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. 2020 Dec 17;80(12):1164. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08562-y

Measurement of single-diffractive dijet production in proton–proton collisions at s=8Te with the CMS and TOTEM experiments

A M Sirunyan 1, A Tumasyan 1, W Adam 2, F Ambrogi 2, E Asilar 2, T Bergauer 2, J Brandstetter 2, M Dragicevic 2, J Erö 2, A Escalante Del Valle 2, M Flechl 2, R Frühwirth 2, V M Ghete 2, J Hrubec 2, M Jeitler 2, N Krammer 2, I Krätschmer 2, D Liko 2, T Madlener 2, I Mikulec 2, N Rad 2, H Rohringer 2, J Schieck 2, R Schöfbeck 2, M Spanring 2, D Spitzbart 2, W Waltenberger 2, J Wittmann 2, C-E Wulz 2, M Zarucki 2, V Chekhovsky 3, V Mossolov 3, J Suarez Gonzalez 3, E A De Wolf 4, D Di Croce 4, X Janssen 4, J Lauwers 4, A Lelek 4, M Pieters 4, H Van Haevermaet 4, P Van Mechelen 4, N Van Remortel 4, S Abu Zeid 5, F Blekman 5, J D’Hondt 5, J De Clercq 5, K Deroover 5, G Flouris 5, D Lontkovskyi 5, S Lowette 5, I Marchesini 5, S Moortgat 5, L Moreels 5, Q Python 5, K Skovpen 5, S Tavernier 5, W Van Doninck 5, P Van Mulders 5, I Van Parijs 5, D Beghin 6, B Bilin 6, H Brun 6, B Clerbaux 6, G De Lentdecker 6, H Delannoy 6, B Dorney 6, G Fasanella 6, L Favart 6, A Grebenyuk 6, A K Kalsi 6, T Lenzi 6, J Luetic 6, N Postiau 6, E Starling 6, L Thomas 6, C Vander Velde 6, P Vanlaer 6, D Vannerom 6, Q Wang 6, T Cornelis 7, D Dobur 7, A Fagot 7, M Gul 7, I Khvastunov 7, D Poyraz 7, C Roskas 7, D Trocino 7, M Tytgat 7, W Verbeke 7, B Vermassen 7, M Vit 7, N Zaganidis 7, H Bakhshiansohi 8, O Bondu 8, G Bruno 8, C Caputo 8, P David 8, C Delaere 8, M Delcourt 8, A Giammanco 8, G Krintiras 8, V Lemaitre 8, A Magitteri 8, K Piotrzkowski 8, A Saggio 8, M Vidal Marono 8, P Vischia 8, J Zobec 8, F L Alves 9, G A Alves 9, G Correia Silva 9, C Hensel 9, A Moraes 9, M E Pol 9, P Rebello Teles 9, E Belchior Batista Das Chagas 10, W Carvalho 10, J Chinellato 10, E Coelho 10, E M Da Costa 10, G G Da Silveira 10, D De Jesus Damiao 10, C De Oliveira Martins 10, S Fonseca De Souza 10, L M Huertas Guativa 10, H Malbouisson 10, D Matos Figueiredo 10, M Melo De Almeida 10, C Mora Herrera 10, L Mundim 10, H Nogima 10, W L Prado Da Silva 10, L J Sanchez Rosas 10, A Santoro 10, A Sznajder 10, M Thiel 10, E J Tonelli Manganote 10, F Torres Da Silva DeAraujo 10, A Vilela Pereira 10, S Ahuja 11, C A Bernardes 11, L Calligaris 11, T R Fernandez Perez Tomei 11, E M Gregores 11, P G Mercadante 11, S F Novaes 11, SandraS Padula 11, A Aleksandrov 12, R Hadjiiska 12, P Iaydjiev 12, A Marinov 12, M Misheva 12, M Rodozov 12, M Shopova 12, G Sultanov 12, A Dimitrov 13, L Litov 13, B Pavlov 13, P Petkov 13, W Fang 14, X Gao 14, L Yuan 14, Y Wang 15, M Ahmad 16, J G Bian 16, G M Chen 16, H S Chen 16, M Chen 16, Y Chen 16, C H Jiang 16, D Leggat 16, H Liao 16, Z Liu 16, S M Shaheen 16, A Spiezia 16, J Tao 16, E Yazgan 16, H Zhang 16, S Zhang 16, J Zhao 16, Y Ban 17, G Chen 17, A Levin 17, J Li 17, L Li 17, Q Li 17, Y Mao 17, S J Qian 17, D Wang 17, C Avila 18, A Cabrera 18, C A Carrillo Montoya 18, L F Chaparro Sierra 18, C Florez 18, C F González Hernández 18, M A Segura Delgado 18, B Courbon 19, N Godinovic 19, D Lelas 19, I Puljak 19, T Sculac 19, Z Antunovic 20, M Kovac 20, V Brigljevic 21, D Ferencek 21, K Kadija 21, B Mesic 21, M Roguljic 21, A Starodumov 21, T Susa 21, M W Ather 22, A Attikis 22, M Kolosova 22, G Mavromanolakis 22, J Mousa 22, C Nicolaou 22, F Ptochos 22, P A Razis 22, H Rykaczewski 22, M Finger 23, M Finger Jr 23, E Ayala 24, E Carrera Jarrin 25, A Ellithi Kamel 26, M A Mahmoud 26, E Salama 26, S Bhowmik 27, A Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira 27, R K Dewanjee 27, K Ehataht 27, M Kadastik 27, M Raidal 27, C Veelken 27, P Eerola 28, H Kirschenmann 28, J Pekkanen 28, M Voutilainen 28, J Havukainen 29, J K Heikkilä 29, T Järvinen 29, V Karimäki 29, R Kinnunen 29, T Lampén 29, K Lassila-Perini 29, S Laurila 29, S Lehti 29, T Lindén 29, P Luukka 29, T Mäenpää 29, H Siikonen 29, E Tuominen 29, J Tuominiemi 29, T Tuuva 30, M Besancon 31, F Couderc 31, M Dejardin 31, D Denegri 31, J L Faure 31, F Ferri 31, S Ganjour 31, A Givernaud 31, P Gras 31, G Hamel de Monchenault 31, P Jarry 31, C Leloup 31, E Locci 31, J Malcles 31, G Negro 31, J Rander 31, A Rosowsky 31, MÖ Sahin 31, M Titov 31, A Abdulsalam 32, C Amendola 32, I Antropov 32, F Beaudette 32, P Busson 32, C Charlot 32, R Granier de Cassagnac 32, I Kucher 32, A Lobanov 32, J Martin Blanco 32, C Martin Perez 32, M Nguyen 32, C Ochando 32, G Ortona 32, P Paganini 32, J Rembser 32, R Salerno 32, J B Sauvan 32, Y Sirois 32, A G Stahl Leiton 32, A Zabi 32, A Zghiche 32, J-L Agram 33, J Andrea 33, D Bloch 33, G Bourgatte 33, J-M Brom 33, E C Chabert 33, V Cherepanov 33, C Collard 33, E Conte 33, J-C Fontaine 33, D Gelé 33, U Goerlach 33, M Jansová 33, A-C Le Bihan 33, N Tonon 33, P Van Hove 33, S Gadrat 34, S Beauceron 35, C Bernet 35, G Boudoul 35, N Chanon 35, R Chierici 35, D Contardo 35, P Depasse 35, H El Mamouni 35, J Fay 35, L Finco 35, S Gascon 35, M Gouzevitch 35, G Grenier 35, B Ille 35, F Lagarde 35, I B Laktineh 35, H Lattaud 35, M Lethuillier 35, L Mirabito 35, S Perries 35, A Popov 35, V Sordini 35, G Touquet 35, M Vander Donckt 35, S Viret 35, T Toriashvili 36, Z Tsamalaidze 37, C Autermann 38, L Feld 38, M K Kiesel 38, K Klein 38, M Lipinski 38, M Preuten 38, M P Rauch 38, C Schomakers 38, J Schulz 38, M Teroerde 38, B Wittmer 38, A Albert 39, M Erdmann 39, S Erdweg 39, T Esch 39, R Fischer 39, S Ghosh 39, A Güth 39, T Hebbeker 39, C Heidemann 39, K Hoepfner 39, H Keller 39, L Mastrolorenzo 39, M Merschmeyer 39, A Meyer 39, P Millet 39, S Mukherjee 39, T Pook 39, M Radziej 39, H Reithler 39, M Rieger 39, A Schmidt 39, D Teyssier 39, S Thüer 39, G Flügge 40, O Hlushchenko 40, T Kress 40, T Müller 40, A Nehrkorn 40, A Nowack 40, C Pistone 40, O Pooth 40, D Roy 40, H Sert 40, A Stahl 40, M Aldaya Martin 41, T Arndt 41, C Asawatangtrakuldee 41, I Babounikau 41, K Beernaert 41, O Behnke 41, U Behrens 41, A Bermúdez Martínez 41, D Bertsche 41, A A Bin Anuar 41, K Borras 41, V Botta 41, A Campbell 41, P Connor 41, C Contreras-Campana 41, V Danilov 41, A De Wit 41, M M Defranchis 41, C Diez Pardos 41, D Domínguez Damiani 41, G Eckerlin 41, T Eichhorn 41, A Elwood 41, E Eren 41, E Gallo 41, A Geiser 41, J M Grados Luyando 41, A Grohsjean 41, M Guthoff 41, M Haranko 41, A Harb 41, H Jung 41, M Kasemann 41, J Keaveney 41, C Kleinwort 41, J Knolle 41, D Krücker 41, W Lange 41, T Lenz 41, J Leonard 41, K Lipka 41, W Lohmann 41, R Mankel 41, I-A Melzer-Pellmann 41, A B Meyer 41, M Meyer 41, M Missiroli 41, G Mittag 41, J Mnich 41, V Myronenko 41, S K Pflitsch 41, D Pitzl 41, A Raspereza 41, A Saibel 41, M Savitskyi 41, P Saxena 41, P Schütze 41, C Schwanenberger 41, R Shevchenko 41, A Singh 41, H Tholen 41, O Turkot 41, A Vagnerini 41, M Van De Klundert 41, G P Van Onsem 41, R Walsh 41, Y Wen 41, K Wichmann 41, C Wissing 41, O Zenaiev 41, R Aggleton 42, S Bein 42, L Benato 42, A Benecke 42, T Dreyer 42, A Ebrahimi 42, E Garutti 42, D Gonzalez 42, P Gunnellini 42, J Haller 42, A Hinzmann 42, A Karavdina 42, G Kasieczka 42, R Klanner 42, R Kogler 42, N Kovalchuk 42, S Kurz 42, V Kutzner 42, J Lange 42, D Marconi 42, J Multhaup 42, M Niedziela 42, C E N Niemeyer 42, D Nowatschin 42, A Perieanu 42, A Reimers 42, O Rieger 42, C Scharf 42, P Schleper 42, S Schumann 42, J Schwandt 42, J Sonneveld 42, H Stadie 42, G Steinbrück 42, F M Stober 42, M Stöver 42, B Vormwald 42, I Zoi 42, M Akbiyik 43, C Barth 43, M Baselga 43, S Baur 43, E Butz 43, R Caspart 43, T Chwalek 43, F Colombo 43, W De Boer 43, A Dierlamm 43, K El Morabit 43, N Faltermann 43, B Freund 43, M Giffels 43, M A Harrendorf 43, F Hartmann 43, S M Heindl 43, U Husemann 43, I Katkov 43, S Kudella 43, S Mitra 43, M U Mozer 43, Th Müller 43, M Musich 43, M Plagge 43, G Quast 43, K Rabbertz 43, M Schröder 43, I Shvetsov 43, H J Simonis 43, R Ulrich 43, S Wayand 43, M Weber 43, T Weiler 43, C Wöhrmann 43, R Wolf 43, G Anagnostou 44, G Daskalakis 44, T Geralis 44, A Kyriakis 44, D Loukas 44, G Paspalaki 44, A Agapitos 45, G Karathanasis 45, P Kontaxakis 45, A Panagiotou 45, I Papavergou 45, N Saoulidou 45, K Vellidis 45, K Kousouris 46, I Papakrivopoulos 46, G Tsipolitis 46, I Evangelou 47, C Foudas 47, P Gianneios 47, P Katsoulis 47, P Kokkas 47, S Mallios 47, N Manthos 47, I Papadopoulos 47, E Paradas 47, J Strologas 47, F A Triantis 47, D Tsitsonis 47, M Bartók 48, M Csanad 48, N Filipovic 48, P Major 48, M I Nagy 48, G Pasztor 48, O Surányi 48, G I Veres 48, G Bencze 49, C Hajdu 49, D Horvath 49, Á Hunyadi 49, F Sikler 49, TÁ Vámi 49, V Veszpremi 49, G Vesztergombi 49, N Beni 50, S Czellar 50, J Karancsi 50, A Makovec 50, J Molnar 50, Z Szillasi 50, P Raics 51, Z L Trocsanyi 51, B Ujvari 51, S Choudhury 52, J R Komaragiri 52, P C Tiwari 52, S Bahinipati 53, C Kar 53, P Mal 53, K Mandal 53, A Nayak 53, S Roy Chowdhury 53, D K Sahoo 53, S K Swain 53, S Bansal 54, S B Beri 54, V Bhatnagar 54, S Chauhan 54, R Chawla 54, N Dhingra 54, R Gupta 54, A Kaur 54, M Kaur 54, S Kaur 54, P Kumari 54, M Lohan 54, M Meena 54, A Mehta 54, K Sandeep 54, S Sharma 54, J B Singh 54, A K Virdi 54, G Walia 54, A Bhardwaj 55, B C Choudhary 55, R B Garg 55, M Gola 55, S Keshri 55, Ashok Kumar 55, S Malhotra 55, M Naimuddin 55, P Priyanka 55, K Ranjan 55, Aashaq Shah 55, R Sharma 55, R Bhardwaj 56, M Bharti 56, R Bhattacharya 56, S Bhattacharya 56, U Bhawandeep 56, D Bhowmik 56, S Dey 56, S Dutt 56, S Dutta 56, S Ghosh 56, M Maity 56, K Mondal 56, S Nandan 56, A Purohit 56, P K Rout 56, A Roy 56, G Saha 56, S Sarkar 56, T Sarkar 56, M Sharan 56, B Singh 56, S Thakur 56, P K Behera 57, A Muhammad 57, R Chudasama 58, D Dutta 58, V Jha 58, V Kumar 58, D K Mishra 58, P K Netrakanti 58, L M Pant 58, P Shukla 58, P Suggisetti 58, T Aziz 59, M A Bhat 59, S Dugad 59, G B Mohanty 59, N Sur 59, Ravindra Kumar Verma 59, S Banerjee 60, S Bhattacharya 60, S Chatterjee 60, P Das 60, M Guchait 60, Sa Jain 60, S Karmakar 60, S Kumar 60, G Majumder 60, K Mazumdar 60, N Sahoo 60, S Chauhan 61, S Dube 61, V Hegde 61, A Kapoor 61, K Kothekar 61, S Pandey 61, A Rane 61, A Rastogi 61, S Sharma 61, S Chenarani 62, E Eskandari Tadavani 62, S M Etesami 62, M Khakzad 62, M Mohammadi Najafabadi 62, M Naseri 62, F Rezaei Hosseinabadi 62, B Safarzadeh 62, M Zeinali 62, M Felcini 63, M Grunewald 63, M Abbrescia 64, C Calabria 64, A Colaleo 64, D Creanza 64, L Cristella 64, N De Filippis 64, M De Palma 64, A Di Florio 64, F Errico 64, L Fiore 64, A Gelmi 64, G Iaselli 64, M Ince 64, S Lezki 64, G Maggi 64, M Maggi 64, G Miniello 64, S My 64, S Nuzzo 64, A Pompili 64, G Pugliese 64, R Radogna 64, A Ranieri 64, G Selvaggi 64, A Sharma 64, L Silvestris 64, R Venditti 64, P Verwilligen 64, G Abbiendi 65, C Battilana 65, D Bonacorsi 65, L Borgonovi 65, S Braibant-Giacomelli 65, R Campanini 65, P Capiluppi 65, A Castro 65, F R Cavallo 65, S S Chhibra 65, G Codispoti 65, M Cuffiani 65, G M Dallavalle 65, F Fabbri 65, A Fanfani 65, E Fontanesi 65, P Giacomelli 65, C Grandi 65, L Guiducci 65, F Iemmi 65, S Lo Meo 65, S Marcellini 65, G Masetti 65, A Montanari 65, F L Navarria 65, A Perrotta 65, F Primavera 65, A M Rossi 65, T Rovelli 65, G P Siroli 65, N Tosi 65, S Albergo 66, A Di Mattia 66, R Potenza 66, A Tricomi 66, C Tuve 66, G Barbagli 67, K Chatterjee 67, V Ciulli 67, C Civinini 67, R D’Alessandro 67, E Focardi 67, G Latino 67, P Lenzi 67, M Meschini 67, S Paoletti 67, L Russo 67, G Sguazzoni 67, D Strom 67, L Viliani 67, L Benussi 68, S Bianco 68, F Fabbri 68, D Piccolo 68, F Ferro 69, R Mulargia 69, E Robutti 69, S Tosi 69, A Benaglia 70, A Beschi 70, F Brivio 70, V Ciriolo 70, S Di Guida 70, M E Dinardo 70, S Fiorendi 70, S Gennai 70, A Ghezzi 70, P Govoni 70, M Malberti 70, S Malvezzi 70, D Menasce 70, F Monti 70, L Moroni 70, M Paganoni 70, D Pedrini 70, S Ragazzi 70, T Tabarelli de Fatis 70, D