Myosin II is the motor protein responsible for contractility in muscle and nonmuscle cells1. The molecule has two identical heads attached to an elongated tail, and can exist in two conformations: 10S and 6S, named for their sedimentation coefficients2,3. The 6S conformation has an extended tail and assembles into polymeric filaments, which pull on actin filaments to generate force and motion. In 10S myosin, the tail is folded into three segments and the heads bend back and interact with each other and the tail3-7, creating a compact conformation, in which ATPase activity, actin activation and filament assembly are all highly inhibited7,8. This switched-off structure appears to function as a key energy-conserving storage molecule in muscle and nonmuscle cells9-12, which can be activated to form functional filaments as needed13 – but the mechanism of its inhibition is not understood. Here we have solved the structure of smooth muscle 10S myosin to a global resolution of 4.3 Å by cryo-EM, revealing near-atomic level details of its structure for the first time. The reconstruction provides a new understanding of the head and tail regions of the molecule and of the key intramolecular contacts that cause inhibition. Our results suggest an atomic model for the off-state of myosin II, for its activation and unfolding by phosphorylation, and for understanding the clustering of disease-causing mutations near sites of intramolecular interaction.
Myosin II consists of pairs of heavy chains (HCs), essential light chains (ELCs), and regulatory light chains (RLCs) that combine to form the two-headed molecule and α-helical, coiled-coil tail (Fig. 1a). Each head comprises a motor domain (MD) and regulatory domain (RD), containing one RLC and one ELC. In the 10S structure, inhibition occurs through: (i) interaction of the actin-binding region of one head (the blocked head, BH) with the ATP-binding region of the other (free head, FH)6,14, forming an “interacting-heads motif” (IHM); and (ii) head interactions with the three segments of the tail (seg1, seg2 and seg3) and of the tail with itself4,7. A similar IHM structure occurs in thick filaments, contributing to the relaxed state of striated muscle7,15, but intramolecular interactions with segs 2 and 3 are absent as the molecules are extended. The 10S structure is in equilibrium with thick filaments in smooth and nonmuscle cells, regulated by phosphorylation of its RLCs. Phosphorylation promotes unfolding to the extended (6S) structure5,10,16, which forms thick filaments that interact with actin to produce contractility and regulate actin dynamics. Filaments depolymerize to the 10S form when the RLCs are dephosphorylated13. Mutations in the heads and tail impair function and cause muscle and other diseases17. The 10S conformation has been conserved throughout animal evolution18, indicating its fundamental importance to cell function. Previous studies of 10S myosin have been limited to 20 Å resolution, leaving many unknowns concerning its structure and function4,6,7,13. Our cryo-EM reconstruction provides novel insights, in near-atomic detail, into the structure of the 10S molecule, the molecular basis of inhibition and activation, and the mechanism of disease.
Cryo-EM structure of 10S myosin II
Class averages of cryo-imaged molecules showed multiple views of the 10S conformation, with evidence of secondary structure in the heads and clear density for all three tail segments (Extended Data Fig. 1; Methods). The refined reconstruction (EMD-22145; resolution range ~4-9 Å) confirmed this appearance, revealing secondary structure in the MDs (including side-chain detail), the light chains, and the individual α-helices of the tail (Figs. 1b-d, Extended Data Figs. 1b, 2; Extended Data Table 1). These features, observed here in intact myosin II, have been seen previously only in X-ray structures of its separate components. The two heads interact with each other through their motor domains. Seg1 of the tail (subfragment 2, or S21) exits the heads at the junction of the two RDs, crosses the BH, reverses direction at hinge 1 (not seen in the map due to flexibility), where it becomes seg2. Seg2 passes around the edge of the BH and reverses direction at hinge 2, becoming seg3, which crosses the BH parallel to, but resolved from, seg1 (Fig. 1).
We interpreted the structure by rigidly fitting the motor and regulatory domains of a two-headed myosin fragment (PDB 1i8414) independently into the EM map, and then refining the fit (Fig. 2a; Methods). We fitted and refined the tail in a similar way, using the α-carbon backbone of the subfragment-2 coiled-coil (PDB 2FXM)19. The refined model (PDB 6XE9; Figs. 2a, b, Extended Data Figs. 2c-g) revealed novel detail of the heads, the head-tail junction, the tail, and the intramolecular interfaces that clamp the molecule in the off-state.
