Figure 2.
rp1l1 mutants have photoreceptor responses comparable to wild-type zebrafish at 1 and 3 months. (A) Sample traces from one mutant and one wild-type animal at 1 month of age. (B) b-wave amplitude is not different between wild-type and mutant fish. (C) 1-month-old mutant zebrafish have increased b-wave implicit time under 0.2, 1, and 3 intensities, indicating a delay in response. n = 6 for wild-type; n = 5 for mutant. (D) Sample traces from a 3-month-old wild-type and mutant animal. (E) b-wave amplitude and (F) implicit time are not significantly different between the groups. The box and whisker plots depict medians (center lines), upper and lower quartiles (boxes), and distributions (bars). Each dot is an individual animal. n = 5 for wild-type; n = 9 for mutants. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01.