Zuolo 70, S Buontempo 71, N Cavallo 71, A De Iorio 71, A Di Crescenzo 71, F Fabozzi 71, F Fienga 71, G Galati 71, A O M Iorio 71, L Lista 71, S Meola 71, P Paolucci 71, C Sciacca 71, E Voevodina 71, P Azzi 72, N Bacchetta 72, D Bisello 72, A Boletti 72, A Bragagnolo 72, R Carlin 72, P Checchia 72, M Dall’Osso 72, P De Castro Manzano 72, T Dorigo 72, U Dosselli 72, F Gasparini 72, U Gasparini 72, A Gozzelino 72, S Y Hoh 72, S Lacaprara 72, P Lujan 72, M Margoni 72, A T Meneguzzo 72, J Pazzini 72, M Presilla 72, P Ronchese 72, R Rossin 72, F Simonetto 72, A Tiko 72, E Torassa 72, M Tosi 72, M Zanetti 72, P Zotto 72, G Zumerle 72, A Braghieri 73, A Magnani 73, P Montagna 73, S P Ratti 73, V Re 73, M Ressegotti 73, C Riccardi 73, P Salvini 73, I Vai 73, P Vitulo 73, M Biasini 74, G M Bilei 74, C Cecchi 74, D Ciangottini 74, L Fanò 74, P Lariccia 74, R Leonardi 74, E Manoni 74, G Mantovani 74, V Mariani 74, M Menichelli 74, A Rossi 74, A Santocchia 74, D Spiga 74, K Androsov 75, P Azzurri 75, G Bagliesi 75, L Bianchini 75, T Boccali 75, L Borrello 75, R Castaldi 75, M A Ciocci 75, R Dell’Orso 75, G Fedi 75, F Fiori 75, L Giannini 75, A Giassi 75, M T Grippo 75, F Ligabue 75, E Manca 75, G Mandorli 75, A Messineo 75, F Palla 75, A Rizzi 75, G Rolandi 75, P Spagnolo 75, R Tenchini 75, G Tonelli 75, A Venturi 75, P G Verdini 75, L Barone 76, F Cavallari 76, M Cipriani 76, D Del Re 76, E Di Marco 76, M Diemoz 76, S Gelli 76, E Longo 76, B Marzocchi 76, P Meridiani 76, G Organtini 76, F Pandolfi 76, R Paramatti 76, F Preiato 76, S Rahatlou 76, C Rovelli 76, F Santanastasio 76, N Amapane 77, R Arcidiacono 77, S Argiro 77, M Arneodo 77, N Bartosik 77, R Bellan 77, C Biino 77, A Cappati 77, N Cartiglia 77, F Cenna 77, S Cometti 77, M Costa 77, R Covarelli 77, N Demaria 77, B Kiani 77, C Mariotti 77, S Maselli 77, E Migliore 77, V Monaco 77, E Monteil 77, M Monteno 77, M M Obertino 77, L Pacher 77, N Pastrone 77, M Pelliccioni 77, G L Pinna Angioni 77, A Romero 77, M Ruspa 77, R Sacchi 77, R Salvatico 77, K Shchelina 77, V Sola 77, A Solano 77, D Soldi 77, A Staiano 77, S Belforte 78, V Candelise 78, M Casarsa 78, F Cossutti 78, A Da Rold 78, G Della Ricca 78, F Vazzoler 78, A Zanetti 78, D H Kim 79, G N Kim 79, M S Kim 79, J Lee 79, S Lee 79, S W Lee 79, C S Moon 79, Y D Oh 79, S I Pak 79, S Sekmen 79, D C Son 79, Y C Yang 79, H Kim 80, D H Moon 80, G Oh 80, B Francois 81, J Goh 81, T J Kim 81, S Cho 82, S Choi 82, Y Go 82, D Gyun 82, S Ha 82, B Hong 82, Y Jo 82, K Lee 82, K S Lee 82, S Lee 82, J Lim 82, S K Park 82, Y Roh 82, H S Kim 83, J Almond 84, J Kim 84, J S Kim 84, H Lee 84, K Lee 84, K Nam 84, S B Oh 84, B C Radburn-Smith 84, Sh Seo 84, U K Yang 84, H D Yoo 84, G B Yu 84, D Jeon 85, H Kim 85, J H Kim 85, J S H Lee 85, I C Park 85, Y Choi 86, C Hwang 86, J Lee 86, I Yu 86, V Veckalns 87, V Dudenas 88, A Juodagalvis 88, J Vaitkus 88, Z A Ibrahim 89, M A B Md Ali 89, F Mohamad Idris 89, W A T Wan Abdullah 89, M N Yusli 89, Z Zolkapli 89, J F Benitez 90, A Castaneda Hernandez 90, J A Murillo Quijada 90, H Castilla-Valdez 91, E DeLa Cruz-Burelo 91, M C Duran-Osuna 91, I Heredia-De La Cruz 91, R Lopez-Fernandez 91, J Mejia Guisao 91, R I Rabadan-Trejo 91, M Ramirez-Garcia 91, G Ramirez-Sanchez 91, R Reyes-Almanza 91, A Sanchez-Hernandez 91, S Carrillo Moreno 92, C Oropeza Barrera 92, F Vazquez Valencia 92, J Eysermans 93, I Pedraza 93, H A Salazar Ibarguen 93, C Uribe Estrada 93, A Morelos Pineda 94, D Krofcheck 95, S Bheesette 96, P H Butler 96, A Ahmad 97, M Ahmad 97, M I Asghar 97, Q Hassan 97, H R Hoorani 97, W A Khan 97, M A Shah 97, M Shoaib 97, M Waqas 97, H Bialkowska 98, M Bluj 98, B Boimska 98, T Frueboes 98, M Górski 98, M Kazana 98, M Szleper 98, P Traczyk 98, P Zalewski 98, K Bunkowski 99, A Byszuk 99, K Doroba 99, A Kalinowski 99, M Konecki 99, J Krolikowski 99, M Misiura 99, M Olszewski 99, A Pyskir 99, M Walczak 99, M Araujo 100, P Bargassa 100, C Beirão Da Cruz ESilva 100, A Di Francesco 100, P Faccioli 100, B Galinhas 100, M Gallinaro 100, J Hollar 100, N Leonardo 100, J Seixas 100, G Strong 100, O Toldaiev 100, J Varela 100, S Afanasiev 101, P Bunin 101, M Gavrilenko 101, I Golutvin 101, I Gorbunov 101, A Kamenev 101, V Karjavine 101, A Lanev 101, A Malakhov 101, V Matveev 101, P Moisenz 101, V Palichik 101, V Perelygin 101, S Shmatov 101, S Shulha 101, N Skatchkov 101, V Smirnov 101, N Voytishin 101, A Zarubin 101, V Golovtsov 102, Y Ivanov 102, V Kim 102, E Kuznetsova 102, P Levchenko 102, V Murzin 102, V Oreshkin 102, I Smirnov 102, D Sosnov 102, V Sulimov 102, L Uvarov 102, S Vavilov 102, A Vorobyev 102, Yu Andreev 103, A Dermenev 103, S Gninenko 103, N Golubev 103, A Karneyeu 103, M Kirsanov 103, N Krasnikov 103, A Pashenkov 103, A Shabanov 103, D Tlisov 103, A Toropin 103, V Epshteyn 104, V Gavrilov 104, N Lychkovskaya 104, V Popov 104, I Pozdnyakov 104, G Safronov 104, A Spiridonov 104, A Stepennov 104, V Stolin 104, M Toms 104, E Vlasov 104, A Zhokin 104, T Aushev 105, V Andreev 106, M Azarkin 106, I Dremin 106, M Kirakosyan 106, A Terkulov 106, A Belyaev 107, E Boos 107, A Ershov 107, A Gribushin 107, L Khein 107, V Klyukhin 107, O Kodolova 107, I Lokhtin 107, O Lukina 107, S Obraztsov 107, S Petrushanko 107, V Savrin 107, A Snigirev 107, A Barnyakov 108, V Blinov 108, T Dimova 108, L Kardapoltsev 108, Y Skovpen 108, I Azhgirey 109, I Bayshev 109, S Bitioukov 109, V Kachanov 109, A Kalinin 109, D Konstantinov 109, P Mandrik 109, V Petrov 109, R Ryutin 109, S Slabospitskii 109, A Sobol 109, S Troshin 109, N Tyurin 109, A Uzunian 109, A Volkov 109, A Babaev 110, S Baidali 110, V Okhotnikov 110, P Adzic 111, P Cirkovic 111, D Devetak 111, M Dordevic 111, P Milenovic 111, J Milosevic 111, J Alcaraz Maestre 112, A Álvarez Fernández 112, I Bachiller 112, M Barrio Luna 112, J A Brochero Cifuentes 112, M Cerrada 112, N Colino 112, B De La Cruz 112, A Delgado Peris 112, C Fernandez Bedoya 112, J P Fernández Ramos 112, J Flix 112, M C Fouz 112, O Gonzalez Lopez 112, S Goy Lopez 112, J M Hernandez 112, M I Josa 112, D Moran 112, A Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo 112, J Puerta Pelayo 112, I Redondo 112, L Romero 112, S Sánchez Navas 112, M S Soares 112, A Triossi 112, C Albajar 113, J F de Trocóniz 113, J Cuevas 114, C Erice 114, J Fernandez Menendez 114, S Folgueras 114, I Gonzalez Caballero 114, J R González Fernández 114, E Palencia Cortezon 114, V Rodríguez Bouza 114, S Sanchez Cruz 114, J M Vizan Garcia 114, I J Cabrillo 115, A Calderon 115, B Chazin Quero 115, J Duarte Campderros 115, M Fernandez 115, P J Fernández Manteca 115, A García Alonso 115, J Garcia-Ferrero 115, G Gomez 115, A Lopez Virto 115, J Marco 115, C Martinez Rivero 115, P Martinez Ruiz del Arbol 115, F Matorras 115, J Piedra Gomez 115, C Prieels 115, T Rodrigo 115, A Ruiz-Jimeno 115, L Scodellaro 115, N Trevisani 115, I Vila 115, R Vilar Cortabitarte 115, N Wickramage 116, D Abbaneo 117, B Akgun 117, E Auffray 117, G Auzinger 117, P Baillon 117, A H Ball 117, D Barney 117, J Bendavid 117, M Bianco 117, A Bocci 117, C Botta 117, E Brondolin 117, T Camporesi 117, M Cepeda 117, G Cerminara 117, E Chapon 117, Y Chen 117, G Cucciati 117, D d’Enterria 117, A Dabrowski 117, N Daci 117, V Daponte 117, A David 117, A De Roeck 117, N Deelen 117, M Dobson 117, M Dünser 117, N Dupont 117, A Elliott-Peisert 117, F Fallavollita 117, D Fasanella 117, G Franzoni 117, J Fulcher 117, W Funk 117, D Gigi 117, A Gilbert 117, K Gill 117, F Glege 117, M Gruchala 117, M Guilbaud 117, D Gulhan 117, J Hegeman 117, C Heidegger 117, V Innocente 117, G M Innocenti 117, A Jafari 117, P Janot 117, O Karacheban 117, J Kieseler 117, A Kornmayer 117, M Krammer 117, C Lange 117, P Lecoq 117, C Lourenço 117, L Malgeri 117, M Mannelli 117, A Massironi 117, F Meijers 117, J A Merlin 117, S Mersi 117, E Meschi 117, F Moortgat 117, M Mulders 117, J Ngadiuba 117, S Nourbakhsh 117, S Orfanelli 117, L Orsini 117, F Pantaleo 117, L Pape 117, E Perez 117, M Peruzzi 117, A Petrilli 117, G Petrucciani 117, A Pfeiffer 117, M Pierini 117, F M Pitters 117, D Rabady 117, A Racz 117, T Reis 117, M Rovere 117, H Sakulin 117, C Schäfer 117, C Schwick 117, M Selvaggi 117, A Sharma 117, P Silva 117, P Sphicas 117, A Stakia 117, J Steggemann 117, D Treille 117, A Tsirou 117, A Vartak 117, M Verzetti 117, W D Zeuner 117, L Caminada 118, K Deiters 118, W Erdmann 118, R Horisberger 118, Q Ingram 118, H C Kaestli 118, D Kotlinski 118, U Langenegger 118, T Rohe 118, S A Wiederkehr 118, M Backhaus 119, L Bäni 119, P Berger 119, N Chernyavskaya 119, G Dissertori 119, M Dittmar 119, M Donegà 119, C Dorfer 119, T A Gómez Espinosa 119, C Grab 119, D Hits 119, T Klijnsma 119, W Lustermann 119, R A Manzoni 119, M Marionneau 119, M T Meinhard 119, F Micheli 119, P Musella 119, F Nessi-Tedaldi 119, F Pauss 119, G Perrin 119, L Perrozzi 119, S Pigazzini 119, M Reichmann 119, C Reissel 119, D Ruini 119, D A Sanz Becerra 119, M Schönenberger 119, L Shchutska 119, V R Tavolaro 119, K Theofilatos 119, M L Vesterbacka Olsson 119, R Wallny 119, D H Zhu 119, T K Aarrestad 120, C Amsler 120, D Brzhechko 120, M F Canelli 120, A De Cosa 120, R Del Burgo 120, S Donato 120, C Galloni 120, T Hreus 120, B Kilminster 120, S Leontsinis 120, I Neutelings 120, G Rauco 120, P Robmann 120, D Salerno 120, K Schweiger 120, C Seitz 120, Y Takahashi 120, S Wertz 120, A Zucchetta 120, T H Doan 121, R Khurana 121, C M Kuo 121, W Lin 121, A Pozdnyakov 121, S S Yu 121, P Chang 122, Y Chao 122, K F Chen 122, P H Chen 122, W-S Hou 122, Y F Liu 122, R-S Lu 122, E Paganis 122, A Psallidas 122, A Steen 122, B Asavapibhop 123, N Srimanobhas 123, N Suwonjandee 123, A Bat 124, F Boran 124, S Cerci 124, S Damarseckin 124, Z S Demiroglu 124, F Dolek 124, C Dozen 124, I Dumanoglu 124, E Eskut 124, G Gokbulut 124, Y Guler 124, E Gurpinar 124, I Hos 124, C Isik 124, E E Kangal 124, O Kara 124, A Kayis Topaksu 124, U Kiminsu 124, M Oglakci 124, G Onengut 124, K Ozdemir 124, A Polatoz 124, D Sunar Cerci 124, U G Tok 124, S Turkcapar 124, I S Zorbakir 124, C Zorbilmez 124, B Isildak 125, G Karapinar 125, M Yalvac 125, M Zeyrek 125, I O Atakisi 126, E Gülmez 126, M Kaya 126, O Kaya 126, S Ozkorucuklu 126, S Tekten 126, E A Yetkin 126, M N Agaras 127, A Cakir 127, K Cankocak 127, Y Komurcu 127, S Sen 127, B Grynyov 128, L Levchuk 129, F Ball 130, J J Brooke 130, D Burns 130, E Clement 130, D Cussans 130, O Davignon 130, H Flacher 130, J Goldstein 130, G P Heath 130, H F Heath 130, L Kreczko 130, D M Newbold 130, S Paramesvaran 130, B Penning 130, T Sakuma 130, D Smith 130, V J Smith 130, J Taylor 130, A Titterton 130, K W Bell 131, A Belyaev 131, C Brew 131, R M Brown 131, D Cieri 131, D J A Cockerill 131, J A Coughlan 131, K Harder 131, S Harper 131, J Linacre 131, K Manolopoulos 131, E Olaiya 131, D Petyt 131, T Schuh 131, C H Shepherd-Themistocleous 131, A Thea 131, I R Tomalin 131, T Williams 131, W J Womersley 131, R Bainbridge 132, P Bloch 132, J Borg 132, S Breeze 132, O Buchmuller 132, A Bundock 132, D Colling 132, P Dauncey 132, G Davies 132, M Della Negra 132, R Di Maria 132, P Everaerts 132, G Hall 132, G Iles 132, T James 132, M Komm 132, C Laner 132, L Lyons 132, A-M Magnan 132, S Malik 132, A Martelli 132, J Nash 132, A Nikitenko 132, V Palladino 132, M Pesaresi 132, D M Raymond 132, A Richards 132, A Rose 132, E Scott 132, C Seez 132, A Shtipliyski 132, G Singh 132, M Stoye 132, T Strebler 132, S Summers 132, A Tapper 132, K Uchida 132, T Virdee 132, N Wardle 132, D Winterbottom 132, J Wright 132, S C Zenz 132, J E Cole 133, P R Hobson 133, A Khan 133, P Kyberd 133, C K Mackay 133, A Morton 133, I D Reid 133, L Teodorescu 133, S Zahid 133, K Call 134, J Dittmann 134, K Hatakeyama 134, H Liu 134, C Madrid 134, B McMaster 134, N Pastika 134, C Smith 134, R Bartek 135, A Dominguez 135, A Buccilli 136, S I Cooper 136, C Henderson 136, P Rumerio 136, C West 136, D Arcaro 137, T Bose 137, D Gastler 