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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA logoLink to Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
. 2019 Mar 25;26(6):561–576. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocz009

A systematic literature review of machine learning in online personal health data

Zhijun Yin 1,, Lina M Sulieman 1, Bradley A Malin 1,2,3
PMCID: PMC7647332  PMID: 30908576



User-generated content (UGC) in online environments provides opportunities to learn an individual’s health status outside of clinical settings. However, the nature of UGC brings challenges in both data collecting and processing. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the effectiveness of applying machine learning (ML) methodologies to UGC for personal health investigations.

Materials and Methods

We searched PubMed, Web of Science, IEEE Library, ACM library, AAAI library, and the ACL anthology. We focused on research articles that were published in English and in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings between 2010 and 2018. Publications that applied ML to UGC with a focus on personal health were identified for further systematic review.


We identified 103 eligible studies which we summarized with respect to 5 research categories, 3 data collection strategies, 3 gold standard dataset creation methods, and 4 types of features applied in ML models. Popular off-the-shelf ML models were logistic regression (n =22), support vector machines (n =18), naive Bayes (n =17), ensemble learning (n =12), and deep learning (n =11). The most investigated problems were mental health (n =39) and cancer (n =15). Common health-related aspects extracted from UGC were treatment experience, sentiments and emotions, coping strategies, and social support.


The systematic review indicated that ML can be effectively applied to UGC in facilitating the description and inference of personal health. Future research needs to focus on mitigating bias introduced when building study cohorts, creating features from free text, improving clinical creditability of UGC, and model interpretability.

Keywords: systematic review, machine learning, online environment, online health community, social media, patient portal, personal health


Over the past decades, the structured data in electronic medical records (EMRs) have become critical resources for medical informatics research.1–3 However, this clinically centric data often lack a patient’s self-reported experiences and attitudes, as well as a characterization of their feelings and emotional states, thus providing only a partial view of a patient’s health and wellness status.4,5 As the Internet continues to permeate every aspect of daily life,6,7 platforms that support anytime, anywhere communications have gained in popularity, such that individuals are increasingly sharing highly detailed information regarding many aspects of their life in online environments (eg, via social media platforms like Twitter and online health communities [OHCs] like PatientsLikeMe),8,9 including their health and wellness.10,11 This provides opportunities for healthcare providers and researchers to learn about an individual’s health status and treatment experiences outside of clinical settings. This notion is supported by a recent systematic review,12 which found that the benefits induced by incorporating online environments into health care included peer emotional support, public health surveillance, and potential to influence health policy.

However, there are various challenges associated with the collection and application of user-generated content (UGC) in online environments for healthcare research.13 First, in social medical platforms, discussions can wander over a wide variety of topics, many of which are not necessarily pertinent to personal health.14–16 Second, unlike the structured information in EMRs or clinical notes composed by healthcare providers, UGC generated by patients is often expressed in un- or semistructured text with layman words, such that interpretable factors need to be detected and extracted to gain intuitions into an individual’s health status.4,17 Third, in many situations, the health status or outcomes of the users of such environments need to be inferred from their discussion.18 While manual review can be applied to tackle these challenges, such methods are often time consuming and lack scalability.4 Crowdsourcing may speed up the process,19 but it can be quite expensive (eg, domain experts are costly in their expertise and time, while the number of tasks could be on the scale of millions, leading to rapid cost escalation) and, in certain instances, privacy concerns limit the ability to share such data to crowd workers.20 To address these challenges, automated techniques, often based on machine learning (ML), are increasingly adopted to process UGC in online environments.21–24

It should be noted that systematic reviews in this research area have been conducted, but they mainly focused on public health surveillance,25 adverse drug reaction (ADR) detection,26 and interventions on health-related behaviors through online environments.27 While surveillance and ADR detection using massive online UGC can potentially track public health emergencies and enable drug safety, few reviews examine literature with a focus on personal health, which is important given the emerging era of precision medicine.28 Online interventions can improve personal health-related behaviors, but most of them are experimental or behavioral studies. Considering that most patients, especially those with chronic diseases or assigned to long-term treatments, spend most of their time outside of formal clinical environments, UGC can provide additional resources to assist healthcare providers to learn about a patient’s condition and treatment experience, and possibly predict their health status. In this systematic review, we investigated the effectiveness of applying UGC in online environments to study personal health though ML methods. Specifically, we summarized the personal health problems, the types of data, the ML methodologies, the scientific findings, and the challenges investigators encountered in this research area. In doing so, we provided intuitions into best practices for processing such data, as well as future challenges and opportunities.


This investigation followed the guidelines of the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) framework for preparation and reporting.29

Eligibility criteria

This study focused on peer-reviewed publications that applied ML to UGC to predict or infer factors related to personal health outcomes or behaviors. We used 3 criteria to search and screen publications that focused on (1) UGC in online environments, (2) quantitative analysis of UGC, and (3) personal health.

