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. 2021 Jan 13;16(1):e0244576. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244576

Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? a time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music

Michael E W Varnum 1,*, Jaimie Arona Krems 2,*, Colin Morris 3,*, Alexandra Wormley 1, Igor Grossmann 4,*
Editor: Ronald Fischer5
PMCID: PMC7806124  PMID: 33439881


Song lyrics are rich in meaning. In recent years, the lyrical content of popular songs has been used as an index of culture’s shifting norms, affect, and values. One particular, newly uncovered, trend is that lyrics of popular songs have become increasingly simple over time. Why might this be? Here, we test the idea that increasing lyrical simplicity is accompanied by a widening array of novel song choices. We do so by using six decades (1958–2016) of popular music in the United States (N = 14,661 songs), controlling for multiple well-studied ecological and cultural factors plausibly linked to shifts in lyrical simplicity (e.g., resource availability, pathogen prevalence, rising individualism). In years when more novel song choices were produced, the average lyrical simplicity of the songs entering U.S. billboard charts was greater. This cross-temporal relationship was robust when controlling for a range of cultural and ecological factors and employing multiverse analyses to control for potentially confounding influence of temporal autocorrelation. Finally, simpler songs entering the charts were more successful, reaching higher chart positions, especially in years when more novel songs were produced. The present results suggest that cultural transmission depends on the amount of novel choices in the information landscape.


Music is a human universal [1, 2], and it is known to influence cognition, affect, and behavior [35]. Because songs—and particularly popular song lyrics—can be so rich in meaning [6, 7], social scientists have long explored the ways that such lyrics intersect with some fundamental social processes, including identity formation and person perception [813].

More recently, social psychologists have begun to view music as a cultural product and to examine the ways that popular music lyrics reflect important aspects of psychology at the cultural level; the content in popular lyrics indexes changing norms, affect, and/or values [5, 1419]. For example, DeWall and colleagues explored popular song lyrics as a “window into understanding U.S. cultural changes in psychological states” [5, pp. 200], finding that popular songs lyrics from 1980–2007 reflected an increase in self-focus and a decrease in other-focus.

Here, we demonstrate that popular music lyrics have become increasingly simple over time, and we test one possible explanation for this surprising trend, namely that the amount of novel song choices has increased.

Novel song choices and lyrical simplicity

Several lines of evidence suggest that people may have baseline preferences for songs with simpler lyrics. One of the most widely known phenomena in psychology is the mere exposure effect, a phenomenon where repeated exposure to a non-aversive stimulus increases preference for it [2022]. One implication of this principle for the present question is that simpler, more repetitive lyrics as these pieces essentially have this effect baked into them and thus may tend to be preferred all other things being equal. Further, songs with more repetitive lyrics may enjoy certain advantages in terms of information transmission as they are easier to remember [23] and likely easier to transmit with fidelity [2426]. Further, recent work has shown that naïve listeners find simpler, more repetitive pieces of music to be more enjoyable, engaging, and memorable [27, 23].

Why might pop songs become lyrically simpler in times when more new songs are produced? Theory and research from diverse literatures suggest that songs with simpler lyrics might be especially successful when there are more new songs to choose from. First, humans are cognitive misers. People have limited information-processing capacities [28], and are known to conserve mental resources [29]. Consequently, humans often use shortcuts in decision-making [30, 31]. For example, when confronted with the task of evaluating persuasive messages and/or complex decision environments, people are more likely to use heuristics, peripheral cues, and other automatic cognitive processes to evaluate these messages if cognitive resources are limited in some fashion [32, 33]. Thus, when there are more products to be evaluated, people may increasingly prefer simpler products as they may require less mental effort to engage with. The mere exposure effect might also have a greater influence on decision making in such contexts as well, given that it too can be thought of as a heuristic or even instinctive evaluation. Further, across real-world studies and in-laboratory experiments, when people are confronted with a greater number of options to choose from, they are more likely to choose simpler, less cognitively demanding products [34]. Taken together, this work suggests that pop songs on average might become lyrical simpler in times when people are exposed to greater amounts of new songs and that success of such songs might be more strongly linked to lyrical simplicity in such times.

Here, we test the hypothesis that the trend toward increasingly simple popular music lyrics might be accompanied by the increasing number of songs released each year, using six decades’ worth of song data. We also do so while including a number cultural and ecological control variables, as prior work demonstrates that well-studied ecological features, such as resource levels, pathogen threat, and sources of external threat (e.g., climatic stress, armed conflict) can impact markers of cognition and behavior at the cultural-level [3538], and might plausibly affect preferences for simplicity in aesthetic products. For example, both resource scarcity and pathogen prevalence have been associated with conformity, innovation, and creativity in prior work [35, 39, 40].


We gathered cross-temporal data covering a period of six decades (1958–2016) on lyrical compressibility (as an index of simplicity/complexity of song lyrics), amount of novel songs produced (as an index of available novel song choices), and ecological, socioecological, and cultural variables linked to patterns of cultural change in previous research or plausibly related to trends in aesthetic content.

Lyrical compressibility of successful music

We gathered data from 14,661 songs that entered the Billboard Hot 100 charts spanning the period from 1958 (the charts inception) to 2016. The Billboard Hot 100 tracks the 100 most popular songs each week based on music sales, radio airplay, and internet streaming. To operationalize lyrical complexity (vs. simplicity), we estimated text compressibility. By operationalizing complexity via a compressibility index, we avoided some of the conceptual ambiguity associated with operationalization of complexity in prior research [4042]: Whereas multi-purpose use of a single product may reflect product’s complexity from the operational standpoint, it may also represent greater simplicity from the standpoint of consumer psychology. Further, song lyrics are tractable to work with when using an automated compression algorithm.

Compressibility indexes the degree to which song’s lyrics have more repetitive and less information dense, and thus simpler, content. We used a variant of the established LZ77 compression algorithm. In brief, the LZ77 algorithm works by finding repeated substrings and replacing them with 'match' objects pointing back to the string's previous occurrence. A match is encoded as a tuple (D, L), with D being the distance to the substring's previous occurrence, and L being its length. We treated these matches as costing 3 bytes. This way, a repeated string only leads to space savings if it is of at least length 4, and longer repetitions lead to greater relative savings. Given a song S, and the set of matches M produced by the LZ77 algorithm when applied to that song, its compressed size is therefore:


Where |S| is the original size of the song's lyrics, measured in characters/bytes. The compression ratios of songs in our dataset (i.e., |S|/compsize(S)) followed an approximately log-normal distribution, so we operationalized compressibility as the logarithm of this ratio:


We used the LZ77 compression algorithm because of its intimate connection to textual repetition. Most of the byte savings when compressing song lyrics arise from large, multi-line sections (most importantly the chorus, and chorus-like hooks). Another significant contributor are multi-word phrases, which may be repeated in variations across different lines for poetic effect (e.g. the anaphoric verses in Lady Gaga's Bad Romance: "I want your ugly / I want your disease / I want your everything …"). The compression may make use of repeated individual words, or even sub-word units that repeat (perhaps incidentally), but their contribution to the overall compressibility is low.

Higher compression scores signify more repetition and therefore higher simplicity. A score of 0 means no compression was possible (e.g. if the input were random noise), a score of 1 means a 50% reduction in size, a score of 2 means a 75% reduction, and so on. For example, Daft Punk’s 1997 song “Around the World” repeats the title 144 times and has a compressibility score of 5.42 (the maximum in this sample). Nat King Cole’s “The Christmas Song” (1961) has a low compression score of 0.11.

We computed mean compressibility for each year based on all songs that entered the Hot 100 charts in a given year for which we were able to scrape lyrics (1958–2016). Because we used an automated procedure for song scraping, which depends on the readability of the song lyrics, the percentage of songs scraped varied between 27% of top 100 songs in 1958 and 91% of songs in 2015 (M = 57%, Md = 57%, SD = 19%). Because percentage of scraped songs has been increasing over time, and correlated with the compressibility index, τ = .73, p < .001, in additional analyses we controlled for this trend.

