The incidence and mortality of early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) are increasing. Adenoma detection, removal, and subsequent endoscopic surveillance might modify risk of CRC diagnosed before age 50 years (early-onset CRC). We conducted a systematic review of young-onset adenoma (YOA) prevalence, associated risk factors, and rate of metachronous advanced neoplasia after YOA diagnosis.
We performed a systematic search of multiple electronic databases through February 12, 2019 and identified studies of individuals 18 to 49 years old that reported prevalence of adenoma, risk factors for adenoma, and/or risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia. Summary estimates were derived using random effects meta-analysis, when feasible.
The pooled overall prevalence of YOA was 9.0% (95% CI, 7.1%–11.4%), based on 24 studies comprising 23,142 individuals. On subgroup analysis, the pooled prevalence of YOA from autopsy studies was 3.9% (95% CI, 1.9%–7.6%), whereas the prevalence from colonoscopy studies was 10.7% (95% CI, 8.5%–13.5). Only advancing age was identified as a consistent risk factor for YOA, based on 4 studies comprising 78,880 individuals. Pooled rate of metachronous advanced neoplasia after baseline YOA diagnosis was 6.0% (95% CI, 4.1%–8.6%), based on 3 studies comprising 1493 individuals undergoing follow-up colonoscopy, with only 1 CRC case reported. Overall, few studies reported metachronous advanced neoplasia and no studies evaluated whether routine surveillance colonoscopy decreases risk of CRC.
In a systematic review, we estimated the prevalence of YOA to be 9% and to increase with age. Risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia after YOA diagnosis is estimated to be 6%. More research is needed to understand the prevalence, risk factors, and risk of CRC associated with YOA.
Keywords: Young Adult, Colon, Tumor, Neoplasm
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide and the second most common cause of cancer mortality, with an incidence of 1.8 million and 881,000 deaths in 2018.1 In the United States, CRC incidence and mortality have been declining among older adults.2 In contrast, CRC incidence and mortality have increased among adults younger than age 50. Between 1975 and 1980, the overall incidence rate of early-onset CRC was 9.9 per 100,000, with an increase to 11.7 per 100,000 between 2010 and 2014.3 Although factors responsible are not well-understood, postulated risk factors include male sex, obesity, smoking, alcohol intake, antibiotic exposure, and dietary changes such as exposure to more processed foods.4–9
Adenomas are the precursors of most CRCs, and adenoma removal can reduce CRC incidence and mortality.10–14 On the basis of observation of the impact of polypectomy and surveillance outcomes among older individuals, systematic detection and removal of adenomas with subsequent surveillance may have the ability to improve early detection and prevention of early-onset CRC.11–15 Clinical experience suggests that adenomas are detected among individuals younger than age 50 (young-onset adenoma [YOA]). However, YOA prevalence, risk factors associated with YOA, rates of metachronous advanced neoplasia and CRC after polypectomy, and whether surveillance has potential to reduce risk for advanced adenoma or CRC on follow-up have not been well-characterized. Clarifying these issues will help determine whether detection, removal, and surveillance of adenomas have potential to address rising early-onset CRC incidence and mortality.
To address this literature gap, we conducted a systematic review of the prevalence, risk factors, and risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia and CRC in individuals with YOA to specifically address the following key questions:
Among individuals age 18–49, what is the prevalence of YOA?
Among individuals age 18–49, what are potential risk factors associated with YOA?
Among individuals with YOA, what is the risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia on follow-up colonoscopy?
Among individuals with YOA, what is the risk for subsequent CRC on follow-up colonoscopy?
Among individuals with YOA, does exposure to surveillance colonoscopy, versus no surveillance, reduce risk for CRC on follow-up?
Study Design
We conducted and reported a systematic review following the recommendation of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement.16 Details of the protocol for this systematic review were registered on PROSPERO (registration #CRD42019125508).17
Search Strategy
We searched the Embase (Elsevier) and PubMed from inception until February 12, 2019. The search was developed with the help of an experienced librarian (KMH) (Supplementary Material). Additional records were identified through review of reference sections of included studies and reviewed in full text if they met title and abstract review criteria (Supplementary Material).
Selection Criteria
Two individuals (NE, MYC) independently reviewed identified abstracts for eligibility. All abstracts reporting on outcomes related to our key questions for individuals aged 18–49 years were selected for full-text review. Disagreements were resolved by involving a third author (SG). The same 2 reviewers then conducted a full-text review of articles meeting inclusion criteria and of articles for which there was some uncertainty as to eligibility (Supplementary Material). Articles focused on patients with inflammatory bowel disease, hereditary CRC syndromes, or family history of CRC were excluded.