Structure of the heads.
The reconstruction and the fitted model show that the two MDs are essentially identical in structure (Extended Data Fig. 3a). Similar location and structure of the converter domains suggests that the MDs are in the same pre-powerstroke, ADP.Pi nucleotide state20. In contrast, the RDs make quite different angles with their MDs, due to different flexing in the pliant region of the head (near L790; Extended Data Fig. 3b,c14). Similar differential flexing of the BH and FH occurs in the thick filament IHM21, suggesting that it is a fundamental feature of the motif. It enables the heads, interacting asymmetrically at their MD interface, to come together at their C-termini and attach to S2 without requiring significant unwinding of its coiled coil (Extended Data Fig. 3d). Our structure does not support a recent low-resolution thick filament model in which BH flexing is much smaller than we find22. We also observe another point of flexibility enabling the heads to attach to S2 without requiring its uncoiling: a straightening of the FH RD between the ELC and RLC, which brings the C-termini of the heads ~ 7 Å closer together (Extended Data Fig. 3e,f; cf.23). In each RD, the density for the α-helical backbone, to which the ELCs and RLCs bind, was continuous, with little evidence for melting in the BH suggested from flexible fitting to a previous 20 Å resolution filament structure21,24.
Structure of the head-tail junction.
Flexing about the head-tail junction is essential for myosin function, but the structure of this region is unknown, as this flexibility has made it impossible to study by X-ray crystallography. Our map clearly shows the junction, which starts with an abrupt bend (“hook”) at the C-terminal end of the RD HC23,25. The hook leads to invariant proline P849 and the start of the coiled-coil tail (Extended Data Fig. 4). The map densities suggest that both hooks are α-helical, with no major melting suggested from low resolution filament models21,24. The hook angles are similar in both heads (~90°; Extended Data Figs. 3e, 4), and show no evidence for differences proposed as a source of compliance facilitating connection to the tail in the IHM23,25. As discussed, this compliance apparently occurs at the pliant point and between the light chains in the RD. The α-helices of seg1 lead directly from the hooks, with possible confined melting around P849 (~K848-Q852; Extended Data Fig. 4). We see no evidence for dissociation of the first eight heptads of each S2 HC into individual α-helices, nor their binding to the surface of the heads26. Instead, the helices apparently associate with each other from the start of S2 (~V853), though with a slightly longer helical pitch and less order in the first few residues (Extended Data Fig. 5b; next section). This may also contribute to relief of stress in the IHM (see above), and could be important in generating the off-state27. Lower stability of the coiled-coil at the start of S2 is suggested by less ordering in X-ray crystal structures19,28 and in our density map (Extended Data Fig. 2).
Structure and path of the tail.
The organization of the tail in 10S myosin has not previously been observed at high resolution4,7,14. Our reconstruction clearly resolves the two α-helical densities, which twist around each other in a left-handed supercoil29 (Figs. 2, Extended Data Figs. 2 and 5). The pitch of the coiled-coil varies substantially along its length (Extended Data Fig. 5), as also observed in thick filaments30. While some portions have fairly constant crossover distances (~ 70 Å), the start of seg3 shows that the two helices run roughly parallel for ~ 100 Å before normal coiling resumes (Extended Data Fig. 5a-c). This disruption to the canonical structure may relate to skip residue Q1592, located in this section of seg3, or to head-head interaction27. Similar disruption occurs in regions containing skip residues in isolated tail fragments31 and thick filaments30. The tail shows a sharp bend at hinge 2 (~E15354; Extended Data Fig. 5d), which is not explained by associated skip residues or predicted coiled-coil weakening4,32. The density map suggests almost continuous coiling of the α-helices about each other at the hinge, with local melting at the immediate site of bending. Seg2 appears to be relatively straight, except for a gentle bend at the BH MD (residues ~1462-1472; Extended Data Fig. 5b), which may be facilitated by predicted coiled-coil weakening in this region32.
