. It wasn't clear from the text above that this variation was going to be explored. Please can you state above that this was something you would investigate? (It seems like a good idea). Can you elaborate, is there actually any means by which a grower might manipulate flowering time of kiwifruit? I.e. could a grower capitalise on this? How? Or is it beyond their control?

Fig 3d) Please match vertical axis scales in all three parts of the figure.

3f) caption... spelling of pollinated.

Fig 4. Please use a numerical value scale that matches the unit (i.e. % not decimals).

Fig. 6 - vertical axis unit = fruit per ha.? Please write it on the graph.

Fig. 7. Caption: Blue dashed line [singular] in (a) depict*s*... and and red dashed lines [which line*s? there's only one line [singular] depict*s*...

Fig. 7(a) Graph: I struggle to read this. Firstly, please place a unit (fruit count?) on the axis. Secondly, aren't the yields per ha. going to be for a specific *pair* of M->F AND F->M values? How do I read a yield for a specific pair of these values off the graph? I can only see how yield corresponds to a single value of EITHER M->F OR F->M switching preference. Or have I really misunderstood what is being shown in this figure? If so, please clarify for me.

Fig. 9 caption (P???) - scrambled text on my PDF copy

Please check references 16, 24, 38 - they are scrambled or incomplete.

Reviewer #2: Recommendation: this article has sufficient potential, with minor revisions.

The authors have used historical empirical data to parameterise their mathematical modelling (delay differential equations with Latin hypercube sampling and sensitivity analysis) to test the relative importance of pollinator behaviour and plant biology, both singly and simultaneously, on fruit yield in kiwi fruits grown in New Zealand. While I understand mathematical modelling is important for simulating the often-complex processes observed in biological systems which can enable effective generation of hypothesis, modelling is often only as good as the data used to create the model. This makes the paper hard to assess the authors claims without critically reviewing the source material used in this model. I would recommend a summary of the empirical data used and extracted in these models. However, I believe the mathematics behind the modelling appears to be sound and nicely incorporates, plant and pollinator data and has the potential to inform kiwifruit growers how to improve yields based on plant ratio/pruning/layout and stocking rate of honeybee pollinators.

The model predicted the following based on such data (from the abstract):

1. At realistic bee densities, the optimal orchard had 65-75% female flowers

2. The most benefit was gained from the first 6-8 bees/1000 flowers, with diminishing returns thereafter

3. Bee density significantly impacted fruit production

4. Plant-based parameters of flower density and male-to-female flower ratio were the most influential

My main concerns about the paper is the decisions and data behind the assumptions and base-line parameters used in the modelling. Generally, I believe the title, abstract and introduction needs to be re-worked so that they are less confusing and flows better. The materials and methods, results and discussion sections are more logical and flow reasonably well. References need to be checked again (some references are incomplete).


The title makes no mention of the fact that results were obtained by mathematical modelling.

The title does not inform the reader of what type of crop was used (Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ or A. chinensis?)

The title does not inform the reader what type of pollinator was used (Apis mellifera? Bombus sp.?)


Throughout the paper the authors have used interchangeable wording for the variables and parameters used in this model, making it quite confusing. Ie. Pollinator behaviour / insect behaviour / pollinator abundance / stocking rates / pollen loads / flower handling / flower preference / switch preference and ratio of male to female flowers / densities of male and female flower, percentage of female flowers, plant varieties, plant traits, plant biology, flower phenology, yield, orchard layout etc. In order for this to be less confusing, it may be beneficial to list the exact variables and parameters used, their definition and why you used them. I believe more outcomes from the results section could be incorporated and aspects of the last paragraph of the discussion should be used in the abstract as it is written nicely and provides valuable information for the reader.


I think the paper would benefit from additional background information about kiwifruit orchards, varieties, pollinators used, yields etc. What is the current industry standard in New Zealand? Please state clearly and uniformly throughout the text which variables and parameters are being incorporated into the model. Hypothesis / predictions could be expanded and written more clearly.

Materials and methods:

I think it would be beneficial to list all assumptions and why you made assumptions.

Figure 1 description – I understand the explanation is in the main text of the materials and methods section, and this may work for some, however it is not obvious from the description what is going on. At least outline the definitions of Pm1, Pm2, Pm3, Pm4.

Figure 2. ‘Example simulations of open flowers over time following equations (5) starting with 1500 of each male and female flower buds Bm = Bf = 1500 (modeling 5 meters By 5 meters orchard field) for (a) m = 1, f = 1, tm = 7, tf = 8, m = 5, f = 6 and

(b) m = 2, f = 4, tm = 7, tf = 8, m = 5, f = 6 and

(c) m = 3, f = 3, tm = 4, tf = 5, m = 4, f = 5’

• What is the assumed biological significance of each example?

What unit for yields?

Figures 5 – 5a and 5b – location of the a) and b) descriptions are confusing.

