Keywords: 白血病,早幼粒细胞,急性, 早期死亡, 老年, 高危
To summarize the clinical characteristics of an early death in patients with de novo acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), analyze the risk factors and direct causes of early death, and perform survival analysis.
The clinical data of 368 patients with de novo APL in three centers (First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Soochow Guangci Hospital, and Soochow Hopes Hospital of Hematology) during January 2011–December 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical characteristics of patients who suffered hemorrhagic early death and non-hemorrhagic early death were compared. The risk factors for early death, survival, and prognosis of patients with APL were analyzed.
Among the 368 de novo APL patients, 31 died early with an early mortality rate of 8.4%. The median time from diagnosis to death was 7 (0–29) d. On comparison of the clinical characteristics of patients with early death and non-early death and subsequent multivariate analysis using a logistic regression model, it was observed that age ≥50 years and WBC ≥10×109/L were independent risk factors for early death (P<0.01). A total of 27 (87.1%) of the 31 early deaths was directly attributed to hemorrhage as the immediate cause of early death. Hemorrhage was the only cause of death in patients <50 years old and the major cause of death in patients ≥50 years old. A comparison of the clinical characteristics of patients with hemorrhagic early death and patients with non-hemorrhagic early death suggested that the median age and indirect bilirubin concentration of patients with hemorrhagic early death were lower than those with non-hemorrhagic early death (P<0.05). The median follow-up time for all patients was 41.0 (0.3–101.4) months. The 2-year overall survival (OS) rate was (93.5±1.3) %, and the 5-year OS rate was (91.0±1.5) %. The 2-year disease-free survival (DFS) rate was (98.8±0.6) %, and the 5-year DFS rate was (97.1±0.9) %. The 2-year OS rate of patients ≥50 years old and patients <50 years old was 79.3% vs 94.2%, P=0.000; the 2-year DFS rate was 92.3% vs 98.1%, P=0.023. The respective 2-year OS rates of high-risk and non-high-risk patients were 77.3% and 96.7% (P=0.000) and the respective 2-year DFS rates were 94.0% and 98.4% (P=0.139).
Age and WBC are independent prognostic factors for early death. We observed a difference in early mortality between high-risk and low-risk APL, but no difference in DFS rate.
Keywords: Leukemia, acute, promyelocytic; Early death; Elderly; High risk
3.定义:早期死亡指在开始治疗前或诱导治疗后30 d内因任何原因死亡。分子学缓解(mCR)定义为骨髓、外周血、脑脊液及其他部位未检测出PML-RARα融合基因转录样本。分子学复发定义为在间隔2~4周的两次骨髓样本多重PCR定性检测PML-RARα融合基因为阳性,或者多重PCR定量检测为阳性。复发定义为PML-RARα融合基因转为阳性,并经28 d内复查证实,形态学复发,或发生中枢神经系统白血病(CNSL)。
按以下标准进行预后分层。低危:WBC<10×109/L,PLT≥40×109/L。中危:WBC<10×109/L,PLT<40×109/L。高危:WBC ≥10×109/L。
5.治疗方案:所有初诊APL患者在疑诊后立即口服ATRA,同时积极输血支持。诱导治疗:确诊为APL后,应用ATRA 25 mg·m−2·d−1联合三氧化二砷0.16 mg·kg−1·d−1双诱导治疗直到CR,诱导治疗过程中根据患者WBC酌情应用羟基脲或蒽环类药物。
巩固治疗中非高危组予去甲氧柔红霉素(IDA)8 mg·m−2·d−1×3 d,3~4个疗程;高危组予IDA 8 mg·m−2·d−1×3 d,阿糖胞苷(Ara-C)1.0 g·m−2·12 h−1×3 d,2个疗程。
非高危组的维持治疗每3个月为1个周期,第1个月:ATRA 25 mg·m−2·d−1×14 d,间歇14 d;第2~3个月:亚砷酸0.16 mg·kg−1·d−1或复方黄黛片60 mg·kg−1·d−1×14 d,间歇14 d。完成8个周期,维持治疗期总计约2年。高危组的维持治疗每3个月为1个周期,ATRA 25 mg·m−2·d−1,第1~14天;6-巯基嘌呤(6-MP)50~90 mg·m−2·d−1,第15~90天;甲氨蝶呤5~15 mg/m2,每周1次,共11次。共8个周期,维持治疗期为2年余。
7.统计学处理:所有统计应用SPSS 20.0进行统计学处理。检验水准设定P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。患者数据资料的比较,分类变量采用卡方检验,连续变量资料如果服从正态分布采用t检验,如果不服从正态分布采用秩和检验。单因素分析中P<0.05的变量进入多因素分析,应用Logistic回归模型进行多因素分析,应用逐步向后法选择最终变量。使用Kaplan-Meier法分析OS及DFS,并应用Log-rank检验进行组间比较。
表1. 368例初诊急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者及非早期死亡、早期死亡组临床特征.
