Declaration of Competing Interest statements were not included in the published version of the following articles that appeared in previous issues of Preventive Medicine Reports.
The appropriate Declaration/Competing Interest statements, provided by the Authors, are included below.
“Associations between linguistic acculturation and skin cancer knowledge and beliefs among U.S. Hispanic adults” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 15: 100943]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Change in binge drinking behavior after Hurricane Sandy among persons exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 19: 101144]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“To smoke or not to smoke? A qualitative study among young adults” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 15: 100927]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors declare having no conflicts of interest related to this article.
“Prevention of unintentional childhood injury: A review of study designs in the published literature 2013–2016” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 15: 100918]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Dietary policies and programs in the United States: A narrative review” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 19: 101135]
Declaration of competing interest: We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Conflicts of interest: none
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Environmental correlates of health-promoting leisure physical activity in persons with multiple sclerosis using a social cognitive perspective embedded within social ecological model” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 15: 100921]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Maternal tobacco use: A third-trimester risk factor for small-for-gestational-age pregnancy outcome” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 18: 101080]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
The effect of teacher-delivered nutrition education programs on elementary-aged students: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 20: 101178]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“A pilot study of an online produce market combined with a fruit and vegetable prescription program for rural families” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 17: 101035]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Can a school-based civic empowerment intervention support adolescent health?” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 16: 100968]
Declaration of competing interest: “The following authors report specifIC relationships (name author, nature of the relationship, and company or organization):
The second author of this artide has been an employee of Generation Citizen (the intervention we write about in this manuscript) in the past
Generation Citizen did not have any editorial control over the tone or content of this article. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official poUcy of the organization“
“Prevalence and correlates of skin self-examination practices among cutaneous malignant melanoma survivors” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 19: 101110]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Evaluation of free-floating bike-share on a university campus using a multi-method approach” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 16: 100981]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose
“Colorectal Cancer: Applying the Value Transformation Framework to increase the percent of patients receiving screening in Federally Qualified Health Centers” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2019; 15: 100894]
Declaration of competing interest: We have no conflicts of interest to report.
Conflicts of interest: none.
“Greater social cohesion is associated with lower body mass index among African American adults” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 18: 101098]
Declaration of competing interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
“Subjective cognitive complaints and sickness absence: A prospective cohort study of 7059 employees in primarily knowledge-intensive occupations” [Preventive Medicine Reports, 2020; 19: 101103]
Declaration of competing interest: Minna Pihlajamäki reports personal scholarship from the Finnish Work Environment Fund (grant number 118188); Heikki Arola and Heini Ahveninen are employed by Terveystalo; Jukka Uitti Jyrki Ollikainen, Mikko Korhonen and Tapio Nummi are employed by the Tampere University; Jyrki Ollikainen reports personal fees from Terveystalo; Simo Taimela is employed by Evalua International.