Data Abstraction and Risk of Bias/Quality Assessment
Two individuals (NE, MYC) conducted data abstraction, including study characteristics such as author, year of publication, study design/setting, time period of colonoscopy, and the total sample size. Outcome data abstracted included risk factors for YOA and their respective odds ratios (ORs) from multivariate analysis, number of patients with YOA receiving follow-up colonoscopy, proportion of individuals with baseline adenoma with advanced neoplasia on follow-up, and proportion of individuals with baseline adenoma with CRC on follow-up. Risk of bias/quality was assessed by both reviewers for each study by using a structured approach (Supplementary Material).
Data Synthesis and Statistical Analyses
Key Question 1 on the prevalence of YOA and Key Question 3 on the rate of metachronous neoplasia on follow-up had sufficient data for pooled estimates. For these 2 questions, we pooled corresponding data using the random-effects model described by DerSimonian and Laird.18
For adenoma prevalence, the outcome was expressed as a pooled proportion, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Pre-planned subgroup analyses were based on study type (colonoscopy vs autopsy studies) and publication date (before vs after 1995). The year 1995 was used as the cutoff for these publication date analyses because it was the year after which early-onset CRC began to rise.3 For rate of metachronous neoplasia on follow-up, the outcome was expressed as a proportion, with 95% CIs. We assessed statistical heterogeneity by using I2 statistic.19 All analyses were performed by using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2 (Biostat, Englewood, NJ). Small study effects were assessed by examining funnel plot asymmetry (Supplementary Material).
Literature Review
Figure 1 summarizes the literature review process. Out of 2063 unique references, 830 were selected for abstract review on the basis of title assessment, 451 were selected for full-text review after abstract assessment, and an additional 11 studies were identified after reviewing the reference sections of included studies. Ultimately, 28 studies were included in the systematic review on the basis of prespecified criteria.20–44 Our search strategy did not identify any article that addressed the impact of surveillance colonoscopy in patients with YOA on incidence and mortality from CRC.
Figure 1.
Study selection PRISMA flow diagram.
Supplementary Table 1 describes the characteristics and quality of each included study, assessed as low, moderate, or high quality. Overall, 89% of included studies (n = 25/28) were judged to be of at least mod erate quality, with the remaining 11% (n = 3/28) judged to be of low quality.
Key Question 1: Among Individuals Ages 18–49, What Is the Prevalence of Young-Onset Adenoma?
The 24 studies addressing YOA prevalence included 5 autopsy studies (n = 1638)36–40 and 19 studies of patients undergoing colonoscopy (n = 19,295; Supplementary Table 2).20–26,28–32,34,35,41–43,45,46 Of the 19 studies of patients undergoing colonoscopy, 7 studies were performed on symptomatic patients alone,20,21,23,30,32,41,43 6 on asymptomatic patients,22,28,31,34,43,47 and 6 did not specify whether patients were symptomatic or not.24,26,29,35,42,45 The time period for assessment of our outcome data ranged from 1972 to 2017, with 19 of them conducted in patients undergoing colonoscopy after 1995, 3 studies before 1995, and 2 that began before 1995 but continued past this time. All the autopsy studies were performed before 1995. Of the studies providing prevalence data, 7 studies were performed in North America (all in the United States), 1 study in South America (Brazil), 6 studies in Europe (2 Italy, 1 Poland, 1 Greece, 1 Sweden, 1 Norway), 6 studies in the Middle East (4 Iran, 1 Pakistan, 1 Lebanon), and 4 studies in East Asia (South Korea). These were grouped into Western studies (14 studies) and Afro-Asian studies (10 studies) (Supplementary Table 3).
