In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amyloid deposits along the brain vasculature leading to a condition known as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), which impairs blood-brain barrier (BBB) function and accelerates cognitive degeneration. APOE4 is the strongest risk factor for CAA, yet the mechanisms underlying this genetic susceptibility are unknown. Here, we developed an iPSC-based 3D model that recapitulates anatomical and physiological properties of the human BBB in vitro. Similar to CAA, our in vitro BBB displayed significantly more amyloid accumulation in APOE4 compared to APOE3. Combinatorial experiments revealed that dysregulation of Calcineurin/NFAT-signaling and APOE in pericyte-like mural cells induces APOE4-associated CAA pathology. In the human brain, we identify APOE and NFAT are selectively dysregulated in pericytes of APOE4-carriers, and that inhibiting calcineurin/NFAT-signaling reduces APOE4-associated CAA pathology in vitro and in vivo. Our study reveals the role of pericytes in APOE4-mediated CAA and highlights calcineurin/NFAT-signaling as a therapeutic target in CAA and AD.
The BBB is critical for proper neuronal function, protecting the brain from pathogens and tightly regulating the composition of brain fluids. Neuronal health is directly coupled to the BBB’s ability to provide energy, clear waste, and provide protection from peripheral pathogens1-3. Therefore, cerebrovascular pathologies are strong predictors of cognitive decline in elderly4-6. The majority (> 90%) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients have amyloid deposits along their cerebral vasculature, a pathological condition known as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)7. CAA impairs BBB function rendering individuals vulnerable to cerebral ischemia, microbleeds, and infections, which promote cognitive decline8,9.
APOE4 is the strongest genetic risk factor for CAA and sporadic AD7,10-12. However, since the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms are unknown, no therapeutic or life-style interventions exist to offset APOE4 risk for neurodegeneration. The absence of tractable human BBB models presents a major challenge for elucidating how genetics, and life-style predispose cerebrovascular pathologies. To address these limitations and investigate the mechanisms underlying APOE4 predisposition to CAA, we sought to reconstruct the human BBB in vitro.
Reconstruction of Anatomical and Physiological Properties of the Human Blood-barrier in vitro
The human BBB is formed through the interactions of three cells types: brain endothelial cells (BECs), pericytes, and astrocytes13-16. We first optimized protocols for differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into BECs, mural cells with pericyte-like properties, and astrocytes, with morphology and marker expression characteristic of each cell type (Fig. 1 a; Extended Data Fig. 1a-i) 17-20. Definitive identification of pericytes is challenging due to the lack of specific markers21,22. Therefore, to extensively characterize the identity of iPSC-derived mural cells (iMCs) we performed RNA-sequencing which revealed iMCs highly express genes up-regulated in pericytes relative to closely related smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and vascular fibroblasts (Extended Data Fig. 1j-m)23,24. Likewise, mesenchymal-associated genes (SNAI, CDH1, and AKAP1), were not detected in iMCs but instead robustly expressed genes associated with mural cells (ACTA2, CD248, DLK1, PDGFRB and DES) (Extended Data Fig. 1n). We next compared iMC’s gene expression to the global transcriptional profiles of in vivo human pericytes and SMC generated by single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNAseq) of human hippocampi. Analysis of human hippocampal vascular cells identified three clusters (Extended Data Fig. 1o). Cluster 1 highly expressed endothelial marker genes (ANO2, ST6GALNAC3, ELOVL7, FLT1, and ABCB1). Cluster 2 highly expressed pericyte marker genes LAMA2, GPC5, PDE7B, PDGFRB, and DLC1, and low levels of SMC genes (MYH11, TAGLN, ACTA2, LPP, and MYL9) and therefore was termed “in vivo pericytes” (Extended Data Fig. 1o). Conversely, cluster 3 expressed low levels of pericytes marker genes, but high levels of SMC marker genes, and, therefore, was termed “in vivo SMCs”. iMCs expressed pericytes marker genes (Extended Data Fig. 1p). By unsupervised global hierarchical clustering iMCs exhibited more similarity to human in vivo pericytes than to in vivo SMCs (Extended Data Fig. 1o) While differences between iPSC-derived mural and in vivo pericytes likely exists, this data demonstrates iMCs lack markers for fibroblasts, mesenchymal cells and exhibit a high-degree of transcriptional similarity to in vivo pericytes.
BECs, iMCs, and astrocytes were subsequently encapsulated in Matrigel providing a 3D extracellular matrix for self-assembly. To promote the establishment of each cell type in 3D culture, the Matrigel was supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and growth factors (10 ng/ml PDGF-BB and 10 ng/ml VEGFA). After two weeks, BECs assembled into large (> 5 mm2) networks of interconnected CD144-positive cells resembling capillaries (Fig. 1b; Extended Data Fig. 2a; Supplemental Video 1). In vivo endothelial cells secrete PDGF-BB recruiting mural cells to the perivascular space14. Initially, iMCs were evenly dispersed throughout the Matrigel (Extended Data Fig. 2b). However, after two-weeks, iMCs reorganized to occupy positions proximal to the BEC vessels. SM22-positive and NG2-positive cells lined large and small endothelial vessels reflective of mural cell in vivo coverage (Fig. 1c and d; Extended Data Fig. 2b; Supplemental Video 2). Numerous astrocytes surrounded each vessel and extended GFAP-positive projections into the perivascular space (Fig. 1e, Extended Data Fig. 2c). In vivo astrocytic “end-feet” project onto capillaries where transport molecules such as aquaporin 4 (AQP4) are localized14,25. In Astrocytes-only cultures AQP4 mRNA or protein was not detected by qRT-PCR or immunocytochemistry (Extended Data Fig. 2d and e). In contrast, our iPSC-derived BBB (iBBB) robustly expressed AQP4 mRNA and endothelial vessels were lined with S100β and GFAP-positive astrocytes expressing AQP4 (Fig. 1f; Extended Data Fig 2d and e; Supplemental video 3). The BBB is surrounded by a basement membrane rich in laminin α4 (LAMA4)26. LAMA4 is not naturally present in Matrigel (Extended Data Fig. 2f). However, after 1 month in culture, LAMA4-immunoreactive areas surrounded endothelial vessels of the iBBB (Extended Data Fig. 2f) suggesting that iBBB cultures remodel the extracellular matrix to acquire basement membrane proteins found in the in vivo BBB.
