Fig. 4.
Ganglionic blockade eliminates differences between INV and DNx kidneys in unilaterally denervated rabbits. (A) Tracings of arterial pressure, renal blood flow to the INV kidney, and renal blood flow to the DNx kidney before (Baseline) and after hexamethonium (Hex) administration show the hemodynamic effects of hexamethonium administration in one representative rabbit. (B) Representative tracings of admittance gain of the INV kidney before hexamethonium, admittance gain of the DNx kidney after hexamethonium, admittance gain of the DNx kidney before hexamethonium, admittance gain of the DNx kidney after hexamethonium, phase shift of the INV kidney before hexamethonium, phase shift of the INV kidney after hexamethonium, phase shift of the DNx kidney before hexamethonium, phase shift of the INV kidney after hexamethonium, coherence of the INV kidney before hexamethonium, coherence of the INV kidney after hexamethonium, coherence of the DNx kidney before hexamethonium, and coherence of the INV kidney after hexamethonium from this rabbit are displayed. (C) Statistical testing of admittance gain behavior from all nine rabbits shows significant INV-DNx differences in the baseline state that are eliminated after hexamethonium treatment and a significant interaction between innervation and ganglionic blockade. (D) Statistical testing of phase shift behavior from all rabbits shows significant INV-DNx differences in the baseline state that are eliminated after hexamethonium treatment and a significant interaction between innervation and ganglionic blockade. (E) Statistical testing of coherence behavior from all rabbits shows significant INV-DNx differences in the baseline state that are eliminated after hexamethonium treatment and a significant interaction between innervation and ganglionic blockade.