Pooled prevalence of YOA was estimated to be 9.0% (95% CI, 7.1%–11.4%), with a range of 1.2%–25.4% across studies (Figure 2). Substantial heterogeneity was noted (I2 = 96%). On subgroup analysis, the pooled prevalence of YOA among autopsy studies was 3.9% (95% CI, 1.9%–7.6%), whereas prevalence among colonoscopy studies was 10.7% (95% CI, 8.5%–13.5%); P value for difference between subgroups was <.01 (Figure 3). Pooled prevalence of YOA based on colonoscopies performed before 1995 was 4.2% (95% CI, 7.4%–12.0%), whereas prevalence was 10.0% (95% CI, 7.8%–12.8%) on the basis of studies performed after 1995 (Figure 4). Pooled prevalence based on colonoscopies performed on asymptomatic patients was 13.9% (95% CI, 9.5%–20.1%), whereas pooled prevalence based on colonoscopies performed on symptomatic patients was 8.6% (95% CI, 6.2%–11.7%; P value for differences between subgroups = .05). Pooled prevalence based on Western studies was 9.0% (95% CI, 6.6%–12.1%) versus 9.2% for Afro-Asian studies (95% CI, 6.5%–12.9%; P = .919; Supplementary Figure 1). To assess whether any one study had a dominant effect on the pooled prevalence estimate, each study was individually excluded, and its effect on the main summary estimate and I2 test for heterogeneity was evaluated. No study markedly influenced the overall prevalence of YOA or degree of heterogeneity. Because considerable heterogeneity was observed across all studies, evaluation of publication by bias using funnel plot was not conducted.
Figure 2.
Pooled prevalence of young-onset adenoma. Rectangles denote pooled estimate for each study; open diamond denotes overall pooled estimate for all studies. CI, confidence interval.
Figure 3.
Pooled prevalence of young-onset adenoma, grouped by autopsy versus colonoscopy based-studies. Rectangles denote pooled estimate for each study; filled diamonds denote pooled estimates for the 2 subgroups; unfilled diamond denotes overall pooled estimate for all studies. CI, confidence interval.
Figure 4.
Pooled prevalence of young-onset adenoma, grouped by studies conducted before versus after 1995. Rectangles denote pooled estimate for each study; filled diamonds denote pooled estimates for the 2 subgroups; unfilled diamond denotes overall pooled estimate for all studies. CI, confidence interval.
Key Question 2: Among Individuals Ages 18 to 49, What Are Potential Risk Factors Associated With Young-Onset Adenoma?
Risk factors for YOA were addressed by 4 studies including 78,880 individuals (Supplementary Table C).22,29,35,48 There were 2 studies conducted in South Korea, 1 study in China, and 1 study in the United States. There was 1 multicenter study and 3 single center studies.
The most consistent significant risk factor across all studies was increasing age. Three of 4 studies assessed age as a continuous variable and observed that the likelihood of YOA significantly increased with each unit increase in age (Supplementary Table 4).29,35,48 One study assessed age as a categorical variable and observed a significant increase in the prevalence of YOA as the age category increased: 10.4% in 30–39 years group versus 22.2% in the 40–49 years group (P < .001).22 Male sex was the second most consistently assessed risk factor and was significantly associated with YOA in 2 of 4 studies: Chen et al49 (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.02–4.63) and Gupta et al29 (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.03–1.31).’ Body mass index (BMI) was assessed in 3 of 4 studies, and only 1 of the studies found that the odds of YOA increased with each unit increase in BMI (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.01–1.08).48 Current smoking status was assessed in 2 studies, with 1 observing a significant association with YOA (OR, 2.05; 95% CI, 1.16–3.65).22 Family history of CRC was assessed in 2 studies but was not significantly associated with YOA in either study.
Key Question 3: Among Patients With Young-Onset Adenoma, What Is the Risk for Metachronous Advanced Neoplasia on Follow-up?
The risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia on subsequent follow-up of patients with YOA was reported in 4 articles including 78,880 individuals (Supplementary Table 5). Three of the 4 articles were conducted in South Korea, and 1 was conducted in the United States. Two of the studies were single center studies,50,51 and the other 2 were multicenter studies.33,46 Follow-up times ranged from 33.6 to 49.0 months. One study estimated cumulative incidence (rate) of metachronous advanced neoplasia; this report only provided cumulative incidence for the low and high risk adenoma groups separately and did not provide an overall incidence rate for all adenoma patients combined.46 Three studies reported risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia, defined as the proportion of individuals with baseline adenoma with advanced neoplasia on follow-up.33,52,53 Pooled analysis of metachronous advanced neoplasia was limited to these 3 studies, because the study by Kim et al54 did not provide sufficient data regarding number with adenoma at baseline and number with advanced neoplasia at follow-up to allow for pooling. Pooled risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia was estimated to be 6.0% (95% CI, 4.1%–8.6%; Figure 5). Substantial heterogeneity was noted (I2 = 56%).
Figure 5.
Pooled rate of metachronous advanced neoplasia after baseline young-onset adenoma diagnosis. Rectangles denote pooled estimate for each study; unfilled diamond denotes overall pooled estimate for all studies. CI, confidence interval.