The locations of segments 1 and 3 on the BH were a surprise. The IHM in thick filaments15 shows that S2 bends after leaving the heads15,19,21, then crosses the BH ‘mesa’ 33 along a path of positive charge over the center of the head, thought to interact with negative charge on S219. This charge complementarity21,34 is thought to be important in the off-state of thick filaments15,33. However, the path of seg1 in our map is unambiguously different (Extended Data Fig. 6). After leaving the heads, it follows a straight course, crossing over the edge of the BH, to the right of seg1 in the filament IHM (as viewed in Extended Data Fig. 6a, c). In fact, it is seg3 in the 10S molecule that coincides with seg1 of the filament map. There are thus two variants of the IHM, with different S2 lateral positions on the BH: one for thick filaments and the other for 10S molecules. S2 in heavy meromyosin (HMM), lacking segments 2 and 3, has the same position as that in 10S myosin4. Interactions with other myosin molecules in thick filaments may contribute to S2’s different position and bent conformation in the polymer compared with the monomer.
Interactions producing the off-state
Our map shows striking new detail of multiple intramolecular contacts, which we suggest clamp 10S myosin in the inhibited state (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 1). These occur in the same regions suggested by our previous negative stain reconstruction7, and we use the interaction nomenclature defined in that work. We analyzed these putative interactions using UCSF Chimera (Methods). Because of the limited resolution of the reconstruction, we consider them potential rather than definitive, at least in the lower resolution regions.
Head-head interactions.
The density map shows clear contact between the BH and FH MDs, involving the actin-binding surface of the BH and the catalytic and converter domains of the FH (Figs. 1, 2). Specifically, loop I365-N381 and helix T382-L390 of the BH lie near helix E727-Y734 and loop E735-D748 of the FH converter (interaction BF1, Fig. 3b, Supplementary Table 1). BH helix V395-L403 lies over helix F727-Y734 of the FH converter and helix I153-D167 of the FH catalytic domain. These contacts broadly support previous work at 20 Å resolution14,21, but precisely locate the potential interacting residues. However, we do not observe any contact between the BH MD and the FH ELC, thought previously to form a significant interface of the IHM14 (Fig. 3b, Supplementary Table 1). These BH-FH interactions likely contribute to inhibition by hindering motions of the FH converter required for ATPase activity and by blocking BH binding to actin6.
Blocked-head–tail interactions.
The BH appears to be locked down by three interactions with the tail not previously seen at high resolution6,7. 1. As segment 2 travels from the top of the molecule, it passes through a groove on the edge of the BH, making contact at ~L1431-D1436 with helix K72-D74 of the SH3 domain and at ~Q1445-L1452 with ~R718 and L766 in/near the converter (TB2, TB3, Fig. 3e). Strikingly, in this location seg2 physically blocks movement of the BH converter required for phosphate release (Extended Data Fig. 7a-d), directly explaining the inhibition of ATP turnover by the BH through trapping of ATP hydrolysis products in the active site7,8. 2. The tail (~L1494-L1498) next contacts helix D (E67-A77) of the ELC N-lobe (interaction TB4), potentially stabilizing the 10S conformation (Fig. 3f). 3. After a hairpin bend at hinge 2, seg3 (~A1577-R1584) contacts helix E of the BH RLC (E99-A107) (TB5, Fig. 3g) and comes close to RD α-helix Q817-V824. It then crosses the BH MD, parallel to and contacting seg1 (~L1628-E1647 in seg3 with R910-M925 in seg1; TT2, Fig. 3k). Strikingly, seg1 and seg3 both appear to “hover” above the surface of the BH (interaction TB1, Fig. 3d), contacting it only between ~L1604-E1612 of seg3 and loop L450-F460 of the BH MD. It has previously been assumed that there are multiple interactions of segments 1 and 3 with the surface of the BH. With the ~ 8 Å gap between these tail segments and the BH, contacts are apparently few. Weak electrostatic interaction (5-10 Å; 35) might occur over these longer ranges, consistent with weak, salt-sensitive binding of S2 to myosin heads in solution33.
RLC-RLC interaction.
