空白对照组、放大镜组和显微镜组的主观评分分别为4.55±1.96、7.90±1.12、9.00±0.92,三组之间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);专家评分分别为16.38±1.52、15.15±1.30、13.60±0.88,三组之间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。三组的专家评分在躯干前后向位置(1.33±0.41、1.03±0.11、1.00±0.00)、头颈前后向位置(2.75±0.38、2.13±0.36、1.23±0.38)、肘关节位置(1.38±0.43、1.40±0.45、1.13±0.22)和肩部高度(1.43±0.41、1.23±0.34、1.13±0.28)这4项评分上的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),其中,在头颈前后向位置和肘关节位置方面,放大镜组与显微镜组之间的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
Keywords: 放大镜, 显微镜, 口腔医生, 体位, 人体工程
To assess the effects of loupes and microscope on the posture of prosthodontists when preparing the laminate veneer, and to assess the clinical value of loupes and microscope from the ergonomic aspects.
Twenty young prosthodontists from Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology were recruited into this study, which was a prospective, single blind, self-control trials. The research hypothesis was concealed and the participants were deceived about the precise purpose of the study to counterbalance the lack of direct blinding. The prosthodontists prepared laminate veneers of open window type in the artificial dental model, under routine visual field (control group), 2.5× headwear loupes (loupes group), and 8× operating microscope (microscopic group) by turning. The participants were photographed from profile view and front view. Thereafter, the subjective assessment was performed by themselves using the visual analogue score (VAS). The expert assessment was performed by two professors using modified-dental operator posture assessment instrument on the basis of photographs of the profile view and front view.
The subjective assessment scores for the control group, loupes group and microscopic group were 4.55±1.96, 7.90±1.12, and 9.00±0.92, respectively. There was significant difference between the three groups' subjective scores (P < 0.05). The expert assessment scores for the control group, loupes group and microscopic group were 16.38±1.52, 15.15±1.30, and 13.60±0.88, respectively. There was significant difference between the three groups' expert assessment scores (P < 0.05). Specifically, the three groups' expert assessment scores were significantly different (P < 0.05) in trunk position (front to back) (1.33±0.41, 1.03±0.11, 1.00±0.00), head and neck position (front to back) (2.75±0.38, 2.13±0.36, 1.23±0.38), elbows level (1.38±0.43, 1.40±0.45, 1.13±0.22), and shoulders level (1.43±0.41, 1.23±0.34, 1.13±0.28). Thereinto, the microscopic group was better than loupes group in head and neck position (front to back) and elbows level (P < 0.05).
Loupes and microscope improve the posture of the prosthodontist when preparing the laminate veneer, in which the microscope is better than loupes. Therefore, the magnification devices have clinical value from the ergonomic aspects.
Keywords: Loupes, Microscopes, Dentists, Posture, Human engineering
口腔医生工作时经常长时间保持同一体位,因此罹患肌肉骨骼疾病(musculoskeletal disorders,MSDs)的风险很高,且逐年上升[1-2]。口腔医生中肌肉骨骼疼痛的发生率高达64%~93%,其中最常见的疼痛部位是背部(36%~60%)和颈部(20%~85%)[3]。
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 研究对象
1.2. 试验方法
本研究采用前瞻性、单盲、自身对照的试验方法,对受试者实施盲法。20名口腔修复医生依次在常规视野下(空白对照组)、2.5倍头戴式放大镜下(放大镜组)和8倍医用显微镜下(显微镜组)在仿头模内完成右上中切牙开窗型贴面牙体预备。试验时以“评价牙体预备速度和牙体预备质量”来掩盖本试验的真实目的,试验过程中拍摄医生的侧面和正面体位照片(图 1)。牙体预备完成以后,由医生本人利用视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)对自身体位进行主观评分,由第三方专家利用照片对医生体位进行专家评分。
1.3. 医生体位主观评分
1.4. 医生体位专家评分
利用医生的侧面和正面体位照片,由两名口腔修复教研室高级职称医师采用改良口腔医生体位评分表(modified-dental operator posture assessment instrument,M-DOPAI)[2]对医生体位进行专家评价。M-DOPAI包含12个评分项,每项分为3个等级:良好为1分、一般为2分、较差为3分,其中8项分值为1~3分、4项分值为1~2分,总分最低为12分、最高为32分,分值越低说明体位越符合人体工程学要求,分值越高说明体位越背离人体工程学要求。利用侧面体位照片评价臀部高度、躯干前后向位置、头颈前后向位置、上臂与躯干的相对位置关系、肩部是否放松以及腕关节有无屈伸。利用正面体位照片评价躯干有无倾斜或旋转、头颈部有无倾斜或旋转、肘关节位置、肩部高度和腕关节有无屈伸。两名评价者首先回顾理想的人体工程学体位、浏览全部照片并了解可能的体位变化之后再进行独立评分,以二者的平均分为最终专家评分。
