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. 2020 Nov 10;15(11):e0241503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241503

Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis

Ray Sajulga 1, Caleb Easterly 1, Michael Riffle 2, Bart Mesuere 3, Thilo Muth 4, Subina Mehta 1, Praveen Kumar 1, James Johnson 1, Bjoern Andreas Gruening 5, Henning Schiebenhoefer 6, Carolin A Kolmeder 7, Stephan Fuchs 8, Brook L Nunn 2, Joel Rudney 1, Timothy J Griffin 1, Pratik D Jagtap 1,*
Editor: Frederique Lisacek9
PMCID: PMC7654790  PMID: 33170893


To gain a thorough appreciation of microbiome dynamics, researchers characterize the functional relevance of expressed microbial genes or proteins. This can be accomplished through metaproteomics, which characterizes the protein expression of microbiomes. Several software tools exist for analyzing microbiomes at the functional level by measuring their combined proteome-level response to environmental perturbations. In this survey, we explore the performance of six available tools, to enable researchers to make informed decisions regarding software choice based on their research goals. Tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomic data obtained from dental caries plaque samples grown with and without sucrose in paired biofilm reactors were used as representative data for this evaluation. Microbial peptides from one sample pair were identified by the X! tandem search algorithm via SearchGUI and subjected to functional analysis using software tools including eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN5, MetaGOmics, MetaProteomeAnalyzer (MPA), ProPHAnE, and Unipept to generate functional annotation through Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Among these software tools, notable differences in functional annotation were detected after comparing differentially expressed protein functional groups. Based on the generated GO terms of these tools we performed a peptide-level comparison to evaluate the quality of their functional annotations. A BLAST analysis against the NCBI non-redundant database revealed that the sensitivity and specificity of functional annotation varied between tools. For example, eggNOG-mapper mapped to the most number of GO terms, while Unipept generated more accurate GO terms. Based on our evaluation, metaproteomics researchers can choose the software according to their analytical needs and developers can use the resulting feedback to further optimize their algorithms. To make more of these tools accessible via scalable metaproteomics workflows, eggNOG-mapper and Unipept 4.0 were incorporated into the Galaxy platform.


Microbiome research has demonstrated the effect of microbiota on their host and environment [1,2]. To determine the key contributors within complex microbiota, nucleic acid-based methods such as metagenomics can identify taxonomies that are prevalent in certain environments and stimuli [3]. Metagenomics provides an overview of the complete inventory of genes recovered from microbiome samples. As a gene-centric approach it is static and therefore cannot fully reflect the temporal dynamics and functional activities of microbiomes. To gain a more impactful understanding of a microbiome, metaproteomics must be used to determine the actions, or functions, of microbial organisms. Specifically, metaproteomics identifies microbial proteins, which are biological units of function [4,5]. Functional analysis also helps in understanding the mechanism by which microorganisms interact with each other and their immediate environment, thus offering deeper insights beyond mere taxonomic composition and correlation of the microbiome [6]. For example, functional analysis can provide information about which enzymes are active in particular biological processes and metabolic pathways. Thus, investigating the functional metaproteome aims to give biological relevance to the structure of microbiomes and can help to identify metabolism changes caused by specific perturbations and environmental factors.

Metaproteomics data analysis involves primarily identification of peptides from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data by matching it against protein sequence databases. The identified peptides are assigned to proteins or protein groups, some of which are unique while others are shared amongst various taxa. These identifications are further assigned to functional groups using various annotation databases [7]. Compared to single-organism proteomics, the functional annotation of metaproteomics data is not straightforward because it involves multiple complex layers: identified peptides can be assigned to various sequence-similar proteins originating from multiple organisms. This adds on to the already existing challenge of assigning functional groups because proteins can often be assigned to multiple functional groups.

Over the years, multiple software tools have been developed to assess the functional state of a microbial community based on the predicted functions of proteins identified by MS [813]. These tools differ in various aspects such as–a) input files used for processing, b) annotation databases used for protein and functional assignment, c) peptide- versus protein-level analysis, d) generated outputs including functional ontology terms, and e) visual outputs generated for biological interpretation (Fig 1). Each functional tool has its advantages, and labs across the world have been using them often based on the criterion of how well a certain tool fits into their bioinformatics workflow. However, to our best knowledge, these functional tools have not been compared on the same biological dataset in any benchmarking study yet [14].

Fig 1. A comparative workflow of all six functional software tools producing GO term lists from the same dataset.

Fig 1

The inputs that are required for each software tool are connected from the top. The reference databases used for each tool are aligned in the middle. The outputs and Gene Ontology (GO) term translation processes are outlined at the bottom. Additional output types (data and visualizations) are shown in the table underneath the workflow.

In this study, we compared and evaluated the performance of six open-source software tools—eggNOG-mapper [8], MEGAN [9], MetaGOmics [10], MetaProteomeAnalyzer (MPA) [11], ProPHAnE ( and Unipept [13]—that specialize in performing functional analysis of metaproteomics data. For this purpose, we used a published oral dysbiosis dataset [15] to generate raw outputs and compare features such as identification statistics, functional group assignment (both at a dataset and individual-peptide level), and quantitative analysis features such as differential protein expression. We observed significant variability in results from the different functional tools. For a fairer comparison, we also expanded the Gene Ontology (GO) terms using metaQuantome software [16] and compared functional outputs. metaQuantome is a software tool that performs quantitative statistics on peptide-level quantitative, functional and taxonomic data to generate quantitative outputs for taxonomy, functions and taxonomy-function interaction. Based on this investigation, we provide some insights on the sources of this variability and offer suggestions on the usage of these functional tools.

We have packaged two of these software tools, Unipept 4.0 and eggNOG-mapper, into the Galaxy platform [17], based both on their performance and amenability to deployment in a workflow engine like Galaxy. This will make these tools widely accessible to users and facilitate their usage in analytical workflows.


Input dataset and search results

The basis for this study lies in selecting a dataset suitable for metaproteomics comparison. Here, we used a published oral dysbiosis dataset [15] containing mass-spectrometry data generated from plaque extracted from dental caries-prone children. This data is publicly available in the ProteomeXchange Consortium ( via the PRIDE partner repository with dataset identifier PXD003151. These plaques were incubated within biofilm reactors for 72 hours and subject to a pair of conditions for the last 48 hours: with sucrose-pulsing (WS) five times a day and with no sucrose (NS) but a constant basal mucin medium flow. One sample pair (737 NS/WS) was selected since they were sufficiently separated based on principal component analysis [15]. Although not a ‘ground-truth’ dataset, this dataset was chosen since it was previously analyzed for its biological significance [15,16]. From the 737 dataset, Mascot Generic Format (MGF) files containing peak lists were used to identify peptides using X! Tandem search algorithm via SearchGUI. Each of these peptide-to-spectrum matches (PSMs) represent a specific peptide sequence mapped to a specific spectrum scan, as well as match information such as retention time, measured mass-to-charge ratio, theoretical mass and charge, and confidence score. To determine which proteins these identified peptides belong to, a combined protein database was provided: the Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD—1,079,742 protein sequences—May 2017) concatenated with the common Repository of Adventitious Proteins (cRAP). Using cRAP proteins to filter out contaminants, X! Tandem identified ~27,000 microbial peptides from each dataset (Supplement Data:; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4067104). Regarding specific SearchGUI parameters, peptides were assigned based on trypsin-digested proteins, with up to two missed cleavage sites allowed. Amino acid modifications were specified as methylthio of cysteine (fixed modification) and oxidation of methionine (variable modification). The accepted precursor mass tolerance was set to 10 ppm and the fragment mass tolerance to 0.05 daltons with a charge range from +2 to +6. To interpret SearchGUI results, PeptideShaker was used to generate a PSM, peptide, and protein report, with a false-discovery rate (FDR) cutoff at 1%. Only peptides with length from 6 to 30 amino acids were considered. Spectral counts were calculated based on the number of PSMs assigned for each peptide. Peptide search results were processed to provide appropriate inputs for each of the metaproteomics software tools. (Supplement Data:; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4067104).

Functional tools

Six functional analysis tools were used to analyze the data: eggNOG-mapper (version 1.0.3), MEGAN5, MetaGOmics (version 0.1.1), MPA (version 1.8.0), Unipept 4.0, and ProPHAnE (3.1.4). Standard procedures were used for each tool, as defined by their developers. Input types and databases are specified in Fig 1.

For eggNOG-mapper, we used the Galaxy-implemented version of this tool (v1.0.3) on our local Galaxy for Proteomics (Galaxy-P) server. DIAMOND (Double Index Alignment of Next-generation sequencing Data) was used as a mapping mode. PAM30 (Point Accepted Mutation) was used as a scoring matrix (gap costs with an existence value of 9 and extension value of 1). Bacteria were used for taxonomic scope, and all orthologues were considered. Gene ontology evidence was based on non-electronically curated terms, and seed orthology search options had a minimum e-value of 200,000 and a minimum bit score of 20.

