Digestion and coagulation in vitro. (a) In vitro digested WPC was separated based on particle size and weight of the separate fractions (g) was recorded. (b) Protein concentration of the separated fractions determined by BCA. (c) Representative SDS-PAGE gel of digested fractions of EH-WPC and MP-WPC under reducing conditions. (d) Protein concentrations calculated based on SDS-PAGE separation for the coagulate with a particle size 1 > D > 0.25 mm. n = 3, ND = not detectable, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ns = non-significant based on t-test between EH-WPC and MP-WPC. BSA = bovine serum albumin, IgG (HC) = immunoglobulin G (heavy chain), βCAS = β-casein, βLG = β-lactoglobulin, αLA = α-lactalbumin.