137, S Girgis 137, D Pinna 137, C Richardson 137, J Rohlf 137, L Sulak 137, D Zou 137, G Benelli 138, B Burkle 138, X Coubez 138, D Cutts 138, M Hadley 138, J Hakala 138, U Heintz 138, J M Hogan 138, K H M Kwok 138, E Laird 138, G Landsberg 138, J Lee 138, Z Mao 138, M Narain 138, S Sagir 138, R Syarif 138, E Usai 138, D Yu 138, R Band 139, C Brainerd 139, R Breedon 139, D Burns 139, M Calderon De La Barca Sanchez 139, M Chertok 139, J Conway 139, R Conway 139, P T Cox 139, R Erbacher 139, C Flores 139, G Funk 139, W Ko 139, O Kukral 139, R Lander 139, M Mulhearn 139, D Pellett 139, J Pilot 139, S Shalhout 139, M Shi 139, D Stolp 139, D Taylor 139, K Tos 139, M Tripathi 139, Z Wang 139, F Zhang 139, M Bachtis 140, C Bravo 140, R Cousins 140, A Dasgupta 140, S Erhan 140, A Florent 140, J Hauser 140, M Ignatenko 140, N Mccoll 140, S Regnard 140, D Saltzberg 140, C Schnaible 140, V Valuev 140, E Bouvier 141, K Burt 141, R Clare 141, J W Gary 141, S M A Ghiasi Shirazi 141, G Hanson 141, G Karapostoli 141, E Kennedy 141, F Lacroix 141, O R Long 141, M Olmedo Negrete 141, M I Paneva 141, W Si 141, L Wang 141, H Wei 141, S Wimpenny 141, B R Yates 141, J G Branson 142, P Chang 142, S Cittolin 142, M Derdzinski 142, R Gerosa 142, D Gilbert 142, B Hashemi 142, A Holzner 142, D Klein 142, G Kole 142, V Krutelyov 142, J Letts 142, M Masciovecchio 142, S May 142, D Olivito 142, S Padhi 142, M Pieri 142, V Sharma 142, M Tadel 142, J Wood 142, F Würthwein 142, A Yagil 142, G Zevi Della Porta 142, N Amin 143, R Bhandari 143, C Campagnari 143, M Citron 143, V Dutta 143, M Franco Sevilla 143, L Gouskos 143, R Heller 143, J Incandela 143, H Mei 143, A Ovcharova 143, H Qu 143, J Richman 143, D Stuart 143, I Suarez 143, S Wang 143, J Yoo 143, D Anderson 144, A Bornheim 144, J M Lawhorn 144, N Lu 144, H B Newman 144, T Q Nguyen 144, J Pata 144, M Spiropulu 144, J R Vlimant 144, R Wilkinson 144, S Xie 144, Z Zhang 144, R Y Zhu 144, M B Andrews 145, T Ferguson 145, T Mudholkar 145, M Paulini 145, M Sun 145, I Vorobiev 145, M Weinberg 145, J P Cumalat 146, W T Ford 146, F Jensen 146, A Johnson 146, E MacDonald 146, T Mulholland 146, R Patel 146, A Perloff 146, K Stenson 146, K A Ulmer 146, S R Wagner 146, J Alexander 147, J Chaves 147, Y Cheng 147, J Chu 147, A Datta 147, K Mcdermott 147, N Mirman 147, J R Patterson 147, D Quach 147, A Rinkevicius 147, A Ryd 147, L Skinnari 147, L Soffi 147, S M Tan 147, Z Tao 147, J Thom 147, J Tucker 147, P Wittich 147, M Zientek 147, S Abdullin 148, M Albrow 148, M Alyari 148, G Apollinari 148, A Apresyan 148, A Apyan 148, S Banerjee 148, L A T Bauerdick 148, A Beretvas 148, J Berryhill 148, P C Bhat 148, K Burkett 148, J N Butler 148, A Canepa 148, G B Cerati 148, H W K Cheung 148, F Chlebana 148, M Cremonesi 148, J Duarte 148, V D Elvira 148, J Freeman 148, Z Gecse 148, E Gottschalk 148, L Gray 148, D Green 148, S Grünendahl 148, O Gutsche 148, J Hanlon 148, R M Harris 148, S Hasegawa 148, J Hirschauer 148, Z Hu 148, B Jayatilaka 148, S Jindariani 148, M Johnson 148, U Joshi 148, B Klima 148, M J Kortelainen 148, B Kreis 148, S Lammel 148, D Lincoln 148, R Lipton 148, M Liu 148, T Liu 148, J Lykken 148, K Maeshima 148, J M Marraffino 148, D Mason 148, P McBride 148, P Merkel 148, S Mrenna 148, S Nahn 148, V O’Dell 148, K Pedro 148, C Pena 148, O Prokofyev 148, G Rakness 148, F Ravera 148, A Reinsvold 148, L Ristori 148, A Savoy-Navarro 148, B Schneider 148, E Sexton-Kennedy 148, A Soha 148, W J Spalding 148, L Spiegel 148, S Stoynev 148, J Strait 148, N Strobbe 148, L Taylor 148, S Tkaczyk 148, N V Tran 148, L Uplegger 148, E W Vaandering 148, C Vernieri 148, M Verzocchi 148, R Vidal 148, M Wang 148, H A Weber 148, D Acosta 149, P Avery 149, P Bortignon 149, D Bourilkov 149, A Brinkerhoff 149, L Cadamuro 149, A Carnes 149, D Curry 149, R D Field 149, S V Gleyzer 149, B M Joshi 149, J Konigsberg 149, A Korytov 149, K H Lo 149, P Ma 149, K Matchev 149, N Menendez 149, G Mitselmakher 149, D Rosenzweig 149, K Shi 149, D Sperka 149, J Wang 149, S Wang 149, X Zuo 149, Y R Joshi 150, S Linn 150, A Ackert 151, T Adams 151, A Askew 151, S Hagopian 151, V Hagopian 151, K F Johnson 151, T Kolberg 151, G Martinez 151, T Perry 151, H Prosper 151, A Saha 151, C Schiber 151, R Yohay 151, M M Baarmand 152, V Bhopatkar 152, S Colafranceschi 152, M Hohlmann 152, D Noonan 152, M Rahmani 152, T Roy 152, M Saunders 152, F Yumiceva 152, M R Adams 153, L Apanasevich 153, D Berry 153, R R Betts 153, R Cavanaugh 153, X Chen 153, S Dittmer 153, O Evdokimov 153, C E Gerber 153, D A Hangal 153, D J Hofman 153, K Jung 153, J Kamin 153, C Mills 153, M B Tonjes 153, N Varelas 153, H Wang 153, X Wang 153, Z Wu 153, J Zhang 153, M Alhusseini 154, B Bilki 154, W Clarida 154, K Dilsiz 154, S Durgut 154, R P Gandrajula 154, M Haytmyradov 154, V Khristenko 154, J-P Merlo 154, A Mestvirishvili 154, A Moeller 154, J Nachtman 154, H Ogul 154, Y Onel 154, F Ozok 154, A Penzo 154, C Snyder 154, E Tiras 154, J Wetzel 154, B Blumenfeld 155, A Cocoros 155, N Eminizer 155, D Fehling 155, L Feng 155, A V Gritsan 155, W T Hung 155, P Maksimovic 155, J Roskes 155, U Sarica 155, M Swartz 155, M Xiao 155, A Al-bataineh 156, P Baringer 156, A Bean 156, S Boren 156, J Bowen 156, A Bylinkin 156, J Castle 156, S Khalil 156, A Kropivnitskaya 156, D Majumder 156, W Mcbrayer 156, M Murray 156, C Rogan 156, S Sanders 156, E Schmitz 156, J D Tapia Takaki 156, Q Wang 156, S Duric 157, A Ivanov 157, K Kaadze 157, D Kim 157, Y Maravin 157, D R Mendis 157, T Mitchell 157, A Modak 157, A Mohammadi 157, F Rebassoo 158, D Wright 158, A Baden 159, O Baron 159, A Belloni 159, S C Eno 159, Y Feng 159, C Ferraioli 159, N J Hadley 159, S Jabeen 159, G Y Jeng 159, R G Kellogg 159, J Kunkle 159, A C Mignerey 159, S Nabili 159, F Ricci-Tam 159, M Seidel 159, Y H Shin 159, A Skuja 159, S C Tonwar 159, K Wong 159, D Abercrombie 160, B Allen 160, V Azzolini 160, A Baty 160, R Bi 160, S Brandt 160, W Busza 160, I A Cali 160, M D’Alfonso 160, Z Demiragli 160, G Gomez Ceballos 160, M Goncharov 160, P Harris 160, D Hsu 160, M Hu 160, Y Iiyama 160, M Klute 160, D Kovalskyi 160, Y-J Lee 160, P D Luckey 160, B Maier 160, A C Marini 160, C Mcginn 160, C Mironov 160, S Narayanan 160, X Niu 160, C Paus 160, D Rankin 160, C Roland 160, G Roland 160, Z Shi 160, G S F Stephans 160, K Sumorok 160, K Tatar 160, D Velicanu 160, J Wang 160, T W Wang 160, B Wyslouch 160, A C Benvenuti 161, R M Chatterjee 161, A Evans 161, P Hansen 161, J Hiltbrand 161, Sh Jain 161, S Kalafut 161, M Krohn 161, Y Kubota 161, Z Lesko 161, J Mans 161, R Rusack 161, M A Wadud 161, J G Acosta 162, S Oliveros 162, E Avdeeva 163, K Bloom 163, D R Claes 163, C Fangmeier 163, F Golf 163, R Gonzalez Suarez 163, R Kamalieddin 163, I Kravchenko 163, J Monroy 163, J E Siado 163, G R Snow 163, B Stieger 163, A Godshalk 164, C Harrington 164, I Iashvili 164, A Kharchilava 164, C Mclean 164, D Nguyen 164, A Parker 164, S Rappoccio 164, B Roozbahani 164, G Alverson 165, E Barberis 165, C Freer 165, Y Haddad 165, A Hortiangtham 165, G Madigan 165, D M Morse 165, T Orimoto 165, A Tishelman-charny 165, T Wamorkar 165, B Wang 165, A Wisecarver 165, D Wood 165, S Bhattacharya 166, J Bueghly 166, O Charaf 166, T Gunter 166, K A Hahn 166, N Odell 166, M H Schmitt 166, K Sung 166, M Trovato 166, M Velasco 166, R Bucci 167, N Dev 167, R Goldouzian 167, M Hildreth 167, K Hurtado Anampa 167, C Jessop 167, D J Karmgard 167, K Lannon 167, W Li 167, N Loukas 167, N Marinelli 167, F Meng 167, C Mueller 167, Y Musienko 167, M Planer 167, R Ruchti 167, P Siddireddy 167, G Smith 167, S Taroni 167, M Wayne 167, A Wightman 167, M Wolf 167, A Woodard 167, J Alimena 168, L Antonelli 168, B Bylsma 168, L S Durkin 168, S Flowers 168, B Francis 168, C Hill 168, W Ji 168, T Y Ling 168, W Luo 168, B L Winer 168, S Cooperstein 169, P Elmer 169, J Hardenbrook 169, N Haubrich 169, S Higginbotham 169, A Kalogeropoulos 169, S Kwan 169, D Lange 169, M T Lucchini 169, J Luo 169, D Marlow 169, K Mei 169, I Ojalvo 169, J Olsen 169, C Palmer 169, P Piroué 169, J Salfeld-Nebgen 169, D Stickland 169, C Tully 169, S Malik 170, S Norberg 170, A Barker 171, V E Barnes 171, S Das 171, L Gutay 171, M Jones 171, A W Jung 171, A Khatiwada 171, B Mahakud 171, D H Miller 171, N Neumeister 171, C C Peng 171, S Piperov 171, H Qiu 171, J F Schulte 171, J Sun 171, F Wang 171, R Xiao 171, W Xie 171, T Cheng 172, J Dolen 172, N Parashar 172, Z Chen 173, K M Ecklund 173, S Freed 173, F J M Geurts 173, M Kilpatrick 173, Arun Kumar 173, W Li 173, B P Padley 173, R Redjimi 173, J Roberts 173, J Rorie 173, W Shi 173, Z Tu 173, A Zhang 173, A Bodek 174, P de Barbaro 174, R Demina 174, Y t Duh 174, J L Dulemba 174, C Fallon 174, T Ferbel 174, M Galanti 174, A Garcia-Bellido 174, J Han 174, O Hindrichs 174, A Khukhunaishvili 174, E Ranken 174, P Tan 174, R Taus 174, R Ciesielski 175, K Goulianos 175, B Chiarito 176, J P Chou 176, Y Gershtein 176, E Halkiadakis 176, A Hart 176, M Heindl 176, E Hughes 176, S Kaplan 176, R Kunnawalkam Elayavalli 176, S Kyriacou 176, I Laflotte 176, A Lath 176, R Montalvo 176, K Nash 176, M Osherson 176, H Saka 176, S Salur 176, S Schnetzer 176, D Sheffield 176, S Somalwar 176, R Stone 176, S Thomas 176, P Thomassen 176, H Acharya 177, A G Delannoy 177, J Heideman 177, G Riley 177, S Spanier 177, O Bouhali 178, A Celik 178, M Dalchenko 178, M De Mattia 178, A Delgado 178, S Dildick 178, R Eusebi 178, J Gilmore 178, T Huang 178, T Kamon 178, S Luo 178, D Marley 178, R Mueller 178, D Overton 178, L Perniè 178, D Rathjens 178, A Safonov 178, N Akchurin 179, J Damgov 179, F De Guio 179, P R Dudero 179, S Kunori 179, K Lamichhane 179, S W Lee 179, T Mengke 179, S Muthumuni 179, T Peltola 179, S Undleeb 179, I Volobouev 179, Z Wang 179, A Whitbeck 179, S Greene 180, A Gurrola 180, R Janjam 180, W Johns 180, C Maguire 180, A Melo 180, H Ni 180, K Padeken 180, F Romeo 180, P Sheldon 180, S Tuo 180, J Velkovska 180, M Verweij 180, Q Xu 180, M W Arenton 181, P Barria 181, B Cox 181, R Hirosky 181, M Joyce 181, A Ledovskoy 181, H Li 181, C Neu 181, T Sinthuprasith 181, Y Wang 181, E Wolfe 181, F Xia 181, R Harr 182, P E Karchin 182, N Poudyal 182, J Sturdy 182, P Thapa 182, S Zaleski 182, J Buchanan 183, C Caillol 183, D Carlsmith 183, S Dasu 183, I De Bruyn 183, L Dodd 183, B Gomber 183, M Grothe 183, M Herndon 183, A Hervé 183, U Hussain 183, P Klabbers 183, A Lanaro 183, K Long 183, R Loveless 183, T Ruggles 183, A Savin 183, V Sharma 183, N Smith 183, W H Smith 183, N Woods 183, G Antchev 195, P Aspell 192, I Atanassov 195, V Avati 190,192, J Baechler 192, C Baldenegro Barrera 194, V Berardi 187, M Berretti 185, V Borchsh 191, E Bossini 189,192, U Bottigli 189, M Bozzo 188, H Burkhardt 192, F S Cafagna 187, M G Catanesi 187, M Csanád 186, T Csörgő 186, M Deile 192, F De Leonardis 187, M Doubek 184, D Druzhkin 191,192, K Eggert 193, V Eremin 197, A Fiergolski 192, L Forthomme 185, F Garcia 185, V Georgiev 184, S Giani 192, L Grzanka 190, J Hammerbauer 184, T Isidori 194, V Ivanchenko 191, M Janda 184, A Karev 192, J Kašpar 184,192, B Kaynak 198, J Kopal 192, V Kundrát 184, S Lami 189, R Linhart 184, C Lindsey 194, M V Lokajíček 184, L Losurdo 189, F Lucas Rodríguez 192, M Macrí 188, M Malawski 190, N Minafra 194, S Minutoli 188, T Naaranoja 185, F Nemes 186,192, H Niewiadomski 193, T Novák 186, E Oliveri 192, F Oljemark 185, M Oriunno 199, K Österberg 185, P Palazzi 192, V Passaro 187, Z Peroutka 184, J Procházka 184, M Quinto 187, E Radermacher 192, E Radicioni 187, F Ravotti 192, C Royon 194, G Ruggiero 192, H Saarikko 185, V D Samoylenko 196, A Scribano 189, J Siroky 184, J Smajek 192, W Snoeys 192, R Stefanovitch 192, J Sziklai 186, C Taylor 193, E Tcherniaev 191, N Turini 189, O Urban 184, V Vacek 184, O Vavroch 184, J Welti 185, J Williams 194, J Zich 184, K Zielinski 190; CMS and TOTEM Collaborations200
PMCID: PMC7746569  PMID: 33362286