In particular, by invoking the first criterion, we concentrated on the free text that people openly expressed in online environments. This criterion leads to studies that relied on data from social media platforms (eg, Twitter), OHCs (eg,, and patient portals (eg, It excludes the data generated by individuals through surveys or interviews, whereby respondents are required to answer predefined questionnaires in an online environment. The second criterion ensures that the selected publications applied techniques based on ML or statistical inference. It excludes publications that are based solely on a qualitative analysis. The third criterion indicates that the data under investigation was applied to learn about an individual’s (or their relatives’) health outcomes or behaviors. It excludes publications that focused on population-based phenomena, such as public health surveillance, drug interactions, and ADRs that were not focused on individual-level results.

Information sources and search

We searched for peer-reviewed publications in 5 resources: PubMed, Web of Science, ACM Library, IEEE Xplore, AAAI Library, and the ACL anthology. We restricted our search to research articles published in English and in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings (excluding conference affiliated and standalone workshops) between January 1, 2010, and June 30, 2018. We grouped the query keywords into 2 sets, which were combined through an AND operator. The first set of keywords correspond to online social media platforms, OHCs, and patient portals. We added an additional term, health, to confine the publications about online social media platforms to those that focused on health-related topics. The second set of keywords correspond to ML techniques, such as regression, classification, and prediction. We applied each query to the titles and abstracts of the publications. The queries for this study are available in Supplementary Appendix A.

Study selection

Two team members (LMS and ZY) independently evaluated the eligibility of publications. They first screened the publications by examining the titles, abstracts and methods, and then obtained eligible publications through reading full text. Disagreement was resolved by discussion with the third team member (BAM).

Data collection and analysis

The data that were documented for each eligible publication included the objectives, methods, environments, problems investigated, language, and dataset (see Table 1). A narrative synthesis of all eligible studies was conducted and organized with respect to (1) research questions, (2) ML methods, and (3) scientific findings. While the first perspective showed applications of UGC in healthcare research, the second perspective provided insights into current research methods and challenges when processing and analyzing UGC using ML. The third perspective demonstrated what can be learned from UGC regarding personal health issues.

Table 1.

