A) Mean calcium responses during (x-axis) versus after (y-axis) optogenetic stimulus as in
Figure 6J for the following Dsx+ cell types: pC2 (n = 12 flies, 154 ROIs for pC1-A, n = 8 flies, 166 ROIs for controls), pCd1 (n = 5 flies, 44 ROIs for pC1-A), and pCd2 (n = 3 flies, 16 ROIs for pC1-A, n = 1 flies, 1 ROIs for controls). Activity units are in (F - Fo)/Fo, where Fo is the mean activity during baseline, and F is the mean activity during or after for x and y axes, respectively. Each dot represents a single cell, and dot colors refer to different conditions (pC1-A activation and controls). (
B) Example traces of pC2, pCd1, and pCd2 cells with stimulus-locked transient responses. In some cases, a transient response was locked to stimulus onset.