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Journal of Fungi logoLink to Journal of Fungi
. 2021 Jan 12;7(1):47. doi: 10.3390/jof7010047

Colletotrichum Species Causing Anthracnose of Citrus in Australia

Weixia Wang 1, Dilani D de Silva 1,2, Azin Moslemi 1, Jacqueline Edwards 2,3, Peter K Ades 4, Pedro W Crous 5, Paul W J Taylor 1,*
PMCID: PMC7828153  PMID: 33445649


Colletotrichum spp. are important pathogens of citrus that cause dieback of branches and postharvest disease. Globally, several species of Colletotrichum have been identified as causing anthracnose of citrus. One hundred and sixty-eight Colletotrichum isolates were collected from anthracnose symptoms on citrus stems, leaves, and fruit from Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland, and from State herbaria in Australia. Colletotrichum australianum sp. nov., C. fructicola, C. gloeosporioides, C. karstii, C. siamense, and C. theobromicola were identified using multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on seven genomic loci (ITS, gapdh, act, tub2, ApMat, gs, and chs-1) in the gloeosporioides complex and five genomic loci (ITS, tub2, act, chs-1, and his3) in the boninense complex, as well as morphological characters. Several isolates pathogenic to chili (Capsicum annuum), previously identified as C. queenslandicum, formed a clade with the citrus isolates described here as C. australianum sp. nov. The spore shape and culture characteristics of the chili and citrus isolates of C. australianum were similar and differed from those of C. queenslandicum. This is the first report of C. theobromicola isolated from citrus and the first detection of C. karstii and C. siamense associated with citrus anthracnose in Australia.

Keywords: anthracnose, citrus, Colletotrichum australianum, phylogenetic analysis, taxonomy

1. Introduction

Edible citrus (Citrus spp.) are important fruit crops globally, produced in temperate and tropical climates [1]. Cumquat (Citrus japonica), grapefruit (Citrus × paradisi), lemon (Citrus limon), lime (Citrus aurantifolia), mandarin (Citrus reticulata), and orange (Citrus × sinensis) are all commercially important citrus species [1,2]. Australia is a major citrus producer with citrus grown in every mainland state [3,4]. In 2019, there was approximately 25,500 ha of citrus production in Australia [5]. Citrus is one of the largest fresh fruit exports from Australia. Australia exported 251,594 tonnes of citrus in 2018, with a total value of $A452.9 million [6].

In citrus, anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a serious disease limiting production globally. Preharvest anthracnose reduces yield, while postharvest anthracnose affects fruit quality, negatively impacting fruit export and marketability [7]. Colletotrichum species are difficult to identify based on morphological characters. Molecular phylogeny has reinvigorated Colletotrichum taxonomy [8], with over 220 Colletotrichum species in 14 species complexes now recognised [9,10].

Globally, multiple Colletotrichum species within several species complexes have been identified as causing citrus anthracnose. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was reported to be associated with anthracnose in Australia [8], Vietnam [11], China [12], Italy [8,13], Morocco [14], Mexico [15,16], Pakistan [17], Ghana [18,19], Brazil [11,20], Algeria [21], Greece [8], Malta [8], New Zealand [8], Portugal [8,22], South Africa [11], Spain [8], Tunisia [23,24], United States [8] and Zimbabwe [11]. Colletotrichum karstii was reported in Southern Italy [13], China [25,26,27], Portugal [23], South Africa [11], Europe [8], United States [28], Tunisia [16], Turkey [29], and New Zealand [25]; C. fructicola was reported in China [26,27,30]; and C. siamense was reported in Vietnam [11], Bangladesh [11], Egypt [11], China [31], Mexico [22], and Pakistan [17,32]. Additionally, C. abscissum, C. acutatum, C. boninense, C. brevisporum, C. catinaense, C. citri, C. citricola, C. citri-maximae, C. constrictum, C. godetiae, C. helleniense, C. hystricis, C. johnstonii, C. cigarro, C. limetticola, C. limonicola, C. novae-zelandiae, C. queenslandicum, C. simmondsii, C. tropicicola, and C. truncatum have all been associated with citrus anthracnose [8,11,25,27,33,34,35,36].

Colletotrichum acutatum, C. fructicola, C. gloeosporioides, and C. nymphaeae have been reported as pathogens associated with citrus anthracnose in Australia. However, C. acutatum was identified based on morphology, and C. nymphaeae was verified by a single tub2 sequence [37,38]. Citrus fruits and plants with anthracnose symptoms are very common both in home gardens and in commercial orchards in Australia. Hence, it is necessary to accurately characterize the Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose diseases of citrus in Australia to help develop appropriate disease management strategies and provide a baseline for plant biosecurity, trade, and market access.

In this study, a representative collection of Colletotrichum isolates from eastern Australian citrus was established from symptomatic leaves, twigs, and fruit, and from culture collections. Colletotrichum species were determined by utilising a polyphasic approach, in which informative gene loci were sequenced. Multigene phylogenetic analyses, morphological characters, and pathogenicity bioassays were used to confirm the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Colletotrichum spp. pathogens causing citrus anthracnose in Australia.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Collection

A total of 147 Colletotrichum isolates were collected from anthracnose lesions on citrus stems and leaves of trees growing in Victoria and New South Wales and from citrus fruits with anthracnose disease symptoms from supermarkets in Melbourne, Victoria. In addition, 21 isolates originating from citrus plants were obtained from State fungaria (the Victorian Plant Pathology Herbarium (VPRI), the Queensland Plant Pathology Herbarium (BRIP), and the NSW Plant Pathology Collection (DAR)).

2.2. Isolate Preparation

Infected fruits, stems, and leaves were surface sterilized by dipping in 2.3% (active ingredient) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 2 min and rinsed five times with sterile distilled water (SDW). Tissue pieces (2 mm2) were excised from the margins of infected lesions and plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA). The plates were incubated at 25 °C in continuous dark for 7 d as described by Guarnaccia et al. [8]. Subcultures of mycelia on PDA plates were maintained under the same growing conditions for a further 7 d. All isolates were established as single spore cultures, as described in De Silva et al. [39].

2.3. Morphological and Cultural Analyses

Plugs (2 mm2) of actively growing mycelia were taken from the edge of 7-d-old cultures and transferred onto PDA and synthetic nutrient-poor agar (SNA), as described by Guarnaccia et al. [8]. After 7 d of incubation at 25 °C under continuous near-ultraviolet light, colony growth was determined by measuring two diameters perpendicular to each other per plate and determining the average of six plates. At 10 d, colony colour was determined using colour charts [40]. Acervuli were induced by inoculating pieces of sterilized mandarin rind with mycelia and incubating on water agar (WA) and SNA, at 25 °C for 10 d.

Appressoria were induced using the slide culture technique described by Johnston and Jones [41]. The length and width of 30 appressoria/slide were measured using X1000 magnification with a Leica DM6000 LED compound microscope, Leica DMC2900 camera, and Leica LAS v. 4.5.0 software.

Slide preparations of morphological structures were prepared in lactic acid, and at least 30 observations were recorded for conidia, conidiophores, and conidiogenous cells per isolate, as well as presence or absence of setae. The range, mean, and standard error (SE) were calculated for each isolate.