For MetaGOmics, a list of peptides and the HOMD were uploaded (version 0.2.0; Searches were performed using the UniProt/SwissProt database with a BLAST e-value cutoff at 1e-10, using only the top hit.

In MEGAN, for Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) analysis, we used a minimum score of 30 and a maximum expected threshold value of 3.0. Hits with a BLAST score in the top 10% were chosen for further processing. The minimum support filter to reduce the false positive hits was set as five. Naive LCA algorithm was used with 100% coverage. The read assignment mode was set to read counts. The read-match-archive (RMA) files were generated and are shared via; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4067104. Further details on how the RMA files were generated from MEGAN5 have been described in the dysbiosis study [15]. Functional analysis was performed to map reads to genes with known COGs (clusters of orthologous groups) and NOGs (non-supervised orthologous groups). These groups were then translated to GO terms using the following eggNOG RESTful API:

MPA performs its own searches using X! Tandem, rather than using the output from SearchGUI. Specifically, MPA takes in the same input MGF files for SearchGUI (MGF files). In order to enable searches, a FASTA database generated using the sectioning method [18] was used. To maintain comparable results, the same parameters as for SearchGUI were used for the X! Tandem search within MPA: precursor mass tolerance was set at 10 ppm and fragment mass tolerance was set at 0.05 daltons. Two missed cleavages were allowed and trypsin was used for protein digestion. The false discovery rate (FDR) was set at 1%. For grouping proteins, a minimum of one shared peptide was used if relevant to the analysis.

Unipept takes in a tabular list of peptides. Search settings were configured for isoleucine and leucine to be considered distinct, duplicate peptides to be retained, and advanced missed cleavage handling to be enabled.

In ProPHAnE, the NS and WS samples were grouped into one sample group each. Metaproteins (clustered by MPA) were analyzed using default parameters. Functional annotation was transferred from TIGRfams v15 and Pfams v32 using HMMScan with trusted cut-off and, additionally, EggNOG v4.5.1 using eggNOG-mapper (hmmer mode).

GO term standardization

The six tools described here produce different functional annotation types. To compare and contrast the composition of each tool’s functional annotation, a standard annotation type was chosen. Gene Ontology (GO) terms were used since they are a well-supported and common annotation type throughout most of the tools through either native outputs (e.g., MetaGOmics and Unipept) or in-built translations (e.g., MEGAN, ProPHAnE, MPA) and are commonly used in the metaproteomics community. However, MEGAN, ProPHAnE, and MPA do not provide direct GO term outputs and thus require external databases for translation. MEGAN and ProPHAnE produce eggNOG orthologous group accessions, which are translated using eggNOG’s API (, while MPA produces UniProt protein accessions, which are used to retrieve UniProtKB GO terms via UniProt’s Retrieve/ID mapping tool (

When using GO terms, it is important to consider their categorization into three different domains: molecular function, biological process, and cellular component. Molecular functions describe the biological activity of gene products at a molecular level (e.g., ATPase activity), biological processes represent widely encompassing pathways that can involve many proteins that aim to accomplish specific biological objectives (e.g., regulation of ATPase activity), and cellular components describe the localization of the activity of these gene products (e.g., plasma membrane). To achieve a high-resolution analysis on functional annotation, only molecular function GO terms were the focus of this analysis. However, since it is important to consider how each tool handles the other ontologies as well, analyses using biological processes, cellular components, and all three domains combined are provided in the supplementary section.

Overlap analysis

As an initial evaluation, the GO term outputs of each tool were compared via an R markdown notebook ( that looked at the total number of GO terms and the total number of unique terms for each tool. Next, the degree of dissimilarity between the GO term output sets was gauged using fractional overlap indices calculated for each tool pairing. These values were calculated for a tool by taking the size of its intersected GO set with another tool and dividing by the size of the original tool’s term set. To examine the relationships between more than two tools, a six-set Venn diagram was constructed through InteractiVenn [19].

To gain a better understanding of how each tool’s GO output set overlaps with each other, a single GO term was selected for in-depth analysis. Two criteria for selecting the GO term were used to ensure a comprehensive yet focused comparison: (1) presence in all six tools and (2) minimal presence within each tool. Once selected, any GO terms associated with that selected term were extracted for overlap analysis between the tools. The associated GO terms were then evaluated to determine any hierarchical relationships. GO terms assume a hierarchical structure (directed acyclic graphs) which can be navigated using labels such as ancestor and descendant. For any GO term, its ancestors may consist of any number of less-specialized terms in its hierarchy. Conversely, its descendants consist of more-specific terms that would continue beneath its hierarchy [20]. For example, we can examine the ancestors and descendants of ion binding (GO:0043167): metal ion binding (descendant) → cation binding (child) → ion binding → binding (parent) → molecular function (ancestor).

Expansion and filtering

The hierarchical nature of GO terms can vary greatly from tool to tool. To mitigate this factor in this comparative overlap analysis, we used an existing tool, metaQuantome [16], to expand the hierarchies for all GO terms in each functional tool. metaQuantome originally exists as a versatile metaproteomics software suite for aggregating peptide-level quantitative data for both taxonomy and function. One of its modules, metaQuantome expand, can be used to infer the presence of all possible ancestor GO terms. Additionally, quantitative information can be aggregated from multiple descendants of an ancestor [16,21]. By expanding these hierarchies, any fundamental differences between tools are more pronounced. For this analysis, the GO term sets for all tools were expanded and compared again using the previous fractional overlap analysis used for the full sets. Any datasets that were too large and were found to consume more than 1TB of RAM were collapsed by grouping via GO term and adding their intensities.

Once expanded, these GO hierarchies can contain extraneous or unsupported information. To curtail this issue, these expanded GO terms (ancestors) can be filtered out based on how many original GO terms (descendants) they originated from [16]. In this study, filtering was set to remove expanded GO terms that had fewer than two connections to original GO terms.

Quantitative comparative analysis

After comparing the GO term outputs from each tool, fold changes for each term were evaluated (see below). This type of comparison is important in the analysis of microbiomes, since this can reveal which biological functions show an increase or decrease in abundance in response to a stimulus. For our analysis, peptide spectral counts associated with each GO term for both WS and NS conditions were used to estimate fold changes. These counts were available in the peptide reports from PeptideShaker. To ensure fair comparison, spectral count normalization between the two conditions was performed ad hoc. For eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, and Unipept, a PSM fraction was used to scale down the condition with more spectral counts (NS) to match the other condition (WS): SumofWSPSMsSumofNSPSMs. For MPA, we used protein-based normalization, wherein a protein fraction was used to normalize the GO term spectral counts before calculating the log ratio:SumofWSproteinspectralcountsSumofNSproteinspectralcounts. MetaGOmics and ProPHAnE already internally normalize their values through a normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF) normalization method [22]. Once normalized, these quantitative values were used to calculate the fold changes as log2(WS+1NS+1). Using these fold changes, the GO terms were sorted in a descending order. Thus, GO terms that were found to be more abundant in WS conditions were found at the top of these rankings.

Two levels of comparisons of these fold changes were used: (1) between tools that natively output GO terms (i.e., Unipept and MetaGOmics); and (2) between all tools, which includes translated GO terms. Initially, Unipept and MetaGOmics were compared by taking the GO terms common between them and plotting each term based on the fold change calculations for Unipept (x-coordinate) and MetaGOmics (y-coordinate). A linear model was regressed, and the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated with a two-sided alternative hypothesis. Secondly, all tools were included in a fold change comparison with translated GO terms. Using the functional annotation outputs from each tool, fold changes were estimated for each molecular function GO term and compared with one another. For each tool, the top five upregulated and top five downregulated terms were calculated with their fold changes and compared with the other tools. If one of these top terms was present in another tool’s GO set, then that other tool’s GO fold change calculation was referenced for comparison. If multiple copies exist in another tool, then the GO term with the largest absolute fold change was referenced. For primary analysis, a tool that aggregated GOs intrinsically (MetaGOmics or Unipept) with high coverage was selected. Similar analyses for the other tools are included in the supplement (Supplement S4 Tables 3–7 in S1 File).