Two studies stratified the rate or risk of advanced neoplasia on follow-up on the basis of whether low risk (defined as having 1–2 tubular adenomas measuring <10 mm in size) vs high risk (defined as having advanced adenomas or ≥3 adenomas) adenomas were present.33,46 Kim HG33 et al found that the cumulative rate of advanced neoplasia was 4.9% among 798 individuals with low risk adenoma at baseline and 3.9% among 334 individuals with high risk adenoma at baseline. Kim NH et al46 found that the 5-year risk of advanced neoplasia on follow-up among individuals with low risk adenoma at baseline was 2.8% for ages 30–39 and 3.3% for ages 40–49, and that the 3-year risk among individuals with high risk adenoma at baseline was 1.9% for ages 30–39 and 3.6% for ages 40–49.
Key Question 4: Among Patients With Young-Onset Adenoma, What Is the Risk for Subsequent Colorectal Cancer?
The 4 articles (n = 78,880) that addressed Question 3 on the risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia also addressed Question 4 (Supplementary Table 6). Across these studies, only 1 case of CRC was reported among 9341 patients (0.01%).
Key Question 5: Among Patients With Young-Onset Adenoma, Does Exposure to Surveillance Colonoscopy, Versus No Surveillance, Reduce Risk for Colorectal Cancer on Follow-up?
We did not identify any study reporting the impact of surveillance colonoscopy in patients with YOA on incidence and mortality from CRC.
Adenomas are found in individuals younger than 50, but prevalence, risk factors, and subsequent management and impact have not been previously well-characterized. In a systematic review focusing on 5 key questions concerning YOA, we observed that the prevalence of YOA was 9%. Estimated risks of metachronous advanced neoplasia and CRC were 6% and 0.01%, respectively, although there is a paucity of data for this outcome. Increasing age was found to be the most consistent risk factor for YOA. We did not identify any studies on the impact of routine colonoscopic surveillance in patients with YOA on incidence and mortality from CRC. Our findings may inform current clinical practice as well as future research on YOA and strategies for reducing incidence and mortality from early-onset CRC.
Young-Onset Adenoma Prevalence
In a meta-analysis of 24 studies contributing data from 20,933 individuals, we found the pooled prevalence of YOA was estimated to be 9.0%. Prevalence was substantially lower among autopsy studies (3.9%) compared with colonoscopy studies (10.7%). The lower prevalence observed in autopsy studies could be because these studies are more representative of the general population or because of variation in the protocols used to assess presence of adenomas.55 Higher prevalence observed in colonoscopy studies could be because colonoscopy is more sensitive for adenoma detection than routine autopsy, or because the group of patients referred for colonoscopy younger than age 50 (most often for specific signs or symptoms of disease or family history of CRC) are not representative of the general population. Indeed, 14 of 19 studies included in this evidence synthesis reported findings from patients undergoing colonoscopy for signs or symptoms of possible disease.
In a subgroup analysis, pooled adenoma prevalence was estimated to be 4.2% before and 10.0% after 1995, the year around which early-onset CRC incidence began to increase. This observation could be due to actual increases in YOA prevalence driven by risk factors overlapping with risk factors for early-onset CRC or temporal trends such as changes in attention to adenoma detection as a quality measure56 and introduction of high definition colonoscopes. Indeed, in 1 study, observed prevalence of YOA increased from 11.2% in the period between 1999 and 2006 to 18.8% in the 2007–2009 period after high definition colonoscopes were adopted in their institution.29
Taken together, our study suggests that prevalence of YOA may be as high as 11.4% (the upper bound of the 95% CI around our estimated prevalence of 9%), but those data are insufficient to determine whether there has been an increase in prevalence of YOA over time. We acknowledge that conventional statistical measures of heterogeneity (I2 value) suggest high heterogeneity. However, these measures were designed for comparative studies in which summary estimates were OR, relative risk, etc. Interpreting these measures for prevalence studies is challenging, and all meta-analyses of prevalence studies have high I2 value.57–59 Sources of heterogeneity in our study include the long time span of our included studies (from 1977 to 2018), the limited number of studies addressing this key question, and the diverse patient population (spanning different continents). We sought to minimize heterogeneity at a conceptual level by limiting analyses to studies that were as homogenous as possible, excluding modeling and cost-effectiveness studies, and by using a rigorous protocol. We also evaluated potential sources of heterogeneity by examining pooled prevalence in specific predefined subgroups. Our findings are similar to a recent narrative review, which concluded that colorectal adenomas are increasingly detected in young people,60 and extend their conclusions by presentation of evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Young-Onset Adenoma Risk Factors
Across 4 studies contributing data from 78,880 individuals, we found increasing age, male sex, and increasing BMI reported as risk factors for YOA. Only increasing age, a nonmodifiable risk factor, was consistently identified as a risk factor across all studies.22,29,35,48 Formal meta-analysis was not possible because of study design heterogeneity. Thus, there is a lack of available data to provide significant insights into factors associated with YOA. Future research should use large cohorts of individuals with YOA (such as those identified through colonoscopy) to further understand risk factors associated with YOA diagnosis and assess overlap with risk factors for early-onset CRC.
