Angular Orientation of HSPD1 over Varying Timepoints and Vitrification Devices
(A) Timescale of grid preparation for HSPD1 samples analyzed for angular distribution.
(B) Preferred orientation of HSPD1 of the combined data, showing an angular orientation distribution map (Mollweide projection) of the C7 symmetric reconstruction so that only one-seventh of the area is occupied. Views of HSPD1 on the left show the approximate corresponding orientation, with these data dominated by the top view.
(C) Orientation distribution maps for HSPD1 data collected from samples prepared with TED 6 ms (i), TED 50 ms (ii), chameleon 54 ms (iii), and Vitrobot 6 s (iv). The normalized probability density function (PDF) approximates the probability to find a particle in a certain orientation. The color scale is the same in (B) and (C), with dark blue representing a high proportion of particles, through green, pink, and white representing no particles in a specific orientation.