Measurements are presented of the single-diffractive dijet cross section and the diffractive cross section as a function of the proton fractional momentum loss ξ and the four-momentum transfer squared t. Both processes pppX and ppXp, i.e. with the proton scattering to either side of the interaction point, are measured, where X includes at least two jets; the results of the two processes are averaged. The analyses are based on data collected simultaneously with the CMS and TOTEM detectors at the LHC in proton–proton collisions at s=8Te during a dedicated run with β=90m at low instantaneous luminosity and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 37.5nb-1. The single-diffractive dijet cross section σjjpX, in the kinematic region ξ<0.1, 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, with at least two jets with transverse momentum pT>40Ge, and pseudorapidity |η|<4.4, is 21.7±0.9(stat)-3.3+3.0(syst)±0.9(lumi)nb. The ratio of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet yields, normalised per unit of ξ, is presented as a function of x, the longitudinal momentum fraction of the proton carried by the struck parton. The ratio in the kinematic region defined above, for x values in the range -2.9log10x-1.6, is R=(σjjpX/Δξ)/σjj=0.025±0.001(stat)±0.003(syst), where σjjpX and σjj are the single-diffractive and inclusive dijet cross sections, respectively. The results are compared with predictions from models of diffractive and nondiffractive interactions. Monte Carlo predictions based on the HERA diffractive parton distribution functions agree well with the data when corrected for the effect of soft rescattering between the spectator partons.