Single peptide analysis

With an overall sense of tool discrepancies through identification and quantitation comparisons, the underlying differences between tools were closely examined through a single-peptide analysis. Twenty peptides were randomly selected for this analysis. For a single-peptide analysis, only tools that accepted peptide inputs were used, thus excluding MEGAN, MPA, and ProPHAnE. As a baseline, BLAST2GO v5.2.5 [23] was used to retrieve GO terms from a peptide. This tool was chosen due to its ability to obtain direct GO annotation via a universal algorithm, BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). BLAST-P was used against the NCBI (nr) database with default parameters (no taxonomy filter, 1000 expectation value, 50 blast hits, word size of three with a low complexity filter enabled, 33 high-scoring segment pair (HSP) length cutoff, 0 HSP-hit coverage with GO mapping against the 2020_03 Goa version). Sensitivity and specificity of functional annotation differed between tools, in that some tools contained more GO terms than those found via BLAST2GO against the NCBI non-redundant (nr) database. Of the tools that used peptide-level input information (see Fig 1), Unipept was most similar to BLAST2GO outputs. Thus, eggNOG-mapper and MetaGOmics, which generally contained many more terms than BLAST/Unipept were scrutinized. To account for these extra terms, the hierarchical structure of GO terms was considered. GO terms assume a top-down hierarchical structure (directed acyclic graphs) which can be navigated using terms such as child, parent, ancestor and descendant. For any GO term, its ancestors consist of any number of less-specialized terms in its hierarchy. Conversely, its descendants consist of more-specific terms that would continue beneath its hierarchy. Parents and children are direct ancestors and direct descendants, respectively [20]. As an example, we can examine the ancestors and descendants of ion binding (GO:0043167): metal ion binding (descendant) → cation binding (child) → ion binding → binding (parent) → molecular function (ancestor).

To retrieve the ancestors and descendants of GO terms, the Python library GOATOOLS was used (20). Any ancestors, descendants, and ancestors’ children were identified in the extra GO terms found in eggNOG-mapper and MetaGOmics for each peptide. Terms that were uncategorized were labeled as ‘extraneous’.


General characteristics of the six tested software


The six software tools that were evaluated in this study have been used for metaproteomics analysis before (Fig 1). The inputs for each of these tools are different. EggNOG-mapper and Unipept take in only a peptide list and use established databases for annotation (eggNOG and UniProtKB databases, respectively). In contrast, search databases are required for MEGAN, MetaGOmics, MPA, and ProPHAnE which take in peptides with BLAST-P results, peptides with spectral counts, spectral search files, and spectral search results (from MPA, for example), respectively. MetaGOmics, MPA, and Unipept use UniProtKB as a database for annotation, while MEGAN requires results from the NCBI (nr) database. ProPHAnE can use EggNOG, PFAMs, TIGRFams databases and also custom databases for functional annotation.

Analysis level

The software tools differ in their level of analysis–some perform analysis at the peptide level (MetaGOmics, eggNOG-mapper and Unipept) and others perform analysis at the protein or protein-group level (MEGAN, MPA, and ProPHAnE).


The software tools also generate variable outputs such as proteins annotated with GO terms (eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, MetaGOmics, MPA, and Unipept 4.0), InterPro2GO (MEGAN), EggNOG orthologous groups (eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, and ProPHAnE), EC numbers (Unipept 4.0), and Pfam/TIGRFAM accessions (ProPHAnE). Given the variety of inputs, annotation databases, levels of analysis and output types, some variability in results can be expected if the same dataset is processed using these different software tools. To test the degree of variability, we used the published oral dysbiosis microbiome metaproteomics dataset (sample 737) [15].

Variation in the number of GO term outputs from functional tools

Peptide reports for the sample grown without sucrose (NS) had 27,420 peptides (56,809 PSMs) and the sample grown with sucrose (WS) had 26,638 peptides (53,205 PSMs). Peptide search results from the oral dysbiosis dataset pair (see Methods) were processed to provide appropriate inputs for functional analysis. The outputs from the data processing through these software tools (Table 1) show that the total number of functional annotation groups differed for each software tool. For example, an orthologous group-based tool (e.g., MEGAN) can have as few as 1,665 groups while a tool with UniProt protein IDs (e.g., MPA) can have as many as 23,169 groups.

Table 1. Functional analysis of the oral dysbiosis dataset using molecular function GO terms.

Tool EggNOG mapper MEGAN MetaGOmics MPA ProPHAnE Unipept
Type of functional annotation eggNOG orthologous groups eggNOG orthologous groups GO terms Proteins Protein families, eggNOG orthologous groups GO terms
Total number of annotation groups 18,440 1,665 2,829 23,169 3,999 3,471
Total (and unique) number of translated GO terms for all ontologies 533,066 (6,155) 76,529 (4,155) 2,829 (2,829) 77,204 (1,056) 189,054 (2,598) 3,471 (3,471)
Total (and unique) number of translated molecular function GO terms 88,582 (1,411) 21,212 (1,613) 900 (900) 42,084 (634) 57,208 (1,057) 1,726 (1,726)
Total number of molecular function GO terms exclusive to the tool 265 168 113 1 16 394
Total number of molecular function expanded GO terms 1,466 1,693 1,002 974 1,135 2,249
Total number of molecular function expanded GO terms exclusive to the tool 204 118 80 1 11 447

To facilitate comparison, the functional annotation groups were standardized into GO terms. Here, the number of GO terms derived from the tools is listed with and without duplicates. These two numbers are the same for tools that aggregate each GO term individually (MetaGOmics and Unipept). For tools that had GO terms translated, the unique (without duplicates) numbers are comparable with one another, ranging from as low as 1,056 (for MPA) to 6,155 (for eggNOG-mapper). The raw (with duplicates) numbers are less comparative but demonstrate the differences between tools that aggregate GO terms and those that do not. Since this study focuses on functional analysis, we filtered the GO terms to retain molecular function GO terms. The number of unique molecular function GO terms ranged from as low as 634 (for MPA) to 1,613 (for MEGAN).

When compared with the numbers for all ontology GO terms, these molecular function GO terms number show their proportionality. For example, MPA had the highest molecular function composition at 60% (634 / 1,056) while eggNOG-mapper had the lowest at 23% (1,411 / 6,155). When comparing these molecular function GO terms between each tool, terms that were exclusive to a tool were highly present in Unipept at 22% (394 / 1,726), which contrasts with MPA, which only had one exclusive term: molybdopterin-synthase adenylyltransferase activity (GO:0061605).

To get a sense of the granularity of each tool’s molecular function GO set, the numbers of each dataset’s metaQuantome-expanded molecular function GO set is reported. metaQuantome expands each GO’s hierarchy to list all possible ancestors. To avoid overloading 1 TB of RAM, the large datasets of eggNOG-mapper and ProPHAnE were collapsed by grouping via GO term and adding intensities. When compared with the numbers for molecular function GO terms, Unipept is found to contain the most expanded ancestors at 523 (2,249 minus 1,726) followed by MPA at 340 (974 minus 634). Proportionally, however, MPA had ancestors at 35% (340 / 974) of the expanded dataset and Unipept at 23% (523 / 2,249). The other tools had ancestor coverage at or less than 10% of their expanded GO sets: 3.8%, 4.7%, 10%, and 6.9% for eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, MetaGOmics, and ProPHAnE, respectively.

Expansion to more ancestral terms affects how many terms were exclusive to each tool. For the expanded GO term sets, eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, and MetaGOmics had around 50 fewer exclusive terms each when compared to their unexpanded counterparts. For ProPHAnE, there were only five fewer terms. In contrast to the other tools, MPA retained its only exclusive term, and Unipept had an increase of 50 exclusive terms through expansion.

The same tables were created for different category combinations as well: all GO terms (molecular function, biological process, and cellular component), biological process GO terms only, and cellular component GO terms only (Supplement S1, Tables 1–3 in S1 File).

Overlap analysis

Pairwise overlap analysis was performed on unique translated molecular function GO terms (sizes indicated in Table 1). The tool pairings that had the most overlap were MEGAN within ProPHAnE (92% of ProPHAnE’s 474 terms are also in MEGAN’s 1,613 terms) and Unipept within MPA (99% of MPA’s 634 terms were found in Unipept’s 1,726). Both observations are expected since ProPHAnE had a smaller output set and both MPA and Unipept use the UniProtKB database. Generally, tools with larger GO sets (e.g., MEGAN at 1,613) had better coverage in other tools’ GO sets, as indicated by each row. However, even against a tool with a large GO set like MEGAN, 20 to 30% of most tools’ annotations lacked overlap as a best case scenario (Fig 2A left panel). In the metaQuantome-expanded versions of these GO sets, there is an overall improvement, notably with tools that had the most expansion (MPA and Unipept). Relative to GO term comparison, expanded GO term comparison shows an improvement due to an expanded representation of each term (Fig 2A right panel). The same overlap analysis was performed for all GO term ontologies, biological process GO terms, and cellular component GO terms (Supplement S2 Figures 2–4 in S1 File). Moreover, we also provide an Edwards-Venn diagram comparison of molecular function GO terms with unfiltered and expanded data (See Supplement S2 Figures 1a and 1b in S1 File) to provide overlap based on absolute numbers.

