A) Schematics depicting the quantseq workflow (
B) Top: characterization of the fraction of PAS-containing peaks, where PAS is defined as AAUAAA or AUUAAA, as a function of longest oligo-A stretch identified in peak +/- 50 nt flanking region. Bottom: Total number of peaks identified with (green) or without (orange) PAS as a function of longest A-stretch. (
C) Venn diagrams (as in
Figure 5E) showing overlapping quantseq PASs and cryptic splicing but stratified into the five kmeans clusters. (
D) Relative quantseq PAS position within annotated genes (as in
Figure 5B) but stratified by kmeans clusters. Numbers denote the number of peaks in each group and the fraction of genes with significant deregulated peaks in parenthesis.