Song success

Some of the theoretical positions we draw on to evaluate possible reasons for changes in lyrical complexity suggest that more compressible songs may be more likely to be successful. To evaluate this proposition, we additionally gathered data on the highest position of each song in the sample achieved on the Billboard charts.

Novel music production

In the spirit of the multiverse analyses [43], we used three separate indicators to assess the amount of new music to which people are likely exposed in a given year. For each year (1958–2016) we computed the total number of songs which made the Hot100 chart, the number of musical releases per year according to Discogs (, and the number of Wikipedia entries about songs first published or performed each year (

Possible ecological drivers of cultural change in aesthetic preferences and music production

We assessed a range of well-studied socioecological factors (e.g., resource levels, pathogen threat, sources of external threat), which could plausibly bear on aesthetic preferences or might affect lyrical simplicity (and whether the predicted association between novel music production and simplicity holds even controlling for these or other ecological and cultural variables discussed below). Resource scarcity has been linked to greater conformity [39] and cross-temporal work has found that greater resource levels are linked to more innovation and creative output [40] and less conformity [44, 45]. Higher levels of infectious disease have also been linked to more conformity [46, 47], traditionalism [48], and tight social norms [35, 49]. External threats, due to climate or war, have also been linked to more traditional outlooks and tight social norms [49], which might similarly bear on trends in lyrical simplicity. We thus included publicly accessible data indexing these factors GDP per capita, GDP growth, unemployment, pathogen prevalence, climatic stress, and participation of the US in major armed conflicts. The data used in our analyses covered the years 1958–2016. Data on GDP per capita and GDP growth were gathered from, and data on the other markers came from Varnum & Grossmann [50] and updates from the original data sources used in that publication.

We also explore the possible impact of other socioecological factors that might plausibly affect lyrical simplicity. One might speculate that immigration could drive increases in lyrical simplicity. For example, simpler lyrics in American pop songs might be linked to shifts in the amount of people for whom English may not be a first language. In a similar way, it might be that ethnic fractionalization, so far linked to changes in individualism and uniqueness over time [51]¸ may also increase preferences for, memory of, and/or dispersal of simpler, more repetitive lyrics, as such content would be easier to convey and understand to a wide range of audiences. To assess the possibility that a rise in simpler English lyrics might be linked to shifts in the amount of people for whom English may not be a first language, we used data on the number of green cards issued from the Department of Homeland Security as a marker of immigration. To assess possibilities linked to ethnic fractionalization, we used data on ethnic fractionalization from the US Census Bureau.

Research on the consequences of residential mobility also suggests that perhaps this variable might also affect lyrical trends. Previous studies have linked residential mobility to greater susceptibility to the mere exposure effect and greater preference for familiar cultural products [52]; thus, it may be that mobility is also linked to temporal variations in lyrical complexity of pop songs. To assess residential mobility, we gathered data on percentage of the US population that changed residence within the US from the US Census Bureau.

At the same time, a simpler variable might also be driving this effect. Perhaps products that succeed with a larger audience are merely simpler, akin to a lowest common denominator effect. Because the U.S. population grew substantially in recent decades, we also test whether population trends might be associated with lyrical simplicity. Thus, we also gathered data on the total size of the US population from to explore population size.

Cultural factors

Prior work has found conservatives show a preference for simple and unambiguous art, speech patterns, and literature [5357] (though see also Conway et al., 2016 [58]). Thus, one might suspect that possible changes in conservatism could be driving lyrical simplicity. Somewhat similarly, other evidence suggests that cross-cultural differences in aesthetic preferences and expression are linked to orientations toward collectivism [59, 60]. Thus, we also gathered data on indicators of conservative ideology, operationalized conservatism as the average percent of annual survey respondents in Gallup polls identifying as conservative, and we included as an index of cultural level collectivism based on frequency of collectivism related words in the Google Ngrams American English corpus [45].

Analytic procedure

Where possible, we use non-parametric ordinal-level measures of correlation or partial correlation (Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient τ), which provides estimate of similarity of the orderings of the data when ranked by each of the quantities. Since Fechner’s initial work on time series analyses, Kendall’s τ has been a preferred metric for examining cross-temporal relationships [61]. It provides a conservative estimate, which is preferred because time series data is rarely normally distributed. Results were comparable when we used Pearson’s r or partial Pearson correlations. In the initial step, we examined zero-order relationships between each of the three indices of available novel song choices and average lyrical compressibility of popular songs. Next, we created a composite index of novel song choices and assessed the robustness of the hypothesized link between amount of novel song choices and average lyrical compressibility of popular songs by controlling for a host of ecological, socioecological, and cultural factors that might plausibly influence cultural level success for simplicity vs. complexity. Our chief analyses focused on a set of corrective analyses, in which we controlled for the possibly spurious nature of the relationship between our key time series due to temporal autocorrelation.

Given the range of possibilities of correcting for temporal autocorrelation, we opted to perform three different types of analyses that correct or account for the possibility that observed relationships might be spurious as a function of autocorrelation in the time series. First, we computed adjusted significance thresholds based on the Tiokhin-Hruschka procedure [62]. Second, we detrended our novel song production and lyrical compressibility time series by residualizing for year and assessed the correlation between our detrended variables. Finally, for central univariate and multivariate analyses, we used an automated auto-regressive integrated moving average forecasting model (auto.ARIMA) to assess the relationship between novel song choices and lyrical compressibility [63]. This technique involves a machine learning algorithm that tests a number of different possible models which vary in autoregressive components, differencing, and moving average components, as well as whether they include an exogenous predictor. Additionally, we used auto.ARIMA to generate a forecast for future patterns of lyrical compressibility (2017–2046).

For multivariate analyses we entered multiple predictors of lyrical compressibility over time. To avoid multicollinearity and overfitting (and due to limited number of units at the yearly level of analysis), we first aggregated covariance scores attributed to additional socioecological and cultural factors (see Table 1) by performing a principal component analysis on these covariates and saving component scores for further multivariate time series analyses. The first principal component explained 50% of the variance in the covariates, with strong loadings (absolute value >.85) for Population Size, GDP/capita, Residential Mobility, Pathogen Prevalence, Ethnic Heterogeneity and Immigration, moderate loadings for Armed Conflicts (.49) and weak loading of GDP growth (.44). Other covariates (Climatic Stress, Unemployment, Conservatism, Collectivism) showed very weak loadings (.21 < absolute value ≤ .27). Next, we entered both yearly music production scores and covariate-PCA scores as independent predictors of lyrical compressibility, simultaneously accounting for the time series structure in the data.

Table 1. Correlations with average lyrical compressibility.

Variable Kendall’s τ Kendall’s τ (Detrended)
INFORMATION LANDSCAPE Music Production .714*** .222**
ECOLOGICAL GDP per capita .733*** .044
GDP growth -.260** -.073
Unemployment .051 .135
Pathogen Prevalence -.490*** .324**
Climatic Stress -.118 .050
Armed Conflict .229* .063
SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL Immigration .563*** -.155
Ethnic Heterogeneity .737*** -.066
Residential Mobility -.692*** -.230*
Population Size .726*** .135
CULTURAL Conservatism -.019 -.287*
Collectivism -.225* -.124

*p < .05,

** p ≤ .01,

*** p ≤ .001.

Data availability

All data and reproducible code for analyses reported in the manuscript are available on the Open Science Framework (


Indicators of novel song choices and average lyrical compressibility

As Fig 1 indicates, mean lyrical compressibility (i.e., simplicity) of songs increased over time, Kendall’s τ = .726, p < .001, as did number of songs making the Hot 100 charts per year, Kendall’s τ = .425, p < .001, number of music releases according to Discogs per year, Kendall’s τ = .973, p < .001, and number of Wikipedia entries for songs by year of publication, Kendall’s τ = .871, p < .001.

Fig 1. Change in lyrical compressibility, along with a music production-based forecast for future lyrical compressibility from regression with ARMIA (1,0,0) and index of novel song choices as an exogenous predictor.

Fig 1

Light purple indicates 95% confidence bands, dark purple indicates 80% confidence bands.

Analyses of the composite index of novel song choices

Hot100 songs, Discog music releases, and Wikipedia song entries were highly correlated, .41 < Kendall’s τ’s ≤ .87, and formed a single principle component with highest loadings by the Wikipedia song entries (.98), and weakest loading by the Hot 100 songs (.88). To avoid multicollinearity, we used component scores for further analyses. Overall, this index of novel music production was strongly positively related to compressibility, Kendall’s τ = .714¸ p < .001. Consistent with our predictions, mean lyrical compressibility per year was positively correlated with amount of novel music produced per year as operationalized by three distinct indicators, Kendall’s τ (n songs in Hot 100 charts/year) = .429, p < .001, Kendall’s τ (n Discogs music releases / year) = .721, p < .001, Kendall’s τ (n Wikipedia entries about songs/year) = .680, p < .001.

Relationships between socioecological factors and compressibility

Although several ecological dimensions were associated with changes in average lyrical compressibility over time (see Table 1), these relationships were often in the opposite direction that prior research or theorizing would suggest. For example, there were significant negative correlations between GDP per capita and pathogen prevalence and average lyrical compressibility. Further, our two cultural variables were either unrelated to lyrical compressibility (conservatism) or correlated in the opposite of the predicted direction (collectivism). We did observe theoretically sensible relationships between compressibility and residential mobility, immigration, ethnic fractionalization, and population size. However, when controlling for the potentially confounding effect of temporal auto-correlation by residualizing out the effect of year, only three of these relationships are statistically significant, and only the relationship between pathogen prevalence and average lyrical complexity remains in a theoretically sensible direction (see Table 1).

Robustness analyses: Control variables

This PCA-based composite index of music production remained significantly related to lyrical compressibility when including percentage of scraped songs/year as a covariate, Kendall’s τp = .261¸ p = .003. Further, it remained significant when controlling separately for each of the 12 specified control variables, .220 < partial Kendall’s τ’s < .770, p’s < .02 (see Table 2 for details). Full correlations between these variables are presented in S1 Fig.

Table 2. Partial correlations between novel music production index and average lyrical compressibility.

Control Variable Partial Kendall’s τ Novel Music Production & Lyrical Compressibility
ECOLOGICAL GDP per capita .248**
GDP growth .695***
Unemployment .753***
Pathogen Prevalence .596***
Climatic Stress .710***
Armed Conflict .696***
SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL Immigration .539***
Ethnic Heterogeneity .267**
Residential Mobility .436***
Population Size .231**
CULTURAL Conservatism .670***
Collectivism .610***

*p < .05,

** p ≤ .01,

*** p ≤ .001.

Robustness analyses: Auto-correlation

Importantly, the correlation between this composite index of novel song choices and average lyrical compressibility remained significant when adjusting significance thresholds using the Tiokhin-Hruschka method to account for observed auto-correlation in the two time series, r = .877¸ correctedp < .001. As an alternative method for dealing with autocorrelation, we also detrended the time series by residualizing out the linear impact of year. The correlation for our detrended variables remained significant, Kendall’s τ = .222, p = .010.

Given the time series nature of our data, another way to test the hypothesized link between amount of new songs available and average compressibility of these songs while also addressing the issue of autocorrelation can involve an automated ARIMA algorithm (auto.ARIMA) within the forecast package [64] in R 4.0.0 [65]. This machine-learning algorithm inspects the time-series data to fit the optimal forecasting function. The auto-regressive (AR(p)) component refers to the use of past values in the regression equation for the series Y. The auto-regressive parameter p specifies the number of lags used in the model. A moving average (MA(q)) component represents the error of the model as a combination of previous error terms et. The order q determines the number of terms to include in the model. ARIMA models are well-suited for long-term time series, such as the historic patterns in the present data. The automated algorithm within the forecast package searches through combinations of order parameters and picks the set that optimizes model fit criteria, comparing Akaike information criteria (AIC) or Bayesian information criteria (BIC) of respective models. Notably, the automated forecasting approach allows us to specify an exogenous predictor such as novel song choices, such that the automated function can evaluate the extent to which this exogenous predictor improves the fit above and beyond the decomposition of the time-series of the dependent variable. In other words, the automated function provides a conservative way to see whether an exogenous predictor such as the novel song choices index improves accuracy in forecasts of the lyrical compressibility. If the final model selected by auto.ARIMA includes our putative exogenous variable (in this case amount of novel song choices), then this suggests that this variable helps the model to achieve optimal fit to the data.

The results of this automated forecasting procedure indicated that a model with a positive autoregressive component, B = .527, SE = .124, and a positive contribution of the novel music production index, B = .059, SE = .008, provides the best fit to the data:


This model estimation suggests that the index of novel song choices contributes to average lyrical compressibility above and beyond the temporal autocorrelation observed for average lyrical compressibility. Further, the coefficient for the index of novel song choices was statistically significant, z = 6.95, p < .001.

We also ran an alternative set of auto.ARIMA analyses where we set novel song choices as the dependent variable and average lyrical compressibility as an exogenous predictor. The results of this automated forecasting procedure indicated that a model with two positive moving average components, B = 1.176, SE = .242, and B = .487, SE = .164, and a positive contribution of average lyrical compressibility, B = 5.067, SE = 2.207, provides the best fit to the data:


The coefficient for lyrical compressibility was statistically significant, z = 2.30, p = .02.

Comparison of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) values for our primary and alternative models suggest that our primary model with novel song choices as an exogenous predictor and lyrical compressibility as the dependent variable, AIC = -235.84, BIC = -227.53, is superior to the alternate model with lyrical compressibility as an exogenous predictor and novel song choices as the dependent variable, AIC = 58.36, BIC = 68.75.

Robustness analyses: Controlling for percentage of scraped songs

Because of a positive association between lyrical compressibility and percentage of scraped songs per year, we performed a separate set of analyses in which we first regressed out the effect of sampling (% of scraped songs/year) on lyrical compressibility and performed an auto.ARIMA analysis on the residuals. Results of a model on the residuals with music production as a predictor indicated a significant effect of music production, B = .799, SE = 0.046, z = 17.32, p < .001, suggesting that the effect songs even when accounting for the possible change in sampling.

Multivariate analyses

In another set of control analyses, we performed an auto.ARIMA analysis, in which we included the PCA factor formed by all socio-ecological covariates as a second covariates. By comparing the magnitude of the effect from this first principal component (which was chiefly driven by ecological variables) and music production index, we can assess the relative contribution of the music production index via-a-vis other socio-ecological covariates. The results of this automated forecasting procedure indicated that a model with a positive autoregressive component, B = .513, SE = .118, a significant positive contribution of the novel music production index, B = .038, SE = .016, z = 2.37, p = .018, and a non-significant positive trend formed by ecological covariates (and chiefly reflecting economic and population growth), B = .026, SE = .016, z = 1.61, p = .108, provides the best fit to the data:


This model estimation suggests that the index of novel song choices contributes to average lyrical compressibility above and beyond the temporal autocorrelation as well as other ecological covariates observed for average lyrical compressibility. Moreover, the effect of music production on lyrical compressibility was stronger than other feasible covariates explored in the present dataset.

Exploratory song-level analyses

In exploratory analyses we evaluated how lyrical compressibility is associated with song success, and whether this relationship was stronger in time periods when more novel music was produced. Given that we shifted focus to song-specific data, we utilized a multi-level framework via lme4 package in R, with songs’ chart position and lyrical compressibility scores nested within years. Preliminary auto.ARIMA analyses on the yearly aggregate data indicated that a model with no auto-regressive components but a linear trend would show the best model fit. Therefore, in the first multi-level model we included year as a proxy for a linear trend as well as compressibility X year interaction as predictors of song success. Both year and lyrical compressibility were mean-centered prior to analyses. This multi-level model showed a good overall model fit, R2 = .05, with 3.9% of the variance explained by fixed effects. Results indicated a significant effect of year, B = 0.318, SE = 0.031, t(df = 57.29) = 10.23, p < 001, suggesting that over time songs included in the sample on average had a lower chart rank—a typical regression to the mean effect. Importantly, more compressible songs showed significantly higher rank in the charts, B = - 9.321, SE = 0.661, t(df = 14640.88) = 14.10, p < .001, and this effect was particularly pronounced for more recent years, compressibility X Year interaction, B = - 0.105, SE = 0.039, t(df = 14581.41) = 2.71, p = .007.

In the second step, we added mean-centered yearly music production index as a second covariate, along with a music production X compressibility interaction. Based on prior auto. ARIMA results, we also included linear effect of year to account for the trend in the chart position. This multi-level model also showed a good overall model fit, R2 = .06, with 4.7% of the variance explained by fixed effects. More compressible songs showed significantly higher rank in the charts, B = - 9.353, SE = 0.657, t(df = 14819.95) = 14.23, p < .001. Also, average chart position of songs was higher in years with a greater volume of songs produced, B = 6.141, SE = 1.280, t(df = 53.76) = 4.80, p < .001. Moreover, as Fig 2 indicates, lyrical compressibility was more strongly associated with song success in years with greater volume of produced songs, compressibility X music production interaction, B = - 2.170, SE = 0.648, t(df = 14781.15) = 3.35, p = .001. These analyses yield results consistent with the proposition that lyrically simpler songs enjoy greater success in time periods in which more novel song choices are available.

Fig 2. Relationship between lyrical compressibility and chart position for years differing in music production volume.

Fig 2

Confidence bands indicate 95% around the estimate.


As a final step, we generated a forecast for average lyrical compressibility for four decades after the last data point in our time series. This is in keeping with recommendations by Varnum & Grossmann [38] that papers analyzing past patterns of cultural change provide forecasts for the future. These forecasts enable a test of this theoretical model against concrete future cultural trends. Using the automated ARIMA algorithm, we also identified the best function for the novel song choices data, which we used to estimate the subsequent 40 data points. In turn, we used this estimated data in conjunction with the compressibility function to forecast the further development of lyrical compressibility. Results of this model suggest that lyrical compressibility will continue to increase over the next several decades (see Fig 1).


Popular music lyrics have recently been used to inform work on the cultural transmission of emotional expression [14, 66], as an index of culture-level changes in self- versus other-focus [5], and as a reflection of cultural mood in respond to economic and social threats [18, 19]. But one major trend in popular music lyrics remained underexplored and unexplained—popular music lyrics are coming increasingly simple over time. We reasoned and found support for the hypothesis that increasing lyrical simplicity is associated with increasing amounts of novel music production. That is, in times when more novel music is produced, popular songs become increasingly lyrically simple.

The relationship between mean lyrical compressibility and the amount of novel music produced each year was robust. We observed significant positive associations across three operationalizations of the amount of novel song choices and the average lyrical compressibility of popular songs. Further, the relationship between amount of novel song choices and average compressibility of popular songs remained significant when including a host of ecological, socioecological, and cultural factors linked to other types of cultural change both in univariate and multivariate analyses. By and large these other variables were not significantly associated with changes in lyrical simplicity after controlling for the potentially confounding influence of temporal autocorrelation. Of note, we also observed a significant negative association between changes in pathogen prevalence and lyrical simplicity. This observation suggests a potentially new consequence of infectious disease threat, one that should be explored in more detail in future work.

Importantly, the linkage between amount of new music produced and average compressibility of popular songs also held when accounting for temporal autocorrelation using three distinct methods. Thus, results suggest that the amount of novel music produced contributes to changes in average lyrical compressibility above and beyond other plausible causes and autoregressive trends in the data.

In exploratory analyses, we also found evidence suggesting that success, as indexed by position in the billboard charts, among popular songs was associated with greater lyrical compressibility. This is broadly consistent with the notion that simpler content enjoys an advantage in memorability and/or transmission. Importantly, this effect appeared to be stronger in years when the amount of novel songs produced was higher, providing conceptual confirmation of our key finding. More novel song choices appear linked to both greater average lyrical compressibility of the body of songs that succeeds (i.e., those entering the billboard chart in a given year), and, among songs entering the charts in a given year, compressibility was more strongly associated with better performance on the chart in years when more novel songs were produced.

This finding might parallel ongoing research taking information-theoretic approaches in exploring communicative efficiency in human language [67, 68]. For example, in both language and music, something akin to Zipf’s law seems to be at play [2]—i.e., the frequency rank of a phenomenon is inversely proportional to its probability, such that, in the case of language, many words are quite rare, but a few words (e.g., pronouns) appear with great frequency. Moreover, these more successful (i.e., frequently-used) words tend be shorter in length (but see also Piantadosi et al., 2011 [69]). This observation dovetails with our finding regarding the success of simpler lyrics. Indeed, the increasingly success of simple lyrics may reflect increasing communicative efficacy.

A preference for simpler information in increasingly information-saturated environments might also be consistent with some propositions from cultural evolutionary theory. One tenet of cumulative cultural evolutionary theory is that human innovation, transmission, and learning increase the amount and quality of cultural information, while also increasing the learnability of this information [70, 25]. One way to increase information learnability is via simplicity [71, 72], thereby yielding increasingly efficient communication.

The present report adds to two growing bodies of empirical research—work emphasizing the examination of cultural products as a window into cultural-level psychological processes [14, 5] and work using time-series methods to test hypotheses regarding the causes of particular patterns of cultural change (for a review see Varnum & Grossmann, 2017 [38]). Here, we use big data and time series methods to show that increases in the amount of novel songs over time appear to be linked to the increasing simplicity of popular songs’ lyrics, as well as greater success of songs with simpler lyrics. What does this tell us more broadly about how American culture has changed? It suggests potentially that success of aesthetic complexity at the cultural level may be something that shifts over time. Although this is not the first such demonstration of this phenomenon, to our knowledge this is the first attempt to formally evaluate why such cultural-level preferences may change.

Alternative and complementary explanations

Although we found that our key effect was highly robust, alternative or complementary explanations for the growing success of lyrically simpler songs are still possible. For example, changes in the ways that people consume popular music could perhaps affect lyrical simplicity. Technological innovation (e.g., various portable music devices) could play a role, as could other variation in the ways that people interact with music. Relatedly, one might speculate that the success of increasingly simple lyrics might owe to technologically mediated increases in listening to music primarily in the background (e.g., on commutes, in gyms). However, one might easily argue that for generations music has been consumed in this fashion albeit with slightly different technologies—portable radios, car stereos, and portable music players have existed and been widely used for decades. It would be interesting to attempt to assess this question empirically, although we are not currently aware of high-quality time series data relating to how and why people listen to popular music. Moreover, operationalization of these indicators of technological innovations over time would be a potentially thorny problem. For instance, what does it mean to own a Walkman in 1982 as compared to a similar device in 2002? Nonetheless, it would be intriguing to assess these questions in future work.

Another possibility is that the length of songs may have changed over time affecting average lyrical complexity. Thus, perhaps song lyrics are more compressible by virtue of songs becoming shorter. However, a recent analysis of songs entering the Billboard charts over the course of its history suggests, in fact, that the average song on the charts in the late 2010’s was somewhat longer than those in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and similar in recent years to levels observed in the 1970’s [73]. Thus, this alternative explanation cannot account for the trends observed in the present analyses.

One might alternatively speculate that the rise in lyrical simplicity observed in the present data might be related to trends in the popularity of different musical genres. Indeed, although this is beyond the scope of the present work, it would be interesting to empirically assess how lyrical complexity varies across popular music genres and whether trends within these genres over time have been similar. Further, future work might assess whether the linkage between lyrical simplicity and song success observed in our exploratory analyses varies within genres of popular music or if genres that are on average simpler enjoy greater success in times of more music production.


