Figure 4. Three clusters of miR-17~92 family miRNAs regulate the expression of TNF and IL-10 collectively in macrophages.
(A–D) qPCR analysis of Tnf mRNA in WT and miR-17~92flox/flox Lyz2-Cre (17/92 KO) (A), miR-106a~363−/− (106a KO) (B), miR-106b~25−/− (106b KO) (C), or miR-106a~363−/− miR-106b~25−/− (106a 106b DKO) (D) BMDMs stimulated for the indicated periods with LPS. (E–H) qPCR analysis of Il10 mRNA in WT and 17/92 KO (E), 106a KO (F), 106b KO (G), or 106a 106b DKO (H) BMDMs stimulated for the indicated periods with LPS. (I and J) qPCR analysis of Tnf (I) and Il10 (J) mRNA in WT and various knockout (horizontal axes) BMDMs stimulated for 1 hr with LPS; results are presented relative to those of LPS-stimulated WT BMDMs. **p<0.01 (paired Student’s t-test). Data are representative of two (A–C and E–G) or three (D and H) independent experiments or are pooled from two to three (I and J) independent experiments (mean + s.d.).