Figure 4. Selected Riftia host proteins with significantly higher relative abundance in the symbiont-enriched fractions XS and S compared to the non-enriched trophosome tissue homogenate (Hom).
Relative abundance trends are indicated by color shades from light blue (lowest protein abundance across the three sample types) to dark blue (highest abundance), based on mean values from four biological replicates with sulfur-rich trophosome. (Note that colors do not allow comparison of protein abundance between proteins). Accession numbers refer to the combined host and symbiont database used for protein identification in this study (see Materials and methods). For a complete list of host proteins with significantly higher abundance in fractions XS and S (compared to Hom) see Supplementary file 4. This comparison includes only the symbiont-enriched fractions XS and S, but not fractions M and L, because these latter fractions were more likely to be contaminated by non-symbiosis-specific host proteins from host tissue fragments pelleted during centrifugation. PG: peptidoglycan.