Figure 5.
6-PP levels produced by T. atroviride wild-type strains IMI206040 and P1, and their ∆tmk3 mutants upon growth under different light regimes. Amount of secreted 6-PP extracted from the agar of T. atroviride wild-type (A,B) and Δtmk3 mutant cultures (C,D) after growth on PDA in the presence of different light wavelengths, in complete darkness, or white light–dark cycles. Wild-type strains were cultivated for 48 h, while ∆tmk3 mutants had to be grown for 72 h due to their slower growth rate. The bars represent values normalized to mycelial dry weight (DW). Results shown are means ± SD. p values: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.