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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Dec 15.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Pharm. 2018 Aug 10;15(9):3871–3880. doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.8b00354

Catalytic reaction mechanism for drug metabolism in human carboxylesterase-1: Cocaine hydrolysis pathway

Jianzhuang Yao a,c,, Xiabin Chen b,d,, Fang Zheng c,d, Chang-Guo Zhan c,d
PMCID: PMC7737239  NIHMSID: NIHMS1652254  PMID: 30095924


Carboxylesterase-1 (CE-1) is a crucial enzyme responsible for metabolism/activation/inactivation of xenobiotics (therapeutic agents, prodrugs, abused drugs, and organophosphorus nerve agents etc.) and also involved in many other biological processes. In this study, we performed extensive computational modeling and simulations to understand the fundamental reaction mechanism of cocaine hydrolysis catalyzed by CE-1, revealing that CE-1-catalyzed cocaine hydrolysis follows a novel reaction pathway with only two reaction processes: a single-step acylation process and a single-step deacylation process. In the transition states of both single-step processes, the cocaine NH group joins the oxyanion hole to form an additional hydrogen bond with the negatively charged carbonyl oxygen atom of the cocaine. Thus, the transition states are stabilized by both intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the methyl ester of cocaine, specifically the carbonyl oxygen atom. The rate-limiting transition state is associated with the acylation process, and the activation free energy barrier was predicted to be 20.1 kcal/mol. Further, in vitro experimental kinetic analysis was performed for human CE-1-catalyzed cocaine hydrolysis. For CE-1-catalyzed cocaine hydrolysis, the computationally predicted free energy barrier (20.1 kcal/mol) is reasonably close to the experimentally derived turnover number (kcat = 0.058 min−1), indicating the reasonability of the computational results. The obtained novel mechanistic insights are expected to benefit not only CE-1 related rational drug discovery, but also future researches on catalytic mechanism of other esterases.

Keywords: Enzyme, hydrolysis, drug metabolism, prodrug activation, drug inactivation


Carboxylesterases (CEs), ubiquitously expressed from bacteria to humans, represent a variety of esterases with comparable sequences and similar functions.1 These esterases, spread all over the body, promiscuously catalyze a series of different reactions with various substrates, including hydrolysis of esters, thioesters, amides, and carbamates etc.2 In particular, CE-1 is one of the promiscuous hydrolases, and plays a leading role3 in human liver, serving as a crucial mediator of drug metabolism, activation, and inactivation processes. In fact, CE-1 is known as the crucial enzyme taking part in the metabolism of endogenous biomolecules and xenobiotics, including abused drugs, and important therapeutic agents.3 For example, many prescription drugs, such as those for the treatment of congestive heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, and other polyfactorial diseases, contain the hydrolysable functional groups and are substrates of CE-1.3 Most of prodrugs must be activated through hydrolysis to release the active drugs, and CE-1 activates a variety of prodrugs, such as oseltamivir, dabigatran etexilate, and mycophenolate mofetil.3, 4 Through catalytic hydrolysis, CE-1 also helps to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) by activation of a variety of inhibitors, such as quinapril, benazepril, imidapril, and trandolapril.3 Further, through catalyzing hydrolysis reactions, CE-1 inactivates a variety of drugs with hydrolysable functional groups, such as methylphenidate, pethidine, clopidogrel, rufinamide, and oxybutynin.58

In addition to the above-mentioned primary biological role of CE-1 in metabolism/activation/inactivation of various xenobiotics (including clinically used drugs, prodrugs, abused drugs, and organophosphorus nerve agents etc.), CE-1 also plays roles in various other biological processes, e.g. managing the esterification levels of cholesterol and hydrolysis of esters of fatty acid.3 With all of the important biological roles, it has been recognized that CE-1 may have potential to be a drug target, as well as functioning as a drug itself. To use CE-1 itself as a drug, it might be necessary to design a CE-1 mutant which improved enzyme function, stability, and selectivity for specific substrate(s), as we previously did in engineering other esterases for detoxification of cocaine by hydrolyzing it at the benzoyl ester group and its toxic metabolites.923 For rational design of a drug targeting CE-1, it would also be helpful to understand the detailed functional role with respect to how CE-1 processes a substrate including the chemical transformation after the enzyme-substrate binding. So, it is crucial to know the fundamental catalytic mechanism of CE-1 against a typical substrate for understanding the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying the relevant biological roles of CE-1 and for future rational drug design in various kinds of therapeutic areas.