2.4. Multigene Phylogenetic Analysis

2.4.1. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification, and Sequencing

1. DNA extraction

Genomic DNA was extracted from pure (single-spored) mycelia of Colletotrichum isolates grown on PDA at 25 °C for 7 d using DNeasy Plant Mini kits (Qiagen, Australia), following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA concentration was determined using NanoDrop, then diluted to 2 ng∙µL−1 and stored at −20 °C until further use [39].

2. PCR amplification and sequencing

Isolates were assigned to a species complex based on morphology and internal transcribed spacer and intervening 5.8S nrDNA gene (ITS) and β-tubulin (tub2) gene sequences data. Isolates in the gloeosporioides species complex were further characterised using seven gene loci: ITS, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), actin (act), tub2, the Apn2–Mat1–2 intergenic spacer and partial mating type (Mat1–2) (ApMat), glutamine synthetase (gs), and chitin synthase 1 (chs-1) genes. Isolates in the boninense species complex were further characterised using five gene loci: ITS, tub2, act, chs-1, and histone (his3). These gene sequences were amplified and sequenced by using primer pairs: ITS-1F (ITS; [42]) and ITS4 (ITS; [43]), GDF1 and GDR1 (gapdh; [44]), ACT-512F + ACT-783R (act; [45]), Btub2Fd and Btub4Rd (tub2; [46]), AMF1 and AMR1 (ApMat; [47]), GSF1 and GSR1 (gs; [48]), CHS-79F and CHS-354R (chs-1; [45]), and CYLH3F and CYLH3R (his3; [49]).

PCR was performed in a 2720 Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems, Australia). The total volume of PCR mixture was 25 µL. The PCR of the ITS, gapdh, act, tub2, gs, chs-1, and his3 genes followed the protocol described by De Silva et al. [39] and contained 1× PCR buffer, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dNTP, 1 U Taq DNA polymerase (MangoTaq DNA polymerase; Bioline, Australia), 0.4 µM of each primer, and 6 ng template DNA. The PCR annealing temperatures were adjusted to 55 °C for ITS, gapdh, and his3; 58 °C for act, tub2, and gs; and 66 °C for chs-1.

For ApMat, in the 25 µL PCR mixture, the concentration of each primer was adjusted to 0.5 µM, and the template DNA was adjusted to 10 ng. The PCR amplification protocols were performed according to Silva et al. [47], except the annealing temperature of ApMat was adjusted to 62 °C.

All PCR products were purified using QIA-quick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Australia) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Purified PCR products were sequenced in both the forward and reverse sense at the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF, Melbourne), then aligned to produce a consensus sequence for each isolate using ClustalW in MEGA 6.06 [50]. The consensus sequences were deposited in GenBank.

2.4.2. Phylogenetic Analyses

The sequences of reference isolates were retrieved from GenBank for use in phylogenetic analyses (Table 1). All the sequences were aligned by using ClustalW in MEGA 6.06 and manually edited when necessary. The ITS and tub2 sequences of morphologically different isolates were compared to determine which species complex each isolate belonged based on maximum likelihood analysis (ML) by using MEGA 6.06 [10]. For isolates from the gloeosporioides species complex, phylogenetic analyses of combined seven gene sequences (ITS, gapdh, act, tub2, ApMat, gs, and chs-1) and combined two gene sequences (ApMat and gs) were carried out with selected reference sequences [39,51]. For isolates from the boninense species complex, phylogenetic analysis of combined five gene sequences (ITS, tub2, act, chs-1, and his3) was constructed [8].

Table 1.

Strains of Colletotrichum species used in the phylogenetic analyses with details of host and location, and GenBank accession numbers of the sequences.

