Spag6 encodes an axoneme central apparatus protein that is required for normal flagellar and cilia motility. Recent findings suggest that Spag6 also plays a role in ciliogenesis, orientation of cilia basal feet, and planar polarity. Sensory cells of the inner ear display unique structural features that underlie their mechanosensitivity. They represent a distinctive form of cellular polarity, known as planar cell polarity (PCP). However, a role for Spag6 in the inner ear has not yet been explored. In the present study, the function of Spag6 in the inner ear was examined using Spag6-deficient mice. Our results demonstrate hearing loss in the Spag6 mutants, associated with abnormalities in cellular patterning, cell shape, stereocilia bundles, and basal bodies, as well as abnormally distributed Frizzled class receptor 6 (FZD6), suggesting that Spag6 participates in PCP regulation. Moreover, we found that the subapical microtubule meshwork was disrupted. Our observations suggest new functions for Spag6 in hearing and PCP in the inner ear.
Keywords: hair cell, hearing loss, inner ear, polarity, sperm-associated antigen 6
The mammalian auditory sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti (OC) of the cochlea, is composed of three rows of outer hair cells (OHCs), a single row of inner hair cells (IHCs), and several types of interdigitating nonsensory supporting cells. These cells are characterized by unique morphologies, specializations of their actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, and complexity in cytoarchitectural organization as an epithelium (1). The hair cells are interdigitated with supporting cells (SCs) in the OC, forming a checkerboard-like cellular pattern. The actin-based stereocilia form a bilaterally symmetrical “V”-shaped stereocilia bundle, and microtubule-based kinocilium localize at the vertex of the “V”-shaped stereocilia bundle (2, 3), which is crucial for determining the orientation and morphology of the bundle. The uniform orientation of hair bundles at the surface of the OC—the vertex of each bundle pointing laterally—defines planar cell polarity (PCP) at the tissue level (4, 5). In addition, hair cells show cell-intrinsic polarity at the subcellular level, manifested as normally oriented bundles coupled with asymmetric bundle morphology. Studies have shown that the cytoskeleton elements, microtubules, and actin, are required for asymmetric subcellular localization of core PCP proteins, and keep basal bodies in a proper station within a cytoskeleton network below the surface in mouse tracheal epithelial cells, indicating important roles for cytoskeletal elements in PCP regulation (6).
The mouse sperm-associated antigen 6 (Spag6) gene, the ortholog of Chlamydomonas PF16, encodes a 55.3-kDa polypeptide that is a component of the axoneme central apparatus of flagella and motile cilia. It interacts with the central pair microtubules and is required for their stability in the axoneme (7, 8). Spag6 knockout leads to instability of microtubules in the axoneme and cilia/flagella dysfunction. Approximately 50% of Spag6-deficient mice die from hydrocephalus before adulthood because of abnormal function of ependymal cell cilia. Males surviving to maturity are infertile due to impaired sperm motility and disorganized flagella structures (8–11). Spag6 has been reported to play a role in the central nervous system of chickens and mice (8, 11, 12), the respiratory tract (11, 13), and various cancers (14–16). The expression of Spag6 in many tissues implies a broader function of the gene beyond its role in the axoneme central apparatus. Recent findings suggest that Spag6 also plays a role in ciliogenesis, orientation of cilia basal feet, and planar polarity (17).
Given the above information regarding Spag6, it is conceivable that Spag6 plays roles affecting the structure and/or function of the hair cells and support cells in the inner ear. To explore this possibility, we characterized auditory epithelial hair cell structure and function in Spag6 knockout mice.
Genetically Modified Mice
Spag6 mutant mice were previously generated. Mice used in these studies had a 129/SvJ/C57BL/6J genetic background (8). To obtain homozygous (Spag6−/−) and wild-type (Spag6+/+) mice, male and female heterozygous mice were crossed, and offspring of these mice were genotyped by PCR, as described previously (8). Mice of either sex were used in this study. All animal procedures were performed according to protocols approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shandong Provincial ENT Hospital, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University.
The antibodies used were antiacetylated-α-tubulin (marker for acetylated microtubules, 1:100, mouse, Abcam; ab24610), Pericentrin (marker for basal bodies, 1:200, rabbit, Abcam; ab4448), FZD6 (1:100, mouse, R&D Systems; AF1526), Spag6 (1:100, rabbit, Abcam; Ab155653), Myosin 7a (marker for hair cells, 1:500, mouse, DSHB, myo7a 138-1), Dylight405 (1:100, EarthOx Life Science, Millbrae, CA; E032110-01), Dylight649 (1:100, EarthOx Life Science, Millbrae; E032620-01), and Alexa Fluor 488 phalloidin (1:1000; Invitrogen).
