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. 2020 Dec 16;10(12):511. doi: 10.3390/metabo10120511

Table 2.

Metabolites within pathways of interest identified as significant in more than one study.

Metabolite/Metabolite Derivatives Pathway of Interest Biospecimen Method Age Group Atopic Focus Outcome
Tyrosine Tyrosine
Urine [15,24,38] GC-MS [15]
NMR [24,38]
6–11 years old [15]
4–16 years old [24]
3–5 years old [38]
Asthma [15,24]
Food allergy [38]
↑ in uncontrolled asthma vs. healthy controls (HC) [15]
↑ in uncontrolled asthma vs. controlled asthma [15]
Distinguish unstable asthma from stable asthma [24]
Distinguish stable asthma from HC [24]
↑ in food sensitization (egg or milk) vs. no food sensitization [38]
3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid [15,34]
Hydroxyphenyllactic acid [15]
4-hydroxyphenylacetic [22]
Urine [15,22]
Amniotic fluid [34]
GC-MS [15,22]
LC-MS and LC-MSE [34]
6–11 years old [15]
5–12 years old [22]
Unborn, follow up at age 1 year [34]
Wheeze [34]/Asthma [15,22] ↓ 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in asthma vs. in HC [15]
↑ in infants without wheezing in their first year compared to wheezing infants [34]
↑ Hydroxyphenyllactic acid in uncontrolled asthma vs. HC [15]
Negative correlation with forced expired volume in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) [22]
N-acetyltyrosine Tyrosine
Urine [18,38] NMR [18,38] 1–4 years old [18]
3–5 years old [38]
Asthma [18]
Food allergy [38]
↓ in children at age 1 who develop asthma before age 4 vs. HC [18]
↑ in food sensitization (egg or milk) vs. no food sensitization [38]
Tryptophan Tryptophan metabolism Urine [15,24]
Serum [37]
GC-MS [15]
NMR [24]
LC-MS [37]
6–11 years old [15]
4–16 years old [24]
3 months-3 years old [37]
Asthma [15,24]
Atopic dermatitis [37]
↑ in uncontrolled asthma vs. HC [15]
Distinguish unstable from stable asthma and stable asthma from HC [24]
↑ in AD with high IgE vs. HC and vs. AD with normal IgE level [37]
Indolelactic acid Tryptophan metabolism Urine [19]
Serum [37]
LC-MS [19,37] 2–5 years old [19]
3 months-3 years old [37]
Wheeze/asthma [19]
Atopic dermatitis [37]
↑ Transient wheezing vs. early-onset asthma [19]
↑ in AD with high IgE vs. HC and vs. AD with normal IgE level [37]
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid/
Tryptophan metabolism Urine [15,22,23]
Serum [16,23]
GC-MS [15,22]
NMR [23]
UPLC-MS [16]
5–12 years old [22]
6–11 years old [15]
1–12 years old [16,23]
Asthma [22,23]
Food allergy [16]
↑ with a combination treatment of budesonide and salbutamol during acute asthma exacerbation [23]
Distinguish HC from uncontrolled asthma and controlled asthma [15]
Positive correlation with FEV1/FVC and negative correlation with exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) [22]
Distinguish asthma vs. food allergy [16]
butyrate [17]
4-hydroxybutyrate [17]
4-hydroxybutyric acid [15]
3-hydroxybutyrate [23]
3-hydroxybutyric acid [15]
3-hydroxyisobutyric [23]
2-hydroxyisobutyrate [24]
2-hydroxybutyrate [36]
(Microbial derivatives)
Stool [17]
Urine [15,24,36]
Serum [23]
NMR [23,24,36]
GC-MS [15]
4–7 years old [17]
4–16 years old [24]
6–11 years old [15]
6–10 months old [36]
1–12 years old [23]
Asthma [15,17,23,24]
Atopic dermatitis [36]
↑ 4-hydroxybutyrate in asthma vs. HC and ↓ butyrate in asthma vs. HC [17]
Distinguish stable asthma from HC [24]
↑ AD vs. HC [36]
↑ 3-hydroxybutyric acid in uncontrolled vs. controlled asthma, but ↓ in asthmatics vs. HC [15]
↓ 4-hydroxybutyric acid. controlled and uncontrolled asthma vs. HC [15]
↑ with a combination treatment of budesonide and salbutamol during acute asthma exacerbation [23]
p-Cresol sulfate [26,31]
p-Cresol [19]
p-Cresol glucuronide [34]
Microbial derivatives
(through tyrosine metabolism)
Stool [31]
Urine [19]
Plasma [26]
Amniotic fluid [34]
MS [31]
LC-MS [19]
LC-MS and LC-MSE [34]
3 years old [31]
2–5 years old [19]
6–10 years [26]
Unborn, follow up at age 1 year [34]
Wheeze/asthma [19,26,31,34] Inversely associated with asthma [31],
↑ in the “transient wheezing” vs. ”early-onset” asthma [19]
associated with wheezing during the first year of life vs. controls without wheezing episodes [34]
current asthma was associated with a reduced level of p-Cresol sulfate vs. HC. This association was replicated in the validation group [26]
Taurocholate/Taurocholic acid (TCA) [16,26,37] Bile acids Plasma [26]
Serum [16,37]
UPLC-MS and GC-MS [26]
UPLC-MS [16]
LC-MS [37]
6–10 years old [26]
1–12 years old [16]
3 months-3 years old [37]
Asthma [16,26]
Atopic dermatitis [37]
↑ associated with current asthma [26]
Distinguish asthma from non-atopic controls [16]
Distinguish food allergy from asthma after adjustment for AD [16]
↓ AD independently of high or normal IgE level vs. HC [37]
Taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA) [16,37]
Taurochenodeoxycholate-3-sulfate [30]
Bile acids Serum [16,37]
Urine [30]
UPLC-MS [16,30]
LC-MS [37]
1–12 years old [16]
3 months-3 years old [37]
4 weeks-7 years old [30]
Wheeze [30]/Asthma [16,30]
Atopic dermatitis [37]
Distinguish asthma from non-atopic controls [16]
↓ AD independently of high or normal IgE level vs. HC [37]
↑ in children who developed persistent wheeze/asthma [30]
Glycohyocholate/Glycohyocholic acid (GHCA) Bile acids Serum [16]
Urine [35]
UPLC-MS [16]
UPLC-MS and GC-MS [35]
1–12 years old [16]
3–12 months old [35]
Asthma [16]
Wheeze and atopy [35]
Food allergy [16]
Distinguish food allergy from asthma after adjustment for AD [16]
↑ in those children who developed atopy and wheeze at age one year compared to controls [35]
Glycocholate/glycocholic acid (GCA) Bile acids Serum [16,37] UPLC-MS [16]
LC-MS [37]
1–12 years old [16]
3 months-3 years old [37]
Asthma [16]
Atopic dermatitis [37]
Distinguish asthma from non-atopic controls [16]
↓ AD independently of high or normal IgE level vs. HC [37]
Docosapentaenoate n-6 PUFAs Stool [31]
Serum [16]
MS [31]
UPLC-MS [16]
3 years old [31]
1–12 years old [16]
Asthma [16,31]
Food allergy [16]
Inversely associated with asthma [31]
Distinguish food allergy from asthma after adjustment for AD [16]

Abbreviations: MS: mass spectrometry; LC: liquid chromatography; GC: gas chromatography; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; UPLC: Ultra performance liquid chromatography; HC: healthy controls; AD: atopic dermatitis; IgE: immunoglobulin E; FEV1: Forced Expired Volume in the first second; FVC: Forced Vital Capacity.