Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 03 June 2016
An article contains an error on page 8 of the article:
“TOR1-silenced lines were slightly more resistant to bacterial infection (Fig. 7c) and the two lines mutated in the CDC55 homologues showed a striking resistance to infection as compared to the wild-type Arabidopsis (Fig. 7d), indicating that AWR5 effector may be targeting the TOR pathway in both plants and yeast.”
Should read:
“TOR1-silenced lines were slightly more susceptible to bacterial infection (Fig. 7c) and the two lines mutated in the CDC55 homologues showed a striking resistance to infection as compared to the wild-type Arabidopsis (Fig. 7d), indicating that AWR5 effector may be targeting the TOR pathway in both plants and yeast.”