Auditory Brainstem Response and Cochlear Microphonics Recordings
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) and cochlear microphonics (CM) recordings were performed in a double-wall, sound-isolated chamber using a Tucker-Davis ABR workstation (Tucker-Davis Tech. Alachua, FL) (18). Mice of either sex (Spag6+/+, n = 9; Spag6−/−, n = 7) were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection with 10% chloral hydrate (0.004 L/kg). Body temperature was maintained at 37–38°C by placing anesthetized mice on an isothermal pad. For ABR measurement, needle electrodes were placed under the dermis of the forehead, back, and mastoid. Mice were stimulated with clicks or 4-kHz, 8-kHz, 16-kHz, and 32-kHz pure tones. The results were recorded as sound pressure level (SPL), which is measured in decibels above a standard reference level (0.0002 dyn/cm2). A higher SPL or dB required to elicit a response under the same condition usually means diminished hearing. For CM measurement, the bulla was exposed, and a small window was made in the bullar bone to expose the round window niche under a dissecting microscope (LEICAL2, Leica Microsystems, Beijing CN-100044, China). A recording electrode, a silver ball electrode, was placed near the round-window membrane. The reference electrode was placed subcutaneously on the same side of the neck. CM was evoked by the clicks in the closed field. The response was filtered (300-3 kHz), and averaged 512 times. The thresholds to the stimulus were recorded.
Quantitative RT-PCR
RNA from the basilar membrane of cochlea samples at different time points was collected using TRIzol (lnvitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). Reverse transcription and quantitative PCR (qPCR) were performed as previously described (19). The primers used in this study were as followed: Spag6 forward 5′-AGTTCAGTAAGGTGCTGCCAC-3′ and reverse 5′-AGAAGTGTATCGGAGTATCCAG-3′. All samples were analyzed in triplicate.
Inner Ear Immunostaining and Imaging
Mice were euthanized by peritoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium (100 mg/kg). Dissected inner ear samples were fixed in fresh 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS (pH 7.2–7.4) for 6–8 h at 4°C. Tissues were incubated with primary antibodies in blocking solution (containing 3% goat serum and 3% Triton X-100) at 4° overnight. After being washed four times in PBS, the tissues were incubated with secondary antibodies in PBS at the room temperature for 1 h, and then stained with phalloidin for 20 min. Stained whole-mounted preparations were analyzed with a laser-scanning confocal microscope (DMI 4000B, Leica Microsystems, Beijing CN-100044, China).
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Inner-ear tissue samples were removed and quickly immersed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 6 h at 4°. The cochlea was dissected carefully to expose the basilar membrane. After being washed in PBS, tissues were stained with 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, critical point dried, coated with ∼10 nm of platinum, and examined under a Hitachi S-900 scanning electron microscope (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) at 15 kV.
Statistical Methods
Values are reported as means ± SE. Significant differences were determined by the Student’s t-test. Values of P < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Stereocilia bundle orientations were measured using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health).
Spag6 Deficiency Impairs Auditory Function
ABRs in 1-mo-old mice were recorded in response to click stimuli. We found that the Spag6−/− mice (n = 7) had severe hearing loss: the average ABR threshold of the Spag6-/- mice was 70.71 ± 4.14 dB SPL (sound pressure level), while in Spag6+/+ littermates (n = 9), it was 30.00 ± 2.21 dB SPL (Fig. 1A). Analysis of hearing function in response to pure tones (4, 8, 16, and 32 kHz) confirmed that hearing in Spag6−/− mice was diminished across the entire analyzed frequency spectrum (Fig. 1B). The SPLs required to elicit a response in the Spag6-deficient mice were significantly higher than that in the wild-type controls (*P < 0.05). Consistently, the CM response to 80 dB SPL could not be elicited in the Spag6−/− mice (n = 3), while the average CM threshold of Spag6+/+ littermates (n = 4) was 40.00 ± 4.08 dB SPL. The difference between the wild-type and mutant mice was significant (Fig. 1C, *P < 0.05). Our previous study found that SPAG6 is located in the cuticular plate and lateral wall of hair cells in the cochlea (20), interacting with the Prestin, which is in line with the abnormal auditory results.
Spag6 Inactivation Alters Cellular Patterning and Cell Shapes
CM is generated primarily by the summed receptor currents of the outer hair cells (OHCs) responding to basilar membrane (BM) displacement (21). Abnormal CM results in mutant mice suggested defects in OHCs. Whole mount preparations at postnatal day 2 (P2), P7, P14, and P30 were analyzed, as illustrated in Fig. 2A. In the Spag6+/+ mice, irregularly arranged hair cells could be seen occasionally, because the mouse cochlea does not mature in morphology until P7–P10. At P2, there were more than three rows of OHCs in the apical turn in Spag6−/− mice (Fig. 2B, white arrows). At P7 and after that, the Spag6+/+ mouse HCs displayed a normal arrangement in apical, middle, and basal turns. However, in the P7, P14, and P30 Spag6−/− mice, there was an abnormal configuration of HCs, mainly in the apical turn (Fig. 2, C–E, white arrows).
To study the possible involvement of Spag6 in cellular patterning, optical sectioning of whole-mount preparations was performed. OHCs of Spag6+/+ animals (Fig. 3A) had uniformly positioned nuclei. However, the nuclei of Spag6−/− OHCs at P3 were positioned at variable heights in the apico-basal axis of the sensory epithelium (Fig. 3B). Acetylated α-tubulin has been widely used as a marker for kinocilium. Staining for acetylated tubulin in pillar cells and the apical region of hair cells shows the support cells and hair cell patterns (22). Cochlear specimens from Spag6+/+ mice at P3 displayed precisely aligned hair cell rows. Hair cells had an oval shape (Fig. 3C, dotted circle), separated by regularly shaped supporting cells (Fig. 3C, asterisks). In contrast, cochlea of the Spag6−/− mice had a disordered arrangement and irregular shape of OHCs (Fig. 3D, dotted circle) and supporting cells (Fig. 3D, asterisks). Deiters’ cells (Dc), inner pillar (Ip) and outer pillar cells (Op) are different types of supporting cells. They form Corti’s organ and separate the hair cells, ensuring that the hair cells function properly. P30 cochlea of Spag6+/+ mice showed a normal arrangement of OHCs and supporting cells, as illustrated in Fig. 3E (blue block, Op cells; purple block, Dc cells). However, in the mutant mice, some supporting cells were adjacent to each other without HCs intervening (Fig. 3F, blue and purple block). These defects were seen in the apical coil of the cochlea and were mostly absent in the middle and basal coils.
In addition to patterning defects, cochlea of Spag6−/− mice showed abnormally shaped OHCs and supporting cells in the apex. Some much smaller OHCs with or without stereocilia bundles could be found in Spag6−/− mice (Fig. 3H, arrows). In the Spag6+/+mice, the stereocilia bundle was “V”-shaped and basically symmetrical, the kinocilium was located at the apex of the “V” (Fig. 3I). In contrast, some Spag6−/− stereocilia bundles had a defective “V” shape and were asymmetrical (Fig. 3J, arrow), and the kinocilium was not at the top of the stereocilia bundle (Fig. 3K, arrow). Similar to patterning defects, OHCs with smaller shape were concentrated in the apical turn and were intermingled with normal OHCs. Abnormal stereocilia morphology with normal OHC volume could also be observed in middle or basal turn. Thus, these two phenotypical changes of OHCs of the Spag6−/− mice can occur independently of each other.
Spag6 Inactivation Affects Stereocilia Bundle Polarity and Kinociliary Positioning
The kinocilia of HCs are required for development of stereocilia bundle polarity (23). In Spag6+/+ mice, three rows of OHCs and one row of IHCs were regularly aligned. The stereocilia form bilaterally symmetrical “V”-shaped stereocilia bundles (Fig. 4A). The position of the kinocilium predicts the orientation of the bundle. However, in the Spag6−/− mice, some hair cells showed a rotated orientation of stereocilia bundles and abnormal kinocilium positions relative to stereociliary bundles. Unlike Spag6+/+ mice, the kinocilium in Spag6−/− mice was not properly positioned and frequently deviated from the normal position (Fig. 4B).
The basal bodies, the base of the kinocilia, consist of two centrioles (24). The alignment and position of the two centrioles underlie not only the orientation of orderly arrays of microtubules in the apical cortex, but also the formation of the intrinsically polarized structure of stereocilia (23). On the basis of our observations of stereocilia bundle defects, we stained basal bodies for pericentrin to visualize the underlying stereocilia bundle defect. In Spag6+/+ hair cells, pairs of centrioles were aligned along the mediolateral axis (Fig. 4 C2, double arrowheads), and the maternal centriole was associated with the base of the kinocilium (23). However, in the Spag6−/− mice, the two centrioles of the basal body and kinocilium were dislocated (Fig. 4D2, double arrowheads); the centrioles were no longer aligned mediolaterally along the axis of bundle polarity.