Of the known numerous substrates of CE-1, we are particularly interested in cocaine due to our continuing interest in rational design, discovery, and development of therapeutic enzymes for cocaine detoxification and medications. Cocaine is metabolized via three metabolic pathways, resulting in different metabolites. For benzoyl ester hydrolysis of cocaine, the reaction products are benzoic acid and ecgonine methyl ester (EME), whereas methanol and benzoylecgonine are the products for methyl ester hydrolysis. Cocaine oxidation leads to generation of norcocaine. The primary enzyme responsible for the benzoyl ester hydrolysis of cocaine is butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in plasma, whereas CE-1 is responsible for the methyl ester hydrolysis of cocaine. The generation of norcocaine by oxidation of cocaine is catalyzed by liver cytochrome P450 3A4.22, 23 A detailed understanding of the BChE catalyzed fundamental reaction pathway for cocaine hydrolysis happened at the benzoyl ester group has led to successful design, discovery, and development of promising candidates of novel enzyme therapies under clinical development.9, 12, 17, 21, 2426 According to recently reported preclinical and clinical studies,21, 24, 25 the cocaine methyl ester group related hydrolysis, catalyzed by CE-1, is the primary cocaine metabolic pathway in rats and humans.

The present study first aimed to understand the fundamental catalytic mechanism for hydrolysis occurred at the methyl ester group in CE-1-cocaine Michaelis complex by extensive simulations based on hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methodology, including molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, reaction-coordinate calculations, as well as the free energy simulations. Based on the results of simulations and calculations, CE-1-catalyzed cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis occurs through a unique pathway. As distinct from the classical reaction pathway of serine esterases, the enzymatic hydrolysis process by CE-1 particularly consists of a single-step acylation stage and a first discovered one-step deacylation stage. The deacylation occurs in only a single step without traditional tetrahedral intermediate existing in numerous deacylation reactions of other esterases. In addition, an NH group of the substrate (cocaine) itself joins the oxyanion hole to stabilize the negatively charged carbonyl oxygen atom of the substrate in the transitions states of both acylation and deacylation stages. Further, in vitro experimental kinetic analysis was performed for human CE-1-catalyzed cocaine hydrolysis. The computationally predicted free energy barrier (20.1 kcal/mol) of rate-limiting acylation process is in good agreement with the experimentally determined kinetic data. The obtained mechanistic insights are expected to benefit not only CE-1 related rational drug discovery, but also future researches on catalytic mechanism of other esterases.


Computational methods

CE-1-cocaine complex construction.

The initial three-dimensional coordinates of CE-1-cocaine complex were read from the crystallographic structure (PDB ID: 1MX5) in which a cocaine analog (homatropine) interacts with the active site of CE-1.27 The cocaine was created by modification of homatropine. The CHARMM HBUILD module28 was applied to add hydrogen atoms to protein, while hydrogen atoms of cocaine was added by hand. The protonation states of all amino acids (that are acidic or basic under pH 7.4) were chosen based on the hydrogen bonding interaction between residues. The Ser221 oxygen (Oγ) atom was chosen as the centre of the CE-1-cocaine complex. A 22 Å-radius water droplet was superimposed at the center of the CE-1-cocaine complex for the solvation purpose. All solvation and crystal water molecules were described by a modified TIP3P water model.29, 30 As shown in Figure S4, the atoms included in the QM region are the substrate (cocaine) and Ser221, Glu354, and His468 sidechains of CE-1. Other atoms of the whole system are in the MM region. In addition, to model the deacylation process, methanol (a product of the acylation reaction) was deleted and replaced by a water molecule in the QM region. The boundaries between QM and MM regions were treated by link-atoms with the divided frontier charge (DIV) scheme.31, 32 The SCC-DFTB method implemented in CHARMM33 and the all-hydrogen CHARMM potential function (PARAM27)34 were applied for the QM and MM atoms, respectively. The non-bonded interactions between QM and MM atoms were calculated without truncation cut-off, while the truncation cut-off was 13 Å within the atoms of MM region.