Summary of the 103 eligible studies

Study Methods Objective Environment Health Issue Language Dataset Size
Aramaki et al (2011)30 Classification (SVM) Identifying tweets that mention actual influenza patients and detecting influenza epidemics Twitter Influenza English 0.4 million
Qiu et al (2011)31 Classification (AdaBoost, LogitBoost, Bagging, SVM, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, BayesNet, and Decision Tree) Analyzing the sentiments of posts and the changes in the sentiments in the same thread American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network Breast Cancer English 468 000 posts, 27 173 participants
Jamison-Powell et al (2012)32 Content Analysis (Keyword Search) Exploring the discussion of mental health issues and coping with insomnia Twitter Insomnia English 18 901 tweets
Wen and Rose (2012)33 Classification (Logistic Regression), Analysis Examining the behavior and the disease trajectories overtime Multiple Platforms: online breast cancer support groups Breast Cancer English 2145 users
Biyani et al (2013)34 Classification (Co-training with Logistic Regression) Classifying the sentiment content in cancer survivor network American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network Cancer Survivor English 786 000 posts
De Choudhury et al (2013)35 Classification, Prediction (SVM) Identifying users with depression in Twitter Twitter Depression English 69 514 tweets, 489 users
De Choudhury et al (2013)36 Classification (SVM) Identifying mothers at risk of postpartum depression Twitter Postpartum Depression English 376 mothers
De Choudhury et al (2013)37 Classification (SVM) Detecting and diagnosing major depressive disorder in individuals Twitter Depression English 476 users
Greenwood et al (2013)38 Classification (Naive Bayes) Extracting the patient experience about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Multiple Platforms: 17 active blogs discussing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease English 100 posts
Lamb et al (2013)39 Classification (Log-Linear) Differentiating the concerned awareness vs Infection influenza tweets Twitter Influenza English 11 990 tweets
Lu (2013)40 Classification (SVM, C4.5, and Naive Bayes) Classifying topics in online posts General English 4041 messages
Lu et al (2013)41 Content Analysis (Clustering) Identifying health-related hot-topics in online forums (lung cancer, breast cancer, and diabetes) MedHelp General English 100 000 messages
North et al (2013)42 Content Analysis Evaluating the risk of death and emergent hospitalization using portal messages or eVisits Patient Portal General English 7322 messages
Ofek et al (2013)43 Classification (Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Rotation Forest, and Adaboost), Sentiment Analysis Understanding the sentiment of posts content American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network Cancer Survivor English 468 000 posts
Sokolova et al (2013)44 Classification (semantic-based methods) Identifying personal health information Twitter General English 3017 tweets
Beykikhoshk et al (2014)45 Content Analysis, Classification (Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression) Examining linguistic and semantic aspects of tweets about autism Twitter Autism English 944 568 tweets
Bodnar et al (2014)46 Classification (AdaBoost, Bayesian, Decision Tree, Logit Boost, Weighted Voting) Identifying influenza diagnosis on Twitter Twitter Influenza English 30 988 557 tweets, 913 186 users
Biyani et al (2014)47 Classification (Multinomial Naive Bayes) Identifying emotional support and informational support in cancer patients posts American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network Cancer English 240 posts
Chomutare et al (2014)48 Analysis, Recommendation Modeling a recommendation system for threads in online patient communities Diabetes, Obesity forums, and nonhealthcare data obtained from Yahoo! Research Diabetes and Obesity English 26 083 diabetes, 1436 obesity, 2360 yahoo posts
De Choudhury et al (2014)21 Classification (Logistic Regression) Detecting users with postpartum depression Facebook Postpartum English 578 220 posts, 165 mothers’ accounts
De Choudhury et al (2014)49 Prediction (Negative Binomial Regression), Content Analysis Studying the linguistic characteristics of mental health disclosure on Reddit Reddit Mental Health English 20 411 posts, 27 102 users
Lin et al (2014)50 Classification (CNN) Detecting individual’s psychological stress using content and behavior patterns Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Twitter Stress English, Chinese 492 676 tweets, 23 304 users
Nguyen et al (2014)51 Classification (Logistic Regression With Lasso), Content Analysis, Sentiment Analysis Classifying users in depression communities vs others Multiple Platforms: Online Health Communities (Depression) Depression English 267 964 posts
Opitz et al (2014)52 Content Analysis Extracting breast cancer topics from an online breast cancer forum Breast Cancer French 16 961 posts, 675 users
Paul and Dredze (2014)53 Content Analysis Identifying general public health topics Twitter General English 144 million tweets
Tuarob et al (2014)54 Classification (Random Forest, SVM, Naive Bayes) Classifying social media posts and discovering health-related information Twitter, Facebook General English 15 128 tweets, 10 000 status
Wilson et al (2014)55 Content Analysis Analyzing the linguistic contents and the topic themes about depression on Twitter Twitter Depression English 13 279 tweets
Adrover et al (2015)56 Analysis, Classification (AdaBoost, SVM, Bagging, Neural Network) Determining the adverse effects of HIV drug treatment and associated sentiments Twitter Adverse Effects of HIV Drugs English 1642 tweets
Beykikhoshk et al (2015)57 Classification (Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression with Lasso), Content Analysis (Word Cloud on pattern regarding hashtag, word frequency, and part of speech) Analyzing the content of tweets about autism Twitter Autism Spectrum Disorder English 11 million tweets
Burnap et al (2015)58 Classification (Ensemble Learning) Identifying tweets that are related to suicide and containing worrying contents Twitter Suicide English 2000 tweets
Chomutare et al (2015)48 Classification (Naive Bayes, SVM, and Decision Trees) Discovering mood disorder cues from Internet chat messages Multiple Platforms: Trained and evaluated model on Chat Lingo, evaluated on diabetes obesity and a nonhealth community Severe Mood Disorders and Depression English 200 messages
Davis et al (2015)59 Content Analysis (Latent Semantic Analysis), Statistical Inference (Linear Mixed-Effect Model) Examining the association between characteristics of the Facebook user and the likelihood of receiving responses after the announcement of a surgery Facebook Surgery English 3899 users