The RLCs approach within ~4-4.5 Å of each other at the base of their N-terminal lobes, where helix A and the A-B linker in the BH and helix D and the A-B linker in the FH come together (BF2, Fig. 3c), strengthening previous suggestions of RLC-RLC interaction14,21,36, thought to be important in regulating smooth and skeletal muscle activity37.
Free-head–tail interaction.
The FH contacts the tail at three sites. The CM loop (T404-K420) and loop 2 (K626-T658), in the actin-binding interface, form contacts TF1 and TF2 with seg1 (M925-A941; Fig. 3h-i), as previously proposed for thick filaments19,21, sterically inhibiting FH-actin binding (Extended Data Fig. 7h-k). And helix A in the N-lobe of the FH RLC fills the gap between the two α-helices at the origin of seg1 (L850-Q856), with multiple potential interactions with the tail (TF3, Fig. 3j), likely impacting regulatory movements of this light chain.
Mechanism of inhibition and activation.
We conclude that these multiple contacts together pin the myosin II molecule in its 10S conformation. Both heads are in the pre-powerstroke, ADP.Pi state, with hydrolysis products trapped by inhibition of their converter movements, conserving ATP. HMM, lacking segments 2 and 3, is ten times more active than 10S myosin8, supporting the inhibitory role played by these segments7. Actin-interaction loops are blocked in both heads through head-head (BH) and head-tail (FH) interactions, while unfolding of the tail is inhibited due to its multiple intramolecular interactions. The result is complete inhibition of the molecule in the 10S, dephosphorylated state. The 10S structure is activated by phosphorylation of S19 on the RLCs, leading to breaking of the inhibitory interactions. A possible mechanism for activation based on the atomic model, including visualization for the first time of the N-terminal 24 residues of the BH RLC, is presented in Extended Data Fig. 8.
The 10S structure and myosin mutations
A number of human diseases are connected to mutations in smooth and nonmuscle myosin II HCs, including breast and prostate cancer, blood diseases and smooth muscle dysfunction17,38. These myosins, which both form the 10S structure5,39, play essential roles in smooth and nonmuscle cellular functions17. Could alteration of the 10S conformation contribute to these diseases? We aligned the smooth and nonmuscle sequences (Supplementary Table 2), then mapped the mutations onto the smooth muscle HC (Extended Data Table 2) and the 10S atomic model (Fig. 2b). We considered the potential effects of mutations based on their proximity to (potential impact on interaction with) other regions of the molecule in the folded structure.
Most FH mutations have no relation to the 10S conformation, being distant from any intramolecular contacts (Figs. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 9a). These might impact head function directly, independently of 10S folding. Three exceptions are R253, R507 and R731 (smooth muscle numbering), in the interface with the BH (Extended Data Table 2, Extended Data Fig. 9a), which might impact head-head interaction; a BH mutation in the interface (K386) may have a similar effect. The situation is different for the BH, which has multiple mutation sites close to seg2. One group stands out, clustered where seg2 wraps around the BH, especially residues in and near the SH3 and converter domains, some coming within 10 Å of seg2, and some < 4 Å (Figs. 2b, c, Extended Data Fig. 9b). While some may directly affect ATPase activity, their proximity to seg2 suggests they could alter BH-seg2 interaction and thus stability of the 10S structure. Mutations in seg2 also occur in this region, and could similarly affect this contact. If seg2/converter interaction inhibits BH ATPase activity (see earlier), mutations in seg2 might disrupt this inhibition.
There are also multiple mutations that might affect tail-tail interaction. These include mutations in seg1 that coincide with interaction site TT2, potentially impacting interaction with seg3 (Figs. 3a, k, Extended Data Fig. 9d), and a cluster in the upper part of the tail (not included in the reconstruction), where the tail segments appear tightly apposed4 (Fig. 2c). These mutations, occurring in all three segments, may impact the stability of the 10S structure. Mutations near the two hinges could affect folding, and those in the non-helical tailpiece, near the assembly competence domain40, could impact filament formation after activation. Mutation of R1570 in seg3, part of the proposed binding site for the BH PD (Extended Data Fig. 8b, c, i), could impact folding or phosphorylation (Extended Data Fig. 9c).