Stochastic boundary condition35 was used for the MD simulation with the Ser221 oxygen (Oγ) atom as the centre. The reaction region was within 20 Å from the centre, and the buffer region included the atoms from 20 Å to 22 Å. The Newtonian and Langevin equations-of-motion were solved for reaction and buffer regions, respectively. The Langevin thermostat was used and the temperature bath was at 300 K. All other atoms locating outside of reaction and buffer regions were frozen during all simulations. The SHAKE algorithm36 was applied to constrain the H atoms involved covalent bonds. The whole system was minimized first by steepest descent (SD) method and then by adopted-basis Newton-Raphson (ABNR) method. The heating process (from 50 K to 298.15 K) was performed in 100 ps, and followed by a 1.0 ns production run. The 1-fs time step was used for MD simulation.

QM/MM reaction-coordinate calculations.

The reaction-coordinate calculations were started from the last snapshot of the production run at different level QM/MM methods. Semi-empirical SCC-DFTB based QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) reaction-coordinate calculations were carried out first, followed by density functional theory (DFT) based QM/MM(B3LYP/6–31G*:CHARMM27) reaction-coordinate calculations performed by CHARMM interfaced with GAMESS-US program37 for validation purpose and subsequent single-point energy calculations by CHARMM interfaced with QChem program38 at three different high level DFT based QM/MM methods, including QM/MM(B97–3/6–31G*:CHARMM27), QM/MM(B3LYP/6–311++G**:CHARMM27), and QM/MM(ωM06-D3/6–31G*:CHARMM27). The validation of the reaction-coordinate calculations had been proved by a variety of previous similar and successful calculations on different BChE-catalyzed reactions.17, 3948 All QM/MM reaction-coordinate calculations were performed to generate the potential energy surface along the reaction coordinates (RC) with the following protocol. The constrained ABNR minimizations were performed for each step along the RC (0.2 Å increase) for both acylation (from RS to AE) and deacylation (from AE to PS) processes. The force constant of the harmonic constraint is 10,000 kcal mol−1 Å−2. Then the similar calculations were performed backward from PS to AE (deacylation) and from AE to RS (acylation) along the same RC with a 0.2 Å decrease for each step. Finally, the forward and backward protocol was repeated to generate the potential energy surface along the RC.

To further confirm the single step mechanism for both acylation and deacylation processes, we performed the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations starting from the first-order saddle points (e.g. TS1 and TS2 geometries) at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level in order to check whether TS1 of acylation or TS2 of deacylation are the only TS between the RS and AE or between AE and PS, respectively.

Free energy (potential of mean force, PMF) simulation.

After the MD simulations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level, the same-level PMF free energy simulation was performed using the umbrella sampling method,52 and the free energy maps as a function of the RC were calculated by the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM).53 For both the acylation and deacylation processes, we first generated the potential energy maps along the respective RCs by adiabatic mapping calculations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. In order to characterize both the acylation and deacylation processes by free energy maps, PMF simulations were carried out with 80 windows. For each of the windows, 50 ps MD simulation was performed for equilibration, and 50 ps production run was followed. One snapshot was saved every 0.5 ps. So, a total of 100 snapshots were saved per window. The harmonic biasing potential with a force constant of 150 kcal mol−1 Å−2 was applied to PMF simulations.

Experimental materials and methods

Construction of eukaryotic expression plasmids.

Sources of materials are provided as part of Supporting Information. Plasmid (pCMV-CE-1), constructed by using Gibson Assembly® Master Mix, contains a sequence encoding native CE-1 followed by a 10× His Tag. Forward (5’-TTG GGA TTC GAA CAT CGA TTG AAT TCA TGT GGC TCC GTG CCT TTA TCC-3’) and reverse (5’-GTC ACA GGG ATG CCA CCC GTA GAT CTT CAG TGA TGG TGA TGA TGG TGG TGA TGA TGG TGC AGC TCT ATG TGT TCT GTC TG-3’) primers were designed to introduce a sequence encoding C-terminal 10× His Tag, and an overlap sequence of vector at each end of the PCR product. The cDNA encoding CE-1 was amplified by PCR using the plasmid (clone ID: HsCD00338654) as a template. Linearized pCMV-MCS vector was prepared by restriction digestion using restriction enzymes EcoR I and Bgl II. Both PCR-amplified DNA fragment and restriction enzyme-digested vector were purified by the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit. Purified PCR-amplified DNA fragment was ligated into pCMV-MCS using Gibson Assembly® Master Mix.

Expression and purification of CE-1.