Fig 2.

Fig 2

A) Qualitative and quantitative comparison of functional tools. Overlap of unique molecular function GO terms (left) and expanded GO terms (right) were compared amongst the six functional tools. Values were calculated as a fraction of the size of the term intersection (between the tools labeled on the column and row) over the total term size of the tool listed on the horizontal axis (column). Each functional analysis software tool was compared against each other. For example, for molecular function GO terms (left panel), 90% of the unique MPA term set is present in Unipept’s unique term set. For molecular function expanded GO terms, the overlap is much larger for all tools within Unipept (right panel’s top row). B) Comparison of quantitative expression for molecular function GO terms from Unipept and MetaGOmics. Log2ratio of spectral counts ‘with sugar sample’ (WS) against ‘no sugar sample’ (NS) was calculated for MetaGOmics- and Unipept-generated molecular function GO terms. Unipept identified 1,109 molecular function GO terms, while MetaGOmics identified 900 molecular function GO terms. The data points in the figure represent quantitative values for 460 molecular function GO terms that overlapped between Unipept and MetaGOmics.

Quantitative comparative analysis

After assessing the overlap of functional annotations (Fig 2A), we looked at the quantitative changes in GO terms for MetaGOmics and Unipept (Fig 2B). As mentioned earlier, MetaGOmics and Unipept both generate GO terms as their native output. Comparison of quantitative expression using spectral counts for GO terms from Unipept and MetaGOmics was performed after normalization of spectral counts. Quantitative values of the overlapping molecular function GO terms were represented (Fig 2B). The Pearson coefficient of this quantitative comparison was found to be 0.798 with a significant p-value. Given that this is a quantitative comparison of the same dataset, a better quantitative correlation for overlapping molecular function GO terms was expected amongst two functional tools which used the same annotation database (UniProtKB).

Quantitative comparison for all GO terms, biological processes GO terms, and cellular component GO terms are available as Supplement S3 in S1 File. The Pearson correlation for all of these comparisons shows lower values than for molecular function category (Supplement S3 Figures 1–3 in S1 File).

Differentially expressed GO terms across functional tools

A comparison of differentially expressed GO terms was performed by looking at the top five upregulated and top five downregulated terms for Unipept. Unipept was chosen since it aggregates on a GO term level and has more coverage at these extremes than MetaGOmics (the analogous table is available in Supplement S4 Table 5 in S1 File). Overall, the fold changes for these top terms were somewhat maintained across most tools. Exceptions included eggNOG-mapper and MPA, which had either little to no coverage for some GO terms. Similar tables for the other tools can be found in Supplement S4 3–7 in S1 File. We also provide expanded and filtered outputs for Unipept top five upregulated and down-regulated terms (Supplement S4 1–2 in S1 File).

Single peptide analysis

To determine the source of lack of overlap and quantitative correlation, we took a deeper look at the functional annotation of the top down regulated acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity (Fig 3 and Supplement S5 in S1 File) and randomly selected peptides from the oral dysbiosis dataset (Supplement S6 in S1 File). This term was chosen rather than the top-upregulated since the peptides associated with the term for each tool had no overlap between all peptide-level tools.

Fig 3. Analysis of peptides associated with acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity.

Fig 3

A.) A combined GO hierarchy of unique terms annotated from a single peptide (sequence = FKDEIVPVVIPNK) for peptide-level tools (Unipept, MetaGOmics, and EggNOG-mapper), and a baseline tool: BLAST2GO—NCBI (nr). This peptide was selected from a group of 20 peptides randomly selected from all possible peptides that annotated ‘Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase’ from the peptide-level tools. The peptide was selected since it shared results with the most number of peptides (10). Similar analyses for these other peptides are included in Supplement S5 in S1 File. In this hierarchy, an arrow indicates “is a” or parent/children relationships. Colored blocks represent GO terms (color represents relationship type). Dashed block outlines (non-colored) are labeled with tools that encapsulate GO terms that were annotated by that tool. B.) A stacked bar chart representation of the related terms (descendants, ancestors, or ancestor’s children). Colors correspond to these relation types. Green represents terms that were found through BLAST2GO’s annotation via NCBI (nr). The other colors represent the relationship of the other terms in other tools to those BLAST GO terms. These types are quantified and stacked on one another to show the contributions of each relationship type to the overall GO hierarchy.

For example, a closer look at the peptides associated with acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity showed that for acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase, eggNOG-mapper, MetaGOmics, and Unipept assigned 53, 69, and 73 peptides, respectively. (Table 2). It should be noted that the PSM ratios from the sucrose-to-control dataset remained similar for Unipept, MetaGOmics and MEGAN. In contrast, eggNOG-mapper could assign only one peptide from the control dataset and could not assign any peptides from the sucrose dataset.

Table 2. Comparison of the top five upregulated and top five downregulated molecular function GO terms of Unipept with the molecular function GO terms from the other tools from the oral dysbiosis dataset.

GO Term Fold Change Unipept EggNOG MEGAN MetaGOmics MPA Prophane
glucosyltransferase activity FC (WS / NS) 6.87 (116 / 0) 2 (3 / 0) 1.46 (21 / 7) 2.71 (117 / 17) 3.01 (7.03 / 0) 0.52 (0.44 / 0)
Percentile (%) 0.058 12.267 18.438 8.024 1.157 1.9
dextransucrase activity FC (WS / NS) 6.67 (101 / 0) - - 6.71 (104 / 0) 3.01 (7.03 / 0) -
Percentile (%) 0.086 - - 0.035 1.157 -
pyruvate oxidase activity FC (WS / NS) 6.38 (82 / 0) - - 6.13 (69 / 0) - -0.09 (0 / 0.07)
Percentile (%) 0.115 - - 0.071 - 57.689
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+) (non-phosphorylating) activity FC (WS / NS) 6.04 (65 / 0) - - 6.02 (64 / 0) - -
Percentile (%) 0.144 - - 0.141 - -
fructuronate reductase activity FC (WS / NS) 5.7 (51 / 0) - 0 (1 / 1) - - -
Percentile (%) 0.173 - 52.072 - - -
CoA-transferase activity FC (WS / NS) -7.84 (2 / 685.56) -6.28 (0 / 76.8) -8.56 (0 / 377) -5.15 (15 / 568) -4.52 (0 / 22) -1.3 (0 / 1.47)
Percentile (%) 99.885 99.881 99.94 97.702 99.236 99.925
acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase activity FC (WS / NS) -7.92 (0 / 240.7) -6.45 (0 / 86.16) -8.59 (0 / 384) -8.37 (0 / 330) -5 (0 / 31) -1.09 (0 / 1.13)
Percentile (%) 99.914 99.913 100 99.894 99.819 99.825
butyrate-acetoacetate CoA-transferase activity FC (WS / NS) -8.36 (0 / 326.86) - - -6.85 (0 / 114) -4.52 (0 / 22) -0.42 (0 / 0.33)
Percentile (%) 99.942 - - 99.434 99.258 96.674
glutaconate CoA-transferase activity FC (WS / NS) -8.41 (0 / 339.03) - - -8.13 (0 / 279) -4 (0 / 15) -0.55 (0 / 0.47)
Percentile (%) 99.971 - - 99.823 98.412 98.25
acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity FC (WS / NS) -8.54 (0 / 369.94) -6.45 (0 / 86.16) -8.59 (0 / 384) -8.37 (0 / 330) -5.46 (0 / 43) -1.09 (0 / 1.13)
Percentile (%) 100 99.913 100 99.859 99.987 99.825

Fold changes are featured here (descending for Unipept). For other tools, if there are multiple GO terms that match the top term, then the term with the highest absolute fold change is displayed. Additionally, spectral counts are indicated for “with sucrose” and “no sucrose” (WS / NS) conditions which are used to calculate the displayed fold change (FC)=log2(WS+1NS+1). Percentiles are included to indicate the position of that particular term in that GO set containing all ontologies (0 = most upregulated; 100 = most downregulated).

We performed analysis on single peptides that annotated acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase, which was the most down-regulated GO term using Unipept (Fig 3 and Supplement S5 in S1 File). Analysis of the peptide that was assigned by EggNOG mapper (Fig 3) showed that MetaGOmics and eggNOG-mapper annotations had related terms (ancestors). Unipept, on the other hand, identified GO terms that were more specific. MetaGOmics assigned ancestor and descendant terms for the rest of the peptides. This was in contrast to Unipept which identified specific GO terms—similar to the baseline BLAST searches against the NCBI nr database.