This structure-mutation analysis parallels that on the IHM of cardiac thick filaments in relation to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, where disease correlated with mutations in the head-head interface, which were proposed to destabilize head-head interaction33,41. Our analysis suggests that intramolecular interfaces may be important for smooth and nonmuscle myosin II diseases, in this case mostly related to interactions involving the tail.
Our cryo-EM reconstruction provides the first near-atomic-level insights into the structure of intact myosin II in the 10S conformation and the physical basis of its inhibition, correcting and integrating previous structural and solution studies. Our model for the off-state, and for its activation and unfolding, provides a framework for further testing functional mechanisms and for understanding how mutations may cause disease, with implications for drug design.
Protein preparation:
Smooth muscle myosin II was purified in the dephosphorylated state42 from adult turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) gizzard, obtained from a local turkey farm. 10 μl aliquots (30 μM,15 mg/ml) were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C. Smooth muscle myosin has similar structural and functional properties to nonmuscle myosin II, both forming essentially identical 10S structures5,39. Conclusions from our reconstruction are therefore also relevant to nonmuscle myosin II.
Specimen optimization:
Negative staining was used to check specimen purity, quality and grid loading. A thawed aliquot of myosin II was diluted to 10 nM in 0.15 M NaAc, 1 mM EGTA, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM ATP, 10 mM MOPS, pH 7.5, generating the 10S structure7. The 10S conformation is formed by weak interactions that are easily disrupted by EM preparative conditions18,43. Molecules were therefore crosslinked in solution at room temperature for 1 min with 0.1% glutaraldehyde followed by quenching with 100 mM Tris pH 8.0, immediately before grid preparation7,18,39. This stabilizes the 10S conformation, without substantially altering the structure of the molecules7,39,43,44. 5 μL of the diluted and crosslinked sample were applied to a carbon-coated EM grid and negatively stained with 1% (w/v) uranyl acetate7,45. Grids, pretreated with UV light to optimize stain spreading39,46, were imaged on an FEI Tecnai Spirit transmission electron microscope at 120 kV with a 2K x 2K CCD camera.
A thawed aliquot of smooth muscle myosin was freshly diluted to 0.2 μM and crosslinked for 1 min as described above. A 3 μL droplet was applied to a freshly glow-discharged ultrathin 0.2 nm carbon film on a lacey carbon 300 mesh copper support grid (Ted Pella). Glow discharge was carried out for 60 s at 25 mA on a PELCO easiGlow (Ted Pella). The grid was blotted for 6 s at pressure setting 5 then vitrified in liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen, using a Vitrobot Mark IV (FEI/ThermoFisher) operated at 10°C and 95% relative humidity.
Data acquisition:
Grids were screened on a Talos Arctica (ThermoFisher) cryo-EM at 200 kV. Optimal regions of selected grids were then imaged (SerialEM 3.8.047) on a Titan Krios transmission electron microscope (Thermo Fisher) at 300 kV, using a K3 direct electron detector (Gatan) in counting mode and a Gatan GIF Quantum energy filter with a slit width of 20 eV. 10,950 movies were collected at a nominal magnification of 105,000 X in nanoprobe EFTEM super-resolution mode yielding a physical pixel size of 0.83 Å at the specimen level. Each movie contained 27 frames over 1.6 s exposure time, with a dose rate of 18.45 e-/pix/s and total accumulated dose of 43.3 e-/Å2. The nominal defocus range was set from −1.2 to −3.5 μm.