Species Accession Number Host Location GenBank Accession Numbers
Gloeosporioides complex
C. aenigma ICMP 18608 * Persea americana Israel JX010244 JX010044 JX009443 JX010389 JX010078 KM360143 JX009774
C. aeschynomenes ICMP 17673; ATCC 201874 * Aeschynomene virginica USA JX010176 JX009930 JX009483 JX010392 JX010081 KM360145 JX009799
C. alatae ICMP 17919 * Dioscorea alata India JX010190 JX009990 JX009471 JX010383 JX010065 KC888932 JX009837
C. alienum ICMP 12071 * Malus domestica New Zealand JX010251 JX010028 JX009572 JX010411 JX010101 KM360144 JX009882
C. asianum ICMP 18580; CBS 130418 * Coffea arabica Thailand FJ972612 JX010053 JX009584 JX010406 JX010096 FR718814 JX009867
C. aotearoa ICMP 18537 * Coprosma sp. New Zealand JX010205 JX010005 JX009564 JX010420 JX010113 KC888930 JX009853
C. artocarpicola MFLUCC 18–1167 * Artocarpus heterophyllus Thailand MN415991 MN435568 MN435570 MN435567 MN435569
C. australianum VPRI 43074; UMC001 Citrus reticulata Australia, Vic MG572137 MG572126 MK473452 MG572148 MG572159 MG572170 MW091986
VPRI 43075; UMC002 * Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MG572138 MG572127 MN442109 MG572149 MG572160 MG572171 MW091987
BRIP 63695 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923677 MN442115 MN442105 KU923693 KU923737 KU923727 MW092000
BRIP 63696 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923678 KU923694 KU923738 KU923728
BRIP 63697 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923679 KU923695 KU923739 KU923729
BRIP 63698 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923680 MN442116 MN442106 KU923696 KU923740 KU923730 MW092001
BRIP 63699 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923681 MN442117 MN442107 KU923697 KU923741 KU923731 MW092002
BRIP 63700 Capsicum annuum Australia KU923682 MN442118 MN442108 KU923698 KU923742 KU923732 MW092003
C. camelliae CGMCC 3.14925 * Camellia sinensis China KJ955081 KJ954782 KJ954363 KJ955230 KJ954932 KJ954497
Glomella cingulate f. sp. camelliae ICMP 10643 * Camellia × williamsii UK JX010224 JX009908 JX009540 JX010436 JX010119 KJ954625 JX009891
C. changpingense MFLUCC 15-0022 Fragaria ×ananassa China KP683152 KP852469 KP683093 KP852490 KP852449
C. chrysophilum CMM4268 * Musa sp. Brazil KX094252 KX094183 KX093982 KX094285 KX094204 KX094083
C. conoides CAUG17 * Capsicum annuum China KP890168 KP890162 KP890144 KP890174 KP890156
C. cordylinicola MFLUCC 090551; ICMP 18579 * Cordyline fruticosa Thailand JX010226 JX009975 HM470235 JX010440 JX010122 JQ899274 JX009864
C. clidemiae ICMP 18658 * Clidemia hirta USA, Hawaii JX010265 JX009989 JX009537 JX010438 JX010129 KC888929 JX009877
C. endophytica CAUG28 Capsicum annuum China KP145441 KP145413 KP145329 KP145469 KP145385
C. fructicola ICMP 18581; CBS 130416 * Coffea arabica Thailand JX010165 JX010033 FJ907426 JX010405 JX010095 JQ807838 JX009866
LC2923; LF130 Camellia sinensis China KJ955083 KJ954784 KJ954365 KJ955232 KJ954934 KJ954499
VPRI 43079; UMC006 Citrus reticulata Australia, Qld MG572142 MG572131 MK473454 MG572153 MG572164 MG572175 MW091991
BRIP 65028a; VPRI 43034; B03-43034 Citrus latifolia Australia, Qld MK470007 MK470025 MK470097 MK470061 MK470043 MK470079 MW091983
C. fructicola (syn. C. ignotum) ICMP 18646 Tetragastris panamensis Panama JX010173 JX010032 JX009581 JX010409 JX010099 JQ807839 JX009874
C. fructivorum CBS 133125 * Vaccinium macrocarpon USA JX145145 JX145196
C. gloeosporioides IMI 356878; ICMP 17821; CBS 112999 * Citrus sinensis Italy JX010152 JX010056 JX009531 JX010445 JX010085 JQ807843 JX009818
LC3110; LF318 Camellia sinensis China KJ955127 KJ954828 KJ954407 KJ955275 KJ954978 KJ954541
LC3312; LF534 Camellia sinensis China KJ955158 KJ954859 KJ954434 KJ955305 KJ955009 KJ954569
LC3382; LF604 Camellia sinensis China KJ955176 KJ954877 KJ954450 KJ955323 KJ955026 KJ954584
LC3686; LF916 Camellia sinensis China KJ955226 KJ954927 KJ954493 KJ955371 KJ955076 KJ954629
VPRI 43076; UMC003 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MG572139 MG572128 MN442110 MG572150 MG572161 MG572172 MW091988
VPRI 43078; UMC005 Citrus aurantifolia Australia, Qld MG572141 MG572130 MN442111 MG572152 MG572163 MG572174 MW091990
VPRI 43080; UMC007 Citrus reticulata Australia, Qld MG572143 MG572132 MK473455 MG572154 MG572165 MG572176 MW091992
VPRI 43081; UMC008 Citrus reticulata Australia, Qld MG572144 MG572133 MN442112 MG572155 MG572166 MG572177 MW091993
VPRI 43082; UMC009 Citrus reticulata Australia, Qld MG572145 MG572134 MN442113 MG572156 MG572167 MG572178 MW091994
VPRI 43084; UMC011 Citrus japonica Australia, Vic MG572147 MG572136 MN442114 MG572158 MG572169 MG572180 MW091996
VPRI 43648; UMC012 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MW081160 MW081163 MW081166 MW081169 MW081175 MW081172 MW091997
VPRI 43649; UMC013 Citrus limon Australia, Vic MW081161 MW081164 MW081167 MW081170 MW081176 MW081173 MW091998
VPRI 43650; UMC014 Citrus japonica Australia, Vic MW081162 MW081165 MW081168 MW081171 MW081177 MW081174 MW091999
VPRI 10312; A01-10312 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MK469996 MK470014 MK470086 MK470050 MK470032 MK470068 MW091972
VPRI 10347; A02-10347; BRIP 54771 Citrus limon Australia, Vic MK469997 MK470015 MK470087 MK470051; KU221374 MK470033 MK470069 MW091973
WAC 12803; BRIP 63680a; VPRI 43024; A05-43024 Citrus sinensis Australia, WA MK469998 MK470016 MK470088 MK470052 MK470034 MK470070 MW091974
BRIP 66210a; VPRI 43026; A07-43026 Citrus reticulata Australia, SA MK470000 MK470018 MK470090 MK470054 MK470036 MK470072 MW091976
BRIP 66210b; VPRI 43027; A08-43027 Citrus reticulata Australia, SA MK470001 MK470019 MK470091 MK470055 MK470037 MK470073 MW091977
BRIP 28546a; VPRI 43028; A09-43028 Citrus sinensis Navel Australia, Qld MK470002 MK470020 MK470092 MK470056 MK470038 MK470074 MW091978
BRIP 28754a; VPRI 43030; A11-43030 Citrus reticulata Australia, Qld MK470003 MK470021 MK470093 MK470057 MK470039 MK470075 MW091979
BRIP 53157d; VPRI 43031; A12-43031 Citrus aurantifolia Tahiti Australia, Qld MK470004 MK470022 MK470094 MK470058 MK470040 MK470076 MW091980
BRIP 66135a; VPRI 43032; B01-43032 Citrus reticulata Imperial Blanco Australia, Qld MK470005 MK470023 MK470095 MK470059 MK470041 MK470077 MW091981
BRIP 28831a; VPRI 43033; B02-43033 Citrus sinensis Australia, Qld MK470006 MK470024 MK470096 MK470060 MK470042 MK470078 MW091982
VPRI 42955; G01-42955 Citrus limon Australia, NSW MK470008 MK470026 MK470098 MK470062 MK470044 MK470080 MW091984
VPRI 42956; H01-42956 Citrus sinensis Australia, NSW MK470009 MK470027 MK470099 MK470063 MK470045 MK470081 MW091985
C. grevilleae CBS 132879 * Grevillea sp. Italy KC297078 KC297010 KC296941 KC297102 KC297033 KC296987
C. grossum CGMCC3.17614T; CAUG7 * Capsicum sp. China KP890165 KP890159 KP890141 KP890171 KP890153
CAU31 Capsicum sp. China KP890166 KP890160 KP890142 KP890172 KP890154
CAUG32 Capsicum sp. China KP890167 KP890161 KP890143 KP890173 KP890155
C. hebeiense MFLUCC13-0726 * Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon China KF156863 KF377495 KF377532 KF288975 KF289008
C. helleniense CPC 26844; CBS 142418 * Poncirus trifoliata Greece KY856446 KY856270 KY856019 KY856528 KY856186
C. henanense LC3030; CGMCC 3.17354; LF238 * Camellia sinensis China KJ955109 KJ954810 KM023257 KJ955257 KJ954960 KJ954524
C. horii ICMP 10492 * Diospyros kaki Japan GQ329690 GQ329681 JX009438 JX010450 JX010137 JQ807840 JX009752
C. hystricis CPC 28153; CBS 142411 * Citrus hystrix Italy KY856450 KY856274 KY856023 KY856532 KY856190