Figure 7 – 7a and 7b – as above

Results and Discussion

Are written in a clear and logical progression with good discussion.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2020 Oct 23;15(10):e0231120. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231120.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

13 Aug 2020

Dear Dr. Adrian G Dyer,

Thank you for your careful review of our manuscript and the invitation to submit a revised version. The two reviewers are clearly knowledgeable and provided helpful feedback that has improved the manuscript. Please see the response to reviewers document for detailed responses to each remark.

One of the reviewers requested that our matlab code be made available online. We have a model of differential equations and we use matlab's built in solvers to solve it, but we're happy to provide this code if needed. What are your policies for this? Does the journal maintain an online repository? Or can simply add this code as online supplemental material? Thank you.


Submitted filename: ResponseToReviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Adrian G Dyer

8 Sep 2020


Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop


Dear Dr. Peace,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I have had the revised manuscript re-reviewed by reviewer one, who had requested the major revision. Reviewer 1 has found the paper much improved and has requested only a few minor clarifications. If you can make these changes I will accept the manuscript. Thank you for your time to prepare the previous detailed revisions to both reviewers from the previous round of reviewing..

Please submit your revised manuscript by Oct 23 2020 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

If applicable, we recommend that you deposit your laboratory protocols in to enhance the reproducibility of your results. assigns your protocol its own identifier (DOI) so that it can be cited independently in the future. For instructions see:

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Adrian G Dyer, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: This article presents a model of the honeybee pollination of kiwifruit in order to assess how male/female ratio and honeybee stocking rates impact fruit production in an orchard. The research model is described, results are presented and analysed. The problem is clearly defined, an appropriate model is used, and the potential impact of the results is explained. Overall, this paper addresses an important problem using a relevant and appropriate method.

The paper is much improved after its initial revision. I think the paper warrants publication in PLOS1 with only a few minor revisions to tidy things up. These are detailed below.


My main request is:


Please add a section (or sub-section) on how the model's behaviour was tested... not sensitivity analysis, but how did you do basic checking to ensure it was all functioning as you would expect? E.g. what expected and real-world patterns were you looking to assess against? How did you validate the model's relationship to reality? How did you validate the model's behaviour with respect to your model design?


Some detailed remarks:


ABSTRACT text: "honeybee density per flower" ... "density" seems (to my mind) to conflate two things... i.e. bees / unit-area and bees/flower. Maybe just call it bees/flower as that is how you built the model.

Typos below... (please find these using a word search, there are two copies of the paper in the PDF and if I cite line numbers I am bound to be confusing)

>> in *an* orchard

>> femaler !?

>> Here, chose and varied some parameter*'*s values

>> the text, "to partially compensate for this short-coming of the model we limit active foraging to ..." isn't a clear explanation about the pollen issue. BUT the explanation you gave in the document to the reviewers directly in your response document *is* clear... please can you explain the statement in the paper as you explained it in the response to reviewers' document?

>> under equation (3): "which has the units of *flowers* per *unit of* time" ...perhaps?

>> under equation (4d): "are on verses the proportion *of* female flowers in the..."

>> text above equation (6): "type one visit, the visit that results in transitioning a pollinator from group Pm2 to Pm3 139 as a type two visit, and the visit that results in transitioning a pollinator from group Pm3 to Pf as a type three visit".... you can label these on Fig. 2 and refer the reader to the figure for clarification. You might also consider explaining these "types" with Fig. 2, and referring the reader back to it (instead of explaining the types in this section).

>> the finding of/around Fig 6 is a little obvious... isn't it? If not, please say why this isn't just trivial (i.e. less male flowers open -> less pollen available -> less fruit set).

Please check references 14, 15, 17 - they are incomplete / truncated.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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Decision Letter 2

Adrian G Dyer

8 Oct 2020

Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop


Dear Dr. Peace,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

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Kind regards,

Adrian G Dyer, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Adrian G Dyer

15 Oct 2020


Orchard layout and plant traits influence fruit yield more strongly than pollinator behaviour and density in a dioecious crop

Dear Dr. Peace:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Adrian G Dyer

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Appendix. Many of the parameters have monotonic relationships with the output measure (S1a Fig) and the PRCC statistics for those are reliable.

    However, we note that parameters σm, σf, tm, tf and the proportion of female flower buds in the field exhibit nonmonotic behaviors. Therefore, we conducted additional LHE sampling by truncating the ranges of these parameters to monotonic regions. S1b and S1c Fig depict the monotonicity of the truncated parameter space. The resulting PRCC results for the entire parameter space as well as the truncated parameter spaces are compared in S2 Fig. Parameters for the total number of buds, percentage of female buds, bee density, and handling time are consistently identified as important parameters in all cases. We note that in the truncated case we split the percentage of female flower buds into the cases of 5–76% and 76–96%. In the first half this parameter shows a highly influential positive relationship with predicted yield (large positive PRCC value) and in the second half the parameter is inversely related to the predicted yield. This is as expected as saturating the field with only female buds will eventually cause a decrease in yield. These dynamics are observed in the monotonicity plots as well.


    S1 Available code. Matlab code for our model was provided as an online supplemental file and is available to download.



    Submitted filename: ResponseToReviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: ResponseToReviewers2ndRound.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

    Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS