Figure 6.
Viability of Staphylococcus aureus after 5-minute exposure to brominated carbon nanodot (“BrCND”) solutions of varying concentrations. Bacterial samples were both kept in dark (no light) and photosensitization (λexposure = 365 nm or “UV”, 3.0 ± 0.1 mW, 2 J•cm−2) conditions at a pH of 3.0. A) Real-color photograph of S. aureus growth after samples were adjusted to neutral pH and incubated overnight. Photo is representative of n = 3 trials. B) Absorption spectra of each BrCND solution (1–4). Black line is the absorption of the control solution. C) Relative viability of dark versus UV-exposed samples. D) Growth inhibition due to UV photosensitization for each solution absorption at the photosensitization wavelength. Error is from the standard deviation of n = 3 trials.