We report ultralow intrinsic magnetic damping in Co25Fe75 heterostructures, reaching the low 10−4 regime at room temperature. By using a broadband ferromagnetic resonance technique in out-of-plane geometry, we extracted the dynamic magnetic properties of several Co25Fe75-based heterostructures with varying ferromagnetic layer thicknesses. By measuring radiative damping and spin pumping effects, we found the intrinsic damping of a 26 nm thick sample to be α0 ≲ 3.18 × 10−4. Furthermore, using Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we measured spin-wave propagation lengths of up to (21 ± 1) μm in a 26 nm thick Co25Fe75 heterostructure at room temperature, which is in excellent agreement with the measured damping.
Itinerant ferromagnets (FMs) are advantageous for spintronic and magnonic devices. They benefit from, e.g., large magnetoresistive effects and current-induced spin–orbit torques.1 In many magnetoresistive technologies (e.g., anisotropic magnetoresistance, giant magnetoresistance, and tunnel magnetoresistance), electronic conductivity is indispensable. Moreover, due to high saturation magnetization in metallic FMs, spin-wave (SW) group velocities are in general significantly higher than those in insulating ferrimagnets.2–5 High saturation magnetizations in general are easily detectable. Nevertheless, itinerant FMs typically have considerable magnetic damping.6,7 This is unfavorable for many applications. For example, low damping is crucial for oscillators based on spin transfer torques and spin–orbit torques as well as for achieving large spin-wave propagation lengths (SWPLs).8–10 The need for thin film materials with low magnetic damping has triggered the interest in the insulating ferrimagnet yttrium-iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12, YIG).11–13 Although for YIG, very small total (Gilbert) damping parameters on the order of αG ≈ 10−5 and large SWPLs of a few tens of micrometers (up to ~25μm) in thin films (~20 nm) have been reported,5,13,14 its insulating properties and requirement for crystalline growth are challenges for large scale magnonic applications.
Schoen et al. recently observed ultralow intrinsic magnetic damping in Co25Fe75 (CoFe) metallic thin films [α0 = (5±1:8) × 10−4],15 and Körner et al. reported PLs of 5 μm – 8 μm in CoFe using time resolved scanning magneto-optical Kerr microscopy.4 This motivated our study on sputter-deposited CoFe-based thin film heterostructures. We use broadband ferromagnetic resonance (BB-FMR) spectroscopy16 in out-of-plane (OOP) geometry and Brillouin light scattering (BLS) microscopy17 and find intrinsic damping parameters in the lower 10−4 regime as well as SWPLs of more than 20 μm. The damping is therefore comparable to YIG/heavy metal (HM) heterostructures,18 and the SWPL is comparable to that of state-of-the-art YIG thin films.5,13 Thin film CoFe is a promising candidate for all-metal magnonic devices, as it combines low magnetic damping with good electrical conductivity and large saturation magnetization, while enabling easy fabrication by room-temperature processing/deposition, no required annealing, polycrystalline structure, and scalability to the nanometer regime.
For BB-FMR, Ta(3 nm)/Al(3 nm)/Co25Fe75(t)/Al(3 nm)/Ta(3 nm) heterostructures with different thicknesses t of the CoFe layer were sputter deposited on a thermally oxidized Si (100) substrate at an Ar pressure of 5 × 10−6 bar at room temperature. No subsequent annealing process was performed. The CoFe layer thickness was varied in the range of 1.4 nm < t < 26 nm as determined by X-ray reflectometry.
The OOP BB-FMR measurements were performed at room temperature using a vector network analyzer (VNA). This geometry was chosen to determine the intrinsic magnetic damping without further damping contributions due to magnon-magnon scattering.19 The samples were placed directly on a coplanar waveguide (CPW), with an 80 μm wide center conductor. For the measurements, the VNA frequency f was kept constant and the microwave transmission parameter S21 was recorded as a function of applied magnetic field H0 for a range of frequencies at a VNA output power of 0 dBm. A representative set of data as measured for the real and imaginary part of S21 at 16GHz for samples with t = 1.8 nm and t = 26 nm is shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b).
The magnetic response of the thin film FM magnetized out-of-plane is given by the susceptibility χ which is obtained by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation,15,20
. | (1) |
Here, Ms is the saturation magnetization, Hres is the resonance field, Heff = 2πf / (μ0γ), with γ being the gyromagnetic ratio, and ΔH = 2(2πfα)/(γμ0) is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) line-width of the resonance. The data in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) are fitted to21
, | (2) |
where is the background transmission through the CPW without the magnetic resonance peak. It is determined from the fits as a complex linear background to the data . Factor A is a complex-valued scaling parameter.
