Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-020-63759-1, published online 27 April 2020
In the original version of this Article, the author Solene De Talhouet was incorrectly indexed. This error has now been corrected.
Additionally, this Article contained errors in the Reference list. References 41–45 were incorrectly listed as References 39–43.
References 39 and 40 were omitted and are listed below:
Friedlaender, A., et al., BRCA1/BRCA2 germline mutations and chemotherapy-related hematological toxicity in breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 174, 775–783 (2019).
Labidi-Galy, S.I., et al., Location of mutation in BRCA2 gene and survival in patients with ovarian cancer. Clin Cancer Res 24, 326–333 (2018).
Furthermore, the Discussion section contained a typographical error.
“Investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences, such as mutational signatures37, somatic loss of the wild-type allele38, BRCA genotype, the references and recombination deficiency scores and/or infiltration by lymphocytes39,40 are important questions that need to be addressed in the future.”
now reads:
“Investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences, such as mutational signatures37, somatic loss of the wild-type allele38, BRCA genotype39,40, homologous recombination deficiency scores and/or infiltration by lymphocytes41,42 are important questions that need to be addressed in the future.”
These errors have now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the Article.