Bar diagrams for randomly selected peptides from the oral dysbiosis dataset (Supplement S6 in S1 File) also show the number of ancestors’ direct children, ancestor terms when using eggNOG-mapper, and MetaGOmics. It is clear that as compared to Unipept (and BLAST), these two functional tools (eggNOG-mapper and MetaGOmics) output more functional terms. The single-peptide analysis (Fig 3, Supplement S5 and Supplement S6 in S1 File) was carried out for Unipept, MetaGOmics and eggNOG-mapper since they provide GO term annotations at a peptide level. As a result, we do not have results for the protein-level tools MEGAN, MPA and ProPHAnE.

In an effort to include more tools than just peptide-level tools, a single GO term, Xanthine dehydrogenase activity (XDA) (GO:0004854), was chosen for its annotation in all six tools. XDA also had fewer annotation groups in each tool, allowing for a manageable analysis. For each tool, any GO terms that accompanied XDA on the same annotation group (i.e., peptide, protein, protein family, and eggNOG orthologous group) were organized into a GO hierarchy. The level of coverage and expansion is visually represented in two components similar to Fig 3.

The first component (Fig 4A) is a stacked bar chart similar to the one created for single peptide analysis (Fig 3). Here, available peptides from EggNOG-mapper (one peptide), MetaGOmics (12 peptides), and Unipept (52 peptides) that annotated XDA were used as input for BLAST2GO through the NCBI (nr) database. Amongst the 53 unique peptides, we retained 50 peptides that had GO sets with more than one peptide that supported that annotation. These 50 peptides were annotated by BLAST2GO and the GO terms were collated and duplicates were removed. Like Fig 3, the hierarchy relationships from the six functional tools’ GO terms to BLAST2GO terms are listed in Fig 4A. The expansiveness of tools that output orthologous groups is highlighted here (such as MEGAN and ProPHAnE) which include both descendant and ancestor terms relative to BLAST2GO. MetaGOmics, a peptide-level functional tool, has an expanded hierarchy, but does not have descendants, relative to BLAST2GO. EggNOG-mapper and Unipept have the same amount of terms but eggNOG-mapper has a focused yet expanded hierarchy while Unipept has terms on the same level, similar to BLAST2GO. MPA is similar to Unipept, but with fewer terms.

Fig 4. Gene ontology hierarchy analysis of a single GO term for all six tools.

Fig 4

A) A stacked bar chart representation of the related terms (descendants, ancestors, ancestor’s children, or extraneous) for xanthine dehydrogenase activity (XDA) for all six functional tools. Colors correspond to these relation types. Green represents terms that were found through BLAST2GO’s annotation via NCBI (nr). The other colors represent the relationship of the other terms in other tools to those BLAST GO terms. These types are quantified and stacked on one another to show the contributions of each relationship type to the overall GO hierarchy. B) A single GO hierarchy analysis of xanthine dehydrogenase activity (XDA) (GO:0004854) for all six functional tools. For each tool, the GO terms of annotation groups containing XDA are arranged in a GO hierarchy for each tool. Each GO term is contained in a rounded rectangle. All six hierarchies are layered upon one another (with the largest in the background and the smallest in the foreground). Each color represents a tool (not a GO relationship). Solid lines represent “is a” or parent/child relationships and the dashed line indicates a connection that is present in the overall combined hierarchy, but not in any of the individual hierarchies. Circles indicate GO terms derived from BLAST2GO—NCBI (nr) results using peptides from the peptide-level tools (MetaGOmics, Unipept, EggNOG-mapper). GO terms not represented by more than one peptide are omitted (hence why eggNOG-mapper is not represented here).

To visualize the distributions in Fig 4A, the GO relationship hierarchies of each tool were constructed and overlaid on another in Fig 4B. Here, the anchor points (BLAST2GO terms) were labeled with circles. Each tool’s level of expansiveness and specificity are visualized here. For eggNOG-mapper, the GO terms annotated on the XDA-containing single protein (339724.XP_001539262.1 Xanthine dehydrogenase) have a hierarchy that is highly specific and expanded all the way. For MEGAN, there is high coverage and expansion from only two COGs: “COG1529 Aldehyde oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdopterin binding” and “COG4631 xanthine dehydrogenase”. For MetaGOmics, there are 12 peptides that annotate XDA and 13 associated GO terms resulting in an expanded hierarchy with moderate coverage. For MPA, there were two proteins (“W3Y6K1 selenium-dependent xanthine dehydrogenase” and “T0T10 xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit”) with four specific UniProt-derived GO terms. For ProPHAnE, there were two protein families that resulted in a hierarchy similar to MetaGOmics. For Unipept, there were 52 peptides containing nine unique molecular function GO terms. As a filtering mechanism, GO terms that were annotated in a number of proteins less than 5% of the total protein count per peptide were removed (GO:0016788 “hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds”, GO:0008270 “zinc ion binding”, GO:0009056 “catabolic process”). Only six GO terms remained in a less expanded hierarchy similar to MPA. After listing out these hierarchies, the visual differences between functional tool annotations is apparent.


Using metaproteomics to investigate microbiomes has gained importance primarily due to its ability to identify functional roles of diverse taxonomic groups within a complex microbial community. In order to evaluate the software tools that are available for functional analysis of metaproteomics dataset, we used a published dataset of oral dysbiosis from plaque samples derived from dental caries prone children. In this study, the effect of sucrose on a dental plaque community was assessed wherein principal components analysis showed that the functional content exhibited better separation of the sucrose-treated samples from control samples as compared to taxonomic profiles [15]. Although, not a ground truth dataset, we chose this published dataset since it was thoroughly investigated. It is important to note that while taxonomy based ground-truth datasets are available [24], generating a functional microbiome ground truth dataset is not a trivial exercise.

For all of the functional studies, it is important that the software tools used offer results that facilitate a sound biological interpretation. Functional analysis tools either use peptide-level inputs (eggNOG-mapper, MetaGOmics and Unipept) or through other means (MEGAN, MPA and ProPHAnE). Functional annotations are generally performed using functional databases such as Gene Ontology (GO) [20] and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) [25], or using databases that catalogue the evolutionary relationships of proteins such as orthologous groups (eggNOG). However, all of these databases/approaches are affected by issues associated with annotation quality [26].

Peptides or proteins can also be searched against annotated databases such as NCBI (nr) database [27] and UniProtKB by using algorithms such as BLAST-P or DIAMOND. For taxonomic assignments, peptides unique to a taxonomic unit are used to identify the taxonomic unit [28], while the majority of peptides are assigned at a higher taxonomic level (such as kingdom, phylum, etc.) and cannot be used to identify a lower taxonomic level i.e., strain, species, or genus. In contrast, for functional analysis the identified peptides are assigned to a protein and then a function. This offers an advantage of using functional information of peptides that have conserved function across taxa, even though they can only be assigned to relatively high taxonomic levels such as kingdom, phylum, etc. However, protein assignments and functional GO term assignments are hierarchical thus making it difficult to assign them to a single function. Moreover, this is confounded by the issue that peptides/proteins can be assigned to multiple functional GO terms.

All of these issues are observed in our results. For example, the database size and composition and underlying algorithm used is reflected in the number of GO terms detected for each software at molecular function GO terms level (Table 1). The results from the overlap indices plot (Fig 2) is also noteworthy, though not surprising considering the variability in database and underlying algorithms used to annotate functions. As expected, the overlap index improves when using expanded GO terms to remove the variability between GO hierarchies (as demonstrated as well in Fig 4). We were surprised to see that the quantitative correlation between molecular function terms identified by MetaGOmics and Unipept was not better than 0.798, especially since this correlation was based on the overlapping GO terms. The non-overlap of GO terms (and hence quantitative values) can be explained by the hierarchical nature of GO terms—wherein the same peptides might have been assigned GO terms at varying levels. For example, the MetaGOmics algorithm expands its own hierarchy while Unipept does not (as demonstrated in Figs 3 and 4). For overlapping GO terms, the discrepancy in quantitative values might be explained by considering that peptides might have been assigned to different GO terms by different algorithms. For example, through the single GO analysis of ‘Xanthine Dehydrogenase Activity’ (XDA), only 12 peptides in MetaGOmics annotated XDA while 40 additional (52 total) peptides in Unipept annotated XDA (Fig 4).

When the ranking of differentially expressed molecular function GO terms was considered, we found that most tools were in agreement when estimating fold changes. However, there were minor discrepancies in a few of these up-regulated molecular function GO terms (Table 2). This indicated that some of the peptides were assigned to variable GO terms or not assigned at all by some software algorithms. In the case of peptide deformylase activity, which was the top-ranked differentially expressed molecular function GO term using Unipept, we observed that most of the peptides were not assigned using eggNOG-mapper. This may be attributed to the fact that eggNOG-mapper uses fine-grained orthologues to focus on novel sequences. This would result in the loss of quantitative information during eggNOG-mapper analysis, given that only one peptide in eggNOG-mapper annotated ‘Peptide deformylase activity’. This peptide was only in NS, which goes against the expected value calculated from more WS counts. The other peptide-level tool, MetaGOmics, had a similar amount of spectral counts to Unipept when examining ‘Peptide deformylase activity’. Surprisingly, a protein-level tool, MEGAN, had similar values as well. MPA, did not have similar spectral count values for a few of the upregulated terms, but did have relatively similar fold change calculations for the fourth and fifth upregulated terms and downregulated terms as well.