Metachronous Advanced Neoplasia and Colorectal Cancer After Young-Onset Adenoma
A common clinical challenge is determining whether individuals with YOA discovered during colonoscopy represent a group at increased risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia, and whether this group requires specialized surveillance. Across 3 studies contributing data from 1493 individuals, we found that the pooled risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia was 6%. A fourth study reporting on data from 7848 individuals with YOA over 40.8 months of follow-up reported a cumulative incidence of metachronous advanced neoplasia of less than 4% among patients with high and low risk adenomas at baseline. Across the 4 included studies, just 1 individual was reported to develop CRC on follow-up. Sparse data were available to inform assessment of outcomes among individuals with baseline low risk versus high risk YOA. One study reported a 5-year metachronous advanced neoplasia rate of 4.9% after baseline low risk adenoma and a 3-year rate of 3.9% after baseline high risk YOA diagnosis.33 Comparisons of risk of advanced metachronous neoplasia for young adults vs adults older than 50 have not been widely reported. One study comparing the risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia on follow-up among patients aged 20–49 vs 50–54 found the 5-year risk of advanced neoplasia on follow-up after baseline low risk adenoma in patients aged 20–49 years was 4.8% vs 5.0% in patients aged 50–54 years. After baseline high risk adenoma, the 3-year risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia was 3.9% in patients aged 20–49 years vs 3.8% in patients aged 50–54 years.33 Another study including 128 young adults <50 years and 123 older adults who underwent baseline colonoscopy found the risk of advanced neoplasia on follow-up did not differ between younger and older adults (7% vs 12.2%; P = .16).61 Taken together, available evidence suggests that individuals with YOA have a relatively low rate of metachronous advanced neoplasia on follow-up at under 8.6% (the upper bound of the 95% CI for our estimated rate of 6%), but available evidence is insufficient to conclude whether rate of metachronous neoplasia in individuals with YOA is lower, similar to, or higher than individuals with adenomas diagnosed older than age 50. A limitation of all studies included was that a substantial fraction of patients with baseline YOA did not receive surveillance colonoscopy for ascertainment of the outcome of metachronous advanced neoplasia. This decreased the sample size of individuals available for outcome ascertainment and potentially could have introduced bias of unknown direction. Larger cohort studies are needed to better characterize the risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia, including risk for CRC, among patients with YOA. Factors that might influence risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia (such as family history of CRC) also merit investigation. In the interim, on the basis of currently available data, evidence suggests that YOA patients should not be recommended surveillance colonoscopy more frequently than individuals with adenomas diagnosed at ages 50 and older. However, we suggest surveillance recommendations be individualized on the basis of factors such as underlying comorbid conditions, family history of CRC, and quality of baseline bowel preparation pending generation of new evidence.
Impact of Colonoscopy Surveillance After Young-Onset Adenoma Diagnosis
We did not identify any studies that specifically addressed the impact of surveillance colonoscopy among patients with YOA. Understanding whether surveillance improves outcomes could clarify whether YOA patients require close surveillance and help reinforce participation in surveillance. Lack of evidence to support importance of surveillance may contribute to recommendations for surveillance, as well as adherence to surveillance (which may be as low as 24.7% among YOA patients62). Future large cohort studies should examine whether surveillance colonoscopy after YOA diagnosis improves outcomes. Randomized trials can also be considered, but feasibility may be a major challenge because of the very large sample size likely required to show differences in outcomes.
Strengths and Limitations
This is a systematic review and comprehensive evidence synthesis of the 5 key questions regarding YOA we posed. We used best practices for our literature review and evidence synthesis, including (1) pre-specifying the key questions of interest; (2) registering the protocol with PROSPERO; (3) using best practices for the protocol, including a comprehensive literature review, having more than 1 reviewer for assessing inclusion/exclusion criteria and abstracting data, and assessing quality of individual studies. For 2 questions, we also were able to perform meta-analyses that have not yet, to our knowledge, been reported.