Further observation by scanning electron microscopy was performed to analyze the kinocilum location, the stereocilia bundle location, and the relative location angle between the two. In the Spag6+/+ mice, the kinocilum orientation was no more than ±30° away from the vertex of the stereocilua bundle, as illustrated in Fig. 4H, while Spag6−/− mice had variable kinocilum orientation (Fig. 4G). Similarly, compared to the Spag6+/+ mice, Spag6−/− mice had scattered stereocilia bundles along the mediolateral axis (Fig. 4I), as illustrated in Fig. 4J.
Core PCP Proteins Are Abnormally Localized in Spag6-Deficient Mice
Given the evidence for abnormal PCP in the Spag6−/− mice, we wondered whether core PCP proteins would have an abnormal asymmetric localization. We stained cochlear whole mounts of P1 mice with phalloidin and antibody to Frizzled class receptor 6 (FZD6), a Wnt protein receptor involved in PCP. In Spag6+/+ mice, FZD6 was enriched along the apical medial borders of hair cells (Fig. 5, A1–A3); however, Spag6−/− mice showed an abnormal distribution of FZD6 protein, which lost its asymmetric and polarized distribution, but seemed to be distributed in the entire membrane in Spag6−/− mice (Fig. 5, B1–B3).
Apical Microtubules Are Disturbed in Spag6-Deficient Mice
Whole mounts were immunostained to determine whether microtubules were disrupted in auditory epithelium of the mutants. Antiacetylated-α-tubulin staining was used to mark the kinocilium and apical microtubule system, and phalloidin to mark hair cells, respectively. Figure 6A shows a normal auditory epithelium of 1-day-old Spag6+/+ mice; two hair cells were randomly selected for observation (Fig. 6A, dotted circles). Different layers show kinocilium (Fig. 6B) and apical microtubules (Fig. 6C). Microtubules are normally anchored at the base of kinocilium by their minus ends, while the free plus ends emanate out to form an aster-like network (Fig. 6D). In the 1-day-old Spag6−/− littermates, hair cells (Fig. 6E, dotted circles), kinocilium (Fig. 6F), and apical microtubules (Fig. 6G) are shown in different layers in the same way. It is obvious that the kinocilium and apical microtubules of HCs were disordered in the cuticular plate, lost the aster-like network, with the center of the microtubules misoriented (Fig. 6H, white and green arrows).
SPAG6 was first found in the central pair of “9 + 2” microtubule structures of motile cilia. The kinocilium in the cochlea lacks the central pair of microtubules, which is different from the motile cilia in the middle ear, sperm, or cilia in lung (8). Accordingly, we did not find that SPAG6 is localized in the cochlear kinocilium, but in the cuticular plate and lateral wall of HCs (20) (Supplemental Fig. S1, A and B). qPCR data showed a spike of Spag6 expression at P14, while a relative low expression at P1, P7, and P21 (Supplemental Fig. S1C). The onset of hearing in mice occurs at ∼P14, and full maturation occurs at P18 (25). Expression of certain proteins correlates well with the development of hearing. Prestin, the OHC motor protein, is expressed during the first postnatal week and rapidly reaches a mature level before the onset of hearing at P14 (26). SPAG6, as a microtubule-associated protein, has an interaction with prestin and prestin in its expression peaks within the onset of hearing at P14, and is speculated to be involved in hearing development.
Recent findings suggest that Spag6 plays a role in ciliogenesis, orientation of cilia basal feet, and planar polarity (17). The inner ear displays the most typical planar polarity form, which motivated us to explore a role for Spag6 in the cochlea.
Spag6 knockout mice were found to have profound hearing loss. To elucidate the underlying mechanism of the hearing loss, the morphology of sensory epithelium of cochlea was examined. We found that Spag6 inactivation alters cellular patterning, cell shape, stereocilia bundle polarity, and kinociliary positioning. The basal bodies in Spag6-deficeient mice did not align along the PCP axis, indicating that Spag6 mutation affects the tissue-level polarity and single-cell level polarity, or that the correct connections between the two were disturbed. We also found that the core PCP protein, FZD6, lost its normal polarized distribution in Spag6-deficient mice, consistent with disturbed polarity of the auditory epithelium at the tissue level. In a separate study, we found that the orientation of the central microtubules, as well as the orientation of basal feet, which determines cilia orientation, is random in Spag6-deficient brain ventricles and trachea epithelial cells. Furthermore, the distribution of the PCP regulator, Vangl2, was abnormal in Spag6-deficient trachea epithelial cells (17). In the middle ear of Spag6-deficient mice, we also found that FZD6 protein loses its polarized distribution, and the basal feet orientation is random (27). Collectively, these observations strongly suggest that SPAG6 protein is a regulator of PCP.
