Fig. 2. Overexpression of LINC00261 suppresses glycolysis and proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro.
A Overexpression efficiency of LINC00261 in the pancreatic cancer cell lines Panc1 and Mia-PaCa2. Cell proliferation capacity of pancreatic cancer was measured by B CCK8 assay, C colony formation assay, and D EdU assay using Panc1 and Mia-PaCa2 cells. The glycolysis levels of Panc1 and Mia-PaCa2 cells were evaluated by E ECAR and F OCR, which were detected using a seahorse analyzer, and by G glucose uptake and H lactate production. The data are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.