临床特征 | 全部患者(368例) | 非早期死亡患者(337例) | 早期死亡患者(31例) | t值 | P值 |
性别(例,男/女) | 200/168 | 181/156 | 19/12 | 0.417 | |
年龄[岁,M(范围)] | 38(13~70) | 37(13~70) | 49(16~68) | −3.64 | 0.000 |
≥50岁患者[例(%)] | 73(19.8) | 59(17.5) | 14(45.2) | 0.000 | |
WBC[×109/L,M(范围)] | 2.52(0.15~114.80) | 2.33(0.15~114.80) | 16.71(0.20~77.17) | −3.56 | 0.000 |
HGB[g/L,M(范围)] | 90(16~173) | 90(16~173) | 85(45~124) | 1.58 | 0.114 |
PLT[×109/L,M(范围)] | 23(2~279) | 24(16~173) | 21(7~64) | 1.75 | 0.119 |
危险度分层[例(%)] | 0.000 | ||||
低危 | 71(19.3) | 71(21.1) | 0(0.0) | ||
中危 | 200(54.3) | 191(56.7) | 9(29.0) | ||
高危 | 97(26.4) | 75(22.3) | 22(71.0) | ||
LDH [U/L,M(范围)]a | 311(102~4004) | 294(102~4004) | 558(162~1596) | −2.76 | 0.000 |
外周血早幼粒细胞[%,M(范围)]b | 30(0~98) | 24(0~98) | 77.5(0~90) | −4.21 | 0.000 |
骨髓早幼粒细胞[%,M(范围)]c | 85(13~99) | 86(13~99) | 84.5(58~94) | −0.21 | 0.678 |
注:a 84例患者资料缺失;b 143例患者资料缺失;c 39例患者资料缺失
从诊断至死亡的中位时间为7(0~29)d。有2例(6.5%)患者在治疗前死亡,19例(61.3%)早期死亡发生在治疗后10 d内,仅4例(12.9%)发生在治疗开始的20 d以后(图1)。
图1. 初诊急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者早期死亡时间分布.
对以上变量进行单因素分析,结果显示:年龄≥50岁(P=0.000)、初诊时WBC≥10×109/L(P=0.000)、LDH≥252 U/L(P=0.001)、外周血早幼粒细胞≥50%(P=0.000)是初诊APL发生早期死亡的影响因素(表2)。采用逐步Logistic回归模型进行多因素分析,结果表明,年龄≥50岁(OR=5.165,95% CI 2.203~12.110,P=0.000)、初诊时WBC≥10×109/L(OR=10.248,95%CI 4.323~24.280,P=0.000)为初诊APL患者发生早期死亡的独立危险因素(P<0.001)。
表2. 初诊急性早幼粒细胞白血病早期死亡危险因素单因素分析.