It is worth noting that our analysis was restricted to a single type of cultural product. It might be the case that empirical analysis of other domains might show similar trends and a similar relationship between amount of novel content and success of simpler content, or it may be that different dynamics are observed when considering television shows, videogames, or other types of cultural products. For example, many have argued that television shows have become more complex and intellectually stimulating in the past few decades, entering the so-called “Golden Age of Television.” However, empirical work examining complexity over time in other types of cultural products, including movies, news broadcasts, print newspapers, novels, and political speech suggests that there is in fact a broad trend toward simpler content being increasingly preferred, at least when it comes to the language used in these products [74]. It is noteworthy that Jordan and colleagues (2019) used a different measure of complexity, in this case use of a specific set of words indicate cognitive complexity, and that they find that the strength of the decline in complexity varies across different types of cultural products. Hence, future research may attempt to conceptually replicate our work by assessing compressibility of other types of cultural products over time and whether the success of such products is linked to the number of options or alternatives within that domain.

It is also worth noting that, in the present work, we assessed the simplicity of lyrics. Songs might be complex or simple in other ways as well, in terms of rhythm, melody, number of instruments played, and so on. Analyses of these features is beyond the scope of the present work, but it would be interesting to see the extent to which similar or divergent patterns are observed in these facets of successful popular music over time.

Our analysis was also limited to songs that were relatively successful over time—i.e., those that made the Billboard Hot 100 chart. This sample is quite large (N > 14,000), but it may not be representative of all songs produced during this period. Further, we were able to successfully scrape a greater proportion of more recent rather than older songs, which we included in control analyses. Our sample captures a large chunk of popular music produced during more than half a century and enables tests regarding linkages between novel music choices, lyrical simplicity, and song success. A slightly different conceptual question may be worthwhile addressing in future work: Does average complexity of all music produced change along with shifts in the amount of music produced?

Our work is also limited by the fact that song success was operationalized by commercial success in the US market. Although some cultural shifts in the past several decades appear to be global in nature, such as rising individualism [36], this need not be the case for all dimensions of culture. Different dynamics may potentially be observed in terms of song success in parts of the world with different values, practices, and ecological conditions. Although such an endeavor is beyond the scope of the present manuscript largely due to the lack of equally rich time series data from other countries, it would be worthwhile to try to address this question in the future.

Finally, the present work is limited by its correlational nature. Although our findings appeared quite robust across different operationalizations of the independent variable—when accounting for autocorrelation in various ways, and when controlling for a host of plausible ecological, socioecological factors, and cultural values which have shifted over time—we cannot completely rule out all alternative explanations for increasing success of songs with simpler lyrics. Future work might attempt to quantify society level time series trends in conformity or other biases linked to lyrical affect and music sampling [14, 75], and assess whether the present findings hold when controlling for these variables as well. Future work may also use in-lab methods to explore and disentangle the possible causal mechanisms underlying the link between amount of novel song choices and success of songs with simpler lyrics. For example, transmission chain methods [76] could be employed to explore whether participants might find simpler lyrics more pleasing and memorable when there is a greater number of other song-snippets competing for attention versus when there is not.


Why have the lyrics of pop songs become simpler over time? Our findings suggest that the answer may have to do with the proliferation of new songs available to consumers. The present work represents one of the first attempts to use big data and time series methods to quantify temporal shifts in information transmission dynamics at the societal level. Future work may attempt to replicate and extend these findings into other types of complexity and other types of cultural products.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Zero-order Kendall’s Tau correlations between variables.


S1 File


Data Availability

All data and reproducible code for analyses reported in the manuscript are available on the Open Science Framework (

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Ronald Fischer

17 Sep 2020


People prefer simpler content when there are more choices: A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music


Dear Dr. Varnum,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. 

The two reviewers provide constructive and partially overlapping comments on your framing and the analyses. I strongly encourage you to consider the additional analyses and validity checks proposed by reviewer 1 as well as addressing the conceptual questions raised by both reviewers 1 and 2.

I am also wondering whether genre and the proliferation and diversification of genres over the last century may partially be responsible for some of these effects. To what extent do these trends occur within genres or over the careers of artists/groups? Do novel genres have an advantage over more established genres? Greater attention to genres of music as well as trends for the same agent (singer/songwriter, performer) may help to address some of the conceptual issues identified by the reviewers.

Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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This is an innovative and thought provoking article. The two reviewers provide constructive and partially overlapping comments on your framing and the analyses. I strongly encourage you to consider the additional analyses and validity checks proposed by reviewer 1 as well as addressing the conceptual questions raised by both reviewers 1 and 2.

I am also wondering whether genre and the proliferation and diversification of genres over the last century may partially be responsible for some of these effects. To what extent do these trends occur within genres or over the careers of artists/groups? Do novel genres have an advantage over more established genres? Greater attention to genres of music as well as trends for the same agent (singer/songwriter, performer) may help to address some of the conceptual issues raised.

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #1: Partly

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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: This study explores a trend towards greater compressibility of US song lyrics, which became more repetitive over the last 6 decades. The authors test the claim that this trend is due to an increase in the variety of songs on offer. The results show that novelty in music production (henceforth "musical novelty") is a significant predictor of lyrics compressibility, even when controlling, separately, for temporal autocorrelation on the one hand, and for a host of potential confounds on the other hand.

This is an exciting and innovating study, correctly done overall, and demonstrating an intringuing and non-trivial phenomenon: song lyrics become more repetitive over time. The use of a future-oriented predictive model is particularly appreciated. If the paper merely demonstrated and explored this trend I would have no reservations about it. My main concern comes from the causal hypothesis that the study puts forward to explain the trend.

The results only partially support the authors' claims. First, because the study fails to test a set of competing explanations that seem more plausible to me than the one put forward. They are detailed below. Second, because the claim that novel music production predicts lyric compressibility above other predictors (p. 18, "the amount of novel music produced contributes to changes in average lyrical compressibility above and beyond other plausible causes") is not demonstrated or even suggested by the data. Third, no evidence is given for the contention that more compressible songs are more likely to be successful, when there is more choice (in the authors' own data or elsewhere).

1. Alternative explanations

An explanation that is alluded to in one paragraph of the discussion (p. 21) but not followed through is that song lyrics became simpler and more repetitive because listening to music became something that people did while doing other things and often without paying any particular attention (in supermarkets, elevators, bars, etc., no longer just concert halls or standing on street corners). This would readily explain why lyrics become simpler: because songs no longer have the listeners' undivided attention. This explanation is entirely distinct from the hypothesised effect of musical novelty: it is about changes in music consumption, not about changes in music production. Even so, it is coherent with the pattern of results presented here. Arguably the musical industry produced increasingly many songs because demand grew, and demand grew because people took to listening to music in circumstances where they did not use to. Changes in media of diffusion (e.g. from sheet music to radio) are an obvious and related explanation. Unless we assume that these two hypotheses are somehow equivalent or interchangeable, one cannot claim that growing musical novelty caused the observed trend without ruling out this alternative account.

One may also worry about a possible selection bias. As explained in the supplementary materials, the study selected roughly half the songs that appeared in the charts for textual analysis, due to difficulties in finding good textual data for other songs. This raises the possibility that a selection bias might explain the observed trend. It is possible that text data is better for later songs: that our documentation for 2000s hits is better than it is for 1960s hits. It is possible that songs with more less compressible lyrics are more likely to be documented, because they are more interesting, lyrics-wise, and more worthy of attention. If these two conditions obtained they would suffice to produce an apparent decrease in compressibility that would be entirely due to a preservation bias. Lyric compressibility would not actually decrease through time for unrecorded song lyrics. I am not saying that this is what happened, but this explanation is easy to rule out (just show that the proprotion of hit songs with undocumented lyrics does not change through time, or that such changes, if they occur, do not explain away the trend you observe). Relatedly, more detail on the selection of song lyrics to be analysed would be welcome: what the criteria for inclusion were, whether there was any stopping rule for data collection, etc.

2. Is novel music production a better predictor of lyric compressibility than other predictors?

The results do not establish that musical novelty is a better predictor of lyrics compressibility compared to other possible predictors studied here. Several indicators show a higher correlation with lyrics compressibility, among them (judging by Fig. 1) GDP per capita, population size, and (with an inverse correlation) residential mobility. (Although I don't know what would happen to these correlations after autocorrelation is taken into account.) To sustain the claim that musical novelty is a better predictor of lyric compressibility than other candidates, running partial correlations is not sufficient. Partial correlations merely show that the correlation between lyrics compressibility and musical novelty is robust when variable X is taken into account, but it could still be the case that variable X does better, as a predictor of lyrics compressibility, than musical novelty does.

Relatedly, it is not clear whether the correlation between lyrics complexity and musical novelty would still hold once all important confounds are controlled for *together*, and not just separately as done here. The choice of analysis that was made for this study (taking years as data points) does not allow this to be shown (too few data points), but a nested regression taking songs as data points instead of years might allow the authors to demonstrate this (with due attention being paid to multicollinearity). Alternatively, the authors could reduce all the potential confounds (all factors listed in Fig. 1 except Lyric compressibility, Music production, and Year) to one super-factor, with a PCA. Showing that the correlation between lyrics complexity and musical novelty holds when doing a partial correlation controlling for this super-factor would help make the authors' point.

3. Missing evidence of greater success for simpler songs

On p. 3–4, the study justifies the hypothesis to be tested on the grounds that people generally prefer simpler content to more complex content, especially when the choice is broad. This debatable claim is made by analogy with results in social psychology and experimental economics which in my view are not clearly relevant to the material being studied here. The similarity between a simple economic decision (e.g. a financial product that is easy to understand, as in Iyengar & Kamenica 2010) and a repetitive song, seems quite remote to me. Still, this view makes one clear prediction: more compressible songs should be more commercially successful than compressible ones, at least when there is a lot of choice. The paper seems to endorse this point but does not cite any evidence for it. It would be easy to answer this question, by comparing billboard hit songs with non-hits and controlling for various other factors.

Minor comments:

One possible confound that is (in my view) unlikely to explain the study's correlations but is easy to control for and should be ruled out, is song length: given the measurement of compressibility, I suspect song length will strongly impact compressibility, and if there is any trend in time towards shorter or longer song this might confound the observed trends.

The legend for figure 1 says that the correlations between variables are given as Kendall's tau, but I doubt it for two reasons. 1: The value given in the figure for the correlation between the Music Production index and Lyric Compressibility is .88, which does not correspond to the value reported in the main text (Kendall’s τ = .714), but does correspond to the Pearson's r correlation given in the markdown file (Pearson's r = .87723). 2. In the source code for the figure the method for the correlation is not specified (the command is cor(years, use="" ext-link-type="uri" xlink:type="simple">pairwise.complete.obs")). I suspect R defaults to method = "pearson" when method isn't specified. Please clarify and correct if needed.

Correlations are occasionally (exceptionally) given using Pearson's r (p. 10, also p. 14 when reporting the results for Tiokhin-Hruschka method). The authors note that this parametric correlation is inappropriate since time-series data are not normally distributed. Please remove mentions of Pearson's r or uses of it in reporting results. I recommend paying special attention to results on the Tiokhin-Hruschka method when doing so. See also the above comment regarding Fig. 1.

p. 16 AIC stands for Akaike's Information criterion (not Aikeke).

p. 20 This passage of the discussion alludes to a section of the supplementary materials that I could not find: "the aim of the present work was to understand what shapes the success of cultural products over time, rather than to use the broadest possible set of cultural products as a way to gain insight into other phenomena at the population level (see supplement for an extended discussion of this issue)."

Reviewer #2: This paper presents an analysis of why pop music in the US has become lyrically simpler over time, testing the hypothesis that the trend is driven by an expansion in the number of available song choices. This is tested by quantifying lyrical simplicity using a metric of information compressibility (LZ77 compression algorithm) over thousands of songs, and correlating this measure with estimates of the number of new songs in each year. The results support the hypothesis: large correlations between the measures.

The paper is well written and the analyses are sound and generally appropriately interpreted. The ‘multiverse’-style analysis approach is also helpful in that it provides converging different approaches. The results will be of interest to people in the psychology of music, cultural evolution, and the general public as well.

Here are a few suggestions for a revision:

(1) What songs are most popular and make it to Billboard is not unrelated to preferences, but also not that tight of a measure of people’s self directed-listening behaviours and preference for music, as is implied by the use of "preferences" throughout the paper. for instance, radio plays are influenced by advertisers, independently of people's preferences for songs. A tighter claim to make is that, as more music becomes available, simpler songs are more memorable and/or dispersible than more complicated ones. Whether and how this is related to claims in the manuscript about peoples’ music preferences changing based on Kahneman-esque heuristics being deployed due to increased cognitive load (Intro, pages 4 and 5) and/or interpreting these changes in lyrical trends as indicating changes in emotional expression (if this is what the abstract framing + discussion is implying? Eg. in “What does this tell us more broadly about how American culture has changed?”) is more up for debate, I think. This is an easy fix: just need to clarify the interpretation in the paper a bit more.

(2) The manuscript is clear that the correlational data doesn’t justify claims about causality, but it would be helpful to tighten up the areas where an interpretative claim is being made. Might the direction of causality be backwards? Songs that are simple could be easier to produce, so as artists realize they can produce simpler styles, maybe they produce more of them? There are plenty of other explanations here that would be good to discuss. For instance, maybe memorability is a big driver in what songs get a lot of radio plays, where memorability is a different aspect of music perception than preference.

(3) There may be some interesting parallels to be drawn between these results and ongoing research in how languages more generally are shaped by communicative efficiency (see for review: Gibson et al., 2019, TICS). Namely, the primary measure of simplicity of lyrics is sensitive to word length. Zipf’s law describes the frequency structure of words in a language as being related to word length (eg, Piantadosi, 2014, Psychonomic Bulletin Review), although more recent work shows that information content of words is a better predictor of word length than frequency-rank (Piantadosi et al., 2011, PNAS): in other words, more predictable words tend to be shorter. Something like Zipf's law is at work in music (see Levitin et al., 2012, PNAS; Mehr et al., 2019, Science) and so this connection with information-theoretic notions of communication would be productive. (It also fits neatly with how lyrical simplicity is quantified with LZ77).

(4) To what extent is variance in lyrical compressibility in these data mediated by the distribution of genres within the presented dataset? Electronic/dance music often has highly simple repetitive lyrics as a defining feature, for example, more so than, e.g., jazz lyrics. Perhaps one of the reasons for the popularity of electronic/dance genres within the broader popular music space may relate to this claimed attraction toward simplicity of lyrics. But the deeper point is then to ask how much of the variance in lyrical compressibility is stemming from a general trend across popular music genres and how much is contributed by relative shifts in other stylistic factors (that may be correlated with greater lyrical compressibility for additional reasons). Disentangling this is probably difficult, but I feel like it could be discussed.

Minor comments:

For the predictions about the lyrical compressibility of future popular music, some comments about the bounds in which such extrapolation is valid/meaningful would be helpful. What does it mean for music to have an average compressibility index of ~1.225 by 2050 (as compared to the current average of ~1.1)? What are reasonable bounds of compressibility that things might plateau at?

Please check references, as at least one in-text citation was not in the end references (Steegen et al., 2016)

Mehr Krasnow 2017 is a bit of a funny citation for "music is a human universal". I think better might be Mehr et al., 2019, Science and/or the new BBS theoretical treatment (

A reference about how lyrics play an important part in people’s listening habits may be helpful. For instance, this paper based on Spotify listening data would be a helpful citation:


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

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PLoS One. 2021 Jan 13;16(1):e0244576. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244576.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

15 Oct 2020

Dear Dr. Fischer,

We appreciate your inviting the revision of manuscript, now entitled “Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music.”

To remind you of the contribution, briefly, we explore the surprising trend that popular songs are becoming increasingly simple. We reason that the increasing production of novel songs may drive this phenomenon and test this association, finding a robust link. We situate this finding in the growing bodies of work using song lyrics to assess culture-level phenomena and work using time series analysis to understand drivers of cultural change.

We see this work as being of interest to not only to those interested in social or cultural psychology, but also those studying communication, cognitive science, and music, as well as to the lay public.

Below, we detail the changes made to this revision in line with the reviews, point-by-point, including a significant number of additional analyses. You will find critiques in plain text, with our replies italicized below. We have also highlighted major changes in the revised manuscript file in yellow for your convenience.

Reviewer 1

This is an exciting and innovating study, correctly done overall, and demonstrating an intriguing and non-trivial phenomenon.

We thank the reviewer for their enthusiasm for the work.

The results only partially support the authors' claims. First, because the study fails to test a set of competing explanations that seem more plausible to me than the one put forward. They are detailed below. Second, because the claim that novel music production predicts lyric compressibility above other predictors (p. 18, "the amount of novel music produced contributes to changes in average lyrical compressibility above and beyond other plausible causes") is not demonstrated or even suggested by the data. Third, no evidence is given for the contention that more compressible songs are more likely to be successful, when there is more choice (in the authors' own data or elsewhere).

We have run a significant number of new analyses to address this. In particular, we comprehensively address the reviewer’s second and third points, finding that novel song production is a robust predictor of lyrical simplicity even over and above a host of other ecological and cultural predictors (see Tables 1 and 2), including in new multivariate analyses (see page 19 “Multivariate analyses”), and showing new evidence that this relationship between song success per se (as indexed by a song’s position on the Billboard chart) and novel song production is strongest in years when there are more novel songs produced (see pages 19-21 “Exploratory song-level analyses”).

The reviewer also raised two competing hypotheses:

An explanation that is alluded to in one paragraph of the discussion (p. 21) but not followed through is that song lyrics became simpler and more repetitive because listening to music became something that people did while doing other things and often without paying any particular attention (in supermarkets, elevators, bars, etc., no longer just concert halls or standing on street corners). This would readily explain why lyrics become simpler: because songs no longer have the listeners' undivided attention. This explanation is entirely distinct from the hypothesised effect of musical novelty: it is about changes in music consumption, not about changes in music production.

We now address this point at even greater length in the discssion section (see page 25 first full paragraph), noting that, in particular, technology-mediated changes may influence music consumption practices. However, respectfully disagree that changes in listener attention are likely to cause the shift in lyrical simplicity seen here; for example, people have listened to music in their cars for decades, portable music players have been available for decades, and music has been featured as the background noise in various entertainment establishments for decades. Further, although an interesting avenue for future research, we feel it is beyond the scope of the present work to assess music listening patterns for reasons described on page 25 first full paragraph)

One may also worry about a possible selection bias. As explained in the supplementary materials, the study selected roughly half the songs that appeared in the charts for textual analysis, due to difficulties in finding good textual data for other songs. This raises the possibility that a selection bias might explain the observed trend. It is possible that text data is better for later songs: that our documentation for 2000s hits is better than it is for 1960s hits. It is possible that songs with more less compressible lyrics are more likely to be documented, because they are more interesting, lyrics-wise, and more worthy of attention.

In order to address this point we conducted analyses that controlled for percentage of charting songs for which lyrics could be successfully scraped (see page 18-19 “Robustness analyses: Controlling for percentage of scraped songs”). Our key relationship held controlling for this possibility.

Relatedly, more detail on the selection of song lyrics to be analysed would be welcome: what the criteria for inclusion were, whether there was any stopping rule for data collection, etc.

Additional details regarding the processing of song lyrics can be found on pages 2-3 of the Supporting Information.

Is novel music production a better predictor of lyric compressibility than other predictors?...

The results do not establish that musical novelty is a better predictor of lyrics compressibility compared to other possible predictors studied here. Several indicators show a higher correlation with lyrics compressibility, among them (judging by Fig. 1) GDP per capita, population size, and (with an inverse correlation) residential mobility. (Although I don't know what would happen to these correlations after autocorrelation is taken into account.) To sustain the claim that musical novelty is a better predictor of lyric compressibility than other candidates, running partial correlations is not sufficient. Partial correlations merely show that the correlation between lyrics compressibility and musical novelty is robust when variable X is taken into account, but it could still be the case that variable X does better, as a predictor of lyrics compressibility, than musical novelty does.

We understand the reviewer’s concern, however we note that we do not claim that musical novelty is the best predictor of average lyrical compressibility. That said, we believe that new analyses in which we look at detrended relationships between all putative predictors and average lyrical compressibility suggest that it is one of only three significant predictors, and the only one for which we frankly had an a priori hypothesis when we began the work. We attempt no interpretation of the negative relationship between conservatism and compressibility, and we do talk briefly about the negative relationship between pathogens and compressibility, which we suggest should be followed up on in the future. That said, again our focus was on testing our a priori hypotheses about ONE possible driver of growing lyrical simplicity, hence we focus on this in the present manuscript.

Relatedly, it is not clear whether the correlation between lyrics complexity and musical novelty would still hold once all important confounds are controlled for *together*, and not just separately as done here. The choice of analysis that was made for this study (taking years as data points) does not allow this to be shown (too few data points), but a nested regression taking songs as data points instead of years might allow the authors to demonstrate this (with due attention being paid to multicollinearity). Alternatively, the authors could reduce all the potential confounds (all factors listed in Fig. 1 except Lyric compressibility, Music production, and Year) to one super-factor, with a PCA. Showing that the correlation between lyrics complexity and musical novelty holds when doing a partial correlation controlling for this super-factor would help make the authors' point.

We are grateful to the reviewer for this suggestion. Our new multivariate analyses follow these suggestions (p.19) and find that our key effect holds. Taken together we believe we have a great deal of evidence for the robustness of our key finding and we are grateful to the reviewer for helping strengthen the rigor of the manuscript.

Missing evidence of greater success for simpler songs

On p. 3–4, the study justifies the hypothesis to be tested on the grounds that people generally prefer simpler content to more complex content, especially when the choice is broad. This debatable claim is made by analogy with results in social psychology and experimental economics which in my view are not clearly relevant to the material being studied here. The similarity between a simple economic decision (e.g. a financial product that is easy to understand, as in Iyengar Kamenica 2010) and a repetitive song, seems quite remote to me. Still, this view makes one clear prediction: more compressible songs should be more commercially successful than compressible ones, at least when there is a lot of choice. The paper seems to endorse this point but does not cite any evidence for it. It would be easy to answer this question, by comparing billboard hit songs with non-hits and controlling for various other factors.

Great point! We’ve taken this advice to heart (see pages 19-20, “Exploratory Song-level analyses,”) and we do find empirical support for this claim. Namely, among Billboard charting songs, those that are more compressible are more successful. Further this relationship is stronger in years in which more novel songs are produced. We thank the reviewer for suggesting this and we believe again that the rigor of the manuscript and the fit between evidence and the rationale in the introduction has been enhanced as a result.

Minor comments

- One possible confound that is (in my view) unlikely to explain the study's correlations but is easy to control for and should be ruled out, is song length: given the measurement of compressibility, I suspect song length will strongly impact compressibility, and if there is any trend in time towards shorter or longer song this might confound the observed trends.

We now address this possibility in the discussion section. Based on empirical findings regarding song length of Billboard charting songs, we do not feel that this alternative explanation can explain our observations. See below (from page 26):

“Another possibility is that the length of songs may have changed over time affecting average lyrical complexity. Thus, perhaps song lyrics are more compressible by virtue of songs becoming shorter. However, a recent analysis of songs entering the Billboard charts over the course of its history suggests, in fact, that the average song on the charts in the late 2010’s was somewhat longer than those in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and similar in recent years to levels observed in the 1970’s (Bannister, 2017). Thus, this alternative explanation cannot account for the trends observed in the present analyses.”