We performed transcriptional profiling by qRT-PCR of BECs cultured alone, with astrocytes or iMCs, and the iBBB that included astrocytes and iMCs. Expression of BBB-associated genes CLDN5, JAMA, PgP, LRP1, RAGE, and GLUT1 were significantly higher in BECs from the iBBB than BECs cultured alone or co-cultured with astrocytes and iMCs except for CLDN5 which was up-regulated to similar levels as the iBBB when astrocytes were co-cultured with BECs (Fig. 1g)27,28. Numerous genes highly expressed in the BBB including PECAM, ABCG2, CDH5, CGN, SLC38A5, ABCC2, VWF, and SLC7A5, were up-regulated in the iBBB model compared to BECs alone or co-cultured with astrocytes (Fig. 1h)29. PLVAP, a marker of angiogenic endothelium induced by VEGFA was upregulated in iBBB cultures30. PLVAP expression was not influenced by the presence of iMCs or astrocytes but was significantly decreased upon removal of VEGFA from culture media (Extended Data Fig. 2g and h) suggesting that BECs in the iBBB can respond to soluble cues such as VEGFA. To minimize the effects of VEGFA and angiogenesis we subsequently cultured the iBBB in VEGFA containing media only for the first two weeks of iBBB formation.
To examine physiological properties of the iBBB, we established a trans-well system consisting of a confluent monolayer of BECs on a permeable membrane with iMCs and astrocytes layered on top (Fig. 1i and j; Extended Data Fig 2i)16. Trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) is a sensitive and reliable indicator of permeability31. Peripheral endothelial cells such as human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells (HuVECs) have relatively high permeability and thus exhibit low TEER (> 150 Ohms/cm2)32. Consistent with this, HuVECs in our trans-well configuration exhibited TEERs of approximately 100 Ohms/cm2 that did not significantly change when co-cultured with astrocyte and iMCs (Fig. 1k). iPSC-derived BECs cultured alone had significantly higher TEERs with an average of 5900 Ohms/cm2 (Fig. 1k)17. However, TEERs for BECs cultured alone exhibited a high degree of variability (SD = +/− 2150 Ohms). Co-culturing BECs with iMCs and astrocytes reduced TEER variability (SD = +/− 513.9 Ohms) and led to a significant increase in the average resistance (8030 Ohms cm2) (Fig. 1k).
We next compared the paracellular permeability of molecules across the iBBB. Molecules between 0.1 to 10 kDa, exhibited an approximately 50% reduction in paracellular permeability of the iBBB compared to BECs alone (Fig. 1l). Higher molecular weight molecules (70 and 80 kDa) crossed the iBBB less efficiently compared to BEC-only with 70 and 90% reductions (Fig. 1l). To exclude the possibility that reduced iBBB permeability resulted from additional layers of cells, we added on top of BECs double the normal number of iMCs-only, astrocytes-only or a non-relevant cell type, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Neither astrocytes, iMCs nor MEFs cultured alone with BECs reduced permeability whereas the co-culture of both astrocytes and iMCs significantly reduced permeability (Fig. 1m). This demonstrates that the reduced iBBB permeability is not simply an effect of physically layering additional cells and requires both astrocytes and MCs.
BBB endothelial cells selectively express efflux pumps on their apical surface, an important mechanism preventing entry of many molecules into the brain33. We identified two common efflux pumps p-glycoprotein (PGP) and ABCG2 are up-regulated in the iBBB compared to BECs alone (Fig. 1g and n). To examine PGP polarization in the iBBB, we measured the efflux of rhodamine 123 in the presence and absence of the PGP-specific inhibitor reversine 121, from the apical to the basolateral surface and vice versa. Inhibition of PGP dramatically increased the permeability of rhodamine 123 from the apical to basolateral side, but not the reverse suggesting that PGP is largely localized to the apical membrane of the iBBB (Fig. 1o)17. Likewise, inhibition of ABCG2 with the specific ABCG2 inhibitor KO143 also robustly increased the apical-to-basolateral transport of Hoechst 33258, an ABCG2 substrate (Extended Data Fig. 2j). This demonstrates that the iBBB has high TEER, reduced molecular permeability, and polarization of efflux pumps, key functional properties of the BBB in vivo.
APOE4 increases Aβ accumulation in the iBBB
We next examined whether the iBBB can model AD vascular pathologies such as CAA. In vivo, the BBB is not a significant source of amyloid. Consistent with this, we detected minimal amyloid in iBBBs derived from familial AD (fAD) patients with duplication of the APP gene and a separate isogenic pair with a PSEN1M146I mutation and its corrected “non-AD” control (Extended Data Fig. 3a and b). In contrast, neurons are the most significant source of amyloid in the human brain34. Therefore, we utilized Aβ-rich conditioned media from control and fAD neuronal cultures generated from an APP duplication iPSC line35,36.37. iBBBs exposed to non-AD conditioned media exhibited minimal amyloid accumulation (Fig. 2b; Fig. 2a; Extended Data Fig. 3c). In contrast, iBBBs exposed to fAD conditioned media had significant amyloid accumulation, suggesting that the iBBB can model vascular amyloid deposition observed in vivo (Fig. 2b).