The CHO-S cell incubation was carried out in humidified atmosphere with 8% CO2, and the environmental temperature was 37°C. The TransIT-PRO® transfection kit was applied for transfection of CHO-S cells with pCMV-CE-1 plasmid. The required cell density for transfection is around 1.0 × 106 cells/ml. After seven days, culture medium containing secreted CE-1 in Gibco® FreeStyle™ CHO expression medium with 8 mM glutamine was harvested by a centrifugation (4,000 g and 20 min) for removal of CHO-S cells. Then, the His-tag affinity Chromatography was applied for protein (CE-1) purification purpose with the following protocol. Briefly, cell free culture medium with His-tag CE-1 was mixed with pre-equilibrated Nickel NTA Agarose for 1 hour, and the mixture was stirred occasionally. Then, the column washing with 20 mM Tris·HCl was carried out at pH 7.4, and stopped once the OD280 was less than 0.02. Finally, the elution of CE-1 by imidazole was performed with a gradient from 0 to 500 mM. Before use, the purified protein was stored at 4°C, after a dialysis process with a buffer (1 M Glycine, 20% Sorbitol, 50 mM HPEPS) at pH 7.4.

Enzyme activity Assay.

The enzymatic reaction with a total volume 200 μl was initialed by adding of the enzyme (CE-1) solution, and was stopped through denaturing the enzyme by considerably decreasing the pH of the enzyme solution with 200 μl 200 mM HCl. The sample was then centrifuged at 13,200 rpm for 10 min to precipitate the denatured protein, and 100 μl of supernatant was vortexing mixed for 15 seconds with 100 μl 0.1 μM benzoylecgonine-D3 solution (internal standard, IS) in a clean tube, and followed by a 10 min centrifugation at 13,200 rpm. Finally, the supernatant was analyzed by a LC-MS/MS method according to the procedure established in our previous study.54

Results and Discussion

CE-1-cocaine binding mode.

It has been known that CE-1 is one of the enzymes belonging to the α/β fold family of hydrolases,55 characterised by a classic catalytic triad and an oxyanion hole. The average structure of the Michalis-Menten complex obtained from the simulation at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level revealed that (–)-cocaine (the naturally occurring and biologically active enantiomer of cocaine) occupies the active site of human CE-1 very well. Similar to other hydrolases in the α/β fold hydrolase family, the residues of catalytic triad (i.e. Ser221, Glu354, and His467) and oxyanion hole are located in the active site of CE-1. The oxyanion hole was formed by the backbone amide (NH) groups from the residues Gly143, Gly142, and Ala222. According to the average structure (see Figure S1 of Supporting Information), the distance between the Ser221 sidechain hydroxyl oxygen of CE-1 and the methyl ester group carbonyl carbon of (–)-cocaine is 2.93 Å. This good alignment implicates for the upcoming nucleophilic attack. On the contrary, alignment between the oxyanion hole and the methyl ester group carbonyl carbon of cocaine is imperfect, and no hydrogen bond was found between the enzyme and substrate. Interestingly, an intramolecular hydrogen bond was found between the NH group and the carbonyl oxygen of reactive methyl ester group of cocaine. Such an intramolecular hydrogen bond may also join the oxyanion hole to stabilize the transition states during the acylation and deacylation processes like the substrate-assisted oxyanion hole stabilization.56 Besides the residues of catalytic triad and oxyanion hole, CE-1 forms a mainly hydrophobic pocked to interact with cocaine, including a series of hydrophobic residues, as shown in Figure S1.

Reaction pathway of acylation.

Using the Michalis-Menten complex (reactant state, RS, depicted in Figure 1) as the starting point, the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) and QM/MM(B3LYP/6–31G*:CHARMM27) reaction-coordinate calculations were carried out and followed by single-point energy calculations at QM/MM(ωB97X-D3/6–311++G**:CHARMM27), QM/MM(ωM06-D3/6–311++G**:CHARMM27), and QM/MM(B3LYP/6–311++G**:CHARMM27) levels. Based on the calculations at various QM/MM levels as shown in Figures 2 and S3, the acylation of CE-1 with (–)-cocaine is a reaction process happened in a single step. The acylation process happens along with a new covalent bond (C−Oγ) forming and a covalent bond (C−O) breaking. During the process, the Ser221 hydroxyl oxygen (Oγ) atom moves close to the carbonyl carbon (C) atom of cocaine until a covalent bond is formed. At the same time, the cocaine methyl ester oxygen (O) atom moves away from the cocaine carbonyl carbon (C) atom, resulting in breaking of the covalent bond (C−O). To cover the bond forming and breaking processes in the reaction-coordinate calculations, two covalent bond lengths were combined linearly to generate the reaction coordinate (RC) 1, i.e, RC1 = r(C−O) – r(C−Oγ). Moreover, the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculation was carried out using optimized transition state (TS1) structure as a starting point at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. As a result of the IRC calculations, TS1 moved forward and backward smoothly toward AE and RS, respectively. The results of the IRC calculations support the conclusion made by the reaction-coordinate calculations that only one transition state was contained in the acylation process.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Reaction pathways for human CE-1-catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-cocaine. (A) Acylation process without existence of a tetrahedral intermediate: Reactant State (RS), and Acyl-Enzyme (AE) + Methanol (CH3OH). (B) Deacylation process without existence of a tetrahedral intermediate: Acyl-Enzyme (AE) + H2O, and Product State (PS).