Several limitations may be considered in interpreting our report. Despite a rigorous, prespecified search strategy, all relevant publications may not have been identified. We chose to focus on published articles and did not include abstracts from scientific meetings. Most of the data available were from retrospective cohort studies, which may be subject to bias in data collected and challenged by presence of unmeasured confounding variables. Most of the data synthesized comes from patients undergoing colonoscopy for signs or symptoms of suspected gastrointestinal disease. As such, the findings are not representative of the general population of individuals younger than age 50. We were unable to stratify our analyses of adenoma prevalence under age 50 by age categories (such as by age decade) because of a lack of granular data on age-specific prevalence. Future research may help to clarify how much adenoma prevalence varies by age categories under age 50. Similarly, our systematic review and meta-analysis did not include a focus on variation in adenoma characteristics (eg, high vs low risk adenoma) by age or over time; these areas may also be targeted for future research.
At the meta-analysis level, we observed significant heterogeneity in the pooled estimates of prevalence of YOA, risk of recurrent advanced neoplasia, and risk of CRC during follow-up of patients with YOA. Prior studies have documented heterogeneity in providing prevalence estimates from meta-analyses.63 The noted heterogeneity could be from a patient level (different levels of comorbidities, different patient ethnicity, presence or absence of various risk factors contributing to polyp formation) or from a study design setting (differences in study design, inclusion/exclusion criteria such as asymptomatic vs symptomatic patient populations, study setting, definition of outcomes such as advanced neoplasia). To minimize this heterogeneity, at the conceptual phase of our study, we used strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. We also performed pre-planned subgroup analyses to explore sources of heterogeneity. Despite these steps, observed heterogeneity contributed to lowering our assessment of the quality of evidence to support answers to our key questions. Another limitation of our study pertaining to our analysis of the risk of advanced neoplasia on follow-up of patients with YOA (Key Question 3) is the that the pooled studies used varying length of surveillance intervals, precluding ability to use a consistent follow-up time point after baseline polypectomy (eg, 3 or 5 years) to estimate proportion with metachronous advanced neoplasia on follow-up. This may have contributed to heterogeneity in our pooled estimates.
In a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the pooled prevalence of YOA is estimated to be 9%. Evidence is insufficient to determine whether prevalence is increasing over time. Risk factors for YOA reported by currently available literature include age, male sex, increasing BMI, and smoking, with age being the most consistently reported risk factor across studies. More research on risk factors for YOA is needed, particularly to determine whether early-onset CRC and YOA share common risk factors. Pooled risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia on follow-up after YOA diagnosis was estimated to be 6%. Evidence was insufficient to determine whether risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia differs by baseline adenoma characteristics or to precisely estimate risk for CRC on follow-up; both of these areas require further study. Evidence was insufficient to assess the impact of surveillance colonoscopy on outcomes of individuals with YOA. Overall, current evidence suggests that YOA is common and associated with a relatively low for metachronous advanced neoplasia, but that more research is required to determine prevalence, risk factors, and optimal management, including whether detection, removal, and surveillance of YOA have potential to impact early-onset CRC incidence and mortality.
Supplementary Material
What You Need to Know.
Adenoma detection, removal, and endoscopic surveillance might modify risk of CRC diagnosed before age 50 (early-onset CRC). A systematic review of young-onset adenoma (YOA) evaluated prevalence, associated risk factors, and rate of metachronous advanced neoplasia after YOA diagnosis.
On the basis of a systematic review of the literature, the prevalence of YOA is estimated to be 9%. Risk increases with age. Risk for metachronous advanced neoplasia after YOA diagnosis is estimated to be 6%.
Implications for patient care
More research is needed to understand the prevalence, risk factors, and risk of CRC associated with YOA.
Supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs (I01 HX001574), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (T32 DK007202, K23 DK117058, and P30 DK120515), the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (R37 CA222866, U54 CA132379, U54 CA132384, P30 CA023100), an American College of Gastroenterology Junior Faculty Development Award (Singh), and a Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Career Development Award (404614). The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding agencies.
Abbreviations used in this paper:
body mass index
- CI
confidence interval
colorectal cancer
- OR
odds ratio
young-onset adenoma
Conflicts of interest
The authors disclose no conflicts.
Supplementary Material
Note: To access the supplementary material accompanying this article, visit the online version of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology at www.cghjournal.org, and at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cgh.2020.04.092.
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