a Exemplary a phosphotransferase reaction catalyzed by a kinase
domain is illustrated. Conventionally, the respective kinase transfers the
γ-phosphate of ATP to a hydroxyl group of either a serine, threonine or
tyrosine residue of the substrate protein. We have illustrated the structure of
the catalytic sub-unit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PRKACA, RCSB
4O21). The N-lobe is marked in beige, the C-lobe in
grey, and the bound ATP in red. The image
was created using PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.1.1
Schrödinger, LLC, New York City, NY, USA. b Mutated genes
(576) of a patient cohort consisting of 12,647 cases
represented by the bar on top (TOTAL). Mutated kinases (52) are
highlighted in light grey, the remaining mutated genes
(524) are shown in black. Below the
percentage of simple somatic mutations occurring for each kinase are shown. For
the kinases highlighted in red Kin-Con biosensors are
available. Kinases with transmembrane regions are highlighted in dark
grey. Data were obtained at https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/