To examine whether iBBB amyloid accumulation is influenced by APOE genotype, we generated iBBBs from isogenic APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 iPSCs, previously reported38. Isogenic APOE4/4 iBBBs exposed to fAD conditioned media consistently exhibited significantly more 6e10-immunoreactive amyloid accumulation compared to APOE3/3 iBBBs (Fig. 2c Supplemental Video 4). Using the reciprocal genetic editing strategy (APOE4/4-risk edited to APOE3/3-non-risk), we again observed more amyloid accumulation in the APOE4/4 iBBB (Fig. 2d). Unedited E3/4 heterozygous iBBBs also exhibit increased amyloid deposition compared to APOE3/3 iBBBs (Fig 2e; Extended Data Fig. 3d) suggesting that increased amyloid deposition in the APOE4/4 iBBBs is unlikely the result of clonal variation or genetic editing.
We quantified iBBB amyloid accumulation with four additional methods. Using two different antibodies D54D2 (detects Aβ1-37, Aβ1-38, Aβ1-39, Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42), and 12F4 (detects Aβ1-42 oligomers), we again observed that amyloid accumulation is elevated in the APOE4/4 iBBBs compared to the APOE3/3 (Fig. 2f and g and Extended Data Fig. 3e). Likewise, APOE4/4 iBBBs exposed to neuronal fAD conditioned media exhibited significantly higher Thioflavin T (ThT) staining that binds fibril amyloid (Fig. 2g; Extended Data Fig. 3f). Similarly, exposing iBBBs to fluorescently labeled Aβ peptides (20 nM 1-40/1-42) for 96 hours led to higher levels of amyloid accumulation in APOE4/4 iBBBs suggesting that the phenotype is not dependent upon secondary factors in the conditioned media (Extended Data Fig. 3g and h). Amyloid accumulation in the APOE4/4 iBBB corresponded with a reduction of soluble monomeric Aβ in the APOE4/4 iBBB culture media compared to APOE3/3, further suggesting that APOE4 iBBBs accumulate more amyloid than APOE3 iBBBs (Fig. 2h).
To determine the spatial distribution of amyloid, we quantified 6e10-immunoreactive “vascular amyloid” less than 20 μm from the center of VE-Cadherin-positive vessels and “non-vascular amyloid” greater than 20 μm from the center of a vessel (Fig. 2i). Interestingly, non-vascular amyloid was also increased in the parenchymal space surrounding each vessel in APOE4/4 iBBB (Fig. 2j). Non-vascular amyloid appeared cellular surrounding cells expressing astrocytic markers GFAP and S100β with 36.8% of APOE4 astrocytes containing amyloid compared to 16.8% of APOE3/3 astrocytes (Fig. 2k and l). In agreement, both APOE4/4 pericytes and BECs 2D-monocultures accumulated more fluorescently labeled Aβ than their APOE3/3 counterparts (Extended Data Fig. 3i and j).
Mural cells are required for increased Aβ deposition in the iBBB
To further determine the cellular origins of APOE4-mediated amyloid accumulation we performed a combinatorial screen consisting of the eight possible permutations of iBBBs from APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 isogenic iPSCs. iBBBs first matured for 1 month and then were exposed to FITC-labeled Aβ (96 hours). We first categorized each of the iBBB permutation based on whether it exhibited low amyloid similar (p < 0.05) to the all APOE3/3 iBBB or high amyloid similar to the all APOE4/4 iBBB (Fig. 3a-c). Both the low and high amyloid conditions equally contained astrocytes and BECs from both APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 genotypes (Fig. 3c). However, strikingly, all the low amyloid conditions contained only APOE3/3 iMCs whereas all high amyloid iBBBs contained only APOE4/4 iMCs (Fig. 3b-c). This strongly suggests that E4/4 iMCs are necessary for the increased amyloid phenotype observed in APOE4 iBBBs. Replacing only APOE4/4 iMCs with iMCs derived from a different APOE3/3 individual resulted in a significant reduction in iBBB amyloid deposition regardless of the BEC or astrocyte genotype (Fig. 3d). Substituting APOE3/3 astrocytes or BECs with APOE3/4 astrocytes or BECs did not significantly increase iBBB amyloid accumulation (Fig. 3d). However, as observed with APOE4/4 homozygous iMCs, replacing APOE3/3 iMCs with heterozygous APOE3/4 iMCs increased iBBB amyloid accumulation to a similar level as observed in the all APOE3/4 iBBB (Fig. 3d). To further confirm that APOE4 iMCs are sufficient, we deconstructed the iBBB into BECs-alone, BECs with iMCs, or BECs with astrocytes from each genotype. Only APOE4/4 BECs with iMCs led to a significant increase in amyloid accumulation further suggesting APOE4 iMCs have a casual role in iBBB amyloid accumulation (Extended Data Fig. 4a). Similarly, we exposed APOE3/3 iBBBs to media conditioned by either APOE3/3 or APOE4/4 iMCs and then added 20 nM Aβ-FITC to all conditions. This revealed that APOE4/4 MC conditioned media is sufficient to increase amyloid accumulation of the APOE3/3 iBBB (Fig. 3e). Treating APOE4 astrocytes with APOE4 iMC conditioned media also significantly increased astrocytic amyloid accumulation (Extended Data Fig. 4b).