A closer look at the peptides assigned in the study showed the various terms and hierarchy at which molecular function GO terms were assigned (Fig 3 and Supplement S5 and S6 in S1 File). This shows the need for consideration of GO terms detected especially when ancestor, descendants, and any extraneous terms were detected. When this analysis was scaled up to include all tools that annotated xanthine dehydrogenase activity (Fig 4), the differences in annotation were still apparent. One thing to note, however, is that some of these terms were translated from other groups. For example, within MEGAN, proteins were annotated with COGs. These COGs were then translated into a large and expanded hierarchy of GO terms. ProPHAnE contains even more modules for translation from multiple groups: TIGRFAM2GO, Pfam2GO, and OG2GO (eggNOG orthologous groups). These translations from different types of functional annotation need to be considered when comparing between tools. This highlights the importance of expanding the hierarchy in this analysis through tools such as metaQuantome [16] which allows for differences to be attributed to the underlying algorithm and database rather than the GO hierarchy. Additionally, being able to sift through, aggregate, and filter through the hierarchy is important for not only comparing between tools, but also using them in a metaproteomics study.

Given all of these observations, we noted a few variables that might need to be considered for a more effective functional analysis. For example, some of the software seems to generate outputs with additional GO information. This is also augmented by the hierarchical structure of GO terms and the issue of multiple GO terms for the same protein (Fig 4). Adding a filtering step after navigating the hierarchical structure of GO terms and reporting signal from noise will aid in arriving at fairly consistent outputs. The usage of a metaproteomics tool such as metaQuantome or an R Bioconductor package such as GO.db (10.18129/B9.bioc.GO.db); extensively used during this analysis, can help navigate these hierarchical structures.

Based on our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluates the performance of various functional tools in the field of metaproteomics. We acknowledge a few limitations in the study, including performing analysis on a single replicate paired-samples and using spectral counts for quantitative analysis. This design was used primarily to address the current capacities of various software that were compared. Most of the software evaluated in the study supports analysis of single-replicate, spectral-count based analysis. We are currently evaluating MS1-based precursor-intensity tools and DIA-based tools [29] for protein quantitation, which we hope will provide more accurate quantitative data for these analysis programs in the future.

While using the same post-search inputs from the same dataset (except for MPA, which performed the X! Tandem search on a sectioned database internally), we were anticipating slight variability in the outputs from the six tools—mainly since they used variable databases for functional annotation along with underlying variability in algorithms. However, we were surprised by the incomplete overlap in GO terms (Fig 2A), particularly their quantitative outputs (Fig 2B and Table 2). This was rather noteworthy for tools that generated native GO terms as outputs. A closer look at the peptides and their functional assignment showed that software tools such as Eggnog-mapper and MetaGOmics generated a lot of information that was related but not specific to the protein. Unipept on the other hand showed more narrow and specific functional information. As a result of these observations, it is our opinion that in order to measure the functional component of the microbiome, there is a need for further refinement in databases used for annotation and also the underlying algorithms and filtering of the outputs generated, so that relevant functional information can be easily parsed out from these software tools. There is an opportunity, for example, to improve on the underlying database. This will become increasingly important when evaluating microbiomes from environments where metagenome and metatranscriptome data for peptide spectral matching is available, but not functionally annotated. Metaproteomics researchers face the challenge of analyzing the function of such microbiome systems and software developers have a major role in tackling this challenge. In order to assign functions to such metagenomics data, functional assignment after taxonomic binning is being used. This annotated metagenomics data can be used as a template to assemble metatranscriptomics data and generate protein databases for metaproteomic analysis. We also highlight the importance of targeted metaproteomics analysis to validate peptides and proteins as a follow up to key functions identified in discovery metaproteomics research.

As a result of the study, we have implemented two functional analysis tools (Unipept and EggNOG Mapper) which use distinct approaches related to database searching and filtering of results for usage in the Galaxy environment (see Supplement S7 in S1 File); additionally, the computational performance of both tools are included (see Supplement S8 in S1 File). We hope that access to these software will encourage metaproteomics researchers to explore these tools either individually or within Galaxy workflows [7,16,21,30,31]. We also hope that this evaluation encourages software developers to develop tools that generate the right balance of annotation and results processing so that the functional analysis, which is the essence of metaproteomics research, can be explored with confidence.

Supporting information

S1 File



We would like to thank the European Galaxy team for the help in the support during Galaxy implementation. We would also like to thank Alessandro Tanca (Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy), Mak Saito and Noelle Held (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA) for discussion during the functional tools analysis. We would like to thank Tim van den Bossche (Ghent University, Belgium) for valuable inputs and thank Emma Leith (University of Minnesota) for proofreading the manuscript.

We also acknowledge the support from the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for maintenance of the Galaxy instances and supercomputing resources used for this analysis.

Data Availability

The data underlying the results presented in the study are available from; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4067104.

Funding Statement

T.G. National Cancer Institute - Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (NCI-ITCR) grant 1U24CA199347 and National Science Foundation (U.S.) grant 1458524 P.D.J: Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) research allocation BIO170096 B.G: Collaborative Research Centre 992 Medical Epigenetics (DFG grant SFB 992/1 2012) and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF grants 031 A538A/A538C RBC, 031L0101B/031L0101C de.NBI-epi, 031L0106 de.STAIR (de.NBI)). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Decision Letter 0

Frederique Lisacek

11 Mar 2020


Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis.


Dear Dr Jagtap,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The manuscript aims to benchmark six available metaproteome annotation tools, eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN6, MetaGOmics, MetaProteomeAnalyzer (MPA), ProPHAnE, and Unipept.

To benchmark the tools, an “oral dysbiosis” dataset was selected which includes the samples of plaque bacteria that were grown with and without sucrose. For both of these samples, the predicted peptides were normalised and mapped to functional groups/terms using the benchmarked tools. Subsequently the differential expression of the terms were calculated for each of the tool. The core of the benchmark is the comparison of these differentially expressed terms.

The manuscript also extensively compares inputs and outputs of the benchmarked tools. As they vary widely in that respect, the presented methodology generates specific inputs for each of the tools and aims to synthesise comparable output datasets.

The authors find that although the differentially expressed annotated terms are all significantly correlated between the tools, they exhibit a large degree of variability. At the end two of the tools (one which exhibits high specificity and sensitivity, and one that mapped the largest amount of terms) were then incorporated into the Galaxy platform.

Growing interest in and availability of metaproteomics data will result in significant need for annotation tools and established annotation pipelines. The presented manuscript could be of significant interest to metaproteomics community and have immediate impact on metaproteomics analysis methods. Therefore it is important to assure that the analysis presented in the manuscript is correct and interpretable.

The core aspect of the presented methodology is assigning the differential expression to each GO term and making the sets comparable between the tools. Unfortunately this is also the weakest part of the manuscript.

For the methods to be comparable, each GO term, for each peptide assigned by the method, should be projected to the root of its ontology and the differential expression should be calculated at each of the GO terms after that projection. It is not clear if this is done here. As such, without this projection, the methods that assign more granular terms will have diminished chance of picking up the signal, as the differential expression signal would be divided onto the term’s children whereas less granular method could incorporate the signal from all the term’s children. GO prediction benchmarking should reward the methods that assign more granular terms, as the GO terms could always be projected. Instead it seems that described method of the comparison effectively punishes for it. This is such a critical weakness, that lets me to believe I did not understand the methodology correctly. However the only part of the manuscript that describes the implementation of GO ontology traversal is found in the analysis of the 20 random peptides which is not related to the core of the comparison.

To partially mitigate the above point GO terms were translated into higher level GO slim subset, however this subset consists of only 147 terms, which may be too broad to generate the interpretable differential expression signal. I say potentially, as authors did not include in the manuscript any results from GO slim comparison except calculating Jaccard index between the tools’ outputs, which is not particularly informative.

All differentially expressed list of terms (projected to root) from all the tested methods, for all three GO ontologies should be included as a part of supplementary data. This will allow readers a way to judge the validity of the method by themselves. The overlap comparisons and “Top ten” terms for each method not sufficient for a meaningful interpretation.

