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. 2020 Oct 31;9(11):1581. doi: 10.3390/foods9111581

Table 2.

An inventory of locally sourced fruit species among three villages in Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Use value (UV), frequency of citation (FC), and use report (UR).

Scientific Name and Voucher No Family Local Name (Sepulana) Plant Part(s) Uses and Significance among Participants No of Use Category No of Use Report (UR) FC (%) UV
Annona senegalensis Pers
KNS 10
Annonaceae Matllepo Fruit, leaves, roots Food (edible fruit), vertebrate poison (snake repellent), medicine (cosmetics and sexually transmitted infections/diseases), 3 4 100 0.098
Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsl
KNS 31
Rhamnaceae Digokgoma Fruit, bark, roots Food (edible fruit, porridge and alcoholic beverage), fuel (firewood), medicine (wounds, bleeding gums) 3 6 36.5 0.401
Berchemia zeyheri (Sond.) Grubov
KNS 20
Rhamnaceae Dinee Fruit, roots Food (edible fruit), medicine (headache) 2 2 24 0.203
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill.
Phyllantaceae Ditsere Fruit, bark Food (edible fruit), medicine (diarrhoea, headache, sore eyes and tooth-ache) 2 5 24 0.508
Canthium inerme (L.f.) Kuntze
Rubiaceae Mmitswa Fruit, branches Food (edible fruit), material (construction) 2 2 100 0.049
Carissa edulis Vahl.
KNS 12
Apocynaceae Dithokolo Fruit, roots Food (edible fruit and beverage/wine), social use (misfortunes), medicine (body pains) 3 4 100 0.098
Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC.
Ebenaceae Ditsoma Fruit, branches Food (edible fruit), material (wooden spoon), medicine (epilepsy) 3 3 100 0.073
Englerophytum magalismontanum (Sond.) T.D. Penn.
Sapotaceae Ditlhatjwa tsa tlhaga Fruit Food (edible fruit, jam, syrup and beverage/wine) 1 4 51 0.191
Euclea divinorum Hiern
KNS 22
Ebenaceae Motlakolane Fruit Food (edible fruit) 1 1 73 0.033
Ficus sur Forssk.
Moraceae Mago Fruit, bark Food (edible fruit and jam), medicine (chest problems) 2 3 70.3 0.104
Ficus thonningii Blume
KNS 23
Moraceae Mokumo (Dikumo) Fruit Food (edible fruit and jam) 1 2 46 0.106
Flueggea virosa (Roxb. Ex Willd.) Royle subsp. virosa
Phyllanthaceae Motlhalabu (Ditlhalabu) Fruit, bark Food (edible fruit), medicine (chest problems) 2 2 100 0.049
Grewia flavescens Juss
KNS 27
Malvaceae Dipharatshwena Fruit Food (edible fruit, beverage/juice) 1 2 51 0.096
Lannea edulis (Sond.) Engl.
KNS 11
Anacardiaceae Diphiroku Fruit, branches Food (edible fruit), material (wooden spoon) 2 2 100 0.049
Lannea schweinfurthii Engl.
KNS 29
Anacardiaceae Marulanopsane Fruit, branches Food (edible fruit), material (wooden spoon) 2 2 46 0.106
Lantana rugosa Thunb.
KNS 34
Verbenaceae Molutoane Fruit, leaves, roots Food (edible fruit), medicine (fever and diarrhoea) 2 3 100 0.073
Macrotyloma maranguense (Taub.) Verdc
Leguminosae (Fabaceae) Mokorola kgogo
Fruit Food (edible fruit) 1 1 100 0.024
Mimusops zeyheri Sond.
KNS 19
Sapotaceae Mmupudu Fruit Food (edible fruit) 1 1 100 0.024
Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth
Chrysobalanaceae Dipola Fruit, roots Food (edible fruit, soft porridge and syrup), medicine (pneumonia, sore eyes and ear problems) 2 6 51 0.287
Parinari capensis Harv.
KNS 30
Chrysobalanaceae Dimola Fruit, roots Food (edible fruit, soft porridge and syrup), medicine (ear problem and sore eyes) 2 6 51 0.287
Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.)
KNS 28
Anacardiaceae Morula Fruit, seeds, bark Food (edible fruit, jam, nuts and beverage/wine), medicine (sexually transmitted infections/diseases and diarrhoea) 2 6 100 0.146
Searsia pendulina (Jacq.) Moffett
KNS 25
Anacardiaceae Botlhotlho Fruit Food (edible fruit, alcoholic beverage) 1 2 36.5 0.134
Strychnos madagascariensis Poir.
KNS 17
Loganiaceae Magwagwa Fruit, leaves, roots Food (edible fruit and sweets),
medicine (poison and wounds)
2 5 21.9 0.557
Strychnos spinosa Lam.
KNS 21
Loganiaceae Mashala Fruit, leaves, roots Food (edible fruit), medicine (poison) 2 2 73 0.067
Syzygium cordatum Hochst. ex Krauss
KNS 18
Myrtaceae Ditlho tsa tlhaga Fruit, roots Food (edible fruit, alcoholic beverage), medicine (tuberculosis) 2 3 100 0.073
Syzygium intermedium Engl. & Brehmer
Myrtaceae Ditlho Fruit Food (edible fruit) 1 1 100 0.024
Trichilia emetica Vahl subsp. emetica
KNS 13
Meliaceae Mogotlho Fruit, bark, roots Food (edible fruit, dried fruit, beverage/juice), medicine (kidney problems) 2 4 48.7 0.200
Vangueria infausta Burch.
KNS 16
Rubiaceae Mabilo Fruit, bark, roots Food (edible fruit, dried fruit, alcoholic beverage), medicine (sexually transmitted infections/diseases and tooth-ache) 2 5 100 0.122
Vangueria pygmaea Schltr.
KNS 15
Rubiaceae Mmilofasane Mabilofasane Fruit, bark, leaves Food (edible fruit, dried fruit, alcoholic beverage), medicine (sexually transmitted infections/diseases) 2 4 100 0.098
Ximenia americana L.
KNS 24
Olacaceae Ditsadi Fruit, bark, roots Food (edible fruit), medicine (wounds and constipation) 2 3 21.9 0.334
Ximenia caffra Sond.
KNS 14
Olacaceae Dichidi Fruit, leaves Food (edible fruit and jam), medicine (diarrhoea, infertility, fever) 2 5 100 0.122