In proton–proton (pp) collisions a significant fraction of the total cross section is attributed to diffractive processes. Diffractive events are characterised by at least one of the two incoming protons emerging from the interaction intact or excited into a low-mass state, with only a small energy loss. These processes can be explained by the exchange of a virtual object, the so-called Pomeron, with the vacuum quantum numbers [1]; no hadrons are therefore produced in a large rapidity range adjacent to the scattered proton, yielding a so-called large rapidity gap (LRG). A subleading exchange of Reggeons, as opposed to a Pomeron, also contributes to diffractive scattering, especially for large values of the proton fractional momentum loss ξ, and is required to describe diffractive data [25]. While Pomerons mainly consist of gluons, Reggeons are mesons composed of a quark–antiquark pair.

Hard diffraction has been studied in hadron-hadron collisions at the SPS at CERN [6], the Tevatron at Fermilab [711], the CERN LHC [12, 13], and in electron–proton (ep) collisions at the HERA collider at DESY [25, 14]. Hard diffractive processes can be described in terms of the convolution of diffractive parton distribution functions (dPDFs) and hard scattering cross sections, which can be calculated in perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD). The dPDFs have been determined by the HERA experiments [2, 4, 5] by means of fits to inclusive diffractive deep inelastic scattering data. The dPDFs have been successfully applied to describe different hard diffractive processes in ep collisions. This success is based on the factorisation theorem proven for ep interactions at large Q2, and on the validity of the QCD evolution equations for the dPDFs [1517]. However, in hard diffractive hadron-hadron collisions factorisation is broken because of the presence of soft rescattering between the spectator partons. This leads to a suppression of the observed diffractive cross section in hadron-hadron collisions [18]. The suppression factor, often called the rapidity gap survival probability (S2), is 10% at the Tevatron energies [9].

Experimentally, diffractive events can be selected either by exploiting the presence of an LRG or by measuring the scattered proton. The latter method is superior since it gives a direct measurement of t, the squared four momentum transfer at the proton vertex, and suppresses the contribution from events in which the proton dissociates into a low-mass state. The CMS Collaboration has previously reported a measurement of diffractive dijet production at s=7Te [12] that did not include information on the scattered proton. The ATLAS Collaboration has also measured dijet production with large rapidity gaps at s=7Te [13].

This article presents a measurement of dijet production with a forward, high longitudinal momentum proton at s=8Te. It corresponds to the processes pppX or ppXp, i.e. with the proton scattering to either side of the interaction and X including at least two jets. The system X is measured in CMS and the scattered proton in the TOTEM roman pots (RPs). This process is referred to as single-diffractive dijet production.

The single-diffractive dijet production cross section is measured as a function of ξ and t in the kinematic region ξ<0.1 and 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, in events with at least two jets, each with transverse momentum pT>40Ge and pseudorapidity |η|<4.4. The ratio of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet cross sections is measured as a function of x, the longitudinal momentum fraction of the proton carried by the struck parton for x values in the range -2.9log10x-1.6. This is the first measurement of hard diffraction with a measured proton at the LHC.

The CMS and TOTEM detectors

The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid of 6m internal diameter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8T. Within the superconducting solenoid volume are a silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass and scintillator hadron calorimeter (HCAL), each composed of a barrel and two endcap sections. Forward calorimeters extend the pseudorapidity coverage provided by the barrel and endcap detectors. The forward hadron (HF) calorimeter uses steel as an absorber and quartz fibers as the sensitive material. The two HFs are located 11.2m from the interaction region, one on each end, and together they provide coverage in the range 3.0<|η|<5.2. Muons are measured in gas-ionisation detectors embedded in the steel flux-return yoke outside the solenoid.

When combining information from the entire detector, including that from the tracker, the jet energy resolution amounts typically to 15% at 10Ge, 8% at 100Ge, and 4% at 1Te, to be compared to about 40, 12, and 5%, respectively, obtained when ECAL and HCAL alone are used. In the region |η|<1.74, the HCAL cells have widths of 0.087 in pseudorapidity and 0.087 in azimuth (ϕ). In the η-ϕ plane, and for |η|<1.48, the HCAL cells map on to 5×5 arrays of ECAL crystals to form calorimeter towers projecting radially outwards from close to the nominal interaction point. For |η|>1.74, the coverage of the towers increases progressively to a maximum of 0.174 in Δη and Δϕ. Within each tower, the energy deposits in the ECAL and HCAL cells are summed to define the calorimeter tower energies, subsequently used to provide the energies and directions of hadronic jets.

The reconstructed vertex with the largest value of summed charged-particle track pT2 is taken to be the primary interaction vertex. Tracks are clustered based on the z coordinate of the track at the point of closest approach to the beamline. In the vertex fit, each track is assigned a weight between 0 and 1, which reflects the likelihood that it genuinely belongs to the vertex. The number of degrees of freedom in the fit is strongly correlated with the number of tracks arising from the interaction region.

The particle-flow (PF) algorithm [19] aims to reconstruct and identify each individual particle in an event with an optimised combination of information from the various elements of the CMS detector. The energy of photons is directly obtained from the ECAL measurement, corrected for zero-suppression effects. The energy of electrons is determined from a combination of the electron momentum at the primary interaction vertex as determined by the tracker, the energy of the corresponding ECAL cluster, and the energy sum of all bremsstrahlung photons spatially compatible with originating from the electron track. The energy of muons is obtained from the curvatures of the corresponding track. The energy of charged hadrons is determined from a combination of their momentum measured in the tracker and the matching ECAL and HCAL energy deposits, corrected for zero-suppression effects and for the response function of the calorimeters to hadronic showers. Finally, the energy of neutral hadrons is obtained from the corresponding corrected ECAL and HCAL energies.

Hadronic jets are clustered from these reconstructed particles using the anti-kT algorithm [20, 21]. The jet momentum is determined as the vectorial sum of all PF candidate momenta in the jet, and is found from simulation to be within 5 to 10% of the true momentum over the whole pT spectrum and detector acceptance. Jet energy corrections are derived from simulation, and are confirmed with in situ measurements of the energy balance in dijet, multijet, photon + jet, and Z + jet events [22]. The jet pT resolution in the simulation is scaled upwards by around 15% in the barrel region, 40% in the endcaps and 20% in the forward region to match the resolution in the data. Additional selection criteria are applied to each event to remove spurious jet-like features originating from isolated noise patterns in some HCAL regions [23].

A more detailed description of the CMS detector, together with a definition of the coordinate system used and the relevant kinematic variables, can be found in Ref. [24].

The TOTEM experiment [25, 26] is located at the LHC interaction point (IP) 5 together with the CMS experiment. The RP system is the subdetector relevant for measuring scattered protons. The RPs are movable beam pipe insertions that approach the LHC beam very closely (fewmm) to detect protons scattered at very small angles or with small ξ. The proton remains inside the beam pipe and its trajectory is measured by tracking detectors installed inside the RPs. They are organised in two stations placed symmetrically around the IP; one in LHC sector 45 (positive z), the other in sector 56 (negative z). Each station is formed by two units: near (215m from the IP) and far (220m from the IP). Each unit includes three RPs: one approaching the beam from the top, one from the bottom and one horizontally. Each RP hosts a stack of 10 silicon strip sensors (pitch 66μm) with a strongly reduced insensitive region at the edge facing the beam (few tens of μm). Five of these planes are oriented with the silicon strips at a +45 angle with respect to the bottom of the RP and the other five have the strips at a -45 angle.

The beam optics relates the proton kinematics at the IP and at the RP location. A proton emerging from the interaction vertex (x, y) at horizontal and vertical angles θx and θy, with a fractional momentum loss ξ, is transported along the outgoing beam through the LHC magnets. It arrives at the RPs at the transverse position:

x(zRP)=Lx(zRP)θx+vx(zRP)x-Dx(zRP)ξ,y(zRP)=Ly(zRP)θy+vy(zRP)y-Dy(zRP)ξ, 1

relative to the beam centre. This position is determined by the optical functions, characterising the transport of protons in the beamline and controlled via the LHC magnet currents. The effective length Lx,y(z), magnification vx,y(z) and horizontal dispersion Dx(z) quantify the sensitivity of the measured proton position to the scattering angle, vertex position, and fractional momentum loss, respectively. The dispersion in the vertical plane, Dy, is nominally zero.

For the present measurement, a special beam optical setup with β=90m was used, where β is the value of the amplitude function of the beam at the IP. This optical setup features parallel-to-point focussing (vy0) and large Ly, making y at RP directly proportional to θy, and an almost vanishing Lx and vx, implying that any horizontal displacement at the RP is approximately proportional to ξ. Protons can hence be measured with large detector acceptance in the vertical RPs that approach the beam from the top and bottom.

To reduce the impact of imperfect knowledge of the optical setup, a calibration procedure [27] has been applied. This method uses elastic scattering events and various proton observables to determine fine corrections to the optical functions presented in Eq. (1). For the RP alignment, a three-step procedure [26] has been applied: beam-based alignment prior to the run (as for the LHC collimators) followed by two offline steps. First, track-based alignment for the relative positions among RPs, and second, alignment with elastic events for the absolute position with respect to the beam. The final uncertainties per unit (common for top and bottom RPs) are: 2μm (horizontal shift), 100μm (vertical shift), and 0.2mrad (rotation about the beam axis).