C. jiangxiense LF687 * Camellia sinensis China KJ955201 KJ954902 KJ954471 KJ955348 KJ955051 KJ954607
C. cigarro ICMP 18534 Kunzea ericoides New Zealand JX010227 JX009904 JX009473 JX010427 JX010116 HE655657 JX009765
C. kahawae IMI 319418; ICMP 17816 * Coffea arabica Kenya JX010231 JX010012 JX009452 JX010444 JX010130 JQ894579 JX009813
C. musae ICMP 19119; CBS 116870 * Musa sp. USA JX010146 JX010050 JX009433 HQ596280 JX010103 KC888926 JX009896
ICMP 17817 Musa sapientum Kenya JX010142 JX010015 JX009432 JX010395 JX010084 JX009815
C. nupharicola ICMP 18187 * Nuphar lutea subsp. polysepala USA JX010187 JX009972 JX009437 JX010398 JX010088 JX145319 JX009835
C. pandanicola MFLUCC 17-0571 Pandanaceae Thailand MG646967 MG646934 MG646938 MG646926 MG646931
C. proteae CBS 132882 * Protea sp. South Africa KC297079 KC297009 KC296940 KC297101 KC297032 KC296986
C. psidii ICMP 19120 * Psidium sp. Italy JX010219 JX009967 JX009515 JX010443 JX010133 KC888931 JX009901
C. queenslandicum ICMP 1778 * Carica papaya Australia JX010276 JX009934 JX009447 JX010414 JX010104 KC888928 JX009899
CPC 17123 Syzygium australa Australia KP703357 KP703282 KP703439 KP703693 KP703778
ICMP 18705 Coffea sp. Fiji JX010185 JX010036 JX009490 JX010412 JX010102 JX009890
CMM3233 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF110849 MF111058 MF110996 MF110639
CMM3241 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF110848 MF111059 MF111000 MF110642
CMM3236 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF110850 MF111060 MF110997 MF110640
CMM3240 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF110852 MF111061 MF110999 MF110644
CMM3237 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF110853 MF111062 MF110998 MF110641
CMM3242 Anacardium occidentale Brazil, Pernambuco state MF111063 MF111001 MF110643
C. rhexiae CBS 133134 * Rhexia virginica USA JX145128 JX145179
C. salsolae ICMP 19051 * Salsola tragus Hungary JX010242 JX009916 JX009562 JX010403 JX010093 KC888925 JX009863
C. siamense ICMP 18578 CBS 130417 * Citrus arabica Thailand JX010171 JX009924 FJ907423 JX010404 JX010094 JQ899289 JX009865
VPRI 43077; UMC004 Citrus limon Australia, NSW MG572140 MG572129 MK473453 MG572151 MG572162 MG572173 MW091989
BRIP 54270b; VPRI 43029; A10-43029 Citrus australasica Australia, Qld MK469995 MK470013 MK470085 MK470049 MK470031 MK470067 MW091971
C. siamense (syn. C. jasmini-sambac) CBS 130420; ICMP 19118 Jasminum sambac Vietnam HM131511 HM131497 HM131507 JX010415 JX010105 JQ807841 JX009895
C. siamense (syn. C. hymenocallidis) CBS 125378; ICMP 18642; LC0043 Hymenocallis americana China JX010278 JX010019 GQ856775 JX010410 JX010100 JQ899283 GQ856730
C. siamense (syn. C. murrayae) GZAAS 5.09506 Murraya sp. China JQ247633 JQ247609 JQ247657 JQ247644 JQ247621
C. syzygicola DNCL021; MFLUCC 10-0624 * Syzygium samarangense Thailand KF242094 KF242156 KF157801 KF254880 KF242125
C. temperatum CBS 133122 * Vaccinium macrocarpon USA JX145159 JX145211
C. theobromicola ICMP 18649; CBS 124945 * Theobroma cacao Panama JX010294 JX010006 JX009444 JX010447 JX010139 KC790726 JX009869
C. theobromicola (syn. C. fragariae) ICMP 17927; CBS 142.31; MTCC 10325T Fragaria × ananassa USA JX010286 JX010024 JX009516 JX010373 JX010064 JQ807844 JX009830
VPRI 43083; UMC010 Citrus aurantifolia Australia, Qld MG572146 MG572135 MK473456 MG572157 MG572168 MG572179 MW091995
C. ti ICMP 4832 * Cordyline sp. New Zealand JX010269 JX009952 JX009520 JX010442 JX010123 KM360146 JX009898
C. tropicale ICMP 18653; CBS 124949 * Theobroma cacao Panama JX010264 JX010007 JX009489 JX010407 JX010097 KC790728 JX009870
C. viniferum GZAAS 5.08601 * Vitis vinifera, cv. ‘Shuijing’ China JN412804 JN412798 JN412795 JN412813 JN412787
C. wuxiense CGMCC 3.17894 * Camellia sinensis China KU251591 KU252045 KU251672 KU252200 KU252101 KU251722 KU251939
C. xanthorrhoeae BRIP 45094; ICMP 17903; CBS 127831 * Xanthorrhoea preissii Australia JX010261 JX009927 JX009478 JX010448 JX010138 KC790689 JX009823
Colletotrichum sp. BRIP 58074a; VPRI 43025; A06-43025 Citrus australasica Australia, Qld MK469999 MK470017 MK470089 MK470053 MK470035 MK470071 MW091975
Boninense complex
C. annellatum CBS 129826 * Hevea brasiliensis Colombia JQ005222 JQ005570 JQ005656 JQ005396 JQ005483
C. beeveri CBS 128527 * Brachyglottis repanda New Zealand JQ005171 JQ005519 JQ005605 JQ005345 JQ005432
C. boninense ICMP 17904; CBS 123755 * Crinum asiaticum ‘Sinicum’ Japan JQ005153 JQ005501 JQ005588 JQ005327 JQ005414
C. brassicicola CBS 101059 Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera New Zealand JQ005172 JQ005520 JQ005606 JQ005346 JQ005433
C. brasiliense CBS 128501* Passiflora edulis Brazil JQ005235 JQ005583 JQ005669 JQ005409 JQ005496
C. catinaense CBS 142417; CPC 27978 * Citrus reticulata Italy, Catania KY856400 KY855971 KY856482 KY856136 KY856307
C. citricola CBS 134228 * Citrus unchiu China KC293576 KC293616 KC293656 KY856140 KY856311
C. constrictum CBS 128504 Citrus limon New Zealand JQ005238 JQ005586 JQ005672 JQ005412 KY856313
C. colombiense CBS 129818 * Passiflora edulis Colombia JQ005174 JQ005522 JQ005608 JQ005348 JQ005435
C. cymbidiicola IMI 347923 * Cymbidium sp. Australia JQ005166 JQ005514 JQ005600 JQ005340 JQ005427
C. dacrycarpi CBS 130241 * Dacrycarpus dacrydioides New Zealand JQ005236 JQ005584 JQ005670 JQ005410 JQ005497
C. hippeastri CBS 125376 * Hippeastrum vittatum China JQ005231 JQ005579 JQ005665 JQ005405 JQ005492
C. karstii CBS 126532 Citrus sp. South Africa JQ005209 JQ005557 JQ005643 JQ005383 JQ005470
CBS 128551 Citrus sp. New Zealand JQ005208 JQ005556 JQ005642 JQ005382 JQ005469
CBS 129829 Gossypium hirsutum Germany JQ005189 JQ005537 JQ005623 JQ005363 JQ005450
CPC 27853 Citrus sinensis Italy, Catania KY856461 KY856034 KY856543 KY856202 KY856377
CPC 31139 Citrus sinensis Italy, Catania KY856467 KY856040 KY856549 KY856208 KY856383
CBS 129833 Musa sp. Mexico JQ005175 JQ005523 JQ005609 JQ005349 JQ005436
CBS 861.72 Bombax aquaticum Brazil JQ005184 JQ005532 JQ005618 JQ005358 JQ005445
DAR 25017a; VPRI 42941; D02-42941 Citrus sinensis Valencia Australia, NSW MK470103 MK470109 MK470106 MK470115 MK470112
DAR 29821a; VPRI 42943; F02-42943 Citrus sinensis Valencia Australia, NSW MK470104 MK470110 MK470107 MK470116 MK470113
DAR 29826a; VPRI 42944; G02-42944 Citrus sinensis Valencia Australia, NSW MK470105 MK470111 MK470108 MK470117 MK470114
VPRI 43651; UMC015 Citrus limon Australia, Vic MW081178 MW081186 MW081182 MW081190 MW081194
VPRI 43652; UMC016 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MW081179 MW081187 MW081183 MW081191 MW081195
VPRI 43653; UMC017 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MW081180 MW081188 MW081184 MW081192 MW081196
VPRI 43654; UMC018 Citrus sinensis Australia, Vic MW081181 MW081189 MW081185 MW081193 MW081197
C. limonicola CBS 142410; CPC 31141 * Citrus limon Malta, Gozo KY856472 KY856045 KY856554 KY856213 KY856388
C. novae-zelandiae CBS 128505 * Capsicum annuum New Zealand JQ005228 JQ005576 JQ005662 JQ005402 JQ005489
C. oncidii CBS 129828 * Oncidium sp. Germany JQ005169 JQ005517 JQ005603 JQ005343 JQ005430
C. parsonsiae CBS 128525 * Parsonsia capsularis New Zealand JQ005233 JQ005581 JQ005667 JQ005407 JQ005494
C. petchii CBS 378.94 * Dracaena marginata Italy JQ005223 JQ005571 JQ005657 JQ005397 JQ005484
C. phyllanthi CBS 175.67 * Phyllanthus acidus India JQ005221 JQ005569 JQ005655 JQ005395 JQ005482
C. torulosum CBS 128544 * Solanum melongena New Zealand JQ005164 JQ005512 JQ005598 JQ005338 JQ005425
Truncatum complex
C. truncatum CBS 151.35 * Phaseolus lunatus USA GU227862 GU227960 GU228156 GU228352 GU228058