Microtubules play a very important role in hair cell function. First, it has been reported that rootlets of stereocilia and kinocilia anchor into the cuticular plate, which is significant for the morphology and function of cilia bundle. The cuticular plate is rich in microtubules. Second, microtubules that are connected to the cell cortex have a crucial role in defining cell shape and polarity (28). Interestingly, during the establishment of planar hair cell polarity, defects in cell-surface microtubules have been shown to lead to kinocilium/basal body mispositioning and defects in bundle morphology and orientation (29, 30). We found that the microtubule network at the apex of mutant OHCs was disorganized, suggesting that the abnormal hair cell intrinsic polarity phenotype could result from a perturbed microtubule network.
There are several possible mechanisms for the disrupted polarity in Spag6-deficient mice. Studies have shown that the polarized array of microtubules contributes to proper distribution of PCP regulators. For example, disruption of microtubules perturbs the localization of Frizzled in Drosophila wing epithelium. Therefore, polarized transport of core PCP proteins depends on the planar microtubule arrays (31). Our previous work found that SPAG6 is a microtubule-binding protein (7), and Spag6 knockout leads to instability of microtubules in the axoneme (8). In this study, a disturbed apical microtubule network of HCs and abnormal distribution of FZD6 protein were observed. It appears that the unstable apical microtubule network due to Spag6 inactivation caused the altered distribution of FZD6. It should be noted that Spag6 inactivation only leads to the improper distribution of FZD6, not deficiency of FZD6. The FZD6 protein, even though maldistributed, could provide partial information to direct polarity regulation, which could explain why the polarity phenotype in Spag6-deficient mice is less dramatic than that observed in other PCP gene knockout mice (32–34). Furthermore, it has been proposed that through planar polarized microtubules, directional information is transmitted from PCP proteins localized asymmetrically at adherens junctions, to basal bodies, orienting them in the direction of PCP signaling (6). In Spag6-deficient mice, unstable microtubules may not be able to communicate this polarity information.
In this study, CM, representing the function of hair cells, showed abnormalities in Spag6 mutant mice, suggesting that Spag6 mutation leads to hair cell dysfunction. It has been reported that Spag6 knockout caused decreased expression of prestin, which is a motor protein found in the outer hair cells of the cochlea, responsible for sound amplification in the mammalian hearing organ. The data imply that Spag6 is essential for mechanosensory function of OHCs (20). Although only the apical region of the cochlea has apparent cellular defects, hearing loss in Spag6 mutants is across the full frequency. This may be explained by the fact that spiral ganglion neuron apoptosis coexists in the KO mice, as we previously described (35). Therefore, hair cell abnormalities are one of the factors contributing to hearing loss in SPAG6 deficiency.
Our findings demonstrate a role for Spag6 in auditory function in mice, through a role in the regulation of PCP in the auditory epithelium. However, the exact molecular mechanisms by which Spag6 influences PCP require further study. It will be of interest to determine whether Spag6 mutations are associated with human hearing loss.
Supplemental Fig. S1: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13161260.v1.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants 81670932, 81900940, and 81800905), Taishan Scholars Program of Shandong Province (no. ts20130913), the Focus on Research and Development Plan in Shandong province (no. 2018GSF121027), Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (ZR2019BH022), and the Key Project of Shandong Provincial Programs for Research and Development (2017CXGC1213), National Institutes of Health grant HD076257 (to Z.Z.), and the Wayne State University Start-Up Fund.
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
Z.Z. and H.W. conceived and designed research; X.L., L.X. and Y.H. performed experiments; X.L., L.X. and W. Liu analyzed data; L.X. and Z.F. interpreted results of experiments; X.L. and D.Z. prepared figures; X.L. and L.X. drafted manuscript; Z.Z., H.W., W. Li., R.M.C., and J.F.S. edited and revised manuscript; X.L., D.Z., L.X., Y.H., W.Liu, W.Li, Z.F., R.M.C., J.F.S., Z.Z., and H.W. approved final version of manuscript.
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