Data Processing:
Each frame in a movie was aligned to correct beam-induced motion using MotionCor248 with 5 × 5 patches and a B-factor of 150, and then summed with a binned pixel size of 0.83 Å/pixel. The defocus of each image was determined using CTFFIND449. The subsequent image processing was carried out using RELION 3.050. 10,604 images were selected for further image processing after removing images with defocus larger than 3.5 μm. 10S myosin molecules consist of a folded tail region, which is flexible, and relatively rigid heads4,7. Only the structure of the head portion was investigated in this study and windowed out in the center of a particle box7. 3,218 particles were manually picked and subjected to 2D classification. Good class averages were selected as templates for automated particle picking from the images. 1,765,220 particles were picked and extracted at 3.32 Å/pixel with a box size of 120 × 120 pixels. To clean up the data set, multiple rounds of 2D classification were performed to remove particles in thick ice, contaminated ice or dirt, resulting in 260,360 particles in 43 class averages showing secondary structural features. A 3D reconstruction of 10S myosin from a previous negative stain study7 was low-pass filtered to 50 Å and used as the starting model to perform unsupervised 3D classification. Six classes of 3D reconstruction were generated with particle numbers/resolutions of, respectively: class 1, 43,641/12.8 Å; class 2, 68,336/9.9 Å; class 3, 17,484/15.9 Å; class 4, 30,621/14.2 Å; class 5, 50,151/11.7 Å; class 6, 50,126/11.4 Å. The reconstructions of the 6 classes showed that the portions of tail segments 1, 2 and 3 included in the reconstruction were flexible compared with the heads. Class 2, 5 and 6 exhibited similar structural features and resolution, and therefore were combined for 3D refinement. A soft mask (5-pixel extension, 6-pixel soft cosine edge), enclosing the entire 10S structure, was created for 3D refinement and post-processing. The combined data set, containing 168,613 particles, was re-extracted and re-centered using a box size of 300 × 300 pixels and pixel size of 1.328 Å, and then subjected to 3D refinement, CTF refinement and polishing. The resolution of the refined 3D reconstruction was estimated to be 4.3 Å based on the gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) 0.143 criterion (Extended Data Fig. 1b, Extended Data Table 1) using the above soft mask. To visualize the map, the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the detector and a B-factor were implemented to the map after refinement. An estimated local resolution map, calculated using ResMap51, showed highest resolution in the motor domains of the two heads, with lower resolution in the regulatory domains and tail segments, consistent with the results of 3D classification.
Atomic fitting:
A refined atomic model of the interacting heads motif14, based on chicken gizzard smooth muscle myosin (PDB: 1I846), was docked into the EM density map by rigid body fitting using UCSF Chimera 1.1452. The two motor domains, the two regulatory domain α-helices, and the four light chains were each docked individually. To fit the tail regions of the reconstruction, human β-myosin subfragment 2 (PDB: 2FXM19) was used to create a homology model for the turkey gizzard smooth muscle myosin amino acid sequence (residues 853-954) using the SWISS-MODEL server. This model was docked into segment 1 by rigid body fitting using UCSF Chimera. There is currently no atomic model for segments 2 or 3. These two segments were modelled using the α-carbon backbone (poly-A model) of segment 1 (i.e. after removing side chains). The residues were then numbered by assigning E1535 to hinge 24. This assignment is based on measurements made from negative stain 2D class averages and is therefore subject to uncertainty, which could be 2-3 amino acids (3-4.5 Å) either side of 15354. The resulting model (consisting of the two heavy chains and four light chains) was subjected to multiple cycles of real-space refinement using Phenix 1.17.153 followed by manual modification of the model in Coot EL54. The map was sharpened using the auto-sharpen map tool in Phenix. The resulting map was used to improve the fitting of the model, as some of the bulky side chains became resolved. A real space refinement was done with the improved model and the resulting PDB was deposited.
Figures were made using UCSF Chimera52 (contour levels shown in figure legends) and PyMOL (www.pymol.org).
Extended Data
Extended Data Table 1.
10S smooth muscle myosin (EMDB-22145) (PDB 6XE9) |
Data collection and processing | |
Magnification | 105,000x |
Voltage (kV) | 300 |
Electron exposure (e–/Å2) | 43 |
Defocus range (μm) | −1.2 to −3.5 |
Pixel size (Å) | 0.415 |
Symmetry imposed | C1 |
Initial particle images (no.) | 1,765,220 |
Final particle images (no.) | 260,360 |
Map resolution (Å) | 4.3 |
FSC threshold | 0.143 |
Map resolution range (Å) | 4.1 – 9.5 |
Refinement | |
Initial model used (PDB code) | 1i84, 2FXM |
Model resolution (Å) | 4.4 |
FSC threshold | 0.143 |
Model resolution range (Å) | 4.0-4.6 |
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) | 40 |
Model composition | |
Non-hydrogen atoms | 22,081 |
Protein residues | 2,949 |
Ligands | 0 |
B factors (Å2) | |
Protein | 257.18 |
Ligand | -- |
R.m.s. deviations | |
Bond lengths (Å) | 0.03 |
Bond angles (°) | 0.488 |
Validation | |
MolProbity score | 2.19 |
Clashscore | 20.98 |
Poor rotamers (%) | 0.77 |
Ramachandran plot | |
Favored (%) | 94.60 |
Allowed (%) | 5.40 |
Disallowed (%) | 0.00 |
Extended Data Table 2. Locations of disease-causing mutations in smooth and nonmuscle myosin II.