APOE and Calcineurin signaling are up-regulated in APOE4 pericytes
RNA-sequencing revealed that 4,286 genes are differentially expressed (DEGs; q < 0.05) between isogenic pericytes with 2,303 genes significantly up-regulated and 1,983 genes down-regulated in APOE4/4 pericytes (Fig. 4a). Gene ontology (GO) analysis suggested that the biological processes involved in protein targeting to the membrane and endoplasmic reticulum are up-regulated in APOE4 pericytes whereas mitosis and cell cycle progression are down-regulated (Extended Data Fig. 4c). Similar to in vivo,39 iMCs highly express APOE based on relative comparison of astrocyte and pericyte APOE FPKM values from RNA-sequencing (Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). APOE4 iMCs exhibited robust up-regulation of APOE whereas genetically identical APOE4/4 astrocytes exhibited the reverse expression profile with reduced level of APOE compared to APOE3/3 (Extended Data Fig. 5d). We confirmed differential up-regulation and down-regulation of APOE in iMCs and astrocytes respectively via qRT-PCR of RNA harvested from samples independent from the RNA-seq samples (Fig. 4b). APOE protein was also elevated in APOE4 iMCs (Fig. 4c and d). APOE gene expression was also up-regulated in APOE4/4 iMCs from our reciprocal isogenic pair and multiple APOE3/4 non-edited heterozygous lines suggesting the effect is unlikely due to genetic editing or clonal variation (Fig. 4e).
Next, we examined APOE expression in human brain vasculature by further analyzing our recently published single cell transcriptomic study of the BA10 region of human prefrontal cortex (PFC) using single-nucleus RNA-seq40. Consistent with our in vitro studies, PFC pericytes/endothelial cell cluster from APOE4-carriers (n = 7 individuals) exhibited significantly higher APOE mRNA expression compared to non-carriers (n = 18 individuals) (Extended Data Fig. 5e). APOE protein in PFC sections was also significantly higher in NG2-positive pericytes from APOE4-carriers compared to non-carriers (Extended Data Fig. 5f). We next analyzed snRNA-seq data from the hippocampus of APOE4-carriers (n = 16 individuals) and non-carriers (n = 46 individuals). A larger number of cells in the hippocampus dataset enabled a clear separation of endothelial cells and pericytes based on marker gene expression (Extended Data Fig. 5g). Similar to the PFC, APOE expression in hippocampal pericytes from APOE4-carriers was significantly higher compared to non-carriers (Fig. 4f) whereas in endothelial cells there was no difference (Extended Data Fig. 5h). APOE4-carriers also exhibited higher APOE protein in NG2-positive pericytes compared to non-carriers by immunohistochemistry (Fig. 4g). In contrast, APOE protein in α-SMA-positive SMCs in the human hippocampus did not significantly differ between APOE4-carriers and non-carriers suggesting that differential upregulation of APOE in APOE4-carriers in vivo may be restricted to pericytes (Extended Data Fig. 5i). These results suggest that in vivo APOE4 human brain pericytes express higher APOE than non-carriers across multiple brain regions.
Mouse studies demonstrated that APOE is required for CAA pathologies41 and haploinsufficiency of either APOE3 or APOE4 reduces cerebral amyloid accumulation42. Therefore, the increased expression of APOE in APOE4 iMCs in the iBBB and pericytes in vivo could promote increased amyloid accumulation. To explore this scenario, we generated isogenic APOE-truncation iPSC lines that is deficient for APOE protein (APOEKO) using CRISPR/Cas9 editing (Extended Data Fig. 5j). APOE-deficient iBBBs exhibited low amyloid similar to the APOE3/3 iBBBs (Fig. 4h). To test whether APOE is responsible for increased amyloid accumulation, we immunodepleted APOE from iMC conditioned media and then exposed the APOE3 iBBBs to Aβ. Immuno-depletion of APOE from the APOE4/4 iMC conditioned media significantly reduced the accumulation of amyloid (Fig. 4i). Similarly, increasing APOE to concentrations observed in APOE4 iBBB (200 ng/ml) with recombinant APOE protein was sufficient to increase amyloid accumulation in APOE3/3 iBBB regardless of isoform (Extended Data Fig. 6a). This demonstrates that APOE protein abundance influences amyloid accumulation suggesting that reducing APOE protein in APOE4 iMC could reduce amyloid accumulation.
Reasoning that upregulation of APOE is transcription factor mediated, we identified transcription factors differentially expressed between isogenic APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 iMCs. In APOE4/4 iMCs 127 transcription factors were differentially up-regulated and 101 down-regulated (q < 0.05) (Fig. 4j). Two classes of transcription factors were up-regulated in APOE4/4 iMCs, NFAT (NFAT5 and NFATc1) and C/EBP, have been reported to interact with APOE promoter43. We found the up-regulation of NFAT signaling particularly interesting because it is pharmacologically tractable and reported to be dysregulated in AD brains but the consequences of elevated NFAT-signaling on the cerebrovasculature are largely unknown44.