De Choudhury (2015)60 Classification (SVM), Statistical Inference Characterizing behavioral characteristics of anorexia users and detecting anorexia content Tumblr Anorexia English 55 334 posts
Guan et al (2015)61 Classification (Logistic Regression and Random Forest) Identifying users with high suicide possibility Sina Weibo Suicide Chinese 909 users
Hu et al (2015)62 Classification, Prediction (Logistic Regression) Classifying and predicting the depression scores Sina Weibo Depression Chinese 10 102 questionnaires
Huang et al (2015)63 Classification (SVM) Identifying suicide ideation Sina Weibo Suicide Ideation Chinese 7314 users
Jimeno-Yepes et al (2015)64 Entity Recognition (CRF) Evaluating state-of-the-art approaches to reproduce the manual annotations Twitter General (Knowledge Extraction) English 1000 tweets
Kanouchi et al (2015)65 Classification (Logistic Regression) Identifying the subject of a disease or symptom in a tweet Twitter Cold English 3000 tweets
Kumar et al (2015)22 Content Analysis Detecting the rate of suicide and the changes in posts after a celebrity's suicide Reddit Suicide English 19 159 unique users
Nie et al (2015)24 Classification (Deep Learning) Inferring the possible diseases automatically using questions in community-based health services Multiple Platforms: EveryoneHealthy, WebMD, HealthTap, and MedlinePlus General English 220 000 1uestions and answers
Tamersoy et al (2015)66 Classification (Logistric Regression with Ridge) Distinguishing individuals with long-term from short-term for smoking or drinking abstinence Reddit Smoking and Drinking Abstinence English 146 036 posts
Tuarob et al (2015)67 Classification (Customized method) Modeling the dynamics of infectious diseases and identifying individuals with infection Facebook Infection (SIRS and Influenza) English 264 students
Yang and Mu (2015)68 Classification (Customized method, using context and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Detecting depressed users in Twitter and analyzing spatial patterns Twitter Depression English 286 users
Yin et al (2015)14 Classification (Naive Bayes) Detecting the disclosing of personal health status and information Twitter General: 34 health issues English 3400 tweets
Zhou et al (2015)69 Classification, Sentiment Analysis (SVM) Identifying anti-vaccine opinions on Twitter Twitter HPV vaccine English 42 533 tweets, 21 166 users
Ben-Sasson and Yom-Tov (2016)70 Classification (Decision Tree) Classifying child's risk of autism using parents' narrative Yahoo! Answers Autism Spectrum Disorder English 1081 queries
Braithwaite et al (2016)71 Classification (Decision Tree) Identifying individuals with suicide risk on social media Twitter Suicide English 135 users
Bui et al (2016)72 Classification (Adaboost), Sentiment Analysis (Causal Inference) Analyzing the temporal causality of sentiment change American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network Cancer Survivor English 468 000 posts
Chancellor et al (2016)23 Survival Analysis (Cox Proportional Hazards Model) Predicting the likelihood of pro-anorexia recovery Tumblr Anorexia English 68 380 375 posts, 13 317 users
Chancellor et al (2016)73 Prediction (Regularized Multinomial Logistic Regression) Quantifying, and forecasting mental illness severity in pro-eating disorder posts Instagram Mental illness severity for pro-eating disorder English 434 000 posts
Daniulaityte et al (2016)74 Classification (Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, and SVM) Identifying the trends of cannabis- and synthetic cannabinoid–related drugs using tweets Twitter General (Drugs) English 4000 tweets
Dao et al (2016)75 Sentiment Analysis Extracting the factors of affective sentiment, mood, and emotional transitions LiveJournal Depression, Autism, and General Mental-Related Conditions English 28 235 posts, 2000 users
De Choudhury et al (2016)76 Classification, Prediction (Regularized Logistic Regression) Discovering shifts to suicidal ideation from mental health content in social media Reddit Suicidal Ideation English 79 833 posts
He and Luo (2016)77 Classification (CMAR) Identifying Tumblr and Twitter posts that encourage eating disorder Tumblr, Twitter Eating Disorder English 5965 posts
Kavuluru et al (2016)78 Classification (SVM) Identifying helpful comments of posts in the subreddit SuicideWatch community Reddit Suicide English 3000 comments
Krishnamurthy et al (2016)79 Classification, Prediction (based on similarity between labeled and unlabled instance) Identifying individuals with mental health issues PatientsLikeMe, GoodNightJournal Psychiatric Disorders and Behavioral Addiction English 100 users
Lee et al (2016)80 Prediction (Odds Ratio) Predicting individuals at risk of having back pain using tweets Twitter Back pain English 742 028 tweets.
Marshall et al (2016)81 Analysis Comparing and contrasting symptom clusters learned from messages on a breast cancer forum MedHelp: breast cancer forum Breast cancer English 50 426 messages, 12 991 users
Niederkrotenthaler et al (2016)82 Content Analysis Identifying the difference in message and communication style in suicide boards Forum: 7 suicide message boards Suicide German 21 681 threads
Ping et al (2016)83 Content Analysis (K-Medoid Clustering) Identifying cancer symptom clusters and Questionnaires Breast Cancer Survivors English 50 426 messages
Rus and Cameron (2016)84 Statistical Inference (Multi-level, Negative Binomial Regression) Identifying the predictive features of user engagement in diabetes-related Facebook page Facebook Diabetes (Engagement) English 500 posts
Saha et al (2016)85 Classification (Customized Method) Classifying co-occurring mental health–related issues in online communities Multiple Platforms: Online Health Communities General English 620 000 posts
Sarker et al (2016)86 Classification (Naive Bayes, SVM, Maximum Entropy, and Decision Tree), Content Analysis Monitoring the abuse of prescription medication automatically Twitter Medication Abuse (Adderall, Oxycodone, and Quetiapine) English 119 809 tweets
Yang et al (2016)87 Content Analysis (Modified LDA) Analyzing the user-generated contents and sentiment in a health community MedHelp Breast Cancer English 1568 threads
Yin et al (2016)15 Classification (SVM, Logistic Regression, and Random Forest), Content analysis (NMF) Detecting and learning the semantics patterns of health status disclosure on Twitter Twitter 34 Health Issues English 277 957 tweets
De Quincey et al (2016)88 Correlation Study Examining correlation between fever trends on Twitter and reports from authorities Twitter Fever English 512 000 tweets