Vic: Victoria, NSW: New South Wales, Qld: Queensland, WA: Western Australia, SA: South Australia. * Ex-holotype or ex-epitype cultures.

Further phylogenetic analyses were based on Bayesian Inference analyses (BI) by using MrBayes v. 3.1.2 and ML analysis by using MEGA 6.06 [39]. For BI analyses, MrModeltest2.3 was used to determine the best-fit model for each locus [52] (Table 2). MrBayes v. 3.2.6 was used to generate phylogenetic trees. Four chains were used in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis and were run for 1,000,000,000 generations. The trees were sampled every 100 generations and the heating parameter was set to 0.2. Analyses stopped once the average standard deviation of split frequencies was below 0.01. For ML analysis, analyses were done by using MEGA 6.06. The phylogeny test was the Bootstrap method with 1000 replicates. The substitution model was the Tamura–Nei model based on nucleotide type. The tree inference option was Nearest-Neighbor-Interchange (NNI) ML heuristic method.

Table 2.

Best-fit model for each gene locus selected by MrModeltest.

Dataset Substitution Models
ITS tub2 act chs-1 his3
boninense complex SYM + I+G HKY + I HKY + G GTR + G HKY + I
ITS gapdh tub2 act ApMat gs chs-1
gloeosporioides complex SYM + I HKY + I SYM + I HKY + I HKY + G GTR + G K80 + G

2.5. Pathogenicity Testing

One isolate of each Colletotrichum species (except for C. siamense, which did not sporulate in culture) was used in the pathogenicity tests to inoculate orange (Washington Navel) fruits, orange leaves, lemon (Myer) leaves, and orange flower petals according to the method of Guarnaccia et al. [8].

2.5.1. Fruit Bioassay

Conidial suspensions of each isolate were prepared by adding 10 mL of SDW to 7-d-old cultures, scraping the mycelia then filtering through muslin cloth. The concentration of spore suspension was adjusted to 106 conidia mL−1. Organically grown orange fruits (Citrus sinensis) purchased from a market (Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne) were washed with tap water and then submerged in 70% ethanol for 10 min, and finally rinsed in SDW twice. The orange fruits were marked in the middle to divide into two parts and inoculated with both wound (W) and non-wound (NW) methods. For the wound method, the orange skin was pricked with a sterilized pipette tip to about 1 mm depth. Six wound points were made, and each inoculated with 6 µL spore suspension. In the non-wound method, six drops of 6 µL spore suspension were placed directly on the orange skin. For the control group, 6 µL of SDW was used to treat orange fruit in both wound and non-wound methods. There were three replicates per treatment per isolate and the experiments replicated twice. The fruit was transferred to a plastic box and incubated at 25 °C with 100% humidity in dark. After 10 d, fruits were examined for symptom development, and the percentage of infection was calculated (percentage (%)=infected pointsinoculated points×100%).

2.5.2. Leaf Bioassay

Young, healthy, fully expanded orange and lemon leaves were collected from trees growing in pots. The leaves were washed with tap water, then submerged in 70% ethanol for 2 min, and finally rinsed in SDW twice. The petioles of leaves were wrapped with damp cotton wool and the leaves were placed into petri dishes, three leaves per dish. Three drops of 6 µL spore suspension (106 conidia/mL) were individually placed directly onto the leaf upper surfaces. For the control group, 6 µL of SDW was used. Each set of three leaves per petri dish was inoculated with a different isolate. The petri dishes were placed inside a plastic box and the leaves incubated at 25 °C with 100% humidity and 12/12 h fluorescent light/dark cycle. After 10 d, the leaves were examined for symptom development, and the percentage of infection was calculated (percentage (%)=infected pointsinoculated points×100%).

2.5.3. Petal Bioassay

Healthy orange flower petals were collected from the same trees. Petals were washed in tap water, then submerged in 70% ethanol for 30 s, and finally rinsed in SDW twice. One drop of 6 µL spore suspension (103 conidia/mL) was carefully placed on the middle of each petal without wounding. For the control group, 6 µL of SDW was used. Seven flower petals were used per isolate. The inoculated petals were put in a plastic box and incubated at 25 °C with 100% humidity and 12/12 h fluorescent light/dark cycle. After 3 d, the petals were examined for symptom development, and the percentage of infection was calculated (percentage (%)=infected pointsinoculated points×100%).

3. Results

3.1. Phylogenetic Analyses

The 147 isolates were separated into 18 morphological groups based on culture characteristics. One isolate from each morphological group and 18 isolates from State fungaria from different hosts and location were selected for phylogenetic analyses. Among the 36 Colletotrichum isolates, 29 were identified to be in the gloeosporioides complex and seven were identified to be in the boninense complex based on analysis of combined ITS and tub2 gene sequences. All the isolates in the gloeosporioides complex were isolated from stems, leaves, or fruit, while six of the seven isolates in the boninense complex were isolated from infected orange leaf, while another one was from infected lemon leaf (Table S1).

