Page 9128. Inadvertently, the Acknowledgments in our original manuscript failed to give appropriate attribution to two former co-workers, Justin M. Wolfe and Anthony J. Rojas. The corrected acknowledgment is given below.
We thank Alexander W. Schuppe, Scott McCann, Richard Y. Liu, Andy A. Thomas, Christine Nguyen, and Andrei Loas for advice on the preparation of this manuscript; Zachary P. Gates for assistance with protective antigen; and Justin M. Wolfe and Anthony J. Rojas for related, unpublished work on oxidative addition complexes that contributed to the development of the approach in this work and for the donation of Z33-N17C used to carry out initial optimization studies. We are grateful to Constanze N. Neumann and Bogdan I. Fedeles for advice on ICP-MS analysis; and MilliporeSigma for the generous donation of ligands used in this study. We are indebted to the NERCE facility (grant U54 AI057159) for the expression of proteins.