Inactive-NFAT resides in the cytoplasm where it is phosphorylated. Upon activation, calcineurin (CaN) dephosphorylates NFAT permitting its translocation to the nucleus and interaction with gene regulatory elements45. APOE4 iMCs contained significantly higher cytoplasmic and nuclear NFATc1 protein by immunostaining and western blotting (Fig. 4k; Extended Data Fig. 6b and c). Furthermore, genes encoding the catalytic subunits of CaN, PPP3CA and PPP3CC were significantly up-regulated (49.8% and 26.5%, respectively) in APOE4 iMCs (Extended Data Fig. 6d). In contrast, negative Regulators of Calcineurin, RCAN2, and RCAN3, were down-regulated (−23.7% and −27.7%, respectively) in APOE4 iMCs (Extended Data Fig. 6e)46. DYRK4, (but not DYRK1-3) a kinase that phosphorylates NFAT promoting its cytoplasmic retention, was also down-regulated (−38.9%) in APOE4 iMC (Extended Data Fig. 6f). These results indicate that there are bidirectional alterations in APOE4 iMCs consistent with elevated NFAT-mediated transcription. Indeed, genes reported to be NFAT-responsive (ACTG2 and VCAM1) were up-regulated in APOE4 iMCs47,48(Extended Data Data Fig. 6g).
snRNA-seq transcriptomics analysis of the post-mortem hippocampus further identified that both NFATc1 and NFATc2 are significantly higher in human brain pericytes from APOE4-carriers (n = 16) relative to non-carriers (n = 46) (4l and m). In contrast, NFATc1 and NFATc2 were not differentially expressed in endothelial cells (Extended Data Fig. 6h and i). In the human PFC, NFATc2 mRNA was also upregulated in human cortical pericytes/endothelial cells from APOE4-carriers compared to non-carriers via snRNA-seq (Extended Data Fig. 6j), further supporting that NFAT-signaling is elevated in APOE4 pericytes in the human brain.
Inhibition of Calcineurin (CaN) reduces APOE expression and ameliorates Aβ deposition
To determine whether dysregulation NFAT/calcineurin signaling in APOE4 pericytes contributes to up-regulated APOE expression, we inhibited calcineurin signaling in iMCs using well-established CaN inhibitors cyclosporine A (CsA) (2 μM), FK506 (5 μM) , and INCA6 ( 5 μM) (Extended Data Fig. 7a)49. After two weeks, each of the three inhibitors significantly reduced APOE expression in APOE4/4 iMCs as measured by qRT-PCR (Fig. 5a). CaN inhibition did not significantly reduce constitutively expressed proteins such as PGK1, HPRT, and GAPDH, suggesting that APOE down-regulation is not due to cellular death or global transcriptional repression (Extended Data Fig. 7b). APOE3/4 heterozygous iMCs also exhibited a significant reduction of APOE mRNA expression when treated with each of the three CaN inhibitors (Fig. 5b). CaN inhibition reduced intracellular APOE protein measured by immunofluorescence in both APOE4/4 homozygous and APOE3/4 heterozygous iMCs (Extended Data Fig. 7c and d). Likewise, CsA significantly reduced the concentration of soluble APOE protein in iMC media measured by ELISA (Fig 5c).
Global RNA-sequencing revealed that CsA treatment of iMCs reduced expression of NFATc1 to a comparable level observed in APOE3/3 DMSO treated iMCs (Fig. 5d). Decreased NFATc1 correlated with reduced expression of APOE in APOE4 iMCs (Fig. 5e). CsA treated APOE4/4 iMCs exhibited a transcriptional profile closer to APOE3/3 MCs (Fig. 5f). CsA led to upregulation of 860 genes that exhibited similar expression levels to APOE3/3 DMSO-treated iMCs that are involved in RNA processing and peptide synthesis (Fig. 5f; Extended Data Fig. 6e). 2,783 genes exhibited moderate up regulation in response to CsA reaching intermediate expression levels that were in between APOE3/3 and APOE4/4 iMCs. GO analysis categorized these genes to be involved in intracellular protein transport, cellular catabolic processes, and macromolecule localization (Extended Data Fig. 7e). CsA-treatment also led to down-regulation of 1881 genes involved in GTPase activity and neural tube closure (Fig. 5f). Spearman’s rank correlation analysis demonstrated that CsA-treated iMCs exhibited more transcriptional similarity (0.937) to APOE3 iMCs than DMSO-treated APOE4/4 iMCs (0.889) suggesting that inhibition of CaN in APOE4 iMCs broadly imparts transcriptional changes that increase similarity of APOE4 MCs to APOE3 MCs.
To examine whether CaN inhibition can also reduce APOE4-mediated amyloid, we treated two isogenic pairs of iBBBs with CsA or FK506 for two weeks and subsequently added 20 nM of Aβ1-40-/42-FITC for 96 hours. Both CsA and FK506 treatment led to significant reductions in amyloid accumulation in two-independent APOE4/4 iBBBs compared to their isogenic APOE3/3 controls (Fig. 5g and h). In APOE3/4 heterozygous iBBBs CaN inhibition also significantly reduced amyloid deposition (Fig. 5i). Similarly, conditioned media from APOE4/4 iMCs treated with DMSO caused a significant increase in amyloid deposition in the E3/3 iBBB (Fig. 5j). In contrast, media harvested from APOE4/4 iMCs treated with CsA, FK506, or INCA6 resulted in significantly reduced amyloid accumulation (Fig. 5j).
To examine whether these findings can be applied in vivo to reduce disease pathology, we first prepared cortical slice cultures from the APOE4KI mice, treated them with CsA or FK506 for 1 week and subsequently exposed them to Aβ−FITC for 96 hours. CsA or FK506-treated cortical slices exhibited significantly less accumulation than cortical slice treated with DMSO (Extended Data Fig. 7f-h). We next isolated primary brain pericytes from APOE4KI mice50 and subsequently treated them with DMSO, CsA or FK506 for two weeks. Primary brain pericytes isolated from APOE4KI mice down-regulated APOE mRNA expression in response to CsA and FK506 treatment (Extended Data Fig. 7i). We next employed 6-month-old APOE4KI mice crossed to the 5XFAD mice and treated these mice with CsA (10 mg/kg) for three weeks via intraperitoneal injection. CsA treatment significantly reduced soluble APOE concentration in the hippocampus measured by ELISA (Fig. 5k). APOE protein staining was also reduced surrounding Ng2-positive cortical and hippocampal pericytes of CsA-treated APOE4KIx5XFAD mice (Fig. 5l; Extended Data Fig. 7j). Co-staining for 6e10 and APOE showed that reduced APOE protein occurred simultaneously with reduced amyloid (Fig. 5m). CsA-treated mice had significantly reduced vascular amyloid when measured by two independent anti-amyloid antibodies (Fig. 5n and Extended Data Fig. 7k). This demonstrates that CaN/NFAT inhibition can reduce pericyte APOE levels and vascular amyloid in vivo.
Here, we developed and validated a human in vitro model of the BBB. While the iBBB recapitulates numerous molecular and physiological features of the in vivo BBB there are clear differences that will benefit from future studies incorporating additional physiological aspects of the BBB and improving the fidelity of iPSC-derived vascular cells51. This study revealed that NFAT-mediated upregulation of APOE in human pericytes underlies the pathogenic effects of APOE4 in CAA. We pinpoint that APOE and NFAT are dysregulated in human pericytes in the PFC and hippocampus of APOE4 carriers. We establish that chemical inhibition of CaN in APOE4 iMCs reduces APOE mRNA and protein, and leads to reduced vascular amyloid acculmulation. In vivo administration of CaN/NFAT inhibitors to APOE4 AD mice also markedly reduced APOE expression and vascular amyloid. Interestingly, patients chronically administered CsA or FK506 have long been observed to have significantly lower incidence of dementia compared to the general population52. Our results provide new insight into these observations and highlight APOE and Calcineurin/NFAT-signaling as potential targets in APOE4-mediated CAA and AD.
Cell lines and differentiation
All hESC and hiPSC were maintained in feeder-free conditions in mTeSR1 medium (Stem Cell Technologies) on Matrigel coated plates (BD Biosciences). iPSC lines were generated by the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory iPSC Facility. CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing was performed as previously described38. All iPSC and hESC lines used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 1. ESC/iPSC were passaged at 60-80% confluence using 0.5mM EDTA solution for 5 minutes and reseeding 1:6 onto matrigel-coated plates.
BEC Differentiation from iPSC
BEC differentiation was adapted from Qian et al., 201717. Human ESC/iPSC’s were disassociated to single cell via Accutase and reseeded at 35*103/cm2 onto matrigel coated plates in mTeSR1 supplemented with 10 μM Y27632 (Stem Cell Technologies). For the next two days, media was replaced with mTesR1 medium daily. On the third day, the medium as changed to DeSR1 medium (DMEM/F12 with Glutamax (Life Technologies) Supplemented with 0.1 mM B-mercaptoethanol, 1X MEM-NEAA, 1X penicillin-streptomycin and 6 μM CHIR99021 (R&D Systems). The following 5 days the medium was changed to DeSR2 (DMEM/F12 with Glutamax (Life Technologies) Supplemented with 0.1 mM B-mercaptoethanol, 1X MEM-NEAA, 1X penicillin-streptomycin and B-27 (Invitrogen)) and changed every day. After 5 days of DeSR2, the medium was changed to hECSR1 Human Endothelial SFM (ThermoFisher) supplemented with B-27, 10 μM retinoic acid and 20 ng/mL bFGF. The BEC’s were then split using Accutase and reseeded with hECSR1 supplemented with 10 μM Y27632. The BECs were then maintained through hECSR2 medium (hECSR1 medium lacking RA+bFGF).
Mural Cell Differentiation Protocol
Mural Cell differentiation was adapted from Patsch et al., 201518 and Kumar et al., 201720. iPSC’s were disassociated to single cell via Accutase and reseeded onto Matrigel-coated plates at 40,000 cells/cm2 in mTeSR1 media supplemented with 10 μM Y27632. On day one media was changed to N2B27 media (1:1 DMEM:F12 with Glutamax and Neurobasal Media (Life Technologies) supplemented with B-27, N-2, and penicillin-streptomycin) with 25 ng/ml BMP4 (Thermo Fisher PHC9531) and 8 μM CHIR99021. On day 4 and 5 medium was changed to N2B27 Supplemented with 10 ng/mL PDGF-BB (Pepprotech, 100-14B) and 2 ng/mL Activin A (R&D Systems, 338-AC-010). Mural Cells were then maintained in N2B27 media until co-cultured.
NPC Differentiation Protocol
NPCs were differentiated using dual SMAD inhibition and FGF2 supplementation as described in Chambers et al., Nat. Biotech 200936.
Astrocyte Differentiation Protocol
Astrocytes were differentiated as described in TCW, J et al., 201719. NPC’s were cultured with Neurobasal NPC Medium (DMEM/F12+GlutaMAX, Neurobasal Media, N-2 Supplement, B-27 Supplement, 5mL GlutaMAX, 10mL NEAA, 10mL penicillin-streptomycin) supplemented with bFGF (20ng/mL). Astrocyte differentiation was induced using astrocyte medium (AM) (Sciencell, 1801). AM was changed every other day and cells passaged at a 1:3 split when 90% confluent.
iBBB permeability studies
BECs were enzymatically dissociated by Accutase for 5 minutes following differentiation from iPSC’s. BECs were resuspended with hECSR1 supplemented with 10 μM Y27632 onto 24 well Matrigel-coated transwell polyester membrane cell culture inserts (0.4 μm pore size)(Corning, 29442-082) at a density of 500,000-1,000,000 cells/cm2 to achieve a confluent monolayer. 24 hours after seeding pericytes, astrocytes or MEFS were seeded on top of the BECs at a density of 50,000 cells/cm2. Permeability assays were completed when TEER values plateaued with minimum values >1000 Ohms/cm2 for two consecutive days, typically 6 days post-seeding. 4 kDa, 10 kDa, and 70 kDa labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (Sigma, 46944, FD10S, 46945), Transferrin (ThermoFisher T-13342), Alexa Fluor 555 Cadaverine (ThermoFisher a30677), BSA (ThermoFisher A34786) were mixed with media and a standard curve was generated. 600μL Fresh media was added to the bottom of the transwell, 100μL dye and media were added to the top. Permeability assays were conducted at 37°C for 1 hour. Media from the bottom of the transwell chamber was collected and analyzed via plate reader. For Efflux transporter Assays, cells were pre-incubated with 10μM rhodamine 123 (ThermoFisher, R302) and Hoechst dye, 5μM reversine 121, or 5 μM KO143 (Cayman Chemical 15215) for one hour at 37°C.
3D Cultures
1 × 106 BECs/ml, and 2 × 105 Astrocytes/ml and 2 × 105 pericytes/ml were mixed together and encapsulated in Matrigel supplemented with 10% FBS, 10 ng/ml PDGF-BB, 10 ng/ml VEGF, and 10 ng/ml bFGF. Matigel cell solution was then seeded onto glass bottom culture dish. Matrigel was allowed to solidify for 40 minutes at 37˚ C and then grown in complete Astrocyte Media (SciCell) supplemented 10 ng/ml VEGFA. After two weeks VEGFA was withdrawn and iBBBs were subsequently cultured in astrocyte media only. 3D cultures matured for 1 month prior to experimentation and analysis. For imaging experiments, 3D cultures were fixed with 4% PFA overnight at 4˚C, washed and blocked for 24 hours each, then incubated with primary and secondary antibodies overnight at 4˚C each followed by a minimum of 48 hours washing.
Amyloid Beta accumulation
Amyloid accumulation was determined using both neuronal cell conditioned media and 20 nM recombinant labeled Hilyte fluor 488 β–amyloid (1-40) (Anaspec, AS-60491-01) and β–amyloid (1-42) (Anaspec, AS-60479-01) resuspended in PBS. Aβ accumulation for each cell line and experimental permutation was determined from 2D cultures containing all three cells types containing same ratio of cells as 3D experiments. Total area positive for Aβ was divided by the total number of nuclei and normalized to experimental controls. At least four images for each biological replicate were analyzed and for each condition at least three biological replicates were employed. 2D quantifications were corroborated by 3D imaging and analysis.
Immunofluorescence staining and APOE Immuno-depletion
Cells were washed with PBS and fixed for 15 minutes with 4% PFA (Electron Microscopy Sciences 15714-S). Samples were then washed with PBS three times for five minutes followed by a permeabilization in PBST for 30 minutes. Cells were blocked in PBST (0.1% Triton X-100) containing 5% Normal Donkey Serum (Millipore S30) and 0.05% sodium azide. Primary antibody staining was done overnight at 4°C. Primary and secondary antibodies are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Cells were washed three times for 5 minutes with PBST and incubated an hour at room temperature with their secondary antibody. For immunodepleting experiments, APOE was immunodepleted from pericyte conditioned media by incubating conditioned media with 5 μg of anti-APOE or non-specific IgG control antibodies overnight at 4˚C. Antibodies were then removed with magnetic protein A/G beads.
Western blot and Elisa lysis preparation
Cells were washed with PBS and then dissociated using Accutase. Cells were then counted using a hemocytometer with trypan blue and normalized to total cell number. Cells were then washed twice with PBS and lysed with RIPA buffer. Samples were resolved on 4-20% precast polyacrylamide gels (Bio-Rad 4561095). Protein was transferred onto PVDF membranes and blocked with TBST (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween 20) and 5% Milk for one hour at room temperature. Samples were probed overnight at 4°C on shaking incubator with the indicated primary antibodies. Soluble APOE was quantified from media condition by pericytes for 48 hours using APOE ELISA kit (ThermoFisher, EHAPOE). Uncropped western blot images are provided in the source data.
RNA analysis of iPSC-derived cell lines
Total RNA was isolated using Trizol and zymogen RNA-direct spin column treated with DNAse on column of 30 minutes prior to washing and elution. For RT-PCRs, 500 ng of total RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA with iScript (BioRad). Expression was quantified by SsoFast EvaGreen supermix (BioRad). For RNAsequencing, extracted total RNA was subject to QC using an Advanced Analytical-fragment Analyzer before library preparation using Illumina Neoprep stranded RNA-seq library preparation kit. Libraries were pooled for sequencing using Illumina HiSeq2000 or NextSeq500 platforms at the MIT Biomicro Center. The raw fastq data were aligned to human hg19 assembly using STAR 2.4.0 RNA-seq aligner53. Mapped RNA-seq reads covering the edited APOE3/4 site were used to validate data genotypes. Gene raw counts were generated from the mapped data using feature Counts tool54. The mapped reads were also processed by Cufflinks2.255 with hg19 reference gene annotation to estimate transcript abundances. Gene differential expression test between APOE3 and APOE4 groups of each cell type was performed using Cuffdiff module with adjusted q-value < 0.05 for statistical significance. Geometric method was chosen as the library normalization method for Cuffdiff. Color-coded scatterplots were used to visualize group FPKM values for differentially expressed genes and other genes.
Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing and Human post-mortem tissue staining
Human hippocampal single-nuclei transcriptomic data profiled as part of The Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project56 (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3219045) was analyzed for computational identification and extraction of pericyte and endothelial single-cell transcriptomes. Putative pericyte and endothelial cells were identified by annotating groups of clustering cells presenting enriched expression of either pericyte or endothelial markers. Identified cells formed disjointed cell groups that did not display enrichment of neuronal, oligodendrocyte, oligodendrocyte progenitors, microglia or astrocyte markers. Cell type annotation was conducted using ACTIONet computational framework (http://compbio.mit.edu/ACTIONet/), considering curated gene marker sets reported in (Wang et al. 2018)57. A total of 614 putative endothelial and 4,523 putative pericyte cells with detected expression of either APOE, NFATC1, or NFATC2 were detected and considered for analysis. Corresponding gene counts are reported in (Supplementary table 1). Differential expression for APOE and NFAT genes in APOE4 vs. non-carrier cells was measured using a two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test, considering cells with detected expression for the genes. snRNA-seq of prefrontal cortex from (Mathys et al., 2019)57 was analyzed further to identify putative pericytes and endothelial cells by extracting a cluster of cells specifically enriched with expression of pericyte markers. Identified cells (n=495 cells). Human post-mortem tissues were stained as described in (Mathys et al., 2019)40 with the exception that hippocampal sections which had been imbedded in paraffin and, therefore, xylene deparaffination and re-hydration steps preceded the staining protocol.
In vivo administration of cyclosporine A.
All experiments were performed according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the National Institute of Health and the Committee on Animal Care at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 5XFAD mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (34848-JAX) and APOE4KI were obtained from Taconic. 5XFAD and APOE4KI mice were crossed for at least eight generations. Cylcosporine A was prepared 1 mg/ml in olive oil and injected interperitoneally at a concentration of 10 mg/kg into 6-month-old female mice daily for three weeks. Animals were anaesthetized with gaseous isoflurane and transcardially perfused with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Brains were dissected out and split sagittally. One hemisphere was frozen, and one was post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4°C overnight. The fixed hemisphere was sliced at a thickness of 40 μM using a Leica vibratome. Slices were blocked for two hours at room temperature and then incubated with primary antibody overnight at 4 C, subsequently washed five times for ten minutes in PBS, and incubated with secondary antibody and Hoechst (1:10000) for two hours at room temperature. Slices were then washed five times for ten minutes in PBS then mounted for imaging. Researchers performing imaging, quantification, and analysis were blind to experimental group of each mouse and unblinded only following analysis.
Isolation of primary mouse brain pericytes
Primary brain pericytes were isolated from 6 to 8 week old APOE4 knock-in mice as previously described in 58 Chapter 32. Primary brain pericytes were subsequently expanded for at least two passages and then treated with 2.5 μM cyclosporine A or 5 μM FK506 for two weeks. Gene expression was analyzed by RT-qPCR for human APOE and normalized to mouse GAPDH.
Statistics was performed using GraphPad Prism 6.0. Correction for multiple comparison were included when needed. The number of replicates, and tests employed are detailed in the figure legends.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank J. Penny, W.C. Huang, Y.M. Yang, and P. Narayan for critically reading the manuscript, J.Z. Young, J. Ray, V. Buggia-Prevot, C. Fernandez, The Neurodegenerative Consortium, and all Tsai lab members for helpful discussions, A. Marco for expertise and support with microscopy, J. Seo for expertise and guidance with western blotting, and Y. Zhou and E. McNamara, P. Curtis, and T. Garvey for administrative support. This work was supported by The Robert A. and Renee E. Belfer Family Foundation to L.-H.T., Cure Alzheimer’s Fund to L.-H.T. and MK, RF1 AG062377 to L-HT and MK, RF1 AG048056,The NIH Common Fund’s Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program by U54HG008097 to L.-H.T. and J. Jaffe (Broad Institute), P30AG10161, R01AG15819, R01AG17917, U0161356 to DAB, UG3NS115064 to L.-H.T. and JWB. M.B.V. is supported by the HHMI Hannah Gray Postdoctoral Fellowship. J.W.B was in part supported by The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and American Federation for Aging Research Postdoctoral Fellowship during this work.
Competing financial interest
L-H. Tsai and J. Blanchard filed a patent application on the iBBB technology (PCT/US2020/014572). There are no competing finical interests.
Data Availability
All requests for raw and analyzed data and materials are promptly reviewed by the Massachusettes Institute of Technology, Technology Licensing Office to verify if the request is subject to any intellectual property or confidentiality obligations. Patient-related data not included in the paper were generated as part of clinical trials and may be subject to patient confidentiality. Any data and materials that can be shared will be released via a Material Transfer Agreement. All raw and analyzed sequencing data can be found at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (accession number: GSE125869).
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Data Availability Statement
All requests for raw and analyzed data and materials are promptly reviewed by the Massachusettes Institute of Technology, Technology Licensing Office to verify if the request is subject to any intellectual property or confidentiality obligations. Patient-related data not included in the paper were generated as part of clinical trials and may be subject to patient confidentiality. Any data and materials that can be shared will be released via a Material Transfer Agreement. All raw and analyzed sequencing data can be found at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (accession number: GSE125869).