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. 2020 Nov 19;9(11):964. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9110964

Table A1.

Clinical symptoms from confirmed DENV cases by sex from 2012 to 2020.

Symptoms Total
(N = 264,267)
(N = 145,878)
(N = 118,389)
p-Value *
Symptomatic Cases Cases with Missing Symptoms Symptomatic Cases % Symptomatic Cases %
Fever 263,837 10 145,611 55.19 118,227 44.81 0.003
Myalgias 244,636 397 135,666 55.46 108,971 44.54 <0.0001
Arthralgias 231,277 407 128,508 55.56 102,769 44.44 <0.0001
Abdominal Pain 32,430 57,649 18,413 56.78 14,017 43.22 <0.0001
Polyarthralgias 27,315 155,201 16,137 59.08 11,179 40.92 <0.0001
Backache 18,372 182,327 10,638 57.9 7734 42.1 0.0001
Photophobia 11,486 182,328 6825 59.42 4661 40.58 <0.0001
Diarrhea 7442 182,321 3750 50.39 3692 49.61 <0.0001
Conjunctivitis 5935 182,319 3169 53.4 2766 46.6 <0.0001
Cough 4675 182324 2457 52.56 2218 47.44 <0.0001
Pharyngitis 4956 182,323 2725 54.98 2231 45.02 0.014
Sickness 48,245 182,320 27,984 58 20,261 42 <0.0001
Headache 253,725 366 140,751 55.47 112,975 44.53 <0.0001
Itch 6396 224,855 3938 61.57 2458 38.42 <0.0001
Vomit 42,869 76,174 24,289 56.66 18,580 43.34 <0.0001
Retroocular pain 174,348 7044 96,723 55.48 77,625 44.52 <0.0001
Exanthem 77,140 84 43,723 56.68 33,418 43.32 <0.0001

* p-value based on Pearson’s Chi-Square test.