Alimova et al (2017)89 Classification (SVM) Extracting drugs’ side effects and reactions from users’ reviews Online Health Community: Otzovik Beneficial Effects, Adverse Effects, Symptoms of Drugs Russian 580 reviews
Alnashwan et al (2017)90 Sentiment Analysis, Classification (Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Neural Network) Identifying the emotions categories and classifying users posts into the discovered emotions groups Online Health Forums Lyme Disease English 1491 posts
Benton et al (2017)91 Predication (Multitask Learning, Deep Learning) Predicting mental health Twitter Mental Health English 9611 users
Birnbaum et al (2017)92 Classification Combining algorithm and domain experts to classify schizophrenia users from the control Twitter Schizophrenia English 671 users
Cheng et al (2017)93 Analysis (Logistic Regression) Assessing one's suicide risk and emotional distress using discussion Weibo Mental Health Chinese 974 users
Cohan et al (2017)94 Classification (Boost Tree) Classifying the severity of users' posts based on the indications of self-harm ideation Mental Health: Self-harm English 1188 posts
Cronin et al (2017)95 Classification (Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes) Classifying patient portal message and identifying the need communicated in the messages Patient portals Patients' needs English 3253 messages
De Choudhury et al (2017)96 Analysis Examining the gender-based and cross-cultural dimensions of mental health content on social media Twitter Mental Health English 470 471 tweets
Du et al (2017)97 Classification (Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and SVMs) Extracting opinions about HPV vaccines on Twitter using sentiment analysis Twitter HPV Vaccine English 6000 tweets
Gkotsis et al (2017)5 Classification (CNN) Classifying posts related to mental illness on Reddit Reddit Mental Health English 900 000 subreddits
Huang et al (2017)98 Analysis Detecting changing points in users committed suicide in weibo. Weibo Suicide Chinese 130 users
Lim et al (2017)99 Classification Detecting latent infectious disease communicated in Twitter Twitter Infectious Diseases English 37 599 tweets
Luciana et al (2017)100 Classification (Deep Learning) Classifying users with depression from users without it Reddit Depression English 486 articles
Mowery et al (2017)101 Analysis Developing annotated corpus to encode and analyze depressive symptoms and psychosocial stressors Twitter Behavioral Depression English 9300 tweets
Nguyen et al (2017)102 Classification (Logistic Regression) Characterizing the online discussion between users in an online depression forum Live Journal Mental Health English 38 041 posts
Nzali et al (2017)103 Content Analysis Detecting discussed topics about breast cancer on social media and compare to Quality of Life Questionnaire Core topics Facebook and other forums Breast Cancer French 86 960 messages
Oscar et al (2017)104 Analysis, Classification Analyzing the content of Alzheimer's disease and dementia portrayal tweets Twitter Alzheimer English 311 tweets
Roccetti et al (2017)105 Content Analysis and Sentiment Analysis Extracting the topics and sentiments in Crohn's disease posts Facebook Crohn's disease English 261 posts
Salas-Zarate et al (2017)106 Classification (based on the scores from SentiWordNet) Analyzing the sentiment in diabetes related topics on Twitter Twitter Diabetes English 900 tweets
Simms et al (2017)107 Classification (Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Multilayer Perceptron, and K-Nearest-Neighbors) Detecting cognitive distortion Tumblr Cognitive Distortion English 459 posts
Smith et al (2017)108 Analysis Evaluating posting patterns grouped by diseases Facebook and EMR System General English 695 patients
Stanovsky et al (2017)109 Classification (RNN, Active learning) Identifying mentions of ADRs AskaPatient General English 1244 posts
Stewart and Abidi (2017)110 Content Analysis (Knowledge Map) Applying semantic mapping technologies Medical Mail List General (Knowledge Extraction) English 317 000 messages
Strapparava and Mihalcea (2017)111 Classification (Multinomial Naive Bayes) Identifying the drugs behind experience General English 4636 documents
Sulieman et al (2017)112 Classification (CNN) Classifying patient portal messages into different groups Patient Portals Patient Needs English 3000 messages
Vedula et al (2017)113 Content Analysis, Classification (Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees) Detecting symptomatic cues of depression using linguistic and emotional signals Twitter Depression English 150 users, 15 530 tweets
Wang et al (2017)114 Classification (Logistic Regression, CNN, and Customized Regularization Algorithm) Detecting posts containing self-harming Flickr Self-harm English 850 000 posts
Wang et al (2017)115 Analysis, Classification (Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest-Neighbors) Detecting eating disorder communities and characterizing interactions among individuals Twitter Eating Disorder English 1000 tweets.
Workewych et al (2017)116 Content Analysis and Sentiment Analysis Characterizing the content of traumatic brain injury–related tweets Twitter Brain Injury English 7483 tweets
Yazdavar et al (2017)117 Customized Method Applying semisupervised method to evaluate how the duration of symptoms mentioned on Twitter align with medical findings reported via Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Twitter Depressive Symptoms English 7046 users
Zhang et al (2017)118 Classification (Conditional Random Field), Longitudinal Analysis Identifying treatment mentions in social media Autism Spectrum Disorder English 500 posts
Zhang et al (2017)119 Analysis, Classification (LDA classifier, SVM, and CNN) Classifying health topics and analyzing the changes in topics in online health communities Breast Cancer English 1008 posts
Zhu et al (2017)120 Analysis and Classification (Word Embedding, Conditional Random Field) Extracting medical events and temporal relations between them Online Patient Consultation Medical Events: Problem, Treatment, and Test Chinese 8600 posts
Abdellaoui et al (2018)121 Content Analysis Detecting the messages with noncompliant behavior for depression and psychotic drugs French forums Drug Compliance French 5814 posts
Bryan et al (2018)122 Multilevel Model Identifying and comparing temporal changes in suicide vs nonsuicide deaths for users who served in the military Multiple social media sources Suicide English 315 users
Karisani and Agichtein (2018)123 Logistic Regression, Deep Learning Detecting personal health problems in social media posts Twitter Influenza, Alzheimer's, Heart Attack, Parkinson's, Cancer, Depression, and Stroke English 11 422 posts
Yadav et al (2018)124 Sentiment analysis (CNN) Analyzing the sentiment about medical conditions reported by users General English 7490 posts