Another point that should be addressed is a need for a biological interpretation of the results generated by the methods. There must be some processes that we should expect to see being differentially expressed between sugar rich and a sugar deprived environment. For example this may include the GO terms associated with energy metabolism, biofilm creation, growth etc. Expert curators with the knowledge of plaque bacteria could highlight few higher level GO terms that have a potential to be differentially expressed between the two conditions. If such term, selected by curators, does not exhibit metaproteome level differential expression, then we should not expect it to be picked up by any method by chance, conversely if at least one method finds such term (or its descendant) to be differentially expressed it probably won’t be by chance alone. The ranking of these curated term in the methods output could potentially highlight which of the tools is more suitable for finding biological signal in this particular metaproteome data. Of course it is important to note that the conclusions derived from this test cannot be trivially extended to all other biological datasets, nonetheless there is an insight to gain from assessing distinct aspects of the differences between the tools’ outputs.

Other issues:

The authors state in the abstract that the “A BLAST analysis against the Universal Protein Knowledgebase revealed that the sensitivity and specificity of functional annotation differed between tools”. Highlighting this measure in the abstract is debatable. Primarily because there is no reason why simple BLAST against UniProt would be regarded as gold standard. If it is, there is no need for more sophisticated tools. It’s a useful measure to some extent, but it’s not clear what that measure actually conveys as it seems to me that it depends heavily on the degree of overlap between UniProt and the peptide search database (HOMD in this case). In such case almost by definition Unipept would have to generate the most precise GO, as it is directly based on the peptide matches to UniProt database. This is also what we see.

Execution time of the tools, is always an important factor in the decision which of the available tools to use. For large scale analysis it is often the deciding factor. It would be helpful to point out the total computation time of each of the pipelines that were used to generate final GO terms. If a database only starts with peptides the Mascot search should be added to the computation time, but the execution time of the tool itself should also be highlighted.

The authors state that DIAMOND has “similar sensitivity to BLAST”. There is a price for the speed-up of search and it seems to be sensitivity [1, Fig. 2b]. In my experience this is especially true for a very diverged proteins (identity <30%), where DIAMOND significantly loses sensitivity. The exact numbers will depend on the testing methodology.

Figure 3. Legend should be corrected. Pink in “Type of term” legend relates to “Extraneous” terms, which are not present in the bar chart. However, in the same figure pink is used also as a color of eggNOG terms that are not part of the MetaGOmics output. This is misleading as only only one of the eggNOG terms (Formylmethionine deformylase activity”) could be considered as “extraneous” in relation to the gold terms.

[1] Steinegger, Martin, and Johannes Söding. "MMseqs2 enables sensitive protein sequence searching for the analysis of massive data sets." Nature biotechnology 35.11 (2017): 1026-1028.

Reviewer #2: This is an interesting manuscript comparing different tools used for metaproteomic data processing. The manuscript has some limitations that need to be addressed.

-This seems to be a combination of comparing tools and an add-on to the Galaxy platform. Sufficient details are provided for the comparison of the tools. However, it is not possible to review the add-on to the Galaxy platform as limited details are provided. It is a bit strange to have both in one manuscript. I would suggest to focus the manuscript on comparing the tools.

-Table 3. Comparing ranks is really not useful and somewhat misleading. Instead, the results from each GO term should be analyzed (# of peptide mapped and quantification) and the results statistically compared.

-Figure 4 should either be removed or moved as supplementary.

-The authors did a good job at highlighting the limitations of their analysis.

-A few typos throughout the manuscripts.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

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PLoS One. 2020 Nov 10;15(11):e0241503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241503.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

26 Aug 2020

We would like to thank the editors of the journal to extend the submission deadline to September 7th 2020. We believe that the extended time and communication with multiple authors has helped us to improve on the quality of the manuscript.

Along with this cover letter we have the revised ‘Manuscript’ along with revised manuscript with edits and Response to Reviewers where we have answered questions by the reviewers.

We will greatly appreciate if Plos ONE can facilitate the review of this revised manuscript and make a decision on the suitability of its publication in your journal.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PONE-D-20-04130.docx

Decision Letter 1

Frederique Lisacek

14 Sep 2020


Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis.


Dear Dr. Jagtap,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Frederique Lisacek

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #3: Yes


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PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #3: No


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #3: The authors describe in their manuscript a comparison of tools providing functional annotations, applied here on metaproteomics data. A preprocessed common dataset is used for all six tools. The functional annotation is investigated through directly predicted or secondarily obtained gene ontologies to have a common framework to do comparisons.

As clearly stated in the title and acknowledged by the authors, it is more a survey than a well-controlled benchmarking and it is limited to providing an overview of the available methods while demonstrating that their predictions vary substantially. The authors discuss the cause of these discrepancies as being for instance the variety of reference database, and advocate for the improvement and curation of these resources. Since the field lacks any benchmarking for that kind of aims, this study is a first step and therefore valuable.

While I appreciate the design of the different evaluations and the discussion, I find the overall description of the tools and their evaluation rather confusing, which in my opinion impair the understanding of the results if you are not a user of each of these six different pipelines. I am unsure whether this is caused by multiple errors in the manuscript or a lack of rigor in the systematic description of the inputs/outputs/databases. Different sections, figures, and tables seem to contradict or to consider the features of each tool differently. I would advocate for polishing and clarification. The language is clear.

- In general, page5:"Standard procedures were used for each tool" is not sufficient to identify when methods overlap regarding their data sources. Databases underlying the tool should be listed explicitly for each of the six methods, and not scattered across different figure and tables, no matter bundled with the tool or to be provided externally.

- For instance, eggNOG db is used by multiple tools, probably for different purpose. Figure 1 does not connect eggNOG db to MEGAN, while methods state page5:"the analysis was performed using eggNOG ". Table 2 states that eggNOG obtain functional annotation of type "proteins" while MEGAN obtain them from eggNOG groups. All together, this prevents the reader from understanding whether MEGAN and eggNOG get part of their functional annotation from a common source or not at all.

- Figure 1 is not that helpful as it does not reflect the difference between tools that matter during the evaluation. Especially, it does not clearly separate and define the databases used for classification of the input and their functional annotation. In some part of the manuscript, other db (page5: "For MetaGOmics, a list of peptides and the HOMD were uploaded (...)") are mentioned but not present on Figure 1.

- Two tools are described as natively predicting GO, vs four which do not (page8:"tools that natively output GO terms (i.e., Unipept and MetaGOmics)"). But on Figure 1, five out of six tools output GO, so this seems to be a different interpretation of natively predicting GO. Moreover, methods states that page6:"GO terms (...) are common annotation type throughout most of the tools (i.e., eggNOG-mapper and Unipept) (...) However, MEGAN, ProPHAnE, and MPA do not provide direct GO term outputs". Only five tools mentioned, most of the tools being two of them (!), and not matching previous statements or Figure1.

- I am unsure whether MPA uses the output of XTandem and Peptideshaker since the "input" folder in the supplementary archive contain a fasta that contains cRAP protein, which resemble a database use for search and filtering (277K_for_737_MPA_with_cRAP.fasta). I suppose this could indicate the actual input is the initial spectrum files identical to what is given to XTandem (in methods: page5:"For MPA, the same parameters as for SearchGUI were used"). This would contradict the statement in the discussion page21:"While using the same post-search inputs from the same dataset". Or there is something else missing (cRAP-filtereds spectrum files?) as input for MPA in the supplementary archive.

- To clarify all the points above, a visual summary of the workflow from the first difference appearing in any tool to the end of the process with the translation of GO would be beneficial, either as supplementary or as replacement of Figure 1.

- The definition of peptide-centric / peptide-level / protein-centric / protein-level could be clarified, if these terms are necessary to understand the input and outputs that lead to GO predictions attached to individual proteins, OG, or peptides. These terms seems to be used in contradictory ways and are confusing.

page9: "Of the tools that used peptide-level information (see Figure 1)". => Figure 1 contains "protein-level information" as possible output, and "peptides" as possible input. The reader could assume that "peptide-level information" are those without the checkmark for "protein-level information" outputs in Figure 1, but "used" does not mean "outputed".

Page9: "tools that provided peptide-level outputs were used, thus excluding MEGAN, MPA, and ProPHAnE" This does not match any of the possibilities depicted in Figure 1, but does match page10:"analysis level" in the results section.

page17: " protein-level tools is highlighted here (MEGAN and ProPHAnE) " Again, this is not the same list... the meaning might be "some of the protein-level tools" but the general confusion about these terms cast doubts.

page18: "a peptide-centric (eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, MetaGOmics and Unipept) or protein-centric approach (MPA and ProPHAnE)." This matches the grouping in figure1 and seems correct, but "centric" does not tell whether to focus on inputs or outputs and MPA and ProPHAnE do not have the same input type according to figure 1.

- page16: "The single- peptide analysis (Figure 3, Supplement S5 and Supplement S6) was carried out for Unipept, MetaGOmics and eggNOG-mapper since they provide GO term annotations at a peptide level. As a result, we do not have results for the protein-level tools MPA and ProPHAnE." Related to previous comments, MEGAN is not included, no justification here... is it because of protein-level vs peptide-level? Or inhability to provide GO term ?


