Figure 2. Genetic ancestry of woolly dogs.
2A. mtDNA tree of 207 dogs with A2b (Mutton) and A1a (SB Dog) haplotypes expanded. Map points correspond to colored tree tips for the most similar archaeological and historic dog mtDNAs, highlighting the subclades of interest and the broader haplotypes. Samples used are listed in DataS1. 2B. Outgroup-f3 statistics (f3(GrayFox; Mutton, B) or estimation of shared drift between Mutton and 229 other dogs reveals that Mutton has highest similarity to PCDs. Black point estimates indicate ancient genomes. 2C. D-statistics (((PCD, Mutton), Test Dog), Gray Fox) consistent with gene flow into Mutton’s background, with European breeds appearing the most likely contributors to Mutton’s non-PCD ancestry. 2D. f4-ratio tests (f4(A, Out; Mutton, AL3194-PortauChoix): f4(A, Out; B, AL3194-PortauChoix)) to estimate the proportion of European settler dog ancestry in Mutton’s background using six modern European breeds as proxies for Mutton’s European ancestry component.