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

(A) Acylation reaction pathway for human CE-1 catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-Cocaine. Optimized geometries of (B) the reactant state (RS) and (C) the transition state (TS1) for the acylation process of human CE-1-catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-cocaine. Indicated in the figures are the internuclear distances (Å) optimized at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level, and the values in parentheses refer to the distances optimized at the QM/MM(B3LYP/6–31G*:CHARMM27) level. (D) Plot of the potential energy vs the reaction coordinate (RC1) used the in the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) reaction-coordinate calculations; RC1 = r(C−O) – r(C−Oγ). (E) Plots of key internuclear distances vs the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. The distances shown include the following atoms: C (carbonyl carbon atom on the methyl ester of cocaine); O (ester oxygen atom on the methyl ester of cocaine); Oγ (hydroxyl oxygen atom on Ser221 side chain of CE-1; Hγ (hydroxyl hydrogen on Ser221 side chain of CE-1); and Nε (nitrogen atom on His438 side chain of CE-1).

As revealed by the QM/MM reaction-coordinate and IRC calculations, only one transition state was detected in the acylation process (TS1 depicted in Figure 2C) between the RS (Figure 2B) and AE structures, resulting in a one-step reaction process in which the bond r(C−Oγ) forming by nucleophilic attack and the bond r(C−O) breaking happened simultaneously. Meanwhile, Ser221 sidechain hydroxyl hydrogen atom (Hγ) moves away from Oγ and approaches O atom of the cocaine gradually. As seen in Figure 2E, the r(O–Hγ), representing the O–Hγ distance, gets shorter gradually. Meanwhile, the r(Nε–Hγ), representing the Nε–Hγ distance, gets shorter until reaching TS1, then gets longer from TS1 to AE. In the acylation process, the shortest r(Nε–Hγ) is around 1.08 Å, very close to the length of a typical N-H covalent bond. When r(Nε–Hγ) becomes the shortest (~1.08 Å), the r(C–O) and r(C–Oγ) become ~1.51 Å and ~1.86 Å, respectively. Clearly, no covalent bond is formed between C atom and oxygen atoms (O and Oγ). Hence, one may reasonably say that Hγ first transfers to Nε and then immediately transfers to O during the single-step acylation process. As a result, the acylation process involves a one and only TS1 that contains a partially broken C-O bond and an unformed O–Hγ bond, as seen in Figure 2C and E. Therefore, one may also reasonably say that all aforementioned bond forming (e.g. the nucleophilic attack) and breaking (e.g. C−O bond breaking) processes are involved in a concerted acylation process (depicted in Figure 2D) producing the acylated enzyme AE. Such a concerted single-step acylation process has only been observed recently for BChE-catalyzed hydrolysis of “hunger hormone” ghrelin.48 Observably, the newly defined concerted single-step acylation process and traditional two-step acylation process are entirely distinct reaction mechanisms.

Based on the single-step reaction pathway, the hydrogen bond (OH) distance formed between cocaine methyl ester group O atom and Ala222 amide group becomes significantly shorter in TS1 compared to RS, as shown in Figure 2B and C. This enhanced hydrogen bonding together with the aforementioned intramolecular hydrogen bonding help to stabilize the negative charge of TS1. Additionally, no proton transfer was detected between the sidechains of His467 and Glu354 in the acylation process.