The kinematic variables (ξ, θx, θy as well as t) are reconstructed with the use of parametrised proton transport functions [26]. The values of the optical functions vary with ξ, an effect that is taken into account by the optics parametrisation. The details of the reconstruction algorithms and optics parametrisation are discussed in Refs. [26, 28]. The momentum loss reconstruction depends mostly on the horizontal dispersion, which is determined with a precision better than 10%. The scattering angle resolution depends mainly on the angular beam divergence and in the horizontal plane also on the detector resolution, whereas the momentum loss resolution depends mainly on the optics [29]. The ξ resolution is about σ(ξ) = 0.7% and the θy and the θx resolutions 2.4μrad and 25μrad, respectively.

Event kinematics

Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the single-diffractive reaction ppXp with X including two high-pT jets. Single-diffractive dijet production is characterised by the presence of a high-energy proton, which escapes undetected by the CMS detector, and the system X, which contains high-pT jets, separated from the proton by an LRG.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Schematic diagram of single-diffractive dijet production. The exchange of a virtual object with the vacuum quantum numbers (i.e. a Pomeron) is indicated by the symbol IP. The diagram shows an example of the ggdijet hard scattering process; the qq and gq initial states also contribute

The proton is scattered at small angles, has small fractional momentum loss ξ=1-|pf|/|pi|, and small absolute value of the 4-momentum transfer squared t=(pf-pi)2, where pi and pf are the four-momenta of the incoming and outgoing protons, respectively. The scattered proton does not leave the beam pipe and can only be detected by using the TOTEM RP detectors, which make a direct measurement of t and ξ (hereafter referred to as ξTOTEM).

If only CMS information is used, as in Ref. [12], ξ can be estimated only from the energies and longitudinal momenta of the particles measured in CMS:

ξCMS±=iEi±pzis, 2

where the sum is carried out with PF objects. The positive (negative) sign corresponds to the scattered proton moving towards the positive (negative) z direction. In this case, t cannot be measured.

The combination of the limited CMS pseudorapidity coverage (|η|<5) and the detector inefficiency causes ξCMS to be smaller than ξTOTEM in general, i.e. ξCMS-ξTOTEM0. However, the limited detector resolution may cause ξCMS to be larger than ξTOTEM.

The momentum fraction of the partons initiating the hard scattering, x+ and x-, can be estimated from the energies and longitudinal momenta of the measured jets as:

x±=jetsEjet±pzjets, 3

where the sum is carried out over the two highest transverse momentum jets in the event, and an additional third jet, if present. The positive (negative) sign corresponds to the incoming proton moving towards the positive (negative) z direction.

Finally, the fraction β of the Pomeron momentum carried by the interacting parton is measured from the values of x± and ξTOTEM as β=x±/ξTOTEM.

Data samples

The data were collected in July 2012 during a dedicated run with low probability (6–10%) of overlapping pp interactions in the same bunch crossing (pileup) and a nonstandard β=90m beam optics configuration. These data correspond to an integrated luminosity of L=37.5nb-1. Events are selected by trigger signals that are delivered simultaneously to the CMS and TOTEM detectors. The first level of the CMS trigger system (L1) is used. The L1 signal is propagated to the TOTEM electronics to enable the simultaneous readout of the CMS and TOTEM subdetectors. The CMS orbit-counter reset signal, delivered to the TOTEM electronics at the start of the run, assures the time synchronisation of the two experiments. The CMS and the TOTEM events are combined offline based on the LHC orbit and bunch numbers.

Monte Carlo simulation

The simulation of nondiffractive dijet events is performed with the pythia6 (version 6.422) [30], pythia8  (version 8.153) [31], and herwig6  [32] Monte Carlo (MC) event generators. The underlying event is simulated in pythia6 with tune Z2* [33] and in pythia8 with tunes 4C [34], CUETP8M1, and CUETP8S1 [35].

Single-diffractive dijet events are simulated with the pythia8 and pomwig  (version 2.0) [36] generators. Hard diffraction is simulated in pythia8 using an inclusive diffraction model, where both low- and high-mass systems are generated [37]. High-mass diffraction is simulated using a perturbative description. Pomeron parton densities are introduced and the diffractive process is modelled as a proton-Pomeron scattering at a reduced centre-of-mass energy. The default generator settings are used, including that for the proton-Pomeron total cross section. Multiparton interactions (MPI) are included within the proton-Pomeron system to provide cross sections for parton-parton interactions. In this model, the presence of secondary interactions does not lead to a suppression of the visible diffractive cross section.

Additionally, pythia8 implements a model to simulate hard-diffractive events based on a direct application of dPDFs, and a dynamical description of the rapidity gap survival probability in diffractive hadron-hadron interactions [38]. In this model an event is classified as diffractive only when no MPI are generated. We refer to this implementation as the dynamic gap (DG) model. Single-diffractive dijet events using the inclusive diffraction model are simulated with pythia8, tunes 4C and CUETP8M1. The simulation of diffractive dijet events using the DG model is performed with pythia8  version 8.223 [38] with the underlying event tune CUETP8M1. These pythia8 tunes give a fair description of the charged-particle pseudorapidity and pT distributions in a sample with a large fraction of single-diffractive inelastic events [35, 39, 40].

The pomwig generator is based on herwig6 and implements dPDFs to simulate hard-diffractive processes. The simulation uses dPDFs from a fit to deep inelastic scattering data (H1 fit B [2]). The pomwig generator uses a next-to-leading order dPDF fit, whereas pythia8 uses a leading order dPDF fit. When using pomwig, a constant factor S2=7.4% is applied to account for the rapidity gap survival probability leading to the suppression of the diffractive cross section. This value is calculated from the ratio of the measured diffractive cross section and the prediction from pomwig, as described in Sect. 8.2. Both Pomeron and Reggeon exchange contributions are generated. Reggeon exchange is not simulated in pythia8.

To improve the description of the data by the MC samples, correction factors are applied event-by-event as a function of β, by a reweighting procedure. The correction modifies the event distribution as a function of β by up to 40%, and the log10x and ξ distributions by as much as 30% and 8%, respectively. The correction has a negligible effect on the t distribution.

The generated events are processed through the simulation of the CMS detector, based on Geant4  [41], and reconstructed in the same manner as the data. The acceptance and resolution of the TOTEM RP detectors are parametrised as a function of the proton kinematics, as discussed below. All samples are simulated without pileup.

Roman pot detectors acceptance and resolution

The proton path from the IP to the TOTEM RPs is calculated using a parametrisation of the LHC optics [27]. To obtain a realistic simulation of the scattered proton, the following procedure is used:

  • Proton transport: The simulation of the RP detectors acceptance is parametrised in terms of the vertex position, the proton scattering angles at the vertex θx and θy, and ξ. The incident beam energy spread and beam divergence are also simulated [29].

  • Reconstruction of t and ξ: The detector-level distributions of t and ξ are obtained from the scattering angles θx and θy, where the correlation between the ξ and θx uncertainties is taken into account [26]. The generated values of θx and θy are spread by 25μrad and 2.4μrad, respectively. These values include the effects of detector resolution, as well as those of the beam optics and the beam divergence.

  • Proton reconstruction inefficiency: The track reconstruction in the RPs may fail for several reasons: inefficiency of the silicon sensors, interaction of the proton with the RP mechanics, or the simultaneous presence of a beam halo particle or a proton from a pileup interaction. The silicon strips of the detectors in an RP are oriented in two orthogonal directions; this allows for good rejection of inclined background tracks, but makes it very difficult to reconstruct more than one track almost parallel to the beam direction [26]. These uncorrelated inefficiencies are evaluated from elastic scattering data [29], and amount to 6%. To correct for this, an extra normalisation factor is applied, obtained separately for protons traversing the RPs on either side of the IP.

Event selection

Dijet events are selected online by requiring at least two jets with pT>20Ge [42]. The efficiency of this trigger selection is estimated with a sample of minimum bias events, i.e. events collected with a loose trigger intended to select inelastic collisions with as little bias as possible, and containing a leading jet with pT, as reconstructed offline, of at least 40Ge. The fraction of dijet events accepted by the trigger is calculated as a function of the subleading jet pT. The efficiency is above 94% for pT>40Ge.

The offline selection requires at least two jets with pT>40Ge and |η|<4.4. Jets are reconstructed from PF objects with the anti-kT algorithm with a distance parameter R=0.5. The reconstructed jet energy is corrected with the procedure described in Ref. [22]. The parton momentum fractions x+ and x- are reconstructed using Eq. (3) from the two highest transverse momentum jets and an additional third jet, if present. The latter is selected with pT>20Ge. In addition, the selection requires at least one reconstructed primary interaction vertex and at least one reconstructed proton track in the RP stations. The fit of the reconstructed vertex is required to have more than four degrees of freedom.

Events with protons in the RP stations on both sides are rejected if their kinematics are consistent with those of elastic scattering. Elastic scattering events, which are present in the data sample because of pileup, are identified by the presence of two proton tracks in opposite directions, in a diagonal configuration: the protons traverse the two top RPs in sector 45 and the two bottom RPs in sector 56, or vice versa. The horizontal and vertical scattering angles are required to match within the measured resolutions. These requirements are similar to those described in Ref. [29].

To avoid detector edges with rapidly varying efficiency or acceptance, as well as regions dominated by secondary particles produced by aperture limitations in the beamline upstream of the RPs, proton track candidates are selected if the corresponding hit coordinates on the RP stations satisfy the following fiducial requirements: 0<x<7mm and 8.4<|y|<27mm, where x and y indicate the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the hit with respect to the beam.

To suppress background from secondary particles and pileup in the RPs, the reconstructed proton track is selected if it is associated to one track element in both top or both bottom RPs on a given side. The kinematic requirements 0.03<|t|<1.0Ge2 and 0<ξTOTEM<0.1 are then applied.

For signal events, one expects ξCMS to be smaller than ξTOTEM, i.e. ξCMS-ξTOTEM0 (as discussed in Sect. 3). This selection is imposed to suppress the contribution of pileup and beam halo events, in which the proton is uncorrelated with the hadronic final state X measured in the CMS detector. Roughly 6% of signal events are rejected by this requirement, as estimated from a simulation of single-diffractive dijet production.

Table 1 shows the number of events passing each selection. The number of events with the proton detected in the RPs in sector 45 (56) after all the selections is 368 (420).

Table 1.

Number of events after each selection

Selection Sector 45 Sector 56
At least 2 jets (pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4) 427689
Elastic scattering veto 405112
Reconstructed proton 9530
RP and fiducial region 2137 3033
0.03<|t|<1.0Ge2, 0<ξTOTEM<0.1 1393 1806
ξCMS-ξTOTEM0 368 420

A difference in the yields for events with a proton in sector 45 and 56 could notably arise from different background contributions, which is discussed in Sect. 7. Both an imperfect knowledge of the optical functions, especially the horizontal dispersion, discussed in Sect. 8.1, and statistical fluctuations of the two mostly independent event samples contribute to the difference.


The main background is due to the overlap of a pp collision in the CMS detector and an additional track in the RP stations, originating from either a beam halo particle or an outgoing proton from a pileup interaction.

Pileup and beam halo events are not simulated, but they are present in the data. To estimate the pileup and beam halo contribution in the data, a zero bias sample consisting of events from randomly selected, nonempty LHC bunch crossings is used. Events with a proton measured in the RP stations and with any number of reconstructed vertices are selected from the zero bias data set. Such events are denoted by ZB in the following.

The RP information from events in the zero bias sample is added to diffractive and nondiffractive events generated with pomwig and pythia6, respectively. The mixture of MC and ZB events simulates data events in the presence of pileup and beam halo.

The pomwig sample is normalised assuming a rapidity gap survival probability factor of 7.4%, as discussed in Sect. 5. The MC and ZB event mixture is then passed through the selection procedure illustrated in Sect. 6, except for the requirement ξCMS-ξTOTEM0, which is not applied.