Mutated residue* | Gene/myosin type† | MYH11 equivalent‡ | Location§ | Potential interaction partner(s)‖ | Ref. |
W33, V34, P35 | MYH9/NMII-A | W36, V37, P38 | SH3 | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 17 |
N93, A95, S96 | MYH9/NMII-A | N96, A98, S99 | MD, near SH3 | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 17 |
N97 | MYH10/NMII-B | N96 | MD, near SH3 | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 59 |
S120 | MYH14/NMII-C | S99 | MD, near SH3 | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 17 |
S237 (DAN) | MYH11/SMM | S245 | Switch 1 | BH-none/FH-none | 38 |
R247 (MUS) | MYH11/SMM | R253 | Near switch 1 | BH-Seg3/FH-BH CM loop | 60 |
K373 | MYH9/NMII-A | K386 | MD | BH-FH/FH-none | 17 |
G376 | MYH14/NMII-C | G363 | MD | BH-none/FH-none | 17 |
R501 | MYH11/SMM | R507 | Switch 2 | BH-none/FH-BH C-loop | 61 |
W512 (DAN) | MYH11/SMM | W512 | Relay loop | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 62 |
R702, R705, Q706 | MYH9/NMII-A | R715, R718, Q719 | Near SH1 helix | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 17 |
R709 | MYH10/NMII-B | R715 | Near SH1 helix | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 59 |
R718 | MYH9/NMII-A | R731 | Converter | BH-none/FH-BH C-loop | 17 |
L722 | MYH14/NMII-C | L711 | Near SH1 helix | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 59 |
R726 | MYH14/NMII-C | R715 | Near SH1 helix | BH-Seg2/FH-none | 17 |
M847-E853dup | MYH9/NMII-A | M860-E866dup | Seg1 | Seg1-none | 17 |
E908 | MYH10/NMII-B | E914 | Seg1, ring 1¶ | Seg1-Seg3/Seg1-FH | 17 |
K910 | MYH9/NMII-A | K923 | Seg1, near ring 1,2¶ | Seg1-Seg3/Seg1 none | 17 |
R933 | MYH14/NMII-C | K922 | Seg1, near ring 1,2¶ | Seg1-Seg3/Seg1-FH | 17 |
V941 | MYH14/NMII-C | L930 | Seg1, near ring 2¶ | Seg1-Seg3/Seg1-FH | 63 |
L976 | MYH14/NMII-C | L965 | Seg1 | Seg1-Seg3 | 17 |
K1044 | MYH11/SMM | K1044 | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 61 |
K1048-E1054del | MYH9/NMII-A | K1061-E1067del | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
G1055-Q1068del | MYH9/NMII-A | G1068-Q1081del | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
E1066-A1072del/dup | MYH9/NMII-A | E1079-A1085dup | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
E1084del | MYH9/NMII-A | E1097del | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
V1092-R1162del | MYH9/NMII-A | L1105-R1175del | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
S1114 | MYH9/NMII-A | S1127¶ | Seg1, upper# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
T1155, R1162, R1165 | MYH9/NMII-A | T1168, R1175, R1178 | Hinge 1# | Segs1,2-Seg3** | 17 |
T1162 | MYH10/NMII-B | T1168 | Hinge 1# | Seg1-Segs2,3** | 17 |
L1205-Q1207del | MYH9/NMII-A | L1218-Q1220del | Seg2, upper# | Seg2-Segs1,3** | 17 |
L1287 (DAN) | MYH11/SMM | V1295 | Seg2, upper# | Seg2-Segs1,3** | 38 |
R1400 | MYH9/NMII-A | Q1413 | Seg2, lower | None | 17 |
D1424 | MYH9/NMII-A | D1437 | Seg2, lower | Seg2-BH SH3 | 17 |
Q1443-K1445dup | MYH9/NMII-A | Q1456-K1458dup | Seg2, lower | Seg2-BH converter | 17 |
D1447 | MYH9/NMII-A | D1460 | Seg2, lower | Seg2-BH converter | 17 |
V1516 | MYH9/NMII-A | V1529 | Hinge 2 | None | 17 |
R1557 | MYH9/NMII-A | R1570 | Seg3, near BH | Seg3-BH RLC PD | 17 |
11816 | MYH9/NMII-A | 11829 | Seg3, upper# | Seg3-Segs1,2** | 17 |
E1841 | MYH9/NMII-A | D1854 | Seg3, upper# | Seg3-Segs1,2** | 17 |