In the OOP geometry, the resonance condition for thin films is given by22
, | (3) |
where Meff = Ms – Hk is the effective magnetization, with the uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy field Hk. In Fig. 1(c), we plot the determined Hres vs the frequency f. From the fit to Eq. (3) [red solid lines in Fig. 1(c)], we obtain Meff and γ of the specific sample.
The FWHM linewidth vs frequency data shown in Fig. 1(d) are fitted to
. | (4) |
Here, Hinh is the inhomogeneous linewidth broadening and αG is the phenomenological Gilbert damping parameter.23,24 Hinh indicates the presence of long-range magnetic inhomogeneities, which become more relevant for thinner films but do not contribute to our αG.
Several contributions to the measured total damping (αG) were extracted from our data. In addition to the intrinsic damping of the magnetic material itself (α0), spin pumping (αsp) contributes significantly25–27 to the total damping in our thinner heterostructures due to the adjacent HM (Ta) layers. Furthermore, we consider additional damping contributions from eddy currents (αeddy) and radiative damping (αrad).15,21 Due to these contributions, the total damping (αG = α0 + αsp + αeddy + αrad) depends on the FM thickness. We calculated damping due to eddy currents and measured radiative damping contributions to the total damping. The eddy current contribution is given by15 . Here, μ0Ms = 2.35 T (see the supplementary material) and ρ = 340 nΩ m is the estimated weighted resistivity value of the CoFe film derived from the resistivities of iron and cobalt thin films with thicknesses of around 20 nm.28,29 With these values, we find an almost negligible eddy current contribution to the total damping. A quantitative determination analogous to Ref. 21 of the radiative damping is done by analyzing the magnitude of the measured inductance L of all samples. The quantification of this contribution is important for BB-FMR because it represents a damping by inductive power dissipation into the CPW and, hence, is not a property of the sample itself but depends on the setup. In possible applications like, e.g., magnonic waveguides or spin-Hall nano-oscillators, this contribution vanishes and the damping lowers by αrad. With Eq. (2) in this work and Eq. (9) from Ref. 21, one obtains
. | (5) |
Here, Z0 = 50 Ω is the CPW impedance. It has been shown that , where and , due to the effect of inverse spin–orbit torques.21 We extract L from the FMR measurements, and the dipolar inductance from a fit of vs f for each sample. The radiative damping contribution is then given as15
. | (6) |
This analysis allows us to determine αrad independent of geometrical parameters of the samples or CPWs and is used to quantitatively extract the dipolar inductance without any calibration of the microwave circuit. For the thickest sample, we obtain αrad = (4.69 ± 0:05) × 10−4, which is comparable to the previously obtained values.15,30 The damping including the spin pumping contribution αsp is given by
. | (7) |
where is the effective spin mixing conductance.30 We subtract αrad and αeddy from the measured total damping αG [see Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)] and plot the remaining damping α0 + αsp as a function of 1/t in Fig. 2(b) together with the total damping αG. From a linear fit [Eq. (7)] to α0 + αsp, we obtain geff and α0. Therefore, we use Ms as above and γ/2π = 28.65 GHz/T. The fitted geff = (5.5 ± 0.3) × 1018 m−2 is in agreement with literature values.15 The y-intercept indicating the extrapolated intrinsic damping yields α0 = (0.91 ± 1.69) 10−4, and hence, the intrinsic damping is below the sensitivity of our approach. For the thickest sample t = 26 nm shown in Fig. 2(a), we obtain α0 = (3.18 ± 0.48) 10−4 (see the supplementary material for details). Within the errors, this value lies close to the extrapolated value and is the lowest intrinsic damping for a thin film ferromagnetic metal reported so far. We attribute the slightly reduced intrinsic α0 compared to Ref. 30 to the use of a different seed layer, which has a substantial impact on the damping of CoFe.31
The low damping properties of the CoFe heterostructures, in combination with the high saturation magnetization, are expected to result in long PLs of dipolar SWs. We use microfocused BLS17 to study the SW propagation in patterned CoFe samples, which is schematically depicted in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b).
For our experiments, we fabricated patterned stripes of a Pt(3 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/Co25Fe75(t)/Cu(3 nm)/Ta(3 nm) heterostructure using laser (sample A) and electron beam (sample B) lithography, sputter deposition, and a subsequent lift-off process. This stack sequence was used as lower in-plane damping was observed compared to the samples containing Al. Below, we present data on only two samples with a thickness of t = 5 nm and a width of w = 1.5 μm for sample A and t = 26 nm and w = 5 μm for sample B, respectively. An aluminum antenna was placed on top of the CoFe strip to drive spin dynamics via a microwave drive applied to the antenna. For sample A, we used a simple aluminum strip optimized for excitation of the uniform (FMR) mode, whereas for sample B, we used a CPW antenna optimized for an efficient excitation of SWs with wave number k ≤ 2 μm−1.