Such mixed events with a proton in the RPs are considered as signal if the proton originates from the MC simulated sample, or as background if it originates from the ZB sample. If an event has a proton from both the MC sample and the ZB sample, the proton with smaller ξ is chosen. However, the probability of such a combination is small and none of these events pass all the selections. Figure 2 shows the distribution of ξCMS-ξTOTEM for the data compared to the MC+ZB event mixture. The requirement ξCMS-ξTOTEM0 selects signal events and rejects the kinematically forbidden region populated by the MC+ZB background events (filled histogram). The background distribution is normalised to the data in the ξCMS-ξTOTEM region from 0.048 to 0.4, which is dominated by background events.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Distribution of ξCMS-ξTOTEM for events with a reconstructed proton in sector 45 (left) and sector 56 (right). The data are indicated by solid circles. The blue histogram is the mixture of pomwig or pythia6 and zero bias (ZB) data events described in the text. An event with a proton measured in the RPs contributes to the open histogram (signal) if the proton originates from the MC sample, or to the filled histogram (background) if it originates from the ZB sample

The background is estimated separately for events with a proton traversing the two top (top-top) or the two bottom (bottom-bottom) RPs on each side. The top-top and bottom-bottom distributions are similar. Figure 2 shows the sum of the two contributions.

The background contribution for events with a proton detected in sector 56 (right panel of Fig. 2) is larger than that for events with a proton detected in sector 45 (left panel of Fig. 2). The remaining contamination of background in the signal region is estimated to be 15.7% for events in which the proton is detected in sector 45 and 16.8% for those in which the proton is detected in sector 56.

Figure 3 shows the distribution of ξTOTEM for the data and the MC+ZB sample, before and after the ξCMS-ξTOTEM0 requirement, as well as the distribution of t, after the ξCMS-ξTOTEM0 selection. The sum of the top-top and bottom-bottom combinations is used. The data and the MC+ZB sample are in good agreement.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Distribution of ξTOTEM before (upper) and after (middle) the ξCMS-ξTOTEM requirement and distribution of t after the ξCMS-ξTOTEM requirement (lower) for events in which the proton is detected in sector 45 (left) and sector 56 (right). The data are indicated by solid circles. The blue histogram is the mixture of pomwig or pythia6 and zero bias (ZB) data events described in the text. An event with the proton measured in the RPs contributes to the open histogram (signal) if the proton originates from the MC sample, or to the filled histogram (background) if it originates from the ZB sample

An alternative method, used at HERA [4], takes two events randomly chosen from the data sample. First, ξCMS is sampled from events that have passed the dijet selection; ξTOTEM is then taken from events with ξCMS>0.12 that have passed the event selection described in Sect. 6, except for the ξCMS-ξTOTEM requirement, to select proton tracks considered to be mostly from background. These two values are used to plot the ξCMS-ξTOTEM distribution, which is normalised to the data in a region dominated by background. The remaining contamination in the signal region is 19% both for events with a proton detected in sector 45 and for those with a proton in sector 56. The ZB method is used in this analysis. Half the difference between the results of the two methods is taken as an estimate of the systematic uncertainty of the background subtraction procedure.


In this section the measurements of the differential cross sections dσ/dt, dσ/dξ, and the ratio R(x) of the single-diffractive (σjjpX(x)) to inclusive dijet cross sections (σjj(x)) are presented. The ratio R(x), normalised per unit of ξ, is defined by:

R(x)=σjjpX(x)/Δξσjj(x), 4

where Δξ=0.1.

The cross sections are calculated in the kinematic region ξ<0.1, 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, with at least two jets at a stable-particle level with pT>40Ge and |η|<4.4. The ratio R(x) is calculated for x values in the region -2.9log10x-1.6. In the following, the estimated background is subtracted from the number of single-diffractive dijet candidates following the procedure described in the previous section.

The differential cross sections for dijet production in bins of t and ξ are evaluated as:

dσjjpXdt=UNjjpXLACMS-TOTEMΔt,dσjjpXdξ=UNjjpXLACMS-TOTEMΔξ, 5

where NjjpX is the measured number of single-diffractive dijet candidates per bin of the distribution after subtracting the estimated background; Δt and Δξ are the bin widths, and L is the integrated luminosity. The factors ACMS-TOTEM indicate the acceptance of CMS and TOTEM for single-diffractive dijet events. Unfolding corrections, represented by the symbol U in Eq. (5), are applied to account for the finite resolution of the reconstructed variables used in the analysis. They are evaluated with pomwig, pythia8 4C and pythia8 CUETP8M1. The results presented are the average of those obtained with the different unfolding corrections. The measured cross sections are obtained by unfolding the data using the D’Agostini method with early stopping [43]. In this method the regularisation parameter is the number of iterations used, which is optimised to obtain a relative χ2 variation between iterations lower than 5%.

The ratio R(x) of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet cross sections is evaluated as a function of x as:

R(x)=σjjpX(x)/Δξσjj(x)=UNjjpX/ACMS-TOTEM/ΔξUNjj/ACMS, 6

where NjjpX is the number of single-diffractive dijet candidates with ξTOTEM<0.1, and Njj is the total number of dijet events without the requirement of a proton detected in the RPs. This number is dominated by the nondiffractive contribution. The symbol ACMS-TOTEM indicates the acceptance of CMS and TOTEM for single-diffractive dijet events, evaluated with pomwig, pythia8 4C and pythia8 CUETP8M1; ACMS is the acceptance for nondiffractive dijet production (pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4), evaluated with pythia6, pythia8 4C, pythia8 CUETP8M1, pythia8 CUETP8S1, and herwig6. The acceptance includes unfolding corrections to the data with the D’Agostini method with early stopping, denoted by the symbol U in Eq. (6).

Systematic uncertainties

The systematic uncertainties are estimated by varying the selections and modifying the analysis procedure, as discussed in this section. Tables 2 and 3 summarise the main systematic uncertainties of the single-diffractive cross section and the ratio of the single-diffractive and inclusive dijet cross sections, respectively, presented in Sects. 8.2 and 8.3.

  • Trigger efficiency: The trigger efficiency is calculated as a function of the subleading jet pT using a fit to the data. The sensitivity to the trigger efficiency determination is estimated by varying the fit parameters within their uncertainties. This variation corresponds to a trigger efficiency that increases or decreases by roughly 2% at jet pT=40Ge and less than 1% at pT=50Ge.

  • Calorimeter energy scale: The reconstruction of ξCMS is affected by the uncertainty in the calorimeter energy scale and is dominated by the HF contribution. This uncertainty is estimated by changing the energy of the PF candidates by ±10% [12, 44].

  • Jet energy scale and resolution: The energy of the reconstructed jets is varied according to the jet energy scale uncertainty following the procedure described in Ref. [22]. The systematic uncertainty in the jet energy resolution is estimated by varying the scale factors applied to the MC, as a function of pseudorapidity. The uncertainties obtained from the jet energy scale and resolution are added in quadrature. The effect of the jet energy resolution uncertainty amounts to less than 1% of the measured cross section.

  • Background: Half the difference between the results of the ZB and HERA methods used to estimate the background, described in Sect. 7, is an estimate of the effect of the systematic uncertainty of the background.

  • RP acceptance: The sensitivity to the size of the fiducial region for the impact position of the proton in the RPs is estimated by modifying its vertical boundaries by 200μm and by reducing the horizontal requirement by 1mm, to 0<x<6mm. Half the difference of the results thus obtained and the nominal ones is used as a systematic uncertainty. The uncertainties obtained when modifying the vertical and horizontal boundaries are added in quadrature.

  • Resolution: The reconstructed variables t and ξ are calculated by applying two methods: either directly, with a resolution function depending on each of these variables, or indirectly from the scattering angles θx and θy. Half the difference between the results using the two methods is taken as a systematic uncertainty.

  • Horizontal dispersion: The reconstructed ξ value depends on the optical functions describing the transport of the protons from the interaction vertex to the RP stations, and specifically the horizontal dispersion. This uncertainty is calculated by scaling the value of ξ by ±10%. This value corresponds to a conservative limit of the possible horizontal dispersion variation with respect to the nominal optics.

  • t-slope: The sensitivity to the modelling of the exponential t-slope is quantified by replacing its value in pomwig by that measured in the data. Half the difference between the results thus found and the nominal results is used as an estimate of the uncertainty.

  • β-reweighting: Half the difference of the results with and without the reweighting as a function of β in pomwig (as discussed in Sect. 5) is included in the systematic uncertainty. The effect amounts to less than 1% of the single-diffractive cross section and less than about 6% of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet cross section ratio versus x.

  • Acceptance and unfolding: Half the maximum difference between the single-diffractive cross section results found by unfolding with pomwig, pythia8 4C, and pythia8 CUETP8M1 is taken as a further component of the systematic uncertainty. Likewise for the results obtained with pythia6 Z2*, pythia8 4C, pythia8 CUETP8M1 and pythia8 CUETP8S1 for the inclusive dijet cross section.

  • Unfolding regularisation: The regularisation parameter used in the unfolding, given by the number of iterations in the D’Agostini method used in this analysis, is optimised by calculating the relative χ2 variation between iterations. The value is chosen such that the χ2 variation is below 5%. The number of iterations when the relative variation of χ2 is below 2% is also used and half the difference with respect to the nominal is taken as a systematic uncertainty.

  • Unfolding bias: A simulated sample, including all detector effects, is unfolded with a different model. The difference between the corrected results thus obtained and those at the particle level is an estimate of the bias introduced by the unfolding procedure. Half the maximum difference obtained when repeating the procedure with all generator combinations is a measure of the systematic uncertainty related to the unfolding.

  • Integrated luminosity: The uncertainty in the integrated luminosity is 4%, measured using a dedicated sample collected by TOTEM during the same data taking period [29].

The total systematic uncertainty is calculated as the quadratic sum of the individual contributions. The uncertainties in the jet energy scale and horizontal dispersion are the dominant contributions overall.

Table 2.

Individual contributions to the systematic uncertainties in the measurement of the single-diffractive dijet production cross section in the kinematic region pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4, ξ<0.1, and 0.03<|t|<1Ge2. The second column indicates the relative uncertainties in the integrated cross section. The third and fourth columns represent the minimum and maximum relative uncertainties in the differential cross sections in bins of t and ξ, respectively. The minimum relative uncertainty is not shown when it is below 1%. The total uncertainty is the quadratic sum of the individual contributions. The uncertainty of the integrated luminosity is not shown

Uncertainty source Relative uncertainty
σjjpX dσ/dt dσ/dξ
Trigger efficiency ± 2 % 1–2% < 2.4%
Calorimeter energy scale + 1/− 2% < 7% < 7%
Jet energy scale and resolution + 9/− 8% 3–32% 7–16%
Background ± 3% 2–27% < 8%
RP acceptance < 1% < 21% < 2%
Resolution ± 2% 2–30% < 8%
Horizontal dispersion + 9/− 12% 8–71% 8–41%
t-slope < 1% < 16% < 1.3%
β-reweighting < 1% < 1% < 1%
Acceptance and unfolding ± 2% 2–50% 5–12%
Unfolding bias ± 3% 2–50% 5–11%
Unfolding regularization < 8% < 1%
Total + 14/− 15 %

Table 3.

Individual contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the measurement of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet yields ratio in the kinematic region pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4, ξ<0.1, 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, and -2.9log10x-1.6. The second and third columns represent the relative uncertainties in the ratio in the full kinematic region and in bins of log10x, respectively. The minimum relative uncertainty is not shown when it is below 1%. The total uncertainty is the quadratic sum of the individual contributions

Uncertainty source Relative uncertainty
R R(x)
Trigger efficiency Negligible 2–3%
Calorimeter energy scale + 1/− 2% < 7%
Jet energy scale and resolution ± 2% 1–10%
Background ± 1% 1–17%
RP acceptance < 1% < 4%
Resolution ± 2% < 4%
Horizontal dispersion + 9/− 11 % 11–23%
t-slope < 1% < 3%
β-reweighting ± 1 % < 6%
Acceptance and unfolding ± 2 % 3–11%
Unfolding bias ± 3% 3–14%
Unfolding regularization < 11%
Total + 10/− 13%

Extraction of the cross section as a function of t and ξ

Figure 4 shows the differential cross section as a function of t and ξ, integrated over the conjugate variable. The results from events in which the proton is detected on either side of the IP are averaged.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Differential cross section as a function of t (left) and as a function of ξ (right) for single-diffractive dijet production, compared to the predictions from pomwig, pythia8 4C, pythia8 CUETP8M1, and pythia8 DG. The pomwig prediction is shown with no correction for the rapidity gap survival probability (S2=1) and with a correction of S2=7.4%. The vertical bars indicate the statistical uncertainties and the yellow band indicates the total systematic uncertainty. The average of the results for events in which the proton is detected on either side of the interaction point is shown. The ratio between the data and the pomwig prediction, when no correction for the rapidity gap survival probability is applied, is shown in the bottom

The data are compared to pomwig, pythia8 4C, pythia8 CUETP8M1, and pythia8 DG. The pomwig prediction is shown for two values of the suppression of the diffractive cross section, i.e. the rapidity gap survival probability, represented by S2. When S2=1, no correction is applied. The resulting cross sections are higher than the data by roughly an order of magnitude, in agreement with the Tevatron results [911]. The pomwig prediction is also shown with the correction S2=7.4%, calculated from the ratio of the measured diffractive cross section and the MC prediction, as discussed below. After this correction, pomwig gives a good description of the data. The pomwig prediction is shown in Fig. 4 as the sum of the Pomeron (pIP), Reggeon (pIR) and Pomeron-Pomeron (IPIP) exchange contributions, while pythia8 includes only the Pomeron (pIP) contribution. pythia8 4C and pythia8 CUETP8M1 predict cross sections higher than the data by up to a factor of two. The pythia8 DG model shows overall a good agreement with the data. No correction is applied to the normalisation of the pythia8 samples. The pythia8 DG model is the only calculation that predicts the cross section normalisation without an additional correction.