CMAR: classification based on multiple association rules; CNN: convolutional neural network; CRF: conditional random field; HPV: human papillomavirus; LDA: latent dirichlet allocation; NMF: non-negative matrix factorization; RNN: recurrent neural network; SIRS: systemic inflammatory response syndrome; SVM: support vector machine.


Figure 1 illustrates the process of identifying eligible publications. Initially, our queries returned 3315 publications. We removed 534 duplicate publications and entries that were either workshop articles or not original studies in their own right, such as letters to editors, proceeding summaries, and descriptions of keynotes. Two team members read the abstracts and titles separately, leading to the removal of 2228 publications and retention of 553 publications for a more in-depth review. After examining methods and accounting for the aforementioned inclusion and exclusion criteria, 173 publications were retained for further inspection. We excluded 2 studies for which we could not obtain access to the manuscripts. After the full article review, 66 additional publications were excluded because either (1) they failed to perform content analysis or (2) health care was not their primary focus. During this process, the 2 team members disagreed on 10 publications, for which the third team member broke the ties and recommended inclusion of 6 of them. Finally, 103 publications were included in the systematic review. Table 1 summarizes the publications with respect to their objectives, methods, dataset sizes, environments and posting languages, and investigated health issues.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Illustration of the steps used in the literature search.

Online platforms and languages

The choice of the social media platforms varied but was mostly dominated by Twitter (38 studies), Facebook (8 studies), Reddit (7 studies), and other OHCs (33 studies). There are 3 studies that examined the messages generated in patient portals. Most posts were published in English (89 studies). Other posting languages included Chinese (7 studies), French (3 studies), German (1 study), and Russian (1 study).

Personal health discussed in UGC

We summarized the research problems along 5 categories. The first is characterizing health issues and patients. These studies aimed to identify health problems, symptoms, and treatments,14,22,50,61,63–65,68,70,78,94,101,107,116,119,123 as well as classify users into treatment vs control groups (eg, users with or without mental illness)5,48,58,62,66,70,71,79,85,92,93,100,102,114,119,122,125. The second is predicting the occurrence of a health issue (eg, suicide),23,35,36,62,76,80,91,98 including learning posting patterns (eg, language and writing styles) and their capability of predicting a health issue or event (eg, anorexia, depression, undergoing surgery).21,33,36,37,59,60 The third is investigating the correlation between posts about a health issue on social media and reports from authorities (eg, infectious disease).46,88,99,117; The fourth is characterizing pharmaceutical usage, including drug identification, ADRs, trends of drug usage, and drug abuse or addiction.56,74,86,89,109,111 The fifth is detecting sentiments or emotions. These studies focused on sentiment classification, characterizing emotions when coping with a major health event (eg, postpartum depression)31,56,74,75,87,90,105,106,124,126 and their impact on users’ online posting behaviors.72,113

UGC processing and analysis using ML

Data collection. The datasets applied in these studies were mainly created through 3 methods: (1) snowball, (2) funnel, and (3) random sampling. In the snowball method, a small study cohort is carefully constructed following certain criteria and then is expanded based on their online social connections (eg, followers in Twitter, or post responding relationship in OHCs).49,127 By contrast, the funnel method begins with a large dataset and excludes samples based on criteria defined by investigators or domain experts.23,35,36,57,62,76 In random sampling methods, a dataset is randomly selected from an initial collected dataset.14,15,70

Creating a gold standard dataset. Lacking explicit clinical knowledge (eg, health status or treatment history), the data collected from online environments have to be annotated before further analysis. There are 3 strategies that were commonly adopted in these studies: (1) manual annotation, which promises a certain degree of accuracy, but has limited scalability35–37; (2) using keywords or patterns to filter dataset, which is fast, but occasionally inaccurate and biased to the predefined rules30,32,33,57,121; and (3) data-driven methods, in which ML models are first trained on a small number of labeled records and then, subsequently, applied to label an unannotated dataset in a scalable manner.4,14–16,18,33,69,96,104,127

Feature engineering. There were 4 main types of high-level features that were applied in these studies: (1) post summary statistics (eg, post length, time of publication, number or frequency of posts)31,38,54,57; (2) linguistic features, which can be further characterized into 4 subtypes—term-based features (eg, a bag of words or n-grams [of words or characters]),15,39,45,47,65 grammar-related features (eg, parts of speech or dependency structure),14,39,47 features based on dictionaries (eg, synsets, drug-slang lexicons, ontologies),43,44,54,67,86,93,120 and topics (eg, word clusters based on either clustering algorithm or meaning extraction method, topics extracted using latent topic modeling methods [eg, Latent Dirichlet Allocation], and predefined semantic vocabularies [eg, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count)24,33,54,60,62,81,87,101,108,127; (3) sentiments and emotions, including scores calculated through applying ML models, and emojis14,31,34,43,57,127; and (4) geographic location.74

Due to the high dimensionality of natural language, various processing techniques were applied to detect signals or reduce noise. This included using the odds ratio of features in treatment vs control groups, frequency analysis, and feature selection.5,33,38,49,56,69,70 Recently, dense dimensional representation of words (eg, word2vec) has proven effective in building classifiers for short text.4,15,16,18,124 In addition, many studies combined different types of features to improve model performance.15,31,40,46,51,60,86