In order to determine the free energy for the acylation process, the dynamics of the reaction process was simulated by MD based potential of mean force (PMF) calculations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. As a result of the PMF simulations, the free energy maps were plotted in Figure 2. As shown in Figure 4, the obtained free energy map shows the similar trend with reaction-coordinate calculation derived potential energy maps of acylation process. Again, the pre-assumed traditional tetrahedral intermediate TIa was not found in the acylation process, because no local energy minimum was shown in the free energy map. Only one saddle point existed in the free energy maps supporting the finding of one-step acylation process of CE-1 with cocaine.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Free energy profile determined by the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) calculations based on PMF free energy maps for the entire reaction process (acylation and deacylation) of human CE-1-catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-cocaine.

Reaction pathway of deacylation.

The deacylation process of human CE-1 with (–)-cocaine was studied using the same computational methods as used for the acylation process, such as the reaction-coordinate calculations and single point energy calculations at different QM/MM levels, starting from the AE structure. As shown in Figures 3 and S3, all QM/MM calculations consisting of various methods at various QM/MM levels show that the deacylation process of acylated human CE-1 with cocaine is a one-step reaction, as well. The deacylation process happens along with a new covalent bond (C−Ow) forming and a covalent bond (C−Oγ) breaking. During the process, the water oxygen (Ow) atom moves close to the carbonyl carbon (C) atom of cocaine until a covalent bond formed. At the same time, the hydroxyl oxygen (Oγ) of Ser221 side chain moves away from the cocaine carbonyl carbon (C) atom, resulting in breaking of the covalent bond (C−O). To cover the bond forming and breaking in the deacylation process by QM/MM reaction-coordinate calculations, two covalent bond lengths were combined linearly to generate the reaction coordinate (RC) 2, i.e, RC2 = r(C−Oγ) – r(C−Ow). Moreover, the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculation was carried out using optimized transition state (TS2) structure as a start point at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. According to the IRC calculation, TS2 moved forward and backward smoothly toward the product state (PS) and AE, respectively. The data obtained from the IRC calculations support the conclusion made by the reaction-coordinate calculations that only one transition state was contained in the deacylation process.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

(A) Deacylation reaction pathway for human CE-1 catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-Cocaine. Optimized geometries of (B) the acyl-enzyme (AE) and (C) the transition state (TS2) for the deacylation process of human CE-1-catalyzed hydrolysis of (–)-cocaine. Indicated in the figures are the internuclear distances (Å) optimized at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level, and the values in parentheses refer to the distances optimized at the QM/MM(B3LYP/6–31G*:CHARMM27) level. (D) Plot of the potential energy vs the reaction coordinate (RC2) used the in the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) reaction-coordinate calculations; RC1 = r(C−Oγ) – r(C−Ow). (E) Plots of key internuclear distances vs the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. The distances shown include the following atoms: C (carbonyl carbon atom on the methyl ester of cocaine); Ow (water oxygen atom); Hw (water hydrogen atom); Oγ (hydroxyl oxygen atom on Ser221 side chain of CE-1; and Nε (nitrogen atom on His438 side chain of CE-1).

As revealed by the QM/MM reaction-coordinate and IRC calculations, only one transition state was detected in the deacylation process (TS2 depicted in Figure 3C) between the AE (Figure 3B) and PS structures, resulting in a one-step reaction process in which the bond r(C−Ow) forming by nucleophilic attack and the bond r(C−Oγ) breaking happened simultaneously. Meanwhile, water hydrogen atom (Hw) moves away from Ow and approaches Oγ atom of the Ser221 gradually. As seen in Figure 3E, the r(Oγ–Hw), representing the Oγ–Hw distance, gets shorter gradually. Meanwhile, the r(Nε–Hw), representing the Nε–Hw distance, gets shorter until reaching TS2, then gets longer from TS2 to PS. In the acylation process, the shortest r(Nε–Hγ) is around 1.08 Å, very close to the length of a typical N-H covalent bond. When r(Nε–Hγ) is the shortest (~1.08 Å), the r(C–Ow) and r(C–Oγ) are ~1.79 Å and ~1.43 Å, respectively. Clearly, no covalent bond is formed between C atom and oxygen atoms (Ow and Oγ). Hence, one may reasonably say that Hw first transfers to Nε and then immediately transfers to Oγ during the single-step deacylation process. As a result, the deacylation process involves a one and only TS2 that contains a partially broken C-Oγ bond and an unformed Oγ–Hw bond, as seen in Figures 3C and E. Therefore, one may also reasonably say that all aforementioned bond forming (e.g. the nucleophilic attack) and breaking (e.g. C−Oγ bond breaking) processes are involved in a concerted deacylation process (depicted in Figure 3D) producing the product in the PS. Observably, the newly defined concerted single-step acylation process and traditional two-step acylation process are entirely distinct reaction mechanisms. Such a concerted single-step deacylation process has never been reported.

