Figure 1.
The Seedling Growth 2 Ground Reference Experiment
(A) Experimental design including the illumination profile for each sample including color code used as key.
(B) Images of 6-day-old seedlings (WildType, nuc1-2, and nuc2-2, under the two illumination options) inside the CC just before collection for freezing (additional photos are provided as Supplemental InformationFigure S1). Scale bar, 1 cm (the gridded membrane has clearly defined grid lines spaced at 3.1 mm). The labels on the membrane represent the cassette # in the ground control.
(C) Principal-component analysis (PCA) of the 18 samples (three replicates per condition) using read counts data from FeatureCounts. This diagram gives an overview of the similarities and dissimilarities between samples and the experimental conditions' overall effects (see Data S1 for an RNA quality report on the red light samples). All replicates are consistently grouped according to their experimental conditions, and two clear PC1 (for illumination conditions during the last 2 days of growth: darkness and red light) and PC2 (for genetic background: WT, nuc1-2, and nuc2-2) are observed.