3.1.1. Gloeosporioides Species Complex

1. Seven-gene tree of citrus isolates in gloeosporioides species complex

The seven-gene phylogenetic analysis consisted of 29 citrus isolates and 29 reference sequences from the gloeosporioides species complex. Colletotrichum boninense (ICMP 17904T) was used as the out-group. A total of 3703 characters (ITS: 504, gapdh: 271, act: 271, tub2: 510, ApMat: 898, gs: 914, chs-1: 275 and 10 N to separate each two sequences) were analysed. The Bayesian analysis lasted 825,000 generations, resulting in 11,995 total trees, of which 8997 trees were used to calculate the posterior probabilities. The BI posterior probabilities were plotted on the ML tree (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Phylogenetic analysis of the combined ITS, gapdh, act, tub2, ApMat, GS, and chs-1 sequence alignment of Colletotrichum isolates in the gloeosporioides complex. The bootstrap support values (ML > 75%) of maximum likelihood analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP > 0.90) are displayed at the nodes (ML/PP). Black circle denotes isolates from Citrus spp.

2. Two-gene tree of citrus isolates in gloeosporioides species complex

Analysis using the ApMat and gs sequence alignment consisted of 29 citrus isolates and 44 reference sequences from the gloeosporioides species complex. Colletotrichum horii (ICMP 10492T) was used as the out-group. A total of 1832 characters (ApMat: 903, gs: 919 and 10 N to separate two sequences) were analysed. The Bayesian analysis lasted 240,000 generations, resulting in 3601 total trees of which 2701 trees were used to calculate the posterior probabilities. The BI posterior probabilities were plotted on the ML tree (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Phylogenetic analysis of the combined ApMat and GS sequence alignment of Colletotrichum isolates in the gloeosporioides complex. The bootstrap support values (ML > 75%) of maximum likelihood analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP > 0.90) are displayed at the nodes (ML/PP). Black circle denotes isolates from Citrus spp.

Five species and one unknown Colletotrichum sp. were identified from the two trees (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Twenty-one (72%) of citrus isolates were identified as C. gloeosporioides, two isolates clustered with three reference isolates of C. siamense, two isolates clustered with three reference isolates of C. fructicola, and one isolate was identified to be C. theobromicola. Two isolates were identified and described as a new species, which was phylogenetically close but significantly different to C. queenslandicum with high support (100/1 in both trees). Isolate BRIP 58074a formed a significantly separate clade (96/1 in both trees) close to C. cordylinicola.

3.1.2. Boninense Species Complex

The five gene phylogenetic analysis consisted of seven citrus isolates and 26 reference sequences from the boninense complex. Colletotrichum truncatum (CBS 151.35T) was used as the out-group. A total of 2048 characters (ITS: 559, tub2: 503, act: 280, chs-1: 282, his3: 395) were analysed. The Bayesian analysis lasted 135,000 generations, resulting in 1994 total trees, of which 1496 trees were used to calculate the posterior probabilities. The BI posterior probabilities were plotted on the ML tree. The phylogenetic analysis of the boninense species complex identified the seven citrus isolates as C. karstii (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Phylogenetic analysis of the combined ITS, tub2, act, chs-1, and his3 sequence alignment of Colletotrichum isolates in the boninense complex. The bootstrap support values (ML > 75%) of maximum likelihood analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP > 0.90) are displayed at the nodes (ML/PP). Black circle denotes isolates from Citrus spp.

3.2. Morphological Analysis

Morphological characters including conidial size, conidial shape, and growth rate of seven Colletotrichum species were recorded (Table 3). Their conidial size, conidial shape, and growth rate overlapped.

Table 3.

Morphological characters of Colletotrichum species.

Taxon Conidial Length (μm) Conidial Width (μm) Conidial Shape Growth Rate (mm/day) 1
C. gloeosporioides (10.2–) 13.8–14.3 (–16.1) (4.2–) 5.3–5.5 (–7.3) Subcylindrical 10.4–10.8
C. siamense (12.0–) 13.1–13.4 (–15.8) (4.8–) 5.4–5.5 (–5.9) Fusoid 10.9–11.5
C. fructicola (12.7–) 14.2–14.6 (–17.1) (4.6–) 5.1–5.2 (–5.7) Cylindrical 10.5–11.1
C. theobromicola (10.8–) 15.2–16 (–21.2) (4.0–) 4.8–5 (–5.8) Cylindrical 10.5–10.7
Colletotrichum sp. (13.1–) 15.6–16 (–18.0) (4.6–) 6.1–6.3 (–7.7) Cylindrical 8.9–9.7
C. karstii (11.3–) 13.2–13.6 (–14.8) (6.4–) 7.1–7.3 (–8.3) Cylindrical 9.4–9.6
New species (12.7–) 14.1–14.5 (–17.2) (3.9–) 4.5–4.7 (–5.5) Cylindrical with one end acute 9.7–10.3
C. queenslandicum 2 (12–) 14.5–16.5 (–21.5) (3.5–) 4.5–5 (–6) Cylindric, straight, sometimes slightly constricted near center, ends broadly rounded /

1 Seven Colletotrichum species incubated at 25 °C for 7 d. Colony growth was determined by measuring two diameters perpendicular to each other per plate and determining the average of six plates. 2 C. queenslandicum ICMP 1778, MycoBank MB563593 [36].

Morphological characters of the type specimen of C. queenslandicum (ICMP 1778) were according to Weir et al. [36] (Table 3). The new species varied morphologically from the type specimen of C. queenslandicum (ICMP 1778) by having different spore shape. Although the range of spore size overlapped between the new species and C. queenslandicum, the average conidial length of the new species was smaller than that of C. queenslandicum [36].

3.3. New Colletotrichum Species

3.3.1. Two-Gene Tree of New Colletotrichum Species

The two gene phylogenetic analysis consisted of six chili (Capsicum annuum) and two citrus isolates of the new Colletotrichum species, 34 reference sequences from the C. gloeosporioides species complex, including eight isolates of C. queenslandicum. Colletotrichum theobromicola (ICMP 18649T) was used as the out-group. A total of 1820 characters (ApMat: 900, gs: 910 and 10 N to separate two sequences) were analysed. The Bayesian analysis lasted 115,000 generations, resulting in 1709 total trees, of which 1282 trees were used to calculate the posterior probabilities. The BI posterior probabilities were plotted on the ML tree (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Phylogenetic analysis of the combined ApMat and GS sequence alignment of Colletotrichum australianum sp. nov. The bootstrap support values (ML > 75%) of maximum likelihood analysis and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP > 0.90) are displayed at the nodes (ML/PP). Black circle denotes isolates from Citrus spp.

The six isolates from chili [39] clustered with the two citrus isolates of the new Colletotrichum species in the two-gene tree, which were significantly different from C. queenslandicum (Figure 4).


Morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses indicated that the Colletotrichum species isolated from infected mandarin and orange fruits collected from Melbourne and Dunkeld, Victoria, respectively, and isolated from infected chili fruit collected from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, was a new species, for which the name Colletotrichum australianum is proposed.