1.5. 仪器及设备
1.6. 统计学分析
计量数据以“均数±标准差”表示,使用SPSS Statistics 20.0软件(IBM公司,美国)对数据进行统计分析,对主观评分和专家评分进行两因素方差分析,并通过Tukey HSD方法进行组间多重比较,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2. 结果
2.1. 体位的主观评分
表 1结果显示,空白对照组、放大镜组和显微镜组的主观评分分别为4.55±1.96、7.90±1.12、9.00±0.92,三组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);多重比较结果显示,每两组之间的差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
Group | Subjective evaluation (VAS scores*, x±s) | Expert assessment evaluation (x±s) | ||||||||||||
Total scores* | Hips | Trunk (front to back)* | Trunk (side to side) | Trunk (rotation) | Head and neck (front to back)* | Head and neck (side to side) | Head and neck (rotation) | Upper arms | Elbows* | Shoulder (relaxed or slumped) | Shoulder level* | Wrists (flexion or extension) | ||
For each column, groups identified by different superscript letters were significantly different (P < 0.05). *, there was significant difference between groups (P < 0.05). VAS, visual analogue score. | ||||||||||||||
Control group | 4.55±1.96a | 16.38±1.52a | 1.58±0.44a | 1.33±0.41a | 1.05±0.15a | 1.13±0.22a | 2.75±0.38a | 1.03±0.11a | 1.00±0.00 | 1.70±0.55a | 1.38±0.43a | 1.03±0.11a | 1.43±0.41a | 1.00±0.00 |
Loupes group | 7.90±1.12b | 15.15±1.30b | 1.58±0.44a | 1.03±0.11b | 1.05±0.15a | 1.08±0.18a | 2.13±0.36b | 1.05±0.15a | 1.00±0.00 | 1.63±0.51a | 1.40±0.45a | 1.00±0.00a | 1.23±0.34a, b | 1.00±0.00 |
Microscopic group | 9.00±0.92c | 13.60±0.88c | 1.55±0.46a | 1.00±0.00b | 1.00±0.00a | 1.00±0.00a | 1.23±0.38c | 1.00±0.00a | 1.00±0.00 | 1.58±0.49a | 1.13±0.22b | 1.00±0.00a | 1.13±0.28b | 1.00±0.00 |
P value | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.727 | <0.001 | 0.270 | 0.091 | <0.001 | 0.377 | 0.180 | 0.001 | 0.377 | 0.004 |
2.2. 体位的专家评分
表 1结果显示,空白对照组、放大镜组和显微镜组的专家评分分别为16.38±1.52、15.15±1.30、13.60±0.88,三组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);多重比较结果显示,每两组之间的差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
对M-DOPAI包含的12个评分项分别进行分析,空白对照组、放大镜组和显微镜组的专家评分在躯干前后向位置、头颈前后向位置、肘关节位置和肩部高度这4项上的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);在臀部高度、躯干有无倾斜、躯干有无旋转、头颈有无倾斜、头颈有无旋转、上臂与躯干的相对位置关系、肩部是否放松和腕关节有无屈伸这8项上的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
多重比较显示:在头颈前后向位置上,空白对照组、放大镜组和显微镜组每两组间的差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。在躯干前后向位置上,放大镜组与显微镜组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),二者与空白对照组间的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。在肘关节位置上,空白对照组和放大镜组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),二者与显微镜组间的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。在肩部高度上,空白对照组与显微镜组间的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),二者与放大镜组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
3. 讨论
以往有学者观察了口腔医生的工作体位,在4 h的观察期内,有85%的时间口腔医生的颈部前倾30°以上,超过50%的时间躯干弯曲超过30°、肩部抬升到躯干侧方30°以上[7],这种长期的不良体位直接与MSDs的高发生率相关[8-9],因此,保持符合人体工程学的自然体位对减少MSDs有重要意义。然而,不符合人体工程学的最大原因在于视野不好[10],应用口腔显微设备(包括放大镜和显微镜)的最初目的就是提高视野的清晰度和分辨率。以往的研究表明,在模拟临床情况下,与常规视野相比,使用放大镜和显微镜均可以提高牙体预备精度,其中显微镜的效果优于放大镜[11]。另外,显微设备都有特定的焦距范围,更好的视野和特定的焦距可以减少过度的头颈部以及躯干部的弯曲,保持符合人体工程学的自然体位,减少口腔医生MSDs的发生。
以往的研究表明,口腔医生使用放大镜时可以显著改善体位[5, 12],可减少肩颈部、上后背部和手腕部疼痛的发生概率[13]。本研究的主观评分和专家评分结果显示,口腔修复医生使用显微设备时可以显著改善体位,放大镜可以改善头颈前后向位置和躯干前后向位置,使之更符合人体工程学的要求。使用显微镜时,除了可以在头颈前后向位置和躯干前后向位置上获益外,还可以改善肘关节位置和肩部高度,减少异常体位的出现。此外,与放大镜相比,显微镜可以更显著地减少头部前倾,而头部长时间过于前倾与肩颈部疼痛增加有关[14]。因此,就口腔修复医生而言,显微镜比放大镜的人体工程学意义更大。
Funding Statement
Supported by the Chinese Stomatological Association Research Fund (CSA-R2018-01) and the Program for Educational Reform of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology (2017-PT-01)
Contributor Information
杨 洋 (Yang YANG), Email: Yyangpkuss@163.com.
谭 建国 (Jian-guo TAN), Email: tanwume@vip.sina.com.
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