Models. The ML methodologies in these studies were summarized based on their purpose into classification (67 studies), prediction (8 studies), content analysis (23 studies), sentiment analysis (9 studies), and other analysis (12 studies). It should be noted that we use the term prediction to refer to the models that applied information in the past to predict health outcomes or events in the future. Most reviewed studies adopted off-the-shelf models for either classification or prediction tasks. Logistic regression (with lasso or ridge regularization, 22 studies), support vector machines (18 studies), naive Bayes (17 studies), and ensemble learning (eg, random forests and adaboost; 12 studies) were the 4 most common models. Deep learning, though recently introduced, is rapidly becoming a popular technique in this domain (11 studies). In addition, 5 investigations proposed customized models to solve their specific research problems. Understanding and analyzing UGC often relied on unsupervised learning and analytical techniques. Clustering and topic modeling (23 studies) were the most common content analysis methods in these studies. Other analytical techniques included negative binomial regression,49,84 survival analysis,23 linear mixed-effect models,59 and causal inference.72

Research findings about personal health

We grouped the findings of these studies by the investigated health issues: cancer, eating disorder and sleep issues, mental health, vaccines, and others. It should be noted that mental health and cancer were the 2 most popular studied health issues, and were investigated in 39 and 15 studies, respectively.

Mental health. Relying on predefined semantic vocabularies, studies showed that users with mental health problems (eg, postpartum depression) in online environments (eg, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit) often expressed negative feelings and emotions, such as hopefulness and anxiety,36,49,55,96 and exhibited lower social engagement and activity.21,36,37 The posts of these users contained different psycholinguistics, writing and linguistic style, and poor linguistic coherence.51,55,76 A general analysis on posting frequencies showed that social media has witnessed an increasing proportion of posts of medium and high mental illness severity.73 Additionally, such changes, or the increasing number of posts about mental health problems, might be triggered by a major event. For instance, a study showed that the number of posts about suicide in Reddit increased after reporting a celebrity suicide.22 Finally, a study showed that communications between users in suicide message boards, including active listening, sympathy, and provision of constructive advice, could improve the psychological content of UGC about their mental health.82

Cancer. Patients with cancer wrote about their symptoms, including pain, fatigue, sleep, weight change, and loss of appetite.81,87 Moreover, patients talked about medications, daily matters, personal lives, and nutrition, as well as the complications they experienced after a procedure or taking medication.52,83,87,119 The topics varied by cancer stages. For example, breast cancer patients in early stages tended to discuss their diagnosis, while patients in late cancer stages tended to establish online connections with others.119 Further, cancer patients expressed their emotions in OHCs, which associated with different health-related behaviors (eg, stopping or completing hormonal therapy).4 Other studies analyzed replies to posts of cancer patients and found that the sentiment of replies can influence others’ sentiment, particularly the originators of discussion threads.31,43,72,128,129

Eating disorder and sleep issues: Social media analysis helped identify the characteristics of users with eating disorder or anorexia, including young age, high social anxiety, self-focused attention, deep negative emotions, and increased mental instability.60,77,115 Some Reddit or Tumblr users with anorexia showed signs of recovery in their posts,23,60 while others who exhibited eating disorder showed signs associated with their body image using #hashtags in Twitter.77,115 Additionally, Twitter users with insomnia or sleeping problems made fewer connections to others and were less active in general, but were relatively more active at some specific times (eg, during sleep hours).32,130

Vaccines: Social media users expressed their opinions and attitudes toward vaccines. Studies found differences in the posts published by users who were anti-vaccine and users who were pro-vaccine. For example, through examining the language, studies found that anti-vaccinators on Twitter tended to use more direct language and exhibited more negative opinion and anger compared with the pro-vaccine posts.69,97,127 A study suggested that surveillance of anti-vaccine opinion may help understand the driving factors of negative attitudes toward vaccines.127

Other health issues: Studying trends and detecting infectious diseases, such as fever, influenza, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), have been investigated extensively.46,54,88,99 While some studies investigated mentions of medications on social media and found that users talked about medication abuse and outcomes,56,74,86 other studies found general health topics that users posted about themselves.53,103 For instance, through a content analysis, studies found that users in WebMD, PatientsLikeMe, YouTube, and Twitter talked about diagnoses, symptoms, feelings, and emotions, and the related therapeutic techniques.41,42,108,110 Further, it is showed that users in Twitter and OHCs discussed chemicals, drugs and their efficiency, complications, and ADRs.41,56 In autism OHCs, users who were mainly parents wrote about behaviors, needs, concerns, and treatments that their kids or themselves experienced in daily life.57,70,118 Finally, a study using deep learning models showed that UGC in Flickr can be applied to detect attempts of self-harm by inspecting changes in patterns of language, platform usage, activity, and visual content.114


The majority of the reviewed studies demonstrated that UGC in online environments can be effectively applied to learn about personal health via ML. Our investigation suggested that UGC can be utilized to learn factors related to personal health that are rarely recorded in EMR systems. For example, with the help of ML techniques, UGC can be a useful data source to extract people’s opinions, sentiments and emotions, coping strategies, and social support regarding a broad range of health issues (eg, cancer and mental health). This is significant because these factors can potentially influence a person’s health-related behavior, confirming the importance of UGC in describing an individual’s health. However, despite its notable advantages, UGC in online environments also brings challenges.

