The MIE locus architecture, gene and protein products, and the promoters that drive them. (A) The MIE locus consists of a core promoter (−39 to +1), proximal and distal enhancers (−300 to −39 and −550 to −300, respectively, as well as unique (−750 to −550) and modulator (−1140 to −750) regions. Within the core promoter, also known as the MIE promoter (MIEP) lies the cis-repression sequence (crs) from −13 to +1. Alternative promoters include the distal promoter (dP) in the proximal enhancer and the two intronic promoters, iP1 and iP2. Late promoters (LP; blue arrows) upstream of exon 5 drive transcription from start sites within exon 5. With the exception of those derived from the IE40 and IE60 promoters (LP/pIE40 and LP/pIE60, respectively), all transcripts use a common AUG (designated by the green asterisk) in exon 2 (x2). AUG40 and AUG60 (blue asterisks) denote the start sites for IE40 and IE60, respectively. (B) Transcripts derived from this locus are alternatively spliced and can be categorized by IE1- or IE2-derived based on the alternative inclusion of exon 4 or exon 5, respectively. The promoters driving each transcript are depicted at right, and the protein products resulting from their translation are depicted at left.