G1924, D1925, P1927, | MYH9/NMII-A | G1937, N1938, P1940, | Seg3, non-helical tailpiece# | None | 17 |
V1930, R1933, M1934, | MYH9/NMII-A | A1944, R1948, M1949, | Seg3, non-helical tailpiece# | None | 17 |
D1941, E1945 | MYH9/NMII-A | D1960, E1964 | Seg3, non-helical tailpiece# | None | 17 |
Location of mutation in nonmuscle or smooth muscle myosin II sequence. DAN, zebrafish; MUS, mouse; all others, human.
Myosin heavy chain gene/myosin type (nonmuscle myosin: NMII-A, B, C; smooth muscle myosin: SMM).
Equivalent residue number in chicken smooth muscle myosin (MYH11) after sequence alignment (Supplementary Table 2).
Location is the approximate domain location (for heads) or position in tail. Mutations can occur in FH and BH and in both chains of the tail.
The first symbol shows which head (BH, FH) or segment (1, 2, 3) contains the mutation; the second symbol, after the hyphen, shows the nearby domains/potential interaction partners. After the “/”, the same notation applies to the other head or segment. Because the two heads have different environments, some mutations might affect BH but not FH interactions and vice versa. These potential interactions are mapped onto the 10S structure in Fig. 2b, c and Extended Data Fig. 9. BH, FH and segments are color-coded to correspond to Fig. 2b, c. Our criteria for “nearby domains/potential interaction partners” are distances of 3.5 to ~ 10 Å. ~1/3 of these are in the 3.5-5 Å range; mutation sites > 5 Å from a partner (not close enough for actual contact) would still impact local conformation and possibly alter nearby interactions.
Rings 1 and 2 refer to negatively charged regions (905-916 and 932-946, respectively) on segment 119.
Although the upper regions of segments 1, 2 and 3 are not in the reconstruction, they lie close together in negative stain images4, and appear likely to interact with each other.
Supplementary Material
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants AR072036, AR067279, and HL139883 (RC), and HL075030, HL111696 and HL142853 (MI), and a University of Texas STARs PLUS Award (MI). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. We thank Drs. Karthikeyan Subramanian, Christna Ouch, William Royer, Chen Xu, Christl Gaubitz, and Nicholas Stone for advice and discussion on fitting and refinement, Kang Kang Song and Chen Xu for cryo-EM imaging, Lorenzo Alamo and Antonio Pinto for advice on homology modeling, and Michel Espinoza-Fonseca for providing the atomic models of the RLC NTEs. Cryo-EM imaging was carried out in the Massachusetts Facility for High-Resolution Electron Cryo-Microscopy at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. The Titan Krios was purchased with a grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center capital fund.
Competing interests. The authors declare no competing interests.
Supplementary Information is available for this paper (two tables, five videos).
Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints.
Data availability. Structural data that support the findings of this study on the structure of 10S myosin II have been deposited in the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) under accession codes EMD-22145 (the EM density map) and PDB 6XE9 (the atomic model). PDB data used to build the initial model were PDB 1i84 and PDB 2FXM.
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