Colletotrichum australianum W. Wang, D. D. De Silva, and P. W. J. Taylor, sp. nov. (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Morphological characteristics of Colletotrichum australianum sp. nov.: One-week-old culture on PDA (A,B), conidiomata on mandarin rind (C), conidiomata on SNA (D), conidiomata on PDA (E), conidiophores (F,G), conidia (H) and appressoria (IK). Scale bars: D, 500 µm; F, G, H, I, J, K, 20 µm.

MycoBank Number: MB830323.

Etymology: Named after the country where the pathogen was first isolated, Australia.

Holotype: Australia, Victoria, Dunkeld, on fruit of Citrus sinensis, May 2016, J. Kennedy (VPRI 43075–holotype; UMC002–ex-type culture).

Asexual morph on SNA. Conidiomata on SNA inconspicuous or absent, 41–140 µm diam, formed from hyphae, lacking setae. Conidia hyaline, smooth, aseptate, straight, cylindrical with one end slightly acute, granular, and guttulate, (13.2–) 14.4–14.6 (–15.9) × (4.8–) 5.6–5.7 (–6.1) µm. Appressoria single, medium to dark brown, ovoid with an undulate margin, (6.1–) 8.5–8.9 (–12.2) × (4.6–) 6.7–7.1 (–9.3) µm.

Asexual morph on PDA. Conidiomata on PDA formed on hyphae or on a brown central stroma, lacking setae. Conidiophores hyaline, smooth-walled, septate, branched, 28–58 × 2–3 μm. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, smooth-walled, subcylindrical, straight to curved, phialidic with visible periclinal thickening at the apex, 14–30 × 2–3 µm. Conidia hyaline, smooth, aseptate, straight, cylindrical with one end acute, granular and guttulate, (12.7–) 14.1–14.5 (–17.2) × (3.9–) 4.5–4.7 (–5.5) µm. Appressoria single, medium to dark brown, ovoid with an undulate margin, (7.2–) 8.1–8.3 (–9.5) × (5.4–) 6.5–6.7 (–7.6) µm.

Mycelia on mandarin rind were colourless to white. Conidiomata salmon, smooth. Conidia hyaline, smooth-walled, aseptate, straight, cylindrical with one end acute, granular and guttulate, (12.9–) 14.7–15.1 (–16.1) × (4.3–) 4.8–5 (–5.4) µm.

Culture characteristics: Colonies on SNA flat, entire margin, hyaline, 45–55 mm diam in 7 d. Colonies on PDA 65–75 mm in 7 d; pale yellow to white aerial mycelia, changing to grey in the centre, reverse have a uniform concentric ring with pinkish outside and inside pale grey to grey in the centre. Colonies on MEA flat, entire margin, white aerial mycelia, 52–78 mm in 7 d.

Notes: Colletotrichum australianum is phylogenetically close to C. queenslandicum but are separable using ApMat and gs sequences. The closest match in a Blastn search with the gs sequence was GenBank KP703693, C. queenslandicum strain CPC 17123, with 98 % identity.

3.4. Pathogenicity Assay

For the fruit bioassay, C. australianum, C. fructicola, C. theobromicola, Colletotrichum sp., and C. karstii developed brown lesions on wounded orange fruits. Colletotrichum karstii had the highest infection incidence at 100%, while the C. gloeosporioides isolate did not cause obvious symptoms (Table 4). None of the Colletotrichum species were able to infect non-wounded orange fruit.

Table 4.

Incidence of infection on Washington Navel orange fruit and leaves and Meyer lemon leaves by Colletotrichum species.

Culture Fungus Species Infection Incidence %
Fruit Bioassay (Wound) Leaf Bioassay Petal Bioassay
Orange Leaf Lemon Leaf
VPRI 43075 C. australianum sp. nov. 95.8 0 0 100
VPRI 43076 C. gloeosporioides 0 0 0 100
VPRI 43079 C. fructicola 75 0 0 100
VPRI 43083 C. theobromicola 95.8 0 83.3 100
BRIP 58074a Colletotrichum sp. 95.8 0 0 100
VPRI 43654 C. karstii 100 100 100 100

For the leaf bioassay, C. karstii developed lesions on both orange and lemon leaves, while C. theobromicola only developed lesions on lemon leaves (Table 4). Other Colletotrichum isolates did not cause obvious symptoms on both orange and lemon leaves.

In the petal bioassay, all isolates infected orange petals.

4. Discussion

Six Colletotrichum species were identified from citrus stems, leaves, and fruits with anthracnose symptoms in Australia. Colletotrichum australianum was isolated from orange and mandarin fruit in Victoria, Australia, and identified and described as a new species causing anthracnose of citrus in Australia. Isolates from chili (Capsicum annuum) from Queensland and previously identified as C. queenslandicum [39] were also reidentified as C. australianum. Phylogenetic analyses clearly showed C. australianum to be a new species closely related to C. queenslandicum. There were also differences in morphological characters between these two species. The ApMat and gs sequences clearly distinguished C. australianum. These genes are considered as informative markers to identify species within the C. gloeosporioides species complex [10,36,51,53].

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu lato was the most frequently isolated in diseased citrus. There was no preference for a particular Citrus sp. or infected organ tissue. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was isolated from various citrus species, including cumquat, finger lime, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange, Persian lime, and Tahitian lime. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was previously cultured from lemon (Citrus limon) and orange (Citrus sinensis) in Australia [37]. The isolate VPRI 10347 from lemon from Victoria and previously identified as C. nymphaeae [37] was also reidentified as C. gloeosporioides. The prevalence of Colletotrichum species that cause anthracnose of citrus in Australia, is in accordance with recent global studies on the major cause of anthracnose of citrus [8,11,12,13,14,19,20,21,23,24,27].

This is the first report in Australia of Colletotrichum siamense being associated with citrus anthracnose. Colletotrichum siamense was isolated from lemon fruit and finger lime fruit and has been recorded as a pathogen of a broad range of plants in Australia [37,39]. Colletotrichum siamense was previously reported to be isolated from catmon (Citrus pennivesiculata) in Bangladesh and Egypt, mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco cv. Shiyue Ju) in China, and mandarin (C. reticulata cv. Kinnow) in Pakistan [11,31,32,54]. Colletotrichum siamense isolate BRIP 54270b was collected in 2011 in Queensland, suggesting C. siamense has been a citrus pathogen for at least 10 years in Australia. However, both C. siamense isolates were collected from citrus fruits, and no C. siamense isolate was found on citrus leaves or stems, suggesting C. siamense is more likely to be a postharvest pathogen of citrus in Australia.

Colletotrichum theobromicola is for the first time reported as a pathogen of citrus. Colletotrichum theobromicola was isolated from lime fruit from Queensland but was recently neotypified from cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) in Panama [36]. Colletotrichum theobromicola has been recorded as a pathogen of a broad range of plants in Australia including jointvetch (Aeschynomene falcata), arabica coffee (Coffea arabica), olive (Olea europaea), pomegranate (Punica granatum), stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis), and sticky stylo (Stylosanthes viscosa) [37].