- The legend for figure 1 says that the correlations between variables are given as Kendall's tau, but I doubt it for two reasons. 1: The value given in the figure for the correlation between the Music Production index and Lyric Compressibility is .88, which does not correspond to the value reported in the main text (Kendall’s τ = .714), but does correspond to the Pearson's r correlation given in the markdown file (Pearson's r = .87723). 2. In the source code for the figure the method for the correlation is not specified (the command is cor(years, use="pairwise.complete.obs")). I suspect R defaults to method = "pearson" when method isn't specified. Please clarify and correct if needed.

We are grateful to the reviewer for catching this error. This has now been corrected in Table S1 which reports kendall’s tau’s instead of pearson’s r’s.

Correlations are occasionally (exceptionally) given using Pearson's r (p. 10, also p. 14 when reporting the results for Tiokhin-Hruschka method). The authors note that this parametric correlation is inappropriate since time-series data are not normally distributed. Please remove mentions of Pearson's r or uses of it in reporting results. I recommend paying special attention to results on the Tiokhin-Hruschka method when doing so. See also the above comment regarding Fig. 1.

We understand the reviwer’s concern here. However we note that the Tiokhin-Hruschka procedure can only produce corrected significance thresholds for Pearon’s r at present. We have opted to leave these results in in the spirit of a multiverse approach. Importantly, this is only one approach used to account for autocorrelation, and importantly we get converging inferences using these different approaches. However, if the editor wishes, we are happy to move this section the supplement or to OSF as a supporting file.

p. 16 AIC stands for Akaike's Information criterion (not Aikeke).

Again, we are grateful to the reviewer for catching the error. It is now corrected.

p. 20 This passage of the discussion alludes to a section of the supplementary materials that I could not find: "the aim of the present work was to understand what shapes the success of cultural products over time, rather than to use the broadest possible set of cultural products as a way to gain insight into other phenomena at the population level (see supplement for an extended discussion of this issue)."

We discuss this issue on page 27-8 of the revised manuscript and on pages 3-4 of the revised supplement. We hope this discussion is sufficient.

Reviewer 2

The paper is well written and the analyses are sound and generally appropriately interpreted. The ‘multiverse’-style analysis approach is also helpful in that it provides converging different approaches. The results will be of interest to people in the psychology of music, cultural evolution, and the general public as well.

We thank the reviewer for their enthusiasm for the work. 

What songs are most popular and make it to Billboard is not unrelated to preferences, but also not that tight of a measure of people’s self directed-listening behaviours and preference for music, as is implied by the use of "preferences" throughout the paper. for instance, radio plays are influenced by advertisers, independently of people's preferences for songs. A tighter claim to make is that, as more music becomes available, simpler songs are more memorable and/or dispersible than more complicated ones. Whether and how this is related to claims in the manuscript about peoples’ music preferences changing based on Kahneman-esque heuristics being deployed due to increased cognitive load (Intro, pages 4 and 5) and/or interpreting these changes in lyrical trends as indicating changes in emotional expression (if this is what the abstract framing + discussion is implying? Eg. in “What does this tell us more broadly about how American culture has changed?”) is more up for debate, I think. This is an easy fix: just need to clarify the interpretation in the paper a bit more.

We have addressed this issue in line with the reviewer’s helpful comment; namely we clarify the interpretation in the present revision.

The manuscript is clear that the correlational data doesn’t justify claims about causality, but it would be helpful to tighten up the areas where an interpretative claim is being made. Might the direction of causality be backwards? Songs that are simple could be easier to produce, so as artists realize they can produce simpler styles, maybe they produce more of them? There are plenty of other explanations here that would be good to discuss. For instance, maybe memorability is a big driver in what songs get a lot of radio plays, where memorability is a different aspect of music perception than preference.

We agree that causal inference is inherently limited when analyzing this type of data. We have tried throughout the revised manuscript to be cautious in terms of causal and mechanistic claims, especially in the revised discussion section. We have also added several new analyses (see replies to reviewer 1 for details) that we hope do strengthen the inferences made, although again stopping short of claiming to show causality.

There may be some interesting parallels to be drawn between these results and ongoing research in how languages more generally are shaped by communicative efficiency (see for review: Gibson et al., 2019, TICS). Namely, the primary measure of simplicity of lyrics is sensitive to word length.

Zipf’s law describes the frequency structure of words in a language as being related to word length (eg, Piantadosi, 2014, Psychonomic Bulletin Review), although more recent work shows that information content of words is a better predictor of word length than frequency-rank (Piantadosi et al., 2011, PNAS): in other words, more predictable words tend to be shorter. Something like Zipf's law is at work in music (see Levitin et al., 2012, PNAS; Mehr et al., 2019, Science) and so this connection with information-theoretic notions of communication would be productive. (It also fits neatly with how lyrical simplicity is quantified with LZ77).

We thank the reviewer for pointing out this interesting parallel, which we now treat at some length in the Discussion (pages 23-24). We additionally link the present data and this work to another area of literature dealing with cultural evolution and communicative efficiency:

Minor comments:
For the predictions about the lyrical compressibility of future popular music, some comments about the bounds in which such extrapolation is valid/meaningful would be helpful. What does it mean for music to have an average compressibility index of ~1.225 by 2050 (as compared to the current average of ~1.1)? What are reasonable bounds of compressibility that things might plateau at?

We are grateful for this insightful set of suggestions. We have now added the following description which we hope helps guide the reader’s intuitions (pg. 7) : “A score of 0 means no compression was possible (e.g. if the input were random noise), a score of 1 means a 50% reduction in size, a score of 2 means a 75% reduction, and so on.”

Further, there is a theoretical upper limit on compressibility score for any given length. The most repetitive possible song of length n would be a single letter repeated n times, and it would have a score of (log n) - 2. But this is so far from the reality of the data as to not be very interesting.

Please check references, as a least one in-text citation was not in the end references (Steegen et al., 2016).

We have now double checked the reference list and it should now match all in text citations. Thanks to the reviewer for catching this!

Mehr Krasnow 2017 is a bit of a funny citation for "music is a human universal". I think better might be Mehr et al., 2019, Science and/or the new BBS theoretical treatment (

We agree and have switched the citation to Mehr et al., 2019.

AE Decision Letter

I am also wondering whether genre and the proliferation and diversification of genres over the last century may partially be responsible for some of these effects. To what extent do these trends occur within genres or over the careers of artists/groups? Do novel genres have an advantage over more established genres? Greater attention to genres of music as well as trends for the same agent (singer/songwriter, performer) may help to address some of the conceptual issues identified by the reviewers.

These are good points. We agree that genre would be an interesting avenue for future exploration and we now include an extended discussion of this issue in the revised discussion section (page 26). In terms of tracking the course of an individual artist’s output, this would also be an intriguing possibility, however we would be dealing with small N’s for most and potential confounds having to do with the aging process (i.e. executive function decline with age) that would be difficult to disentangle from broader cultural forces. We hope that with the additional analyses, revisions, and explication now provided that the reviewers points are largely addressed even though we did not opt to attempt analyses by genre or within artist. We hope that you will agree that the new analyses reported in the revision are in fact sufficient to all most major concerns.

In sum, we believe that we have addressed all major points raised by reviewers, and that the present revision is suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. We are grateful to the two reviewers and to yourself for the insightful feedback and critique. We believe the manuscript has improved tremendously as a result. We look forward to your reply.


Michael E. W. Varnum

Decision Letter 1

Ronald Fischer

14 Dec 2020

Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music


Dear Dr. Varnum,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Ronald Fischer

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Congratulations, I recommend your article for publication to the Editor in Chief.

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: All my comments were addressed more than satisfactorily. The authors are to be congratulated for this excellent contribution!

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Olivier Morin

Reviewer #2: No

Acceptance letter

Ronald Fischer

18 Dec 2020


Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music

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    S1 Fig. Zero-order Kendall’s Tau correlations between variables.


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