Analizar el grado de desgaste profesional en médicos de atención primaria de nuestra provincia y la influencia de diversos factores.
Estudio transversal, descriptivo y analítico.
Provincial, atención primaria.
Todos los médicos de primaria de la provincia de Cáceres (n = 255).
Cuestionario autoadministrado y anónimo, Maslach Burnout Inventory, que valora: despersonalización (DP), autoestima (PA) y agotamiento emocional (AE); variables sociodemográficas, sociolaborales, preguntas personales y medidas adoptadas si hay estrés laboral. Análisis mediante t de Student y Anova (medias) y ji-cuadrado o Fisher (porcentajes).
Resultados principales
Un total de 157 cuestionarios válidos (tasa de respuesta, 62%). La edad media es 41,5 ± 7,2 años; 75% varones, 80,2% casados, 73,2% propietarios, 48,9% ejercen en núcleos urbanos, presión asistencial media de 40,5 ± 16,5 pacientes/día.
Los valores medios obtenidos fueron: DP, 8,3 ± 5,8; PA, 35,2 ± 8,4; AE, 22 ± 11,3; un 65,8% presentó elevadas puntuaciones en alguna de las tres.
Para AE las medias fueron significativamente superiores en varón, propietario, de centro urbano, más de 10 años de antigüedad o atendía a más de 40 pacientes/día.
Un 50% presentaba alteraciones psicofísicas en los 3 meses previos; el 33% soporta mucha burocracia; ambos grupos muestran medias < PA y > AE. Dedicar < 2 h/día al ocio asocia > AE y ser tutor un nivel significativamente superior de burnout. Alteraciones en la esfera familiar o sociolaboral asocian niveles elevados de DP y AE (p < 0,001).
Coincidiendo con otros estudios, encontramos un nivel moderado de desgaste profesional en nuestros encuestados. La antigüedad, conflictividad sociolaboral y familiar, y ciertas características personales y laborales se asocian con niveles altos de desgaste.
Palabras clave: Burnout, Médicos, Atención primaria
To analyse the degree of professional burnout in primary care doctors from our province and the effect of various factors.
Descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study.
Primary care (PC) in the province
All the PC doctors in the province of Cáceres (n=255).
Main measurements and results
Self-administered anonymous questionnaire: the Maslach Burnout Inventory that evaluates Depersonalisation (DP), Self-esteem (SE), and Emotional Exhaustion (EE); social and personal variables, work data, personal questions and measures taken if there was work stress. Student´s t test, ANOVA (means), and Chi-square or Fisher test (percentages) were used. 157 valid questionnaires were returned (62% response rate). Mean age was 41.5 years old±7.2; 75% were male, 80.2% married, 73.2% had tenure, 48.9% worked in towns, and their mean case-load was 40.5±16.5 patients/day. Mean values found were: DP, 8.3±5.8; SE, 35.2±8.4; EE, 22±11.3; 65.8% scored high on one of the three. For EE mean scores were significantly higher in men, doctors with tenure, in towns, those with >10 years seniority or who saw >40 patients a day. 50% had had psycho-physical disorders in the previous 3 months; 33% withstood a lot of bureaucracy; both groups had <SE and >EE averages. Dedicating <2 hours a day to leisure was associated with >EE; and being a tutor with a significantly higher level of burnout. Disorders in the family or social/work sphere were associated with high levels of DP and EE (P<.001).
Like other studies, we found a moderate level of burnout in our sample. Seniority, social/labour or family conflict, and certain personal and job characteristics were associated with high burnout.
Key-words: Burnout, Doctors, Primary care
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