因素 | 例数 | 早期死亡[例(%)] | χ2值 | P值 | |
年龄 | 13.652 | 0.000 | |||
≥50岁 | 73 | 14(19.2) | |||
<50岁 | 295 | 17(5.8) | |||
WBC | 34.704 | 0.000 | |||
≥10×109/L | 97 | 22(22.7) | |||
<10×109/L | 271 | 9(3.3) | |||
LDH | 11.563 | 0.001 | |||
≥252 U/L | 193 | 27(14.0) | |||
<252 U/L | 91 | 1(1.1) | |||
外周血早幼粒细胞 | 16.761 | 0.000 | |||
≥50% | 83 | 18(21.7) | |||
<50% | 142 | 6(4.2) |
表3. 高危急性早幼粒细胞白血病早期死亡与初诊时WBC的关系.
初诊时WBC(×109/L) | 例数 | 早期死亡[例(%)] |
10~<20 | 40 | 8(20.0) |
20~<50 | 30 | 10(33.3) |
50~<100 | 25 | 4(16.0) |
≥100 | 2 | 0(0) |
3.出血性死亡与非出血性死亡: 分析31例早期死亡患者的直接死亡原因,共有27例(87.1%)患者死于重要脏器出血,其中以脑出血最常见(54.9%),其次为肺出血(32.3%);其余死亡原因包括:分化综合征(6.5%)、感染(3.2%)、中枢神经系统白血病(3.2%)。
年轻患者的死亡原因均为重要脏器出血,而老年患者死亡原因较为复杂,除出血外,还包括分化综合征、感染、CNSL。比较出血性早期死亡患者和非出血性早期死亡患者临床特征,两组患者中位年龄分别为46岁和53岁,前者明显低于后者(P=0.013)。出血性早期死亡组患者的间接胆红素水平相对较低(6.9 µmol/L对12.0 µmol/L,P=0.043)。其余临床特征,如血常规、凝血功能、早幼粒细胞比例等差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。
4.预后: 截至随访终点,所有患者中位随访时间为41.0(0.3~101.4)个月。2年OS率为(93.5±1.3)%,5年OS率为(91.0±1.5)%。非早期死亡患者的2年DFS率为(98.8±0.6)%,5年DFS率为(97.1±0.9)%。
图2. ≥50岁和<50岁急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者的总生存(A)和无病生存(B)曲线比较.
图3. 高危与非高危急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者的总生存(A)和无病生存(B)曲线比较.
在APL的临床试验研究报告中,早期病死率为5%~10%[4],[9]–[11]。由于选择偏倚,临床试验往往会排除高龄、体力状态差、脏器功能异常或有其他合并症的患者。在PETHEMA LPA 96和LPA 99临床试验中,被排除入组的患者半数有危及生命的严重出血症状[12]。在非临床试验的回顾性报道或基于人口数量进行估算的研究报告中,APL的早期病死率为17%~32%[13]–[18],高危患者的早期病死率为24%~50%[13],[19]–[20],老年患者的早期病死率为23%~50%[14]–[15],[21]–[22]。我们中心的初诊APL患者的早期病死率为8.4%,高危患者的早期病死率为22.4%,老年患者的早期死亡率为19.2%。本研究中初诊APL早期病死率相对较低,除了与治疗经验丰富、注意加强输血支持治疗有关外,还可能因为本研究仅纳入住院患者,一般情况差的患者可能无住院或转院治疗机会。
本研究中,初诊APL患者2年OS率在高危与非高危患者中分别为77.3%和96.7%,2年DFS率均为95%左右。我们的结果表明,初诊时WBC≥10×109/L对患者预后产生不良影响主要在于早期死亡,对非早期死亡患者的预后影响较小。据报道,斯坦福医院收治的初诊APL患者3年OS率在高危、中危、低危患者中分别为56%, 70%,83%,但是非早期死亡患者的3年OS率均在78%以上[13]。这一现象可能与APL治疗的进步、对高危组患者缓解后治疗的强化有关。
Funding Statement
Fund program: Funded by The Jiangsu Provincial Key Medical Center(YXZXA2016002)
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