Based on the novel single-step reaction pathway, the hydrogen bond (OH) distance formed between cocaine methyl ester group O atom and Ala222 amide group becomes significantly shorter in TS2 compared to AE, as shown in Figures 3B and C. This enhanced hydrogen bonding together with the aforementioned intramolecular hydrogen bonding help to stabilize the negative charge of TS2. Additionally, no proton transfer was found between the sidechains of His467 and Glu354 in the deacylation process.

In order to determine the free energy for the deacylation process, the dynamics of the reaction process was simulated by MD based PMF calculations at the QM/MM(SCC-DFTB:CHARMM27) level. As a result of the PMF simulations, the free energy maps along RC2 were plotted in Figure 3. As shown in Figure 4, the obtained free energy map shows the similar trend with reaction-coordinate calculation derived potential energy maps of deacylation process. Again, the pre-assumed traditional tetrahedral intermediate TIa was not found in the deacylation process, because no local energy minimum was shown in the free energy map between AE and PS. Only one saddle point exists in the free energy maps supporting the finding of the one-step acylation process of CE-1 with cocaine.

Calculated free energy profile and available experimental kinetic data.

The free energy profile depicted in Figure 4 was plotted by combination of the acylation and deacylation free energy maps calculated for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis. According to Figure 4, the entire CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis process on one hand contains RS, AE, and PS, which is consistent with the traditional reaction processes catalyzed by numerous serine esterases. On the other hand, the hydrolysis process happened in the CE-1-cocaine complex contains only two TSs without any TI, which is observably different with the usually assumed esterase reaction pathway involving four TSs and two TIs. The TS1 of the acylation process is the rate-limiting transition state with a free energy barrier of 20.1 kcal/mol being higher than the free energy barrier (19.4 kcal/mol) associated with TS2. The rate-limiting free energy barrier (20.1 kcal/mol) for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis is ~1 kcal/mol higher compared to ~19 kcal/mol (derived from the experimental kcat of 4.1 min−1)12 known for (–)-cocaine benzoyl ester hydrolysis catalysed by BChE, predicting a rather low kcat for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis.

Experimental kinetic analysis.

The calculated free energy profile discussed above predicted that the turnover number (kcat) for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis should be significantly lower than that for (–)-cocaine hydrolysis at benzoyl ester group catalyzed by CE-1. This sounds surprizing, because it has been reported that the primary metabolic pathway of (–)-cocaine in rats and humans is the (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis (catalyzed by CE-1), as evidenced from reported in vivo cocaine pharmacokinetic data.21, 24, 25 According to the reported in vivo cocaine pharmacokinetic data, the overall CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) reaction should be more efficient than BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (benzoyl ester) in human body. The faster (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis by CE-1 could be due to the higher catalytic efficiency of the endogenous metabolic enzyme CE-1 compared to the endogenous enzyme BChE or the enzyme CE-1 being much more abundant than BChE in the body or both. So, it is crucial to know the actual kinetic parameters (kcat and KM) of CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis for examining/validating the computational prediction and further understanding why CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis is the primary metabolic pathway of (–)-cocaine in vivo.

CE-1 has been characterized previously for its kinetic parameters (kcat and KM) against many substrates. However, previously reported kinetic characterization of CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis has been incomplete. Only KM was determined to be 0.12 mM (or 120 μM)5, 57, 58 by the kinetic analysis using CE-1 protein extracted from human tissues. To the best of our knowledge, we are not aware of a reported kcat value for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis, although a report by Zhang et al.5 (who measured the catalytic parameters of CE-1 against other substrates) listed a kcat/KM value (0.5 mM−1 min−1) obtained from a report by Pindel et al.58 Actually, the report by Pindel et al.58 indicated that the KM of 0.12 mM was obtained from an earlier report,57 and that “the kcat/KM was not determined.”58 Without knowing the kcat value, we carried out a kinetic analysis of CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis. The obtained kinetic data are depicted in Figure 5, showing that kcat = 0.058 min−1 and KM = 4.3 μM.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Kinetic data obtained in vitro for (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis catalyzed by human CE-1, showing that kcat = 0.058 min−1, KM = 4.3 μM, and kcat/KM = 1.35 × 104 min−1 M−1. The reaction rate is represented in μM min−1 per μM enzyme (CE-1).