Clinical creditability of UGC: First, a majority of the studies assumed that what people claimed about their health status is credible. Yet this assumption might not be true. For example, 5 studies indicated that their findings did not correspond to a clinical diagnosis and the credibility of the findings depended on the reliability of the information posted by users.23,48,81,96,130 Only 1 study investigated a cohort with health status confirmed with medical records.46 Two other studies applied a Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Screening tool to detect users with depression.21,37 By contrast, studies that investigated UGC in patient portals were discovered in the initial search, but only 3 met our inclusion criteria.42,95,112 This suggests that there is a need for research that bridges the gap between the EMR information collected during clinical encounters and the patients’ health information outside the clinical environment. Analyzing UGC and aligning the findings with EMR data may empower patients and provide clinicians with a more complete version of their health and life.

Challenges in Processing UGC: Second, the ML models applied to UGC have to deal with linguistic complications in the analysis of natural language text (eg, misspellings, jokes, humor, metaphors, ambiguity, sarcasm, grammar errors and emotions). For example, Twitter, as an all-purpose social media platform, is used to communicate various topics beyond one’s personal health. Many studies applied keyword filtering or ML based methods to filter tweets for further analysis. While OHCs contain more health-focused discussion, these methods still need to be applied to extract particular health outcomes or events. For example, certain studies applied a combination of keyword searching and ML models to extract medication discontinuation events from the online discussion board in,16,18

Further, 37 of the reviewed studies suffered from selection bias caused by the 3 summarized dataset creation methods. For instance, it is not uncommon for Twitter users to misspell a complex medical keyword (eg, writing tamoxfen instead of tamoxifen) or to use layman terms to describe health conditions (eg, using high blood pressure to represent hypertension). Keyword filtering could hardly capture all of these variations. The ML-based method exhibited a high precision, but it missed mentions that failed to follow the patterns incorporated into the models. Additionally, manual annotation was often applied to identify a small study cohort from Twitter or OHCs, which might not be able to represent the study population. Other biases caused by the nature of online environments include selection bias due to an individual’s willingness to share online information and sampling bias (eg, analyzing only active users or specific users such as adult patients and healthcare providers).

Interpretability of models: Third, while there is an increasing body of research in this area that applied deep learning models to improve model performance instead of interpretability, most of the reviewed studies applied classical off-the-shelf models (eg, linear and logistic regression) and dedicated more effort on feature engineering. There were 3 major types of content-related features in these studies: (1) term-level features (eg, n-gram characters or words), (2) topic-level features (eg, topics, word clusters or semantic groups), and (3) sentiments or emotions. Interpreting sentiment or emotion features is straightforward because their values represent the magnitude of positivity in UGC. However, interpreting values of term-level or topic-level features is more challenging. For example, the coefficient of a topic in a logistic regression represents the rate of change in the log-odds when the distribution of the topic changes 1 unit. However, the 1-unit increase of a topic is often problematic in its interpretation for several reasons. First, it is difficult to explain what is 1-unit increase of a topic. Second, and perhaps most importantly, when a patient mentions a notable issue, such as a side effect, they might merely be indicating that there were no side effects experienced when taking a medication. Hence, there is a need to establish a more interpretable feature representation for training interpretable models, such as accounting for negation, building more robust topic models, and directly measuring health severity or emergence from text.

Application in Practice: Fourth, it is challenging to apply ML results in practice to benefit both patients and healthcare providers. For example, who is responsible for continuously monitoring a patient’s posting behavior? Some studies suggested that on Reddit, the moderators can monitor such behavior and help direct in-time psychological services for users with potential mental health problem.49,76 We believe that it will be fruitful for health care once an effective way is established to connect patients, platform moderators, and healthcare providers to solve this issue collaboratively. Finally, it should be noted that it is worth investigating the discrepancy between the information that a patient receives from their healthcare professionals and that from the online environment. Doing so provides insight into the extent to which the information patients receive in online settings reinforces or conflicts with their doctor’s guidance.


There are several limitations in this systematic review that we wish to acknowledge. First, we included many ML-related keywords in the search queries to cover as many related publications as possible. However, this process might miss some studies that failed to mention such terms. Second, we removed 345 workshop articles before screening eligible publications and 2 after full article review, which could be considered in future review. Third, we removed many studies that focused on public health and ADRs but neglected to investigate or discuss personal health. In addition, some studies that investigated immunizations and performed opinion mining were excluded because there was no further investigation on their impact on personal health. Finally, the ethical and privacy concerns of using ML methods to UGC is an important consideration,131 but was beyond the focus of this systematic review.


This systematic review summarized how ML has been applied to UGC in online settings to study personal health issues. We specifically focused on the information that social media users shared about their health to seek information and support and to express opinions. While the findings of the reviewed studies (eg, creating study cohort, extracting sentiments and emotions, predicting depression, learning about cancer treatment experience) suggested that ML for the analysis of health information in online environments has advanced and achieved certain benefits, there remains a variety of challenges that need further investigation. These include, but are not limited to, the ethical aspects of analyzing personally contributed data, bias induced when building study cohorts and dealing with natural language, interpretation of modeling results, and reliability of the findings.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation grant number IIS1418504.


ZY and BAM contributed to the idea of the work. ZY and LMS performed article collection, screening, full article examination and summarization. BAM resolved the disagreement during the article screening process. ZY and LMS composed and revised the manuscript. BAM edited, commented and approved the final manuscript.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.

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