- the Jaccard Index is only mentioned in the discussion while it was removed elsewhere during refactoring. Please check whether it is still intended to refer to this or prefer something else to match figure 2

- MEGAN5 and MEGAN6 are mentioned as being the evaluated version. Please check whether this is a typo.

- Supplementary figure S5: one color is not labeled (pink)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #3: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2020 Nov 10;15(11):e0241503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241503.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

14 Oct 2020

Reviewer #3: The authors describe in their manuscript a comparison of tools providing functional annotations, applied here on metaproteomics data. A preprocessed common dataset is used for all six tools. The functional annotation is investigated through directly predicted or secondarily obtained gene ontologies to have a common framework to do comparisons.

As clearly stated in the title and acknowledged by the authors, it is more a survey than a well-controlled benchmarking and it is limited to providing an overview of the available methods while demonstrating that their predictions vary substantially. The authors discuss the cause of these discrepancies as being for instance the variety of reference database, and advocate for the improvement and curation of these resources. Since the field lacks any benchmarking for that kind of aims, this study is a first step and therefore valuable.

While I appreciate the design of the different evaluations and the discussion, I find the overall description of the tools and their evaluation rather confusing, which in my opinion impair the understanding of the results if you are not a user of each of these six different pipelines. I am unsure whether this is caused by multiple errors in the manuscript or a lack of rigor in the systematic description of the inputs/outputs/databases. Different sections, figures, and tables seem to contradict or to consider the features of each tool differently. I would advocate for polishing and clarification. The language is clear.

We appreciate the comments by the reviewer. In the revised version of the manuscript we have addressed the concerns raised by making changes to the Figure 1 and text changes that offer clearer description of the methodology.

- In general, page5:"Standard procedures were used for each tool" is not sufficient to identify when methods overlap regarding their data sources. Databases underlying the tool should be listed explicitly for each of the six methods, and not scattered across different figure and tables, no matter bundled with the tool or to be provided externally.

We have made changes to Figure 1 that has a “Database(s)” section that outlines which internal databases were used by each software tool. We hope that sets the stage for the reader to navigate the manuscript.

- For instance, eggNOG db is used by multiple tools, probably for different purpose. Figure 1 does not connect eggNOG db to MEGAN, while methods state page5:"the analysis was performed using eggNOG ". Table 2 states that eggNOG obtain functional annotation of type "proteins" while MEGAN obtain them from eggNOG groups. All together, this prevents the reader from understanding whether MEGAN and eggNOG get part of their functional annotation from a common source or not at all.

We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The new “Database(s)” section in the revised Figure 1 now explicitly outlines which databases are used for each software tool, with particular emphasis on EggNOG and UniProtKB databases. In the updated Figure 1, MEGAN is now connected to the eggNOG database.

Additionally, Table 1 (which the reviewer has referred to as “Table 2”) is revised from stating “proteins” to “eggNOG orthologous groups” as an annotation type, to demonstrate similarity with MEGAN.

- Figure 1 is not that helpful as it does not reflect the difference between tools that matter during the evaluation. Especially, it does not clearly separate and define the databases used for classification of the input and their functional annotation. In some part of the manuscript, other db (page5: "For MetaGOmics, a list of peptides and the HOMD were uploaded (...)") are mentioned but not present on Figure 1.

The issue is now addressed via the new “Database(s)” section in Figure 1. We have also added an input element - Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD) - that connects to MetaGOmics software so that there is consistency between the figure and description.

- Two tools are described as natively predicting GO, vs four which do not (page8:"tools that natively output GO terms (i.e., Unipept and MetaGOmics)"). But on Figure 1, five out of six tools output GO, so this seems to be a different interpretation of natively predicting GO. Moreover, methods states that page6:"GO terms (...) are common annotation type throughout most of the tools (i.e., eggNOG-mapper and Unipept) (...) However, MEGAN, ProPHAnE, and MPA do not provide direct GO term outputs". Only five tools mentioned, most of the tools being two of them (!), and not matching previous statements or Figure1.

We have addressed this by removing the misleading “GO terms” row in the table in Figure 1. Now, the revised figure, via the “Output” section, clearly illustrates native GO term outputs from Unipept and MetaGOmics.

- I am unsure whether MPA uses the output of XTandem and Peptideshaker since the "input" folder in the supplementary archive contain a fasta that contains cRAP protein, which resemble a database use for search and filtering (277K_for_737_MPA_with_cRAP.fasta). I suppose this could indicate the actual input is the initial spectrum files identical to what is given to XTandem (in methods: page5:"For MPA, the same parameters as for SearchGUI were used"). This would contradict the statement in the discussion page21:"While using the same post-search inputs from the same dataset". Or there is something else missing (cRAP-filtereds spectrum files?) as input for MPA in the supplementary archive.

The reviewer raises important questions on how MPA analysis was carried out. This was amended by specifying that MPA performs its own searches, using the same inputs (MGF files) and parameters as SearchGUI and requires a FASTA database that was generated using a database sectioning approach. The statement in the discussion (page 21) referred to by the reviewer was modified to convey this information.

- To clarify all the points above, a visual summary of the workflow from the first difference appearing in any tool to the end of the process with the translation of GO would be beneficial, either as supplementary or as replacement of Figure 1.

Figure 1 has now been revised to illustrate differences and similarities between tools more easily via a grid-like and color-coded design. Additionally, a dedicated section for “GO Term translation” is included within Figure 1.

- The definition of peptide-centric / peptide-level / protein-centric / protein-level could be clarified, if these terms are necessary to understand the input and outputs that lead to GO predictions attached to individual proteins, OG, or peptides. These terms seem to be used in contradictory ways and are confusing.

page9: "Of the tools that used peptide-level information (see Figure 1)". => Figure 1 contains "protein-level information" as possible output, and "peptides" as possible input. The reader could assume that "peptide-level information" are those without the checkmark for "protein-level information" outputs in Figure 1, but "used" does not mean "outputed".

This is addressed by including the word “input” in the sentence to clarify that peptide-level inputs were used for these tools. “Input” was used rather than “output” due to the clear peptide-level input information in Figure 1.

Page9: "tools that provided peptide-level outputs were used, thus excluding MEGAN, MPA, and ProPHAnE" This does not match any of the possibilities depicted in Figure 1, but does match page10:"analysis level" in the results section.

This is addressed by removing the “Protein level information” row in the table in Figure 1. The wording was also adjusted to center around “peptide inputs”.

page17: " protein-level tools is highlighted here (MEGAN and ProPHAnE) " Again, this is not the same list... the meaning might be "some of the protein-level tools" but the general confusion about these terms cast doubts.

The language here is changed to look at tools that “output orthologous groups”

page18: "a peptide-centric (eggNOG-mapper, MEGAN, MetaGOmics and Unipept) or protein-centric approach (MPA and ProPHAnE)." This matches the grouping in figure1 and seems correct, but "centric" does not tell whether to focus on inputs or outputs and MPA and ProPHAnE do not have the same input type according to figure 1.

Instead of using “peptide-centric” and “protein-centric”, the sentence was modified to divide the tools between those that use “peptide-level inputs” and those that use “other means”.

- page16: "The single- peptide analysis (Figure 3, Supplement S5 and Supplement S6) was carried out for Unipept, MetaGOmics and eggNOG-mapper since they provide GO term annotations at a peptide level. As a result, we do not have results for the protein-level tools MPA and ProPHAnE." Related to previous comments, MEGAN is not included, no justification here... is it because of protein-level vs peptide-level? Or inhability to provide GO term ?

MEGAN was not initially included, due to mislabeling on the previous Figure 1. Now, it has been added (and Figure 1 has been corrected).


- the Jaccard Index is only mentioned in the discussion while it was removed elsewhere during refactoring. Please check whether it is still intended to refer to this or prefer something else to match figure 2

The “Jaccard Index” was now correctly renamed to “overlap index”

- MEGAN5 and MEGAN6 are mentioned as being the evaluated version. Please check whether this is a typo.

This is a typo. MEGAN5 was used for this survey.

- Supplementary figure S5: one color is not labeled (pink)

Color has been added (pink) for the “Extraneous” category.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PONE-D-20-04130R1.docx

Decision Letter 2

Frederique Lisacek

16 Oct 2020

Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis.


Dear Dr. Jagtap,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Frederique Lisacek

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Frederique Lisacek

29 Oct 2020


Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis

Dear Dr. Jagtap:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Frederique Lisacek

Academic Editor


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    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PONE-D-20-04130.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers PONE-D-20-04130R1.docx

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    The data underlying the results presented in the study are available from; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4067104.

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