Figure 2. Impact of mutational status on transfusion responses.
(A) Forest plot depicting influence of mutational status on achievement of 50% reduction in red blood cell transfusion requirement; patients with SF mutations were less likely to achieve this in the POM arm only (OR=0.35 [0.15, 0.84]; P=0.018). This association with poorer transfusion responses in SF-mutated patients was restricted to POM-treated patients. (B) Forest plot depicting the influence of mutational status on achievement of red blood cell transfusion independence (RBC-TI) by treatment arm; patients with SF mutations were less likely to achieve RBC-TI in the POM arm (OR=0.33 [0.11, 0.94] P=0.038) but not in the placebo arm; (OR=1.1 [0.29, 4.3] P=0.87); predominantly attributable to patients with U2AF1 mutations; (OR=0.1 [0.021, 1.1]; P=0.06). Univariate logistic regression was performed for each group and outcomes with significant (P<0.05) odd ratios (OR) are denoted in red. Figure 2A were adjusted for male gender (denoted by a star) which was independently significant on univariate analysis. RCC-NR = Red Cell Count No Response; RCC 50-R = Red Cell Count 50% Reduction in Transfusion Requirement; RCC-TD = Red Cell Count-Transfusion Dependent; RCC-TI = Red Cell Count-Transfusion Independent; NDM = Non Driver Mutation; HMR = High Molecular Risk Mutation; SF=Splice Factor.