Colletotrichum fructicola was reported for the first time, associated with anthracnose symptoms from mandarin fruit in Australia. Isolate BRIP 65028 from Tahitian lime growing in Queensland was previously identified as C. fructicola in 2018 [38]. Colletotrichum fructicola was also isolated from avocado (Persea americana) in Australia [37]. In China, C. fructicola was reported to be associated with bergamot orange (Citrus bergamia), pomelo (C. grandis), mandarin (C. reticulata cv. nanfengmiju), oranges (C. sinensis), and kumquat (Fortunella margarita) [26,27,30]. Colletotrichum fructicola was found to cause both preharvest and postharvest citrus disease in Australia.

Colletotrichum karstii was the second dominant pathogen and was isolated from infected orange and lemon leaves in both New South Wales and Victoria. Colletotrichum karstii is the only species in the boninense species complex found to be associated with citrus anthracnose in Australia. Three C. karstii isolates were collected from orange leaves in the 1970s and were maintained in State fungaria, suggesting C. karstii has been a citrus pathogen for over 50 years in Australia but was misidentified as C. gloeosporioides. Colletotrichum karstii was reported to infect citrus and to have a wide global distribution [8,11,13,16,23,25,26,27,28,29]. Previously, C. karstii was reported from other hosts such as black plum (Diospyros australis), strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa), and banana (Musa banksia) in Australia [37].

Six Colletotrichum isolates from chili (Capsicum annuum) that had been previously identified as causing anthracnose fruit rot of chili in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [39], were also identified as C. australianum. These six Colletotrichum isolates were morphologically similar to C. australianum from citrus rather than the type specimen of C. queenslandicum (ICMP 1778), which was originally isolated from infected papaya. The identification of C. australianum from diverse hosts such as orange, mandarin, and chili, suggests that C. australianum may have a broad host range. Further studies are required on the host range of this pathogen, which may have biosecurity implication for the export of Australian fruit. The occurrence of C. australianum in both Victoria and Queensland indicates the wide geographic spread across different climatic zones in Australia.

The species identification of Colletotrichum isolates based on ApMat and gs gene sequences were as similar as the results from phylogenetic analysis of seven-gene combination, proving that the locus ApMat was effective in identifying Colletotrichum species within the gloeosporioides species complex. The phylogenetic analysis of combined ApMat and gs sequences can identify species within the gloeosporioides species complex [10,47,51,53]. The efficiency of the ApMat gene to identify species was also supported by Sharma et al. [55] and Sharma, Pinnaka, and Shenoy [56], who differentiated Colletotrichum isolates in India. The isolate VPRI 10347 was identified to be Colletotrichum nymphaeae in Shivas et al. [37] based on single tub2 sequence. However, in this study, ApMat and gs gene sequences identified isolate VPRI 10347 as C. gloeosporioides, same as the result from phylogenetic analysis of the seven-gene combination. However, the limitation of using the ApMat gene in constructing phylogenetic trees is that several reference Colletotrichum species in the gloeosporioides species complex in GenBank have not been sequenced for ApMat. For example, the isolate VPRI 43083 was phylogenetically close to C. grevilleae and C. grossum based on analysis of combined ITS and tub2 gene sequences (Supplementary Figure S1) but due to a lack of ApMat sequence of C. grevilleae and C. grossum, these species were not included in either the seven-gene nor the two-gene trees, whereas VPRI 43083 was identified as C. theobromicola based on seven gene combination and two gene combination analyses with high bootstrap value. Due to a lack of replicate isolates, as well as a lack of reference sequences, especially ApMat gene data of Colletotrichum species close to BRIP 58074a, the unknown Colletotrichum sp. (BRIP 58074a) isolate cannot be further described taxonomically or phylogenetically at this stage.

Colletotrichum acutatum has been reported from lemon (DAR 80516, from Tasmania in 2009, and DAR 72160, from NSW in 1998) previously [38]. However, C. acutatum was not found in this study. The two C. acutatum isolates were identified based on morphology but have not been confirmed by molecular analysis. Gene sequences of isolates DAR 80516 and DAR 72160 should be analysed to accurately identify these two isolates.

Pathogenicity tests of five Colletotrichum species from citrus showed that all species except for C. gloeosporioides were capable of infecting wounded fruit. In contrast, none of the five Colletotrichum species caused disease on the non-wounded fruit. These results are consistent with previous reports where wound inoculated citrus fruits were used in postharvest pathogenicity testing of Colletotrichum species [8,27]. Variable maturity of the fruit may also be a reason for lack of infection. Mature fruits are reported to be more sensitive to Colletotrichum species [57]. The fruit used for inoculation in this study may not have been fully mature, although they were selected based on the colour of mature fruit; thus, they were not conducive for Colletotrichum spores to attach to the cuticle, germinate, and form appressoria prior to infection.

Different Colletotrichum species had various degrees of aggressiveness on wounded orange fruit and non-wounded orange and lemon leaves. Colletotrichum karstii was the most aggressive species when infecting orange fruit and orange and lemon leaves. The variable aggressiveness of different Colletotrichum species has been reported by Guarnaccia et al. [8]. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolate VPRI 43076 was non-pathogenic on fruit and leaves but was pathogenic on orange petals. Conversely, Guarnaccia et al. [8] reported C. gloeosporioides to be the most aggressive species when infecting orange fruit. Pathogenic variation has been reported within populations of a Colletotrichum species [10,58,59]. Hence, VPRI 43076 was likely to have been an isolate of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, which had weak aggressiveness on citrus fruit. Further assessment of pathogenicity of isolates from each species needs to be undertaken to determine the variability of aggressiveness.

5. Conclusions

Six Colletotrichum spp. were identified to cause anthracnose of citrus in Australia that included one novel species C. australianum, and one undetermined species. In addition, this was the first report of C. theobromicola as a pathogen of citrus globally, and the first report of C. karstii and C. siamense to be associated with citrus anthracnose in Australia.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at Figure S1: Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis of all available Colletotrichum species in the gloeosporioides species complex and the boninense species complex based on combined ITS and tub2 sequences data, Table S1: Information of the 36 Colletotrichum isolates selected for phylogenetic analyses.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: W.W., J.E., P.K.A. and P.W.J.T.; data curation: W.W. and J.E.; formal analysis: W.W., D.D.d.S., A.M., and J.E.; funding acquisition: P.W.J.T. and J.E.; methodology: W.W., D.D.d.S., P.K.A., and P.W.J.T.; project administration: P.W.J.T.; resources: W.W. and P.W.J.T.; supervision: P.K.A., P.W.C., and P.W.J.T.; writing—original draft: W.W.; writing—review and editing: W.W., D.D.d.S., A.M., J.E., P.K.A., P.W.C., and P.W.J.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


W.W. was supported by a University of Melbourne postgraduate scholarship. Financial support was also received from the Innovation Seed Fund for Horticulture Development between Agriculture Victoria Research and The University of Melbourne.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable

Data Availability Statement

Alignments generated during the current study are available in TreeBASE (accession All sequence data are available in NCBI GenBank following the accession numbers in the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Alignments generated during the current study are available in TreeBASE (accession All sequence data are available in NCBI GenBank following the accession numbers in the manuscript.

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