Notably, our experimental KM value of 4.3 μM is much smaller than the earlier KM value of 120 μM reported by Brzezinski et al.57 and cited by Pindel et al.58 and Zhang et al.5 The huge difference in the experimental KM was likely due to the difference existing in the CE-1 protein preparation process. Generally speaking, a protein (particularly that from a stored human tissue) could become partially inactive (in terms of the binding affinity and activity) during the complicated collection, treatment, storage, and extraction processes. Whereas the kinetic analysis by Brzezinski et al.57 was based on the use of human tissue extracts, our kinetic analysis was based on the freshly expressed and purified CE-1 protein in readily controlled experimental conditions. In addition, the protein sample used in our kinetic characterization revealed a higher binding affinity (reflected by the lower KM). So, the catalytic parameters determined in the present study should be more reasonable.

The catalytic rate constant (kcat = 0.058 min−1) determined for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) is much lower than that (kcat = 4.1 min−1) for BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine benzoyl ester hydrolysis,59 although they have similar KM values (4.3 μM for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis and 4.5 μM for BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine benzoyl ester hydrolysis59). The catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM = 1.35 × 104 min−1 M−1) obtained for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) is ~67-fold lower than that (kcat/KM = 9.1 × 105 min−1 M−1) for BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (benzoyl ester). Based on the comparison of the experimental catalytic parameters, in comparison with the (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (benzoyl ester) in vivo, the faster (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) in vivo is solely due to the high abundance of CE-1 in the body.60

According to the conventional transition state theory,61 the experimentally derived free energy barrier of ~21.5 kcal/mol was calculated based on the experimental turnover number (kcat = 0.058 min−1), for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine methyl ester hydrolysis. The computationally predicted and experimentally derived free energy barriers (20.1 kcal/mol vs ~21.5 kcal/mol) are reasonably close to each other, indicating the reasonability of the novel mechanistic insights obtained by computational and experimental studies.


All of the computational data obtained from the QM/MM simulations, such as the MD, reaction-coordinate calculations, and PMF simulations, have been converging toward one conclusion that catalytic cocaine hydrolysis on the methyl ester group by CE-1 follows a novel reaction pathway consisting of only two reaction steps: a one-step acylation process and a one-step deacylation process. For the oxyanion hole stabilization in both processes, the NH group of the substrate (cocaine) joins and contributes an additional hydrogen bond with the oxygen of the substrate methyl ester carbonyl group in the transition states. Thus, the transition states are stabilized by both intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the oxygen of the substrate methyl ester carbonyl group. The rate-determining step for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cocaine by CE-1 is the one-step acylation process, with the free energy barrier predicted to be 20.1 kcal/mol.

Further, our in vitro experimental kinetic study has shown that kcat = 0.058 min−1 and KM = 4.3 μM. The turnover number (kcat = 0.058 min−1) determined for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) is significantly less than that (kcat = 4.1 min−1) for BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine benzoyl ester hydrolysis. The catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM = 1.35 × 104 min−1 M−1) obtained for CE-1-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) is ~67-fold smaller than that (kcat/KM = 9.1 × 105 min−1 M−1) for BChE-catalyzed (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (benzoyl ester), although the overall (–)-cocaine hydrolysis (methyl ester) in vivo is faster due to the fact that CE-1 is much more abundant in the body.

The computationally predicted and experimentally derived free energy barriers (20.1 kcal/mol vs ~21.5 kcal/mol) are close to each other, suggesting that the obtained mechanistic insights are reasonable. The obtained novel mechanistic insights are expected to benefit not only CE-1 related rational drug discovery, but also future researches on catalytic mechanisms of other esterases.

Supplementary Material



We thank the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for supporting this work through R01 grants (R01 DA025100, R01 DA013930, R01 DA032910, and R01 DA035552) and the NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award (UH2/UH3 DA041115) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant CHE-1111761. All of the computational and in vitro experiments were carried out at the University of Kentucky. The Computer Center at University of Kentucky is also thanked for providing a Dell X-series Cluster with 4,768 processors or 384 nodes and sufficient computing time.


Supporting Information Available: Additional Figures (S1 to 4) for the detailed computational data and additional computational and experimental details.


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Supplementary Materials