In order to compare the uniform FMR-mode linewidths of the extended and patterned films, we used sample A in backward volume geometry and placed the laser spot close to the antenna, where the FMR mode is dominantly excited. We recorded BLS spectra for several magnetic fields for each frequency. The BLS intensity is integrated, and the signal sum is then plotted vs the external magnetic field in Fig. 3(c). The FWHM-linewidth ΔH is determined by fitting a Lorentzian (red line). We then compared the fitted linewidth with the measured in-plane BB-FMR linewidth of a blanket film, deposited simultaneously with the structured BLS sample. In the in-plane configuration, the total damping increases due to magnon-magnon scattering19,33 and possible anisotropic damping.34–37 As shown in Fig. 3(d), the linewidths μ0ΔH determined from BB-FMR (black symbols) and BLS (blue symbols) are very similar, indicating that the damping properties are not affected by the patterning, as expected in a lift-off process with micrometer feature sizes.
In the next set of experiments, we investigate the SWPL of sample B [see Fig. 3(b)]. Here, the magnitude of the external magnetic field was fixed at μ0H0 = 43 mT, while the field was applied perpendicular to the CoFe strip (Damon-Eshbach geometry). The BLS intensity was recorded as a function of position (x, y) over the CoFe strip. The BLS intensity decay in the x direction (i.e., the BLS intensity averaged over the width of the strip in order to suppress mode-beating effects38–40) is shown in Fig. 3(e) for f = 9.5GHz. The SWPL λprop is extracted by a fit to I = I0 exp (−2x/λprop)41 and plotted vs f in Fig. 3(f). From our experiments, we extract a maximum SWPL of (21 ± 1) μm, well exceeding the previously obtained results for FeNi alloys42 and CoFe4 and very comparable to values found for YIG thin films.5,13 The red curve is the theoretical prediction, based on the analytical Kalinikos-Slavin model detailed below and using the magnetic parameters determined by in-plane BB-FMR (μ0Ms = 2.35 T, μ0Meff = 2.29 T, αG – αrad = 3.92 × 10−3, and g = 2.051) for a codeposited reference sample (see the supplementary material).
Starting with a simplified version of Kalinikos and Slavin’s SW dispersion for the modes with kx ⊥ M,43,44
(8) |
we calculated the group velocity υg = 2π∂fres/∂k. Here, is the in-plane wave vector of the traveling SW and μ0Hk = μ0Meff – μ0Ms = −60 mT is the effective interface anisotropy field. The calculation of the transversal wave vector component ky = 0.31 μm−1 due to geometrical confinement was shown to be nontrivial and is used as a fitting parameter, as in Ref. 45. The resonance linewidth is given by46 Δω = αμ0γ(Meff/2 + H0 + Hd), and the lifetime of the SW is τ = 1/Δω. Here, α = αG – αrad. The SWPL is λprop = υgτ. The demagnetization field in the y-direction was set to μ0Hd = −18 mT, as required for matching Eq. (8) to the SW dispersion obtained by phase-resolved μBLS17 [see Fig. 3(g)]. This value for Hd is in good agreement with the demagnetization (μ0Hd ≈ −12 mT) obtained for an ellipsoid with the axes corresponding to the CoFe-stripe dimensions.47 We find excellent agreement between this model and our experimental data in Fig. 3(f).
In summary, our sputter-deposited Co25Fe75 layers exhibit a record low intrinsic damping for metallic thin film ferromagnets of α0 ≲ 3.18 × 10−4 in OOP geometry. The damping properties of extended films are maintained for micropatterned films, and spin-wave propagation lengths are in very good agreement with the properties extracted from BB-FMR. The low magnetic damping, together with the high saturation magnetization, leads to spin-wave decay lengths of more than 20 μm at room temperature, which is the highest reported so far in itinerant magnetic systems. This property makes Co25Fe75 a promising material for all-metal spintronic and magnonic devices, compatible with semiconductor technology.
See the supplementary material for (I) the determination of the saturation magnetization Ms, (II) a detailed linewidth analysis of the t = 26 nm sample, and (III) IP BB-FMR data of the reference sample for optical measurements.
Supplementary Material
We acknowledge financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) via Nos. WE5386/4, WE5386/5, and SCHU2922/1 and Germany’s Excellence Strategy No. EXC-2111-390814868.
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