The ratio between the data and the pomwig predictions is shown in the bottom of the left and right panels of Fig. 4. No correction is applied for the rapidity gap survival probability (S2=1). Within the uncertainties, no significant dependence on t and ξ is observed.

The value of the cross section for single-diffractive dijet production, measured in the kinematic region pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4, ξ<0.1 and 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, is:

σjjpX=21.7±0.9(stat)-3.3+3.0(syst)±0.9(lumi)nb. 7

Table 2 summarises the main systematic uncertainties of the measured cross section. The cross section is calculated independently for events in which the proton scatters towards the positive and negative z directions, namely the processes pppX and ppXp, and the results are averaged. They are compatible within the uncertainties. The pythia8 DG model predicts in the same kinematic region a cross section of 23.7nb, consistent with the measurement.

The differential cross section as a function of t is well described by an exponential function for |t| values up to about 0.4Ge2. A fit is performed with the function dσ/dtexp-b|t| for t values in the range 0.03<|t|<0.45Ge2.

The resulting exponential slope is:

b=6.5±0.6(stat)-0.8+1.0(syst)Ge-2, 8

where the systematic uncertainties include the contributions discussed in Sect. 8.1. The results for the exponential slope of the cross section calculated independently for events in which the proton scatters towards the positive and negative z directions are compatible within the uncertainties.

The parametrisation obtained from the fit is shown in Fig. 4. In the fit range (0.03<|t|<0.45Ge2), the horizontal position of the data points is calculated as the value for which the parametrised function equals its average over the bin width. The data points in the larger-|t| region outside the fit range (|t|>0.45Ge2) are shown at the centre of the bins.

The slope measured by CDF is b5--6Ge-2 for |t|0.5Ge2 [10]. In the larger-|t| region, the CDF data exhibit a smaller slope that becomes approximately independent of t for |t|2Ge2.

The present measurement of the slope is consistent with that by CDF at small-|t|. The data do not conclusively indicate a flattening of the t distribution at larger-|t|.

An estimate of the rapidity gap survival probability can be obtained from the ratio of the measured cross section in Eq. (7) and that predicted by pomwig with S2=1. Alternatively, the pythia8 hard-diffraction model can be used if the DG suppression framework is not applied. The two results are consistent.

The overall suppression factor obtained with respect to the pomwig cross section is S2=7.4-1.1+1.0%, where the statistical and systematic uncertainties are added in quadrature. A similar result is obtained when the pythia8 unsuppressed cross section is used as reference value.

The H1 fit B dPDFs used in this analysis include the contribution from proton dissociation in ep collisions. They are extracted from the process epeXY, where Y can be a proton or a low-mass excitation with MY<1.6Ge [2]. The results found when the proton is detected are consistent, apart from a different overall normalisation. The ratio of the cross sections is σ(MY<1.6Ge)/σ(MY=Mp)=1.23±0.03(stat)±0.16(syst) [2, 3]. No dependence on β, Q2, or ξ is observed. To account for the different normalisation, the ratio is used to correct S2; this yields S2=9±2% when the pomwig cross section is taken as the reference value. A similar result is obtained with pythia8.

Extraction of the ratio of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet yields

Figure 5 shows the ratio R(x) in the kinematic region pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4, ξ<0.1, 0.03<|t|<1Ge2 and -2.9log10x-1.6. The average of the results for events in which the proton is detected on either side of the IP is shown. The yellow band represents the total systematic uncertainty (cf. Sect. 8.1). The data are compared to the ratio of the single-diffractive and nondiffractive dijet cross sections from different models. The single-diffractive contribution is simulated with pomwig, pythia8 4C, pythia8 CUETP8M1, and pythia8 DG. The nondiffractive contribution is simulated with pythia6 and herwig6 if pomwig is used for the diffractive contribution. When using pythia8 the diffractive and nondiffractive contributions are simulated with the same underlying event tune. When no correction for the rapidity gap survival probability is applied (S2=1), pomwig gives a ratio higher by roughly an order of magnitude, consistent with the results discussed in Sect. 8.2. The suppression seen in the data with respect to the simulation is not substantially different when using pythia6 or herwig6 for the nondiffractive contribution. pomwig with a correction of S2=7.4% gives, as expected, a good description of the data. When herwig6 is used for the nondiffractive contribution the agreement is worse, especially in the lower- and higher-x regions. The agreement for pythia8 4C is fair in the intermediate x region, but worse at low- and high-x. The agreement is worse for pythia8 CUETP8M1, with values of the ratio higher than those in the data by up to a factor of two. The pythia8 DG predictions agree well with the data, though the agreement is worse in the low-x region. No correction is applied to the pythia8 normalisation. In the lowest-x bin, the ratio in the data is below the predictions. The observed discrepancy is not significant for the predictions that agree well overall with the data elsewhere, taking into account the systematic and statistical uncertainties.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Ratio per unit of ξ of the single-diffractive and inclusive dijet cross sections in the region given by ξ<0.1 and 0.03<|t|<1Ge2, compared to the predictions from the different models for the ratio between the single-diffractive and nondiffractive cross sections. The pomwig prediction is shown with no correction for the rapidity gap survival probability (S2=1) (left) and with a correction of S2=7.4% (right). The vertical bars indicate the statistical uncertainties and the yellow band indicates the total systematic uncertainty. The average of the results for events in which the proton is detected on either side of the interaction point is shown. The ratio between the data and the pomwig prediction using pythia6 or herwig6 as the nondiffractive contribution, when no correction for the rapidity gap survival probability is applied, is shown in the bottom of the left panel

The measured value of the ratio, normalised per unit of ξ, in the full kinematic region defined above is:

R=σjjpX/Δξ/σjj=0.025±0.001(stat)±0.003(syst). 9

Table 3 summarises the main contributions to the systematic uncertainty of the ratio. The uncertainty of the jet energy scale is considerably smaller than in the case of the single-diffractive cross section.

Figure 6 shows the comparison between the results of Fig. 5 and those from CDF [10]. The CDF results are shown for jets with Q2 of roughly 100Ge2 and pseudorapidity |η|<2.5, with 0.03<ξ<0.09. In this case Q2 is defined, per event, as the mean transverse energy of the two leading jets squared. CDF measures the ratio for Q2 values up to 104Ge2. A relatively small dependence on Q2 is observed. The present data are lower than the CDF results. A decrease of the ratio of diffractive to inclusive cross sections with centre-of-mass energy has also been observed by CDF by comparing data at 630 and 1800Ge  [11].

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Ratio per unit of ξ of the single-diffractive and inclusive dijet cross sections in the kinematic region given by ξ<0.1 and 0.03<|t|<1Ge2. The vertical bars indicate the statistical uncertainties and the yellow band indicates the total systematic uncertainty. The red squares represent the results obtained by CDF at s=1.96Te for jets with Q2100Ge2 and |η|<2.5, with 0.03<ξ<0.09


The differential cross section for single-diffractive dijet production in proton–proton (pp) collisions at s=8Te has been measured as a function of the proton fractional momentum loss ξ and the squared four momentum transfer t, using the CMS and TOTEM detectors. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 37.5nb-1, were collected using a nonstandard optics configuration with β=90m. The processes considered are pppX or ppXp, with X including a system of two jets, in the kinematic region ξ<0.1 and 0.03<|t|<1.0Ge2. The two jets have transverse momentum pT>40Ge and pseudorapidity |η|<4.4. The integrated cross section in this kinematic region is σjjpX=21.7±0.9(stat)-3.3+3.0(syst)±0.9(lumi)nb; it is the average of the cross sections when the proton scatters to either side of the interaction point. The exponential slope of the cross section as a function of t is b=6.5±0.6(stat)-0.8+1.0(syst)Ge-2. This is the first measurement of hard diffraction with a measured proton at the LHC.

The data are compared with the predictions of different models. After applying a normalisation shift ascribed to the rapidity gap survival probability, pomwig agrees well with the data. The pythia8 dynamic gap model describes the data well, both in shape and normalisation. In this model the effects of the rapidity gap survival probability are simulated within the framework of multiparton interactions. The pythia8 dynamic gap model is the only calculation that predicts the cross section normalisation without an additional correction.

The ratios of the measured single-diffractive cross section to those predicted by pomwig and pythia8 give estimates of the rapidity gap survival probability. After accounting for the correction of the dPDF normalisation due to proton dissociation, the value of S2 is 9±2% when using pomwig as the reference cross section value, with a similar result when pythia8 is used.

The ratio of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet cross section has been measured as a function of the parton momentum fraction x. The ratio is lower than that observed at CDF at a smaller centre-of-mass energy. In the region pT>40Ge, |η|<4.4, ξ<0.1, 0.03<|t|<1.0Ge2, and -2.9log10x-1.6, the ratio, normalised per unit ξ, is R=(σjjpX/Δξ)/σjj=0.025±0.001(stat)±0.003(syst).


We congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS and TOTEM institutes for their contributions to the success of the common CMS-TOTEM effort. We gratefully acknowledge work of the beam optics development team at CERN for the design and the successful commissioning of the high β optics and thank the LHC machine coordinators for scheduling dedicated fills. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the computing centres and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC and the CMS and TOTEM detectors provided by the following funding agencies: BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); SENESCYT (Ecuador); MoER, ERC IUT, PUT and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (The Vilho Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Fund), MEC, Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation, HIP, and Waldemar von Frenckell Foundation (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); the Circles of Knowledge Club, NKFIA (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LAS (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV, CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Dubna); MON, RosAtom, RAS, RFBR, and NRC KI (Russia); MESTD (Serbia); SEIDI, CPAN, PCTI, and FEDER (Spain); MOSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); ThEPCenter, IPST, STAR, and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA).

Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie programme and the European Research Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 752730, and 765710 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the A.P. Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the “Excellence of Science – EOS” – be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, No. Z191100007219010; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) and MSMT CR of the Czech Republic; the Nylands nation vid Helsingfors universitet (Finland); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” – 390833306; the Lendület (“Momentum”) Programme and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program ÚNKP, the NKFIA research grants 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, 129058, K 133046, and EFOP-3.6.1- 16-2016-00001 (Hungary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the HOMING PLUS programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Regional Development Fund, the Mobility Plus programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, including Grant No. MNiSW DIR/WK/2018/13, the National Science Center (Poland), contracts Harmonia 2014/14/M/ST2/00428, Opus 2014/13/B/ST2/02543, 2014/15/B/ST2/03998, and 2015/19/B/ST2/02861, Sonata-bis 2012/07/E/ST2/01406; the National Priorities Research Program by Qatar National Research Fund; the Ministry of Science and Education, grant no. 14.W03.31.0026 (Russia); the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia María de Maeztu, grant MDM-2015-0509 and the Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias; the Thalis and Aristeia programmes cofinanced by EU-ESF and the Greek NSRF; the Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University and the Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); the Kavli Foundation; the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, contract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation (USA).

Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: Release and preservation of data used by the CMS Collaboration as the basis for publications is guided by the CMS policy as written in its document “CMS data preservation, re-use and open access policy” (].

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


We dedicate this paper to the memory of our colleague and friend Sasha Proskuryakov, who started this analysis but passed away before it was completed. His contribution to the study of diffractive processes at CMS is invaluable.

The original online version of this article was revised: in the online PDF of this article the Open Access license text was missing as well as the funding note.

Change history


An Erratum to this paper has been published: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-08863-w


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Associated Data

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Data Availability Statement

This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: Release and preservation of data used by the CMS Collaboration as the basis for publications is guided by the CMS policy as written in its document “CMS data preservation, re-use and open access policy” (].

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