Figure 4. Estimated years to symptom onset (EYO) and its interactive effects with education and APOE ε4 status on β-amyloid (Aβ) pathology.
EYO (A, D) and its interaction with years of education (B, E) and APOE ε4 status (C, F) on Aβ pathology in asymptomatic individuals with a parental history of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) (Presymptomatic Evaluation of Experimental or Novel Treatments for AD [PREVENT-AD], A–C) and presymptomatic autosomal dominant AD mutation carriers (Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network [DIAN], D–F). Raw data (i.e., unadjusted standardized uptake value ratio) are plotted. Solid lines represent estimated regression lines; dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Statistical values were obtained using general linear models controlling for age and sex, as well as mutation type and site in DIAN. Years of education was entered as a continuous variable in all analyses, but for visualization purposes individuals